fire alarm
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Jung kyu Park

<pre>There are several differences between the two types of alarm systems, conventional systems and addressable systems. It is important to carefully determine the introduction of a fire alarm system according to the installation environment. Talking about the main difference relates to how the connected device communicates with the main control panel by sending a signal. Cost is another factor that can be a determinant of your chosen fire alarm system. In this paper, we proposed smart addressable fire detection system. In the proposed system, <span>IoT</span> was used and the network was constructed using <span>ZigBee</span> module. In the configured network, it consists of a local server and a control server. The local server controls the addressing sensor and sends the information obtained from the sensor to the control server. The control server receives data transmitted from the local server and enables quick fire action. In the actual implementation, the local server used the Lycra controller and <span>ZigBee</span> module. In addition, the control server used the Raspberry Pi and <span>ZigBee</span> modules and connected to the Ethernet so that the administrator could monitor or control the local server.</pre>

2021 ◽  
Rizqy Aji Nugroho

Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi mengakibatkan persaingan di bidang bisnis tidak dapat dihindari, sehingga perusahaan perlu mengetahui langkah-langkah yang tepat agar tetap bertahan dan mampu bersaing dengan perusahaan lain yang sejenis. Salah satu langkah yang dapat dilakukan perusahaan adalah dengan menerapkan teknologi pada proses bisnisnya. Teknologi sudah menjadi kebutuhan masyarakat. Penerapan teknologi diharapkan dapat mempermudah, mempercepat proses transaksi, menghemat biaya, waktu, tenaga dan dapat menjangkau pasar yang lebih luas. Turban et all (2012), membagi keuntungan penerapan elektronik atau teknologi dalam proses bisnis menjadi dua, bagi perusahaan dan pelanggan. Manfaat bagi perusahaan adalah memperluas jangkauan pasar menjadi pasar nasional dan internasional, mengurangi biaya pemrosesan, distribusi dan penarikan informasi yang akurat dan real-time. Sedangkan keuntungan bagi pelanggan seperti akses 24 jam ke sejumlah besar barang dan jasa. (2018), mencatat perkembangan e-commerce sebesar 26,2 juta dan Alibaba merupakan perusahaan e-commerce terbesar untuk saat ini. Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) mencatat telah terjadi peningkatan jumlah perusahaan yang menerapkan eCommerce di Indonesia dalam 10 tahun terakhir tumbuh menjadi sekitar 17. Dengan demikian, Indonesia Pasar e-Commerce berpeluang untuk tumbuh lebih besar lagi dengan jumlah penduduk terbesar dan tingkat produk domestik bruto (PDB) terbesar di ASEAN. Perusahaan ini bergerak di bidang penjualan produk alat keamanan seperti CCTV, fire alarm, public address system, conference system, intrusion alarm dan access control system sejak tahun 2000. Sutojo (2011), adapun manfaat dari citra perusahaan yang baik dan kuat yang memiliki daya saing jangka menengah dan panjang; menjadi tameng selama masa krisis, menarik eksekutif yang andal, di mana eksekutif yang andal adalah aset perusahaan; meningkatkan efektivitas strategi pemasaran, menghemat biaya operasional. Oleh karena itu, akan lebih baik bagi perusahaan untuk mengetahui apa persepsi pelanggan tentang teknologi tersebut terutama dalam hal peningkatan kualitas layanan berbasis elektronik dan citra perusahaan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (5) ◽  
pp. 76-83
A. N. Chlenov ◽  
T. A. Butcinskaya

Introduction. Fire alarm system controllers are the main technical aids that serve as the backbone of a fire alarm system (a unit) at a facility. They consolidate fire alarm messages, coming from fire detectors, analyze, process, and deliver them to the user and display them in the pre-set format. The technical capacity of fire alarm system controllers is constantly improving in line with the technical progress and tightening fire safety requirements.Aims and purposes. The purpose of the article is to analyze the state of and trends in the development of fire alarm system controllers, that improve the fire safety of protected facilities. The task encompasses the retrospective review of principal tactical and technical characteristics of fire alarm devices for the period starting from the early 1950s to the present time in Russia, as well as the statistical analysis of the pace of their supply on the market of automatic fire fighting systems.Methods. Methods of system analysis and mathematical statistics were used.Results and discussion. The main stages of development of instruments for fire alarm systems that are reflective of the technical progress, primarily in the field of radio electronics, as well as the socio-economic transformations in Russia are specified. The article presents the results of statistical studies, carried out by the co-authors at different times and characterizing a change in the Russian market based on the comparative data on domestic and foreign alarm systems. The main trends in the development of the product mix and technical specifications of devices during the analyzed period are identified. The co-authors focus on the generalized layout of a blockmodular apparatus of a fire alarm system controller and determine the requirements for communication between functional modules to ensure the reliable operation of a fire alarm system.Conclusions. The main trends in the development of fire alarm system controllers, designated for fire alarm systems, focus on the application of new communication technologies and microelectronic devices that solve comprehensive safety problems with regard for the top-priority requirements of fire safety. The pace of improvement of tactical technological characteristics of devices is reflective of the state of and trends in the development of automatic fire fighting systems in Russia.

Dr. Aziz Makandar

Abstract: The design of a fire alarm with Arduino-based system by means of GSM Module. The work purposely for house safety where the main point is to avoid the fire accidents occurred to the residents and the properties inside the house. In order to prevent losses accrued from fire accidents, various alarm systems have been developed such as smoke detectors, temperature sensor based systems etc. The design and implementation of a cost effective and reliable GSM based SMS Alert fire alarm system. The device will be able to monitor the temperature of the environment, the smoke level, send SMS alert to an inbuilt GSM number. When the system detects the temperature of 100C or more, it will immediately display an alert notification on LCD display and simultaneously sending an SMS alert to the users upon the high raise temperature in the house. This fire detection system consists of a smoke sensor, buzzer, LCD display and GSM module is interfaced with Arduino board. Keywords: Smoke sensor, GSM Module, Arduino, LED display, Buzzer

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (23) ◽  
pp. 7893
Krzysztof Jakubowski ◽  
Jacek Paś ◽  
Stanisław Duer ◽  
Jarosław Bugaj

The article presents issues regarding the impact of operating conditions on the functional reliability of representative fire alarm systems (FASs) in selected critical infrastructure buildings (CIB). FAS should operate correctly under variable environmental conditions. FASs ensure the safety of people and CIB. Operational measurements for 10 representative systems were conducted in order to determine the impact of environmental conditions on FAS reliability. Selected operational indices were also determined. The next stage involved developing two models of representative FASs and the availability, pre-ageing time and operating process security indices. Determining operational indices is a rational selection of FAS technical and organizational solutions that enables the reliability level to be increased. Identifying the course of the FAS operating process security hazard changes in individual system lines, particularly at the initial operation stage, enables people that supervise the operation to affect operating parameters on an ongoing basis. The article is structured in the following order: issue analysis, FAS power supply in CIB, operational test results, selected FAS operating process models, determination of operational and security indices, and conclusions.

M. D. Asiddao ◽  
V. P. Bongolan

Abstract. Metro Manila, home to twelve-million residents scattered in densely populated cities, grows its population at a rate of 1.21% annually. Areas of the metro occupied by residents falling under the poverty line have only been increasing in density per year, and have been prone to fire incidents. One such area, Barangay Addition Hills in Mandaluyong City, has fallen victim to two disastrous fires four years apart: in 2016 and 2020. This study aims to accurately model a portion of Barangay Addition Hills when a fire starts in one of the most densely populated blocks while observing firefighters responding to the incident. The agent-based model adapts features from (Wilensky, 2006)’s Fire model and is virtually simulated with the help of two-dimensional satellite images of the area. The fire-spreading algorithm incorporates solving the heat diffusion equation to determine ignition time of combustible materials per unit area. Firefighters have been incorporated into the model with the help of the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP)’s Operational Procedures Manual to determine their expected behavior when responding to a fire alarm. Simulations were run on a per-incident basis to determine the total affected area, estimated affected families, and time for the fire to be put under control under varying densities, traffic conditions, firefighter response times and manpower.

Evans Sansolis ◽  
Karen Alinor Dumpit ◽  
Cheryl Ann Feliprada

All Fire Alarm Systems essentially operate on the same fundamental principle and framework. It provides audible and visual alarm signals. An alarm is raised if a sensor detects smoke or heat, warns people that there may be a fire, and evacuate the premises immediately. Consequently, concerned individuals may call the fire department to mitigate the emergency at which, at this point of time, the firefighter's Emergency Respond Time (ERT) is vital.  ERT is one of the contributing factors to how much fire will consume lives and, or properties.  In worst cases, an entire building turns into ashes, lives taken because of a slow ERT. Then there are these casual "false-alarms" caused by the false-positive readings of the installed Fire Alarm Systems.  These false alarms cause mass panic and consume firefighters' valuable time and resources. The instances mentioned above are a few reasons why there is a need to implement an efficient city-wide fire alarm system. This study focused on the design, development and testing of a wide-area Smart Fire Monitoring System comprised of major parts, the devices and the system software. Specifically, this study aimed to develop a smart fire alarm device using the Agile Prototyping Methodology (APM) and employ Agile Software Development Methodology (ASDM) for the development of the Smart Fire Monitoring System Software (SFMSS). For the development of the smart fire alarm device, the proponents assembled necessary sensors, electrical components, microcontrollers, and other electrical modules to create a working smart fire alarm device that abled to detect smoke; detect temperature spikes; detect the existence of fire; broadcast a GPS coordinates to the fire department; transmit and receive data through RF signals using long-range radio frequency (RF) module and SMS technology; and, be functional and operational under Low Power mode. Concomitant with this device is its system software, SFMSS, to manage and process the broadcasted data. SFMSS is a centralized system developed for the fire department to monitor the city for a fire outbreak. SFMSS continuously communicates with the fire alarm devices to autonomously monitor fire presence via radio frequency and process SMS notifications containing GPS coordinates, convert them into a readable address, and plot it in a city map in the event of a fire emergency. The proponents conducted a Stress and Reliability Test on the smart fire alarm device and Product Evaluation for Quality, Efficiency, and Usability with the Bureau of Fire Protection Region 6 for the entirety of the system.

Fangzhou Yang ◽  
Bihe Yuan ◽  
Yong Wang ◽  
Xianfeng Chen ◽  
Liancong Wang ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 133501
Long Xia ◽  
Yan Lv ◽  
Zhongxi Miao ◽  
Lili Luo ◽  
Weiang Luo ◽  

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