individual objects
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
Hao Cao

This essay will discuss the extent to which Ni Zan puts "not resembling" into practice in his landscape paintings, considering the modular aspects of Ni Zan's work. Firstly, the compositions depicted in Ni's and later imitators' work will be analyzed and compared. Then, the brushworks of Ni will be closely observed by selecting individual objects from several paintings. And finally, the author engages with textual research on Ni's painting theories.

2021 ◽  
Vol 52 (4) ◽  
pp. 31-54
Andrei Romashchenko ◽  
Alexander Shen ◽  
Marius Zimand

This formula can be informally read as follows: the ith messagemi brings us log(1=pi) "bits of information" (whatever this means), and appears with frequency pi, so H is the expected amount of information provided by one random message (one sample of the random variable). Moreover, we can construct an optimal uniquely decodable code that requires about H (at most H + 1, to be exact) bits per message on average, and it encodes the ith message by approximately log(1=pi) bits, following the natural idea to use short codewords for frequent messages. This fits well the informal reading of the formula given above, and it is tempting to say that the ith message "contains log(1=pi) bits of information." Shannon himself succumbed to this temptation [46, p. 399] when he wrote about entropy estimates and considers Basic English and James Joyces's book "Finnegan's Wake" as two extreme examples of high and low redundancy in English texts. But, strictly speaking, one can speak only of entropies of random variables, not of their individual values, and "Finnegan's Wake" is not a random variable, just a specific string. Can we define the amount of information in individual objects?

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 33-42
A. N. Kulikov ◽  
Fen Yukui ◽  
E. A. Kadyrov ◽  
V. O. Turkov

The article presents the main geological reasons for the emergence of problems with the waterflooding efficiency at Karazhanbas field, as well as an overview of the main methods used to increase the coverage of its productive formations by development: periodic injection of steam and water into the formation, alignment of the injectivity profiles of injection wells, as well as gel-polymer flooding used in the neighboring field confined to the same productive formations. The results of a differential analysis of the development indicators of individual objects of this field are described with the aim of selecting areas of influence in them using the indicated methods. The article describes the results of the analysis of the effectiveness of the application of the WFP method of injection wells in the selected areas of this field.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 ◽  
pp. 103-130
Andreas Bick

Die Zoologische Sammlung der Universität Rostock blickt auf eine wechselvolle Geschichte zurück. Phasen des Niederganges wechselten mit Zeiten von Erholung und Weiterentwicklung ab. Auch Unterbringung, Schwerpunktsetzung und Ausrichtung der Sammlung haben sich immer wieder verändert. Von den fünf Perioden der Zoologischen Sammlung an der Universität Rostock, die sowohl chronologisch als auch nach ihrer Ausrichtung und nach spezifischen inhaltlichen Schwerpunkten unterschieden werden können, soll in dieser Arbeit die Rede sein. Dabei wird nur dann auf einzelne Objekte oder Personen eingegangen, wenn sie in besonderer Weise mit der Geschichte der Sammlung verknüpft sind. Die Zoologische Sammlung ist eine der wenigen Einrichtungen der Universität Rostock, die seit ihrer Gründung im Jahre 1775 permanent existiert, allerdings nicht an dem Ort, an dem sie sich heute befindet, und auch nicht mit ihrer heutigen Ausrichtung als universitäres museales Schaumagazin und Forschungssammlung. The Zoological Collection of the University of Rostock over the course of time Abstract: The Zoological Collection of the University of Rostock looks back on an eventful history. Phases of decline alternated with periods of recovery and further development. The accommodation, focus and orientation of the collection have also changed several times. The five periods of the Zoological Collection of the University of Rostock, which can be distinguished chronologically as well as according to their orientation and specific thematic emphases, are presented in this paper. Individual objects or persons will only be mentioned if they are linked to the history of the collection in a special way. The Zoological Collection is one of the few institutions of the University of Rostock that has existed permanently since its foundation in 1775, although not at the present location, nor with its current orientation as a university showroom and research collection.

2021 ◽  
pp. 174702182110564
Tim Vestner ◽  
Jonathan Flavell ◽  
Richard Cook ◽  
Steven Tipper

When encountering social scenes, there appears to be rapid and automatic detection of social interactions. Representations of interacting people appear to be bound together via a mechanism of joint attention, which results in enhanced memory, even when participants are unaware that memory is required. However, even though access is facilitated for socially bound representations, we predicted that the individual features of these representations are less efficiently encoded, and features can therefore migrate between the constituent interacting individuals. This was confirmed in Experiment 1, where overall memory for interacting compared to non-interacting dyads was facilitated but binding of features within an individual was weak, resulting in feature migration errors. Experiment 2 demonstrated the role of conscious strategic processing, where participants were aware that memory would be tested. With such awareness, attention can be focused on individual objects allowing the binding of features. The results support an account of two forms of processing: An initial automatic social binding process where interacting individuals are represented as one episode in memory facilitating access; and a further stage where attention can be focused on each individual enabling the binding of features within individual objects.

Asian Studies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 141-166
Tina Berdajs

The paper presents preliminary research into the original scope of the Skušek Collection, based on four lists and an old museum inventory entry of the collection of Asian art collected by Ivan Skušek Jr. during his six-year stay in China between 1914 and 1920. Furthermore, it presents the cross-referencing of the mentioned documents with the first inventory record when it was formally taken over by the National Museum of Slovenia in an attempt to recreate the original scope of the collection. Through analysis and comparison of these records and with support of photographic sources this research attempts to put objects of the Skušeks’ original collection into four different groups based on provenance research. Through several case studies it gives new insights into the dynamics of the largely unknown parts of history of the collection, and the paths some of the individual objects travelled over several decades in the first half of the 20th century.

2021 ◽  
Pierre-Yves Jonin ◽  
Julie Coloignier ◽  
Elise Bannier ◽  
Gabriel Besson

Humans can recognize thousands of visual objects after a single exposure, even against highly confusable objects, and despite viewpoint changes between learning and recognition. Memory consolidation processes like those taking place during wakeful rest contribute to such a feat, possibly by protecting the fine details of objects’ representations. However, whether rest-related consolidation promotes the viewpoint invariance of mnemonic representations for individual objects remains unexplored.Fifteen participants underwent a speeded visual recognition memory task tapping on familiarity-based recognition of individual objects, across four conditions manipulating post- encoding rest. Viewpoints of target items were modified between study and test while controlling study-test perceptual distance, and targets and lures shared the same subordinate category, making recognition independent from perceptual and conceptual fluency. Performance was very accurate, even without post-encoding rest, which did not enhance memory. However, rest uniquely made target detection immune to study-test perceptual distance.These findings suggest that very short periods of wakeful rest (down to 2-sec post-stimulus) suffice to achieve complete mnemonic viewpoint-invariance, pushing forward the strength of post-encoding rest in learning and memory. They also strongly argue for a holistic, viewpoint- invariant, mnemonic representation of visual objects.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 39-44
I. G. Zhabinsky ◽  

The article raises the question of differentiating the legal regulation of legal relations arising from a pledge, depending on the object of the pledge. Of course, the pledge as a way of securing the fulfillment of obligations is characterized by common features and general approaches to regulation, regardless of the object, at the same time, the features of individual objects require the specification of the relevant rules. The ongoing debate in science regarding the ratio of objects of civil rights, as well as the lack of unity on the issue of the ratio of individual objects, gives rise to a discussion regarding certain types of collateral, classified depending on the object. The author pays special attention to the pledge of property rights and proposes an approach on the relationship between certain types of property rights, in particular, rights of obligation, rights of participants in legal entities and exclusive rights to the results of intellectual activity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Mohamed Ismail Abdelrahman ◽  
Evgeniia Slivina ◽  
Carsten Rockstuhl ◽  
Ivan Fernandez-Corbaton

AbstractSystems with a discrete rotational symmetry $$2\pi /n$$ 2 π / n where $$n\ge 3$$ n ≥ 3 that also have electromagnetic duality symmetry exhibit zero backscattering. The impact of breaking one of the two symmetries on the emerging backscattering has not yet been systematically studied. Here, we investigate the effect that perturbatively breaking each of the two symmetries has on the backscattering off individual objects and 2D arrays. We find that the backscattering off electromagnetically-small prisms increases with the parameters that determine the symmetry breaking, and that the increase of the backscattering due to the progressive breaking of one of the symmetries can be related to the other symmetry. Further exploration of the interplay between the two symmetries reveals that, in systems lacking enough rotational symmetry, the backscattering can be almost-entirely suppressed for a given linear polarization by deliberately breaking the duality symmetry. This duality breaking can be interpreted as an effective increase of the electromagnetic degree of rotational symmetry for that linear polarization.

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