solar observations
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2021 ◽  
Vol 163 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Michael L. Palumbo III ◽  
Eric B. Ford ◽  
Jason T. Wright ◽  
Suvrath Mahadevan ◽  
Alexander W. Wise ◽  

Abstract Owing to recent advances in radial-velocity instrumentation and observation techniques, the detection of Earth-mass planets around Sun-like stars may soon be primarily limited by intrinsic stellar variability. Several processes contribute to this variability, including starspots, pulsations, and granulation. Although many previous studies have focused on techniques to mitigate signals from pulsations and other types of magnetic activity, granulation noise has to date only been partially addressed by empirically motivated observation strategies and magnetohydrodynamic simulations. To address this deficit, we present the GRanulation And Spectrum Simulator (GRASS), a new tool designed to create time-series synthetic spectra with granulation-driven variability from spatially and temporally resolved observations of solar absorption lines. In this work, we present GRASS, detail its methodology, and validate its model against disk-integrated solar observations. As a first-of-its-kind empirical model for spectral variability due to granulation in a star with perfectly known center-of-mass radial-velocity behavior, GRASS is an important tool for testing new methods of disentangling granular line-shape changes from true Doppler shifts.

Physics World ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (10) ◽  
pp. 8ii-8ii
Tim Wogan

Careful numerical modelling shows that the discrepancy between solar observations and atomic theory vanishes after complex, previously neglected interactions are considered.

2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (2) ◽  
pp. 218
Larisza D. Krista ◽  
Matthew Chih

Abstract Solar flares have been linked to some of the most significant space weather hazards at Earth. These hazards, including radio blackouts and energetic particle events, can start just minutes after the flare onset. Therefore, it is of great importance to identify and predict flare events. In this paper we introduce the Detection and EUV Flare Tracking (DEFT) tool, which allows us to identify flare signatures and their precursors using high spatial and temporal resolution extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) solar observations. The unique advantage of DEFT is its ability to identify small but significant EUV intensity changes that may lead to solar eruptions. Furthermore, the tool can identify the location of the disturbances and distinguish events occurring at the same time in multiple locations. The algorithm analyzes high temporal cadence observations obtained from the Solar Ultraviolet Imager instrument aboard the GOES-R satellite. In a study of 61 flares of various magnitudes observed in 2017, the “main” EUV flare signatures (those closest in time to the X-ray start time) were identified on average 6 minutes early. The “precursor” EUV signatures (second-closest EUV signatures to the X-ray start time) appeared on average 14 minutes early. Our next goal is to develop an operational version of DEFT and to simulate and test its real-time use. A fully operational DEFT has the potential to significantly improve space weather forecast times.

2021 ◽  
Vol 923 (2) ◽  
pp. 207
Melania Cubas Armas ◽  
Damian Fabbian

Abstract We compare results of simulations of solar facular-like conditions performed using the numerical codes MURaM and STAGGER. Both simulation sets have a similar setup, including the initial condition of ≈200 G vertical magnetic flux. After interpolating the output physical quantities to constant optical depth, we compare them and test them against inversion results from solar observations. From the snapshots, we compute the monochromatic continuum in the visible and infrared, and the full Stokes vector of the Fe i spectral line pair around 6301–6302 Å. We compare the predicted spectral lines (at the simulation resolution and after smearing to the HINODE SP/SOT resolution) in terms of their main parameters for the Stokes I line profiles, and of their area and amplitude asymmetry for the Stokes V profiles. The codes produce magnetoconvection with similar appearance and distribution in temperature and velocity. The results also closely match the values from recent relevant solar observations. Although the overall distribution of the magnetic field is similar in both radiation-magnetohydrodynamic (RMHD) simulation sets, a detailed analysis reveals substantial disagreement in the field orientation, which we attribute to the differing boundary conditions. The resulting differences in the synthetic spectra disappear after spatial smearing to the resolution of the observations. We conclude that the two sets of simulations provide robust models of solar faculae. Nevertheless, we also find differences that call for caution when using results from RMHD simulations to interpret solar observational data.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
D. MacTaggart ◽  
C. Prior ◽  
B. Raphaldini ◽  
P. Romano ◽  
S. L. Guglielmino

AbstractThe magnetic nature of the formation of solar active regions lies at the heart of understanding solar activity and, in particular, solar eruptions. A widespread model, used in many theoretical studies, simulations and the interpretation of observations, is that the basic structure of an active region is created by the emergence of a large tube of pre-twisted magnetic field. Despite plausible reasons and the availability of various proxies suggesting the accuracy of this model, there has not yet been a methodology that can clearly and directly identify the emergence of large pre-twisted magnetic flux tubes. Here, we present a clear signature of the emergence of pre-twisted magnetic flux tubes by investigating a robust topological quantity, called magnetic winding, in solar observations. This quantity detects the emerging magnetic topology despite the significant deformation experienced by the emerging magnetic field. Magnetic winding complements existing measures, such as magnetic helicity, by providing distinct information about field line topology, thus allowing for the direct identification of emerging twisted magnetic flux tubes.

Martina Coffaro ◽  
Beate Stelzer ◽  
Salvatore Orlando

2021 ◽  
Vol 133 (1028) ◽  
pp. 105001
Kiran Jain ◽  
Sushanta C. Tripathy ◽  
Frank Hill ◽  
Alexei A. Pevtsov

Atmosphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 447
Lianfa Lei ◽  
Zhenhui Wang ◽  
Jiang Qin ◽  
Lei Zhu ◽  
Rui Chen ◽  

Ground-based multichannel microwave radiometers can observe the atmospheric microwave radiation brightness temperature and continuously provide temperature and humidity profiles of the troposphere. At present, microwave radiometers are operated in many countries for monitoring climate and meteorological phenomena, and there have been many microwave radiometers of this kind presently implemented in China, but they lack a unified monitor for their operational condition, which is necessary if they are taken as a network. For this reason, a real-time monitoring receiving system of radiometer is fundamental and important. In order to check the system stability and the antenna performances, this paper studied the feasibility of applying the solar signals to monitor the antenna alignment, antenna pattern and stability of a radiometer system in working for operational field applications. An experiment was performed and the results from the analysis of the annual variation features with long-term solar observation data at four frequencies, 22.235, 26.235, 30.000 and 51.250 GHz, show that an antenna pattern retrieved from solar observations agrees well with that retrieved from the traditional method. In addition, a daily analysis of the solar signals in online data of a radiometer can be used for monitoring the alignment of the antenna and the stability of the ground-based microwave radiometer system.

2021 ◽  
Karl-Ludwig Klein ◽  

<p>The Nancay Radioheliograph is dedicated to imaging the solar corona at decimetre-to-metre wavelengths. The imaged structures are the quiet corona, through thermal bremsstrahlung, and bright collective emissions due to electrons accelerated in quiescent, flaring and eruptive active regions. The instrument produced nearly daily maps of the Sun between 1996 and 2015, at several frequencies in the 150-450 MHz range with sub-second cadence. The observations were stopped in 2015 for a major technical upgrade through the replacement of the correlator and the data acquisition system. They were resumed in November 2020, and at the time of writing the commissioning of the instrument is well underway. This contribution will give a brief overview of the technical changes and present observations at eight frequencies of solar activity since November 2020, including the coronal mass ejection (CME) of December 14 seen in some images of the total solar eclipse, observations conducted during the present perihelion passage of the Parker Solar Probe mission, as well as during periods of interest to the Solar Orbiter mission. The data are freely available, and special products of common visualisation with the space missions will be illustrated.</p>

2021 ◽  
Oleg Stepanyuk ◽  
Kamen Kozarev ◽  
Mohamed Nedal

<p>Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) influence the interplanetary environment over vast distances in the solar system by injecting huge clouds of fast solar plasma and energetic particles (SEPs). A number of fundamental questions remain about how SEPs are produced, but current understanding points to CME-driven shocks and compressions in the solar corona. At the same time, unprecedented remote (AIA, LOFAR, MWA) and in situ (Parker Solar Probe, Solar Orbiter) solar observations are becoming available to constrain existing theories. As part of the MOSAIICS project under the VIHREN programme, we are developing a suite of Python tools to reliably analyze radio and EUV remote imaging observations of CMEs and  shock. We present the method for smart characterization and tracking of solar eruptive features, based on the A-Trous wavelet decomposition technique, intensity rankings and a set of filtering techniques. We showcase its performance on a small set of CME-related phenomena observed with the SDO/AIA telescope. With the data represented hierarchically on different decomposition and intensity levels our method allows to extract certain objects and their masks from the series of initial images, in order to track their evolution in time. The method presented here is general and applicable to detecting and tracking various solar and heliospheric phenomena in imaging observations.</p>

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