carl rogers
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Think ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (60) ◽  
pp. 91-104
Rachel Nelson

Feelings of awe can generate well-being. The typical explanation of this is that an otherwise self-absorbed individual now experiences something so vast that it forges a humble new perspective of self. Self-absorption is replaced by altruistic characteristics that result in a sense of well-being. However, the observations of Martin Heidegger, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Carl Rogers provide an existential framework for understanding the human being in relation to the world and well-being within that framework. And such a framework offers a different perspective on how the experience of awe produces well-being. Existentially understood, incongruence is the anti-thesis of well-being. Incongruence is developed by a hyper-focus on external conditions of worth. Rather than a remedy to self-absorption, the experience of awe offers the remedy of self-absorption, towards congruence. This article will explore key observations by each existentially principled thinker to display this framework in order to comprehend how awe produces well-being within it.

2021 ◽  
pp. 28-33
Fomina I.S.

The article reveals the main psychological and pedagogical features of effective learning. The memorization techniques from Joshua Foyer are considered, where the author introduces the concept of the idea of a palace of images, or a palace of memory, which contains images, associations created in the last lesson, related to the past theme. If there is a purpose and meaning of memorization, then the process of reproduction will be more efficient and simpler.The significance and role of the image in the theory of the modern scientist V.V. Klimenko. The image is considered as a reflection of the subject and a standard-regulator of cognitive, moral actions and aesthetic actions.Emphasis is placed on the prominent role of restorative exercises and interval repetitions in the study of the concept of effective learning. The article states that effective learning requires the skill to praise students correctly and carefully. Praise as a means of motivation becomes productive if it is skillfully used in pedagogical communication, establishing more emotional interaction between teacher and students.It is emphasized that effective learning will give results when teachers pay attention to the importance of perception of the student’s point of view, his thoughts, impressions, judgments, motives. The main, in this aspect, is psychological reasoning – non-cognitive factors that affect learning. The more often students begin to think about the learning process, the results of their actions, successes in the study of certain topics, categories, concepts – the more effective, and most importantly, conscious will be the learning process. Emphasis is placed on the category of “growth thinking”, which is interpreted as the belief that abilities and intelligence are variable, and we can increase their level. The concepts of associations, the process of image creation, on the basis of which thought is built, are studied. Emphasis is placed on the important role of the teacher’s emotional response, which should meet the learning objectives and encourage students to further success and learning outcomes.The category of metacognition as a process of thinking about one’s own thoughts, effective reception of learning is considered. The theory of the American scientist Carl Rogers on the important questions that true professional and wise teachers should ask themselves is highlighted.Key words: learning, teacher, growth thinking, motivation, emotional response, metacognition. Стаття розкриває основні психолого-педагогічні особливості ефективного навчання. Розглянутотехні-ки запам’ятовування від Джошуа Фойера, де автор вводить поняття ідеї палацу образів, або палац пам’яті, в якому містяться образи, асоціації, створені минулого уроку, пов’язані з минулою темою. Якщо є мета і значення замап’ятовування, тоді і процес відтворення буде відбуватися ефективніше і простіше. Висвітлено значення і роль образу в теорії сучасного науковця В.В. Клименко. Образ розглядається як відображення предмета і еталон-регулятор пізнавальних, моральних вчинків та естетичних дій. Наголошено на визначній ролі відновлювальних вправ та інтервальних повторень у рамках вивчення поняття ефективного навчання. У статті визначено, що ефективне навчання потребує майстерності правильно і обережно хвалити учнів. Похвала як засіб мотивації стає продуктивною, якщо вміло її використовувати в педагогічному спілкуванні, встановленні більш емоційної взаємодії між вчителем і учнями.Наголошено, що ефективне навчання буде давати свої результати, коли педагоги будуть звертати увагу на важливість сприйняття точки зору учня, його думок, вражень, суджень, мотивів. Головним у цьому аспекті виступає психологічне міркування – некогнітивні фактори, які впливають на навчання. Чим частіше учні почнуть замислюватися над навчальним процесом, результатами своїй дій, успіхами у вивченні тих чи інших тем, категорій, понять – тим ефективнішим, а головне усвідомленим стане процес навчання.Акцентовано увагу на категорії «мислення зростання», яке тлумачиться як переконання, що здібно-сті та інтелект є змінними, і ми можемо підвищити їхній рівень. Досліджені поняття асоціацій, процесу створення образу, на основі яких будується думка. Наголошено на визначній ролі емоційного відгуку вчителя, що має відповідати навчальним цілям і заохочувати учнів на подальші успіхи та результати навчальної діяльності.Розглянуто категорію метапізнання як процесу думання про власні думки, ефективного прийому навчання. Висвітлено теорію американського науковця Карла Роджерса щодо важливих питань, які мають задати собі справжні професійні та мудрі педагоги.Ключові слова:навчання, педагог, мислення зростання, мотивація, емоційний відгук, метапізнання

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (5) ◽  
pp. 21-24
Niket Paudel

Person-Centered approach is an adapted work of Carl Rogers, where the focus was mainly on psychotherapy and counselling. Rogers believed, the basic nature of an individual is constructive and trustworthy – given that the individual is freely functioning. Person-Centered approach is the backbone of social work practice alongside trauma-informed approach. Any emotionally and physically daunting events that affects the response of an individual is trauma. Trauma damages the freely functioning state of an individual – emotionally, socially and behaviorally. By introducing an approach that is trauma-informed will help social worker to not only understand the emotions of the individual while working with them but also guide the social work practice in better understanding while working with the individuals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 207-221
Laurinaldo Félix Nascimento ◽  
Luana Priscila Wunsch ◽  
Maria Aparecida Fernandes ◽  
Maria Batista Leal

A Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) foi a base do trabalho do educador Paulo Freire. Na sua luta política e social, a alfabetização nas comunidades populares seria uma porta de saída para a tomada de consciência crítica da realidade. Na Educação a conceituação de empatia como uma relação importante entre o professor e o aluno para o processo afetivo-educacional.  Paulo Freire, Carl Rogers, Lev Vigostki e António Nóvoa já utilizaram o conceito de empatia no processo de resposta afetiva ou cognitiva entre professor e aluno. Freire afirmava que a empatia no contexto da sala de aula ocorre quando o professor “pegar os olhos dos alunos emprestados” para que ele possa perceber de fato a realidade com que está interagindo. Quando se identifica a realidade do outro, percebe-se de perto os problemas e circunstâncias vividas sobretudo em ambientes de necessidade e privações, quando o outro percebe que nossa realidade é entendida fica mais aberto a ser acolhido por um estranho ou no caso um professor que vem trazer o conhecimento, esta é a empatia de Freire. A partir do ano de 2020, diante do contexto da pandemia do COVID-19, a empatia torna-se um processo coletivo de reprimir o isolamento social e proporciona conforto aos segmentos impactados pelo contexto pandêmico, para lograr êxito a cibercultura atuou como um fio condutor no processo pedagógico. Assim no presente trabalho é importante pesquisar a similitude da educação com a empatia libertadora de Paulo Freire em face da educação e cibercultura.

Shun Chen ◽  
Faith Liao ◽  
David Murphy ◽  
Stephen Joseph

AbstractThe Barrett-Lennard Relationship Inventory (B-L RI; Barrett-Lennard, (2015). The Relationship Inventory A Complete Resource and Guide. is the most widely used measure of the facilitative conditions described by Carl Rogers as important for constructive personality development in his person-centered theory. At with 64 items it is however time consuming for participants to complete, and even in its shorter form, the B-L RI is 40-items long. In order to improve its utility, a mini form of the B-L RI was developed. In study 1, we used item response theory to select 12 out of the full 64 items to form the B-L RI:mini based on their discrimination, difficulty, information, and measurement invariance across the English (n = 298), Chinese (n = 658), and Spanish (n = 330) language versions of the inventory. In study 2 (N = 362), we validated the reliability and validity of the new 12-item measure. It was found that the B-L RI:mini showed excellent total internal consistency, temporal stability, and construct validity. According to the results of the study, the B-L RI:mini maintains optimal psychometric properties with a small number of items. This scale is recommended for use in further studies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Stephen Joseph

Both positive psychology and the person-centered approach share a common aim to promote human flourishing. In this article I will discuss how the person-centered approach is a form of positive psychology, but positive psychology is not necessarily person-centered. I will show how the person-centered approach offers a distinctive view of human nature that leads the person-centered psychologist to understand that if people are to change, it is not the person that we must try to change but their social environment. Centrally, the paper suggests that respecting the humanistic image of the human being and, consequently, influencing people's social environment to facilitate personal growth would mean a step forward for positive psychology and would promote cross-fertilization between positive psychology and the person-centered approach instead of widening their gap.

Religions ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (10) ◽  
pp. 812
David Savage

In UK society today, over half of the adult population identify as ‘non-religious’. Of those, about three quarters describe themselves as very or extremely non-religious. The ‘non-religious’ can be seen not merely as those without religion but as people with seriously and sincerely held non-religious beliefs. Responding to this situation, Humanists UK set up the Non-Religious Pastoral Support Network to meet the need for non-religious pastoral care. In healthcare and prisons, they have trained hundreds of volunteers to offer an active listening service based on a humanistic Carl Rogers approach, conduct ceremonies, improve education, and provide advocacy, all grounded in non-religious worldviews. Those completing an appropriate Master’s degree have been successfully recruited by the National Health Service into paid professional roles. However, the Prison Service and Armed Forces still restrict such recruitment to people with religious beliefs. Further progress will be enhanced by using more respectful and inclusive language (rather than ‘nones’ and ‘chaplaincy’), promoting equality in recruitment, and adopting a person-centred approach where service users determine their pastoral and spiritual care priorities.

Educação ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. e33183
Juliana Crespo Lopes ◽  
Suzana Maria do Nascimento Magalhães ◽  
Ana Luísa Lopes Lima Moura ◽  
Lucia Helena Cavasin Zabotto Pulino

A partir das reflexões de duas formandas de Pedagogia acerca de uma experiência de prática pedagógica vivenciada em uma disciplina no primeiro semestre do curso, discute-se acerca da construção da autonomia e da responsabilidade no meio acadêmico. Entendendo que se fazia necessário despertar em estudantes o interesse pelo aprendizado, a docente pautou-se em Carl Rogers para elaborar a disciplina de modo a promover um ambiente onde estudantes fossem conscientes e ativos no processo de construção de conhecimentos. Especificamente no tocante à formação de professores, entende-se que é ainda mais vital que exista e se amplie esse tipo de experiência ao longo da graduação, tanto com vistas a uma formação de mais envolvimento e qualidade quanto no fomento de novas práticas pedagógicas na educação básica por meio da atuação de estudantes que se tornam docentes.

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