web marketing
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2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 632
Windy Yuliani Putri Kaha ◽  
Moh. Dian Kurniawan ◽  
Hidayat Hidayat

PT. Click Media adalah perusahaan di Kabupaten Lamongan yang bergerak di sektor jasa web marketing guna melakukan pemasaran produk iklan ke media sosial maupun situs website, dimana komputer sebagai media utama dalam melaksanakan pekerjaannya. Karyawan Bagian Kreator Akun Facebook PT. Click Media bekerja 8 jam perharinya dengan sikap kerja yang berhadapan dengan komputer secara terus-menerus. Kondisi ini menyebabkan karyawan mengalami keluhan masalah musculoskeletal atau keluhan pada bagian otot rangka. Berdasarkan wawancara awal dengan kuesioner NBM menyatakan bahwa bagian punggung adalah keluhan tertinggi sebesar 81,8%, 54,5% di bagian leher atas, 54,5% di bagian tangan kanan, pergelangan tangan kanan dan 50% di bagian bahu kanan. Agar keluhan pada karyawan pengguna komputer dapat diminimalkan, maka perlu dilakukan identifikasi terhadap sikap kerja dengan metode Rappid Office Strain Asessment (ROSA) dan Rappid Upper Limb Asessment (RULA) yang merupakan metode ergonomi khusus identifikasi masalah musculoskeletal disorders pada pengguna komputer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 67% karyawan dengan score akhir ROSA >5 (berisko) dan 8,3% karyawan dengan score akhir RULA 7 memiliki tingkat risiko kerja sangat tinggi

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 20-25
Asrinda Amalia ◽  
Aidil Haris ◽  
Sri Rahmayanti ◽  
Khusnul Hanafi ◽  
Raja Widya Novchi

Tujuan dilaksanakannya kegiaatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk melakukan pengembangan produk unggulan daerah perajin rotan di Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir Kota Pekanbaru melalui penerapan teknologi pemasaran berbasis digital.Para perajin rotan yang tergabung dalam koperasi Rotan Kencana mengeluhkan sulitnya perekonomian akibat pandemic ini.Para pengrajin sudah mulai mengeluhkan sulitnya dalam menggaji karyawan yang bekerja.Oleh karena itu diperlukan pendampingan secara intens agar perajin rotan mampu bangkit dari kondisi keterpurukan akibat wabah covid 19.             Dari hasil observasi yang dilakukan oleh tim pengabdi pada hari Senin 27 Juli 2020, menemukan bahwa para perajin rotan mengalami defisit penjualan hingga 70% keatas. Hal ini menurut para pengrajin sangat membebani. Solusi yang ditawarkan melalui program pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah (1) membuat teknologi pemasaran berbasis online web marketing, sebagai promosi virtual untuk meningkatkan omset (2) metode partisipatif, penyuluhan, pendampingan dan pelatihan, sebagai peningkatan kemampuan manajemen dan pengelolaan anggota pengrajin rotan.               Metode yang dilakukan pada program pengabdian masyarakat ini melalui pendekatan metode partisipatif, penyuluhan, pendampingan dan pelatihan.             Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kelompok kopeasi Rotan Kencana dapat memanfaatkan teknologi berbasis teknologi digital sebagai wahana meningkatkan pendapatan di masa pandemic covid 19.   Kata Kunci: Penerapan Teknologi Digital, Pemasaran, Perajin Rotan

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Mohammed Muneerali Thottoli ◽  
K.V. Thomas

PurposeThe current study seeks to examine the impact of web marketing (through the company's website) on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and firms' performance across companies listed in the Muscat Stock Exchange (MSX), Oman.Design/methodology/approachThis research analyses qualitative and exploratory data taken from companies' website, annual reports (the financial year 2019), Google search and CSR report from 69 out of total 117 listed companies in the MSX to analyze the impact of web marketing on CSR and firms' performance proxied by return of assets (ROA), return of equity (ROE) and Tobin's Q (TQ).FindingsWeb marketing on CSR positively affects firms' performance. Especially, the positive effect of web marketing on firms' performance is stronger for listed companies. Web marketing enhances financial performance proxied by ROA, ROE and TQ.Practical implicationsThe research findings provide new insights that are able to enlighten governing bodies in Oman to make standardized compulsory CSR spending (say, 0.5% on profit after tax) by listed companies in MSX.Originality/valueThis research presents evidence that web marketing on CSR can increase firms' performance and brand image among stakeholders. This is the first study to examine the impact of web marketing on CSR and firms' performance using empirical data in Oman.

2021 ◽  
pp. 724-738
João Marinho ◽  
Sofia Almeida ◽  
Catarina Neto

Linda Suwarni ◽  
Eko Sarwono ◽  
Edy Suryadi ◽  
Selviana Selviana

The Covid-19 pandemic that occurred had an impact on various aspects of life, including Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) in Rasau Jaya Satu Village. UKM Mekar Sari and Sekapur Sirih which are engaged in the production of rengginang, marning corn, rice crackers and tofu chips have also been affected by this pandemic. Limitations in marketing that currently cannot conventionally lead to a decrease in partner income. Another problem is the partners' ignorance of online marketing strategies. The solution carried out by the LPPM UM Pontianak service team is by socializing the strategy and providing online web marketing through the partner village development program (PPDM) in the third year. The method of activity uses lectures and demonstrations of online web marketing management. This service activity was carried out well. There was an increase in the knowledge of the target audience before and after this service activity was carried out. The village government needs to provide assistance through Village-Owned Enterprises (BumDes) so that online marketing continues to run optimally.

2020 ◽  
Vol 103 ◽  
pp. 12-19
Rosa Caiazza ◽  
Barbara Bigliardi

Pham Minh Dat ◽  
Nguyen Thi Hang ◽  
Nguyen Van Huan

Marketing is one of the important stages, the decisive factor affecting the success of production and business activities of every business. Therefore, marketing is considered to be the first and most important stage in the process of introducing, bringing products to market and branding of businesses, especially in the period when the disease situation is taking place very complicated worldwide. This study provides both qualitative and quantitative results for the following research objectives. Firstly, the study will assess the situation and analyze the appropriateness of marketing models in the current market situation trend. Secondly, the study proposes an approach in building a new type of marketing model, which is 3D web-based marketing applied in e-commerce to support the modeling of enterprise products in the form of Interactive 3D products are similar to real products. Thirdly, testing and evaluating 3D e-commerce web marketing model at Truong Hai Auto Showroom, Thai Nguyen City branch. This study also proposes a number of solutions for the research and deployment of 3D web marketing model application for businesses in the current market situation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (11) ◽  
pp. 4383 ◽  
Fang Lyu ◽  
Jaewon Choi

The purpose of this study was to predict the online sales volume for organic products, identify important factors for selling organic products, and suggest web marketing strategies for organic product sales. Through the review of organic products on Taobao’s platform, the emotional analysis method is used to divide the review of crawling organic products into positive reviews and negative reviews. Using the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) method, extracting keywords, identifying important factors for selling organic products, using online survey methods and regression analysis methods, obtaining customers’ purchase intentions, and suggesting web marketing strategies for organic product sales, and by collecting data on organic products’ price, current price, free delivery, sales volume, number of customer reviews, customer reviews, organic labeling, and product fans on Taobao’s platform, the neural network analysis method is used to predict the online sales volume for organic products. This study found that packaging design, nutritional information, food quality, delivery risk, freshness, and source risk are the important online factors in the buying of organic products and the products’ fans, price discount, and number of customer reviews affected the sales volume. Therefore, the promotion of online services and logistics can be used to increase the sales of organic products. This research has an important role in promoting the sale of organic products and improving consumer satisfaction, providing consumers with safe and reliable products, and at the same time has important significance for promoting sustainable development.

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