differential adaptation
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2021 ◽  
Yang Liu ◽  
Yu Li ◽  
Baishuo Cheng ◽  
Shige Feng ◽  
Xiangui Zhu ◽  

Abstract Background/objectives: Visceral obesity is one of the key features of metabolic syndrome. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) could effectively reduce visceral fat but its effects show strong heterogeneity in populations with different obesity degree. The mechanism may be related to the differential adaptation to training between obesity phenotypes, namely obesity prone (OP) and obesity resistant (OR). The aim of the present study was to compare adaptive changes of visceral adipose lipolysis adaptation to HIIT between OP and OR animals and further explore the upstream pathway.Methods: OP and OR Sprague Dawley rats were established after feeding a high-fat diet for 6 weeks; they were then divided into HIIT (H-OP and H-OR) and control (C-OP and C-OR) groups. After 12 weeks of HIIT or a sedentary lifestyle, animals were fasted for 12 h and then sacrificed for histology as well as gene and protein analysis. Visceral adipocytes were isolated without fasting for catecholamine stimulation and β3-adrenergic receptor (β3-AR) blockade in vitro to evaluate the role of upstream pathways.Results: After training, there were no differences in weight loss or food intake between OP and OR rats (P > 0.05). However, the visceral fat mass, adipocyte volume and liver lipid of OP rats decreased more than that of OR rats (P < 0.05). Meanwhile, the cell lipolytic capacity and the increase in the expression of β3-AR was higher in the OP compared with OR groups (P < 0.05). Although training did not increase sympathetic nervous system activity (P > 0.05), the cell sensitivity to catecholamine increased significantly in the OP compared with OR groups (P < 0.05). After blocking β3-AR, the increased sensitivity disappeared.Conclusion: With HIIT, OP rats lost more visceral fat than OR rats, which was related to stronger adaptive changes in lipolysis. Increased β3-AR expression, rather than altered sympathetic nerve activity, mediated this adaption.

2021 ◽  
Kshitij Tandon ◽  
Yu-Jing Chiou ◽  
Sheng-Ping Yu ◽  
Hernyi Justin Hsieh ◽  
Chih-Ying Lu ◽  

Bacteria in the coral microbiome play a crucial role in determining coral health and fitness, and the coral host often restructures its microbiome composition in response to external factors. An important but often neglected factor determining this microbiome restructuring is the capacity of microbiome members to adapt to a new environment. To address this issue, we examined how the microbiome structure of Acropora muricata corals changed over 9 months following a reciprocal transplant experiment. Using a combination of metabarcoding, genomics, and comparative genomics approaches, we found that coral colonies separated by a small distance harbored different dominant Endozoicomonas related phylotypes belonging to two different species, including a novel species, Candidatus Endozoicomonas penghunesis 4G, whose chromosome level (complete) genome was also sequenced in this study. Furthermore, the two dominant Endozoicomonas species showed varied adaptation capabilities when coral colonies were transplanted in a new environment. The differential adaptation capabilities of dominant members of the microbiome can a) provide distinct advantages to coral hosts when subjected to changing environmental conditions and b) have positive implications for future reefs.

Weed Science ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-27
Aseemjot Singh ◽  
Gulshan Mahajan ◽  
Bhagirath Singh Chauhan

Abstract Wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis L.) is a widespread weed of the southeastern cropping region of Australia. Seed germination ecology of S. arvensis populations selected from different climatic regions may differ due to adaptative traits. Experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of temperature, light, radiant heat, soil moisture, salt concentration, and burial depth on seed germination and seedling emergence of two [Queensland (Qld) population: tropical region; and Victoria (Vic) population: temperate region] populations of S. arvensis. Both populations germinated over a wide range of day/night (12 h/12 h) temperatures (15/5 to 35/25 C), and had the highest germination at 30/20 C. Under complete darkness, the Qld population (61%) had higher germination than the Vic population (21%); however, under the light/dark regime, both populations had similar germination (78 to 86%). At 100 C pretreatment for 5 min, the Qld population (44%) had higher germination than the Vic population (13%). Germination of both populations was nil when given pretreatment at 150 and 200 C. The Vic population was found tolerant to high osmotic and salt stress compared with the Qld population. At an osmotic potential of −0.4 MPa, germination of Qld and Vic populations was reduced by 85% and 42%, respectively, compared with their respective control. At 40, 80, and 160 mM sodium chloride, germination of the Qld population was lower than the Vic population. Averaged over the populations, seedling emergence was highest (52%) from a burial depth of 1 cm and was nil from 8 cm depth. Differential germination behaviors of both populations to temperature, light, radiant heat, water stress, and salt stress suggests that populations of S. arvensis may have undergone differential adaptation. Knowledge gained from this study will assist in developing suitable control measures for this weed species to reduce the soil seedbank.

Yayan Feng ◽  
Xiaolei Liu ◽  
Yuqi Liu ◽  
Bin Tang ◽  
Xue Bai ◽  

Comparative epigenomics provides new insights on evolutionary biology in relation with complex interactions between species and their environments. In the present study, we focus on deciphering the conservation and divergence of DNA methylomes during Trichinella evolution. Whole-genome bisulfite sequencing and RNA-seq were performed on the two clades of Trichinella species, in addition to whole-genome sequencing. We demonstrate that methylation patterns of sing-copy orthologous genes (SCOs) of the 12 Trichinella species are host-related and can mirror known phylogenetic relationships. Among these SCOs, we identify a panel of genes exhibiting hyper-/hypo-methylated features in gene-bodies or respective promoters that play pivotal roles in transcriptome regulation. These hyper-/hypo-methylated SCOs are also of functional significance across developmental stages, as they are highly enriched species-specific and stage-specific expressed genes both in Ad and ML stages. We further identify a set of parasitism-related functional genes that exhibit host-related differential methylation and expression among those SCOs, including p53-like transcription factor and Cdc37 that are of functional significance for elucidating differential parasitology between the two clades of Trichinella. This comparative epigenome study can help to decipher the environmental effects on differential adaptation and parasitism of the genus Trichinella.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Srikanth Bollam ◽  
Kirandeep Kaur Romana ◽  
Laavanya Rayaprolu ◽  
Anilkumar Vemula ◽  
Roma Rani Das ◽  

Exploring the natural genetic variability and its exploitation for improved Nitrogen Use Efficiency (NUE) in sorghum is one of the primary goals in the modern crop improvement programs. The integrated strategies include high-throughput phenotyping, next generation sequencing (NGS)-based genotyping technologies, and a priori selected candidate gene studies that help understand the detailed physiological and molecular mechanisms underpinning this complex trait. A set of sixty diverse sorghum genotypes was evaluated for different vegetative, reproductive, and yield traits related to NUE in the field (under three N regimes) for two seasons. Significant variations for different yield and related traits under 0 and 50% N confirmed the availability of native genetic variability in sorghum under low N regimes. Sorghum genotypes with distinct genetic background had interestingly similar NUE associated traits. The Genotyping-By-Sequencing based SNPs (&gt;89 K) were used to study the population structure, and phylogenetic groupings identified three distinct groups. The information of grain N and stalk N content of the individuals covered on the phylogenetic groups indicated randomness in the distribution for adaptation under variable N regimes. This study identified promising sorghum genotypes with consistent performance under varying environments, with buffer capacity for yield under low N conditions. We also report better performing genotypes for varied production use—grain, stover, and dual-purpose sorghum having differential adaptation response to NUE traits. Expression profiling of NUE associated genes in shoot and root tissues of contrasting lines (PVK801 and HDW703) grown in varying N conditions revealed interesting outcomes. Root tissues of contrasting lines exhibited differential expression profiles for transporter genes [ammonium transporter (SbAMT), nitrate transporters (SbNRT)]; primary assimilatory (glutamine synthetase (SbGS), glutamate synthase (SbGOGAT[NADH], SbGOGAT[Fd]), assimilatory genes [nitrite reductase (SbNiR[NADH]3)]; and amino acid biosynthesis associated gene [glutamate dehydrogenase (SbGDH)]. Identification and expression profiling of contrasting sorghum genotypes in varying N dosages will provide new information to understand the response of NUE genes toward adaptation to the differential N regimes in sorghum. High NUE genotypes identified from this study could be potential candidates for in-depth molecular analysis and contribute toward the development of N efficient sorghum cultivars.

BMC Genomics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Duo Chen ◽  
Peng-Cheng Yan ◽  
Yan-Ping Guo

Abstract Background Polyploid species often originate recurrently. While this is well known, there is little information on the extent to which distinct allotetraploid species formed from the same parent species differ in gene expression. The tetraploid yarrow species Achillea alpina and A. wilsoniana arose independently from allopolyploidization between diploid A. acuminata and A. asiatica. The genetics and geography of these origins are clear from previous studies, providing a solid basis for comparing gene expression patterns of sibling allopolyploid species that arose independently. Results We conducted comparative RNA-sequencing analyses on the two Achillea tetraploid species and their diploid progenitors to evaluate: 1) species-specific gene expression and coexpression across the four species; 2) patterns of inheritance of parental gene expression; 3) parental contributions to gene expression in the allotetraploid species, and homeolog expression bias. Diploid A. asiatica showed a higher contribution than diploid A. acuminata to the transcriptomes of both tetraploids and also greater homeolog bias in these transcriptomes, possibly reflecting a maternal effect. Comparing expressed genes in the two allotetraploids, we found expression of ca. 30% genes were species-specific in each, which were most enriched for GO terms pertaining to “defense response”. Despite species-specific and differentially expressed genes between the two allotetraploids, they display similar transcriptome changes in comparison to their diploid progenitors. Conclusion Two independently originated Achillea allotetraploid species exhibited difference in gene expression, some of which must be related to differential adaptation during their post-speciation evolution. On the other hand, they showed similar expression profiles when compared to their progenitors. This similarity might be expected when pairs of merged diploid genomes in tetraploids are similar, as is the case in these two particular allotetraploids.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (12) ◽  
pp. e0231804
Radovan Smolinský ◽  
Vojtech Baláž ◽  
Beate Nürnberger

The role of adaptive divergence in the formation of new species has been the subject of much recent debate. The most direct evidence comes from traits that can be shown to have diverged under natural selection and that now contribute to reproductive isolation. Here, we investigate differential adaptation of two fire-bellied toads (Anura, Bombinatoridae) to two types of aquatic habitat. Bombina bombina and B. variegata are two anciently diverged taxa that now reproduce in predator-rich ponds and ephemeral aquatic sites, respectively. Nevertheless, they hybridise extensively wherever their distribution ranges adjoin. We show in laboratory experiments that, as expected, B. variegata tadpoles are at relatively greater risk of predation from dragonfly larvae, even when they display a predator-induced phenotype. These tadpoles spent relatively more time swimming and so prompted more attacks from the visually hunting predators. We argue in the discussion that genomic regions linked to high activity in B. variegata should be barred from introgression into the B. bombina gene pool and thus contribute to gene flow barriers that keep the two taxa from merging into one.

2020 ◽  
Vol 375 (1806) ◽  
pp. 20190548 ◽  
Yo Y. Yamasaki ◽  
Ryo Kakioka ◽  
Hiroshi Takahashi ◽  
Atsushi Toyoda ◽  
Atsushi J. Nagano ◽  

Speciation is a continuous process. Although it is known that differential adaptation can initiate divergence even in the face of gene flow, we know relatively little about the mechanisms driving complete reproductive isolation and the genomic patterns of divergence and introgression at the later stages of speciation. Sticklebacks contain many pairs of sympatric species differing in levels of reproductive isolation and divergence history. Nevertheless, most previous studies have focused on young species pairs. Here, we investigated two sympatric stickleback species, Pungitius pungitius and P. sinensis , whose habitats overlap in eastern Hokkaido; these species show hybrid male sterility, suggesting that they may be at a late stage of speciation. Our demographic analysis using whole-genome sequence data showed that these species split 1.73 Ma and came into secondary contact 37 200 years ago after a period of allopatry. This long period of allopatry might have promoted the evolution of intrinsic incompatibility. Although we detected on-going gene flow and signatures of introgression, overall genomic divergence was high, with considerable heterogeneity across the genome. The heterogeneity was significantly associated with variation in recombination rate. This sympatric pair provides new avenues to investigate the late stages of the stickleback speciation continuum. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Towards the completion of speciation: the evolution of reproductive isolation beyond the first barriers’.

Maud Thierry ◽  
Joëlle Milazzo ◽  
Henri Adreit ◽  
Sébastien Ravel ◽  
Sonia Borron ◽  

ABSTRACTNatural variation in plant pathogens has an impact on food security and ecosystem health. The rice blast fungus Pyricularia oryzae, which limits rice production in all rice-growing areas, is structured into multiple lineages. Diversification and the maintenance of multiple rice blast lineages have been proposed to be due to separation in different areas and differential adaptation to rice subspecies. However, the precise world distribution of rice blast populations, and the factors controlling their presence and maintenance in the same geographic areas, remain largely unknown. We used genotyping data for 886 isolates from more than 185 locations in 51 countries to show that P. oryzae is structured into one recombining and three clonal lineages, each with broad geographic distributions. No evidence was found for admixture in clonal lineages, and crossing experiments revealed that female sterility and early postmating genetic incompatibilities acted as strong barriers to gene flow between these lineages. An analysis of climatic and geographic data indicated that the four lineages of P. oryzae were found in areas differing in terms of the prevailing environmental conditions and types of rice grown. Pathogenicity tests with representatives of the five main rice subspecies revealed differences in host range between pathogenic lineages, highlighting a contribution of specialization to niche separation between lineages, despite co-existence on the same host species. Our results demonstrate that the spread of a pathogen across heterogeneous habitats and divergent populations of a crop species can lead to niche separation and incipient speciation in the pathogen.

2020 ◽  
Vol 287 (1927) ◽  
pp. 20200559 ◽  
Kyle Christie ◽  
Sharon Y. Strauss

Coexistence results from a complex suite of past and contemporary processes including biogeographic history, adaptation, ecological interactions and reproductive dynamics. Here we explore drivers of local micro-parapatry in which two closely related and reproductively isolated Streptanthus species (jewelflower, Brassicaceae) inhabit continuous or adjacent habitat patches and occur within seed dispersal range, yet rarely overlap in fine-scale distribution. We find some evidence for abiotic niche partitioning and local adaptation, however differential survival across habitats cannot fully explain the scarcity of coexistence. Competition may also reduce the fitness of individuals migrating into occupied habitats, yet its effects are insufficient to drive competitive exclusion. Experimental migrants suffered reduced seed production and seed viability at sites occupied by heterospecifics, and we infer that heterospecific pollen transfer by shared pollinators contributes to wasted gametes when the two congeners come into contact. A minority disadvantage may reduce effective colonization of patches already occupied by heterospecifics, even when habitat patches are environmentally suitable. Differential adaptation and resource competition have often been evoked as primary drivers of habitat segregation in plants, yet negative reproductive interactions—including reproductive interference and decreased fecundity among low-frequency migrants—may also contribute to non-overlapping distributions of related species along local tension zones.

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