lateral occipital complex
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Animals ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 108
Kirsten D. Gillette ◽  
Erin M. Phillips ◽  
Daniel D. Dilks ◽  
Gregory S. Berns

Previous research to localize face areas in dogs’ brains has generally relied on static images or videos. However, most dogs do not naturally engage with two-dimensional images, raising the question of whether dogs perceive such images as representations of real faces and objects. To measure the equivalency of live and two-dimensional stimuli in the dog’s brain, during functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) we presented dogs and humans with live-action stimuli (actors and objects) as well as videos of the same actors and objects. The dogs (n = 7) and humans (n = 5) were presented with 20 s blocks of faces and objects in random order. In dogs, we found significant areas of increased activation in the putative dog face area, and in humans, we found significant areas of increased activation in the fusiform face area to both live and video stimuli. In both dogs and humans, we found areas of significant activation in the posterior superior temporal sulcus (ectosylvian fissure in dogs) and the lateral occipital complex (entolateral gyrus in dogs) to both live and video stimuli. Of these regions of interest, only the area along the ectosylvian fissure in dogs showed significantly more activation to live faces than to video faces, whereas, in humans, both the fusiform face area and posterior superior temporal sulcus responded significantly more to live conditions than video conditions. However, using the video conditions alone, we were able to localize all regions of interest in both dogs and humans. Therefore, videos can be used to localize these regions of interest, though live conditions may be more salient.

2021 ◽  
pp. 48-51
Anjan Chatterjee

In the paper discussed in this chapter, the authors were interested in the neural underpinnings for facial beauty and whether such responses were automatic. In a functional magnetic resonance imaging study over two sessions, the authors asked participants to make beauty and identity judgments on a series of computer-generated faces. When people judged beauty, the authors found that neural activity varied parametrically to the degree of facial attractiveness in the fusiform face area and the lateral occipital complex, as well as in parts of parietal and frontal cortices. When people made familiarity judgments, the authors observed the same modulation of neural activity within occipital cortex to the degree of attractiveness in the faces. The data suggested that human brains automatically respond to facial beauty even when people might be attending to other aspects of the faces they apprehend.

2021 ◽  
Josh Neudorf ◽  
Layla Gould ◽  
Marla J. S. Mickleborough ◽  
Chelsea Ekstrand ◽  
Ron Borowsky

Identifying printed words and pictures concurrently is ubiquitous in daily tasks, and so it is important to consider the extent to which reading words and naming pictures may share a cognitive-neurophysiological functional architecture. Two functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiments examined whether reading along the left ventral occipitotemporal region (vOT; often referred to as a visual word form area, VWFA) has activation that is overlapping with referent pictures (i.e., both conditions significant and shared, or with one significantly more dominant) or unique (i.e., one condition significant, the other not), and whether picture naming along the right lateral occipital complex (LOC) has overlapping or unique activation relative to referent words. Experiment 1 used familiar regular and exception words (to force lexical reading) and their corresponding pictures in separate naming blocks, and showed dominant activation for pictures in the LOC, and shared activation in the VWFA for exception words and their corresponding pictures (regular words did not elicit significant VWFA activation). Experiment 2 controlled for visual complexity by superimposing the words and pictures and instructing participants to either name the word or the picture, and showed primarily shared activation in the VWFA and LOC regions for both word reading and picture naming, with some dominant activation for pictures in the LOC. Overall, these results highlight the importance of including exception words to force lexical reading when comparing to picture naming, and the significant shared activation in VWFA and LOC serves to challenge specialized models of reading or picture naming.

2021 ◽  
Shahar Aberbach ◽  
Batel Buaron ◽  
Liad Mudrik ◽  
Roy Mukamel

Accurate control over everyday goal-directed actions is mediated by sensory-motor predictions of intended consequences and their comparison with actual outcomes. Such online comparisons of the expected and re-afferent, immediate, sensory feedback are conceptualized as internal forward models. Current predictive coding theories describing such models typically address the processing of immediate sensory-motor goals, yet voluntary actions are also oriented towards long-term conceptual goals and intentions, for which the sensory consequence is sometimes absent or cannot be fully predicted. Thus, the neural mechanisms underlying actions with distal conceptual goals is far from being clear. Specifically, it is still unknown whether sensory-motor circuits also encode information regarding the global meaning of the action, detached from the immediate, movement-related goal. Therefore, using fMRI and behavioral measures, we examined identical actions (either right or left-hand button presses) performed for two different semantic intentions ('yes'/'no' response to questions regarding visual stimuli). Importantly, actions were devoid of differences in the immediate sensory outcome. Our findings revealed voxel patterns differentiating the two semantic goals in the frontoparietal cortex and visual pathways including the Lateral-occipital complex, in both hemispheres. Behavioral results suggest that the results cannot be explained by kinetic differences such as force. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first evidence showing that semantic meaning is embedded in the neural representation of actions independent of immediate sensory outcome and kinetic differences.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
Jin Gu ◽  
Baolin Liu ◽  
Weiran Yan ◽  
Qiaomu Miao ◽  
Jianguo Wei

Significant objects in a scene can make a great contribution to scene recognition. Besides the three scene-selective regions: parahippocampal place area (PPA), retrosplenial complex (RSC), and occipital place area (OPA), some neuroimaging studies have shown that the lateral occipital complex (LOC) is also engaged in scene recognition processing. In this study, the multivariate pattern analysis was adopted to explore the object-scene association in scene recognition when different amounts of significant objects were masked. The scene classification only succeeded in the intact scene in the ROIs. In addition, the average signal intensity in LOC [including the lateral occipital cortex (LO) and the posterior fusiform area (pF)] decreased when there were masked objects, but such a decrease was not observed in scene-selective regions. These results suggested that LOC was sensitive to the loss of significant objects and mainly involved in scene recognition by the object-scene semantic association. The performance of the scene-selective areas may be mainly due to the fact that they responded to the change of the scene's entire attribute, such as the spatial information, when they were employed in the scene recognition processing. These findings further enrich our knowledge of the significant objects' influence on the activation pattern during the process of scene recognition.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
Pejman Sehatpour ◽  
Anahita Bassir Nia ◽  
Devin Adair ◽  
Zhishun Wang ◽  
Heloise M. DeBaun ◽  

The term perceptual closure refers to the neural processes responsible for “filling-in” missing information in the visual image under highly adverse viewing conditions such as fog or camouflage. Here we used a closure task that required the participants to identify barely recognizable fragmented line-drawings of common objects. Patients with schizophrenia have been shown to perform poorly on this task. Following priming, controls and importantly patients can complete the line-drawings at greater levels of fragmentation behaviorally, suggesting an improvement in their ability to perform the task. Closure phenomena have been shown to involve a distributed network of cortical regions, notably the lateral occipital complex (LOC) of the ventral visual stream, dorsal visual stream (DS), hippocampal formation (HIPP) and the prefrontal cortex (PFC). We have previously demonstrated the failure of closure processes in schizophrenia and shown that the dysregulation in the sensory information transmitted to the prefrontal cortex plays a critical role in this failure. Here, using a multimodal imaging approach in patients, combining event related electrophysiological recordings (ERP) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we characterize the spatiotemporal dynamics of priming in perceptual closure. Using directed functional connectivity measures we demonstrate that priming modifies the network-level interactions between the nodes of closure processing in a manner that is functionally advantageous to patients resulting in the mitigation of their deficit in perceptual closure.

2020 ◽  
Vol 32 (10) ◽  
pp. 2013-2023
John M. Henderson ◽  
Jessica E. Goold ◽  
Wonil Choi ◽  
Taylor R. Hayes

During real-world scene perception, viewers actively direct their attention through a scene in a controlled sequence of eye fixations. During each fixation, local scene properties are attended, analyzed, and interpreted. What is the relationship between fixated scene properties and neural activity in the visual cortex? Participants inspected photographs of real-world scenes in an MRI scanner while their eye movements were recorded. Fixation-related fMRI was used to measure activation as a function of lower- and higher-level scene properties at fixation, operationalized as edge density and meaning maps, respectively. We found that edge density at fixation was most associated with activation in early visual areas, whereas semantic content at fixation was most associated with activation along the ventral visual stream including core object and scene-selective areas (lateral occipital complex, parahippocampal place area, occipital place area, and retrosplenial cortex). The observed activation from semantic content was not accounted for by differences in edge density. The results are consistent with active vision models in which fixation gates detailed visual analysis for fixated scene regions, and this gating influences both lower and higher levels of scene analysis.

2020 ◽  
Miles Wischnewski ◽  
Marius V. Peelen

AbstractNatural scenes are characterized by individual objects as well as by global scene properties such as spatial layout. Functional neuroimaging research has shown that this distinction between object and scene processing is one of the main organizing principles of human high-level visual cortex. For example, object-selective regions, including the lateral occipital complex (LOC), were shown to represent object content (but not scene layout), while scene-selective regions, including the occipital place area (OPA), were shown to represent scene layout (but not object content). Causal evidence for a double dissociation between LOC and OPA in representing objects and scenes is currently limited, however. One TMS experiment, conducted in a relatively small sample (N=13), reported an interaction between LOC and OPA stimulation and object and scene recognition performance (Dilks et al., 2013). Here, we present a high-powered pre-registered replication of this study (N=72, including male and female human participants), using group-average fMRI coordinates to target LOC and OPA. Results revealed unambiguous evidence for a double dissociation between LOC and OPA: Relative to vertex stimulation, TMS over LOC selectively impaired the recognition of objects, while TMS over OPA selectively impaired the recognition of scenes. Furthermore, we found that these effects were stable over time and consistent across individual objects and scenes. These results show that LOC and OPA can be reliably and selectively targeted with TMS, even when defined based on group-average fMRI coordinates. More generally, they support the distinction between object and scene processing as an organizing principle of human high-level visual cortex.Significance StatementOur daily-life environments are characterized both by individual objects and by global scene properties. The distinction between object and scene processing features prominently in visual cognitive neuroscience, with fMRI studies showing that this distinction is one of the main organizing principles of human high-level visual cortex. However, causal evidence for the selective involvement of object- and scene-selective regions in processing their preferred category is less conclusive. Here, testing a large sample (N=72) using an established paradigm and a pre-registered protocol, we found that TMS over object-selective cortex (LOC) selectively impaired object recognition while TMS over scene-selective cortex (OPA) selectively impaired scene recognition. These results provide conclusive causal evidence for the distinction between object and scene processing in human visual cortex.

NeuroImage ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 207 ◽  
pp. 116426
Siyi Chen ◽  
Ralph Weidner ◽  
Hang Zeng ◽  
Gereon R. Fink ◽  
Hermann J. Müller ◽  

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