mobile station
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Shixun Wu ◽  
Min Li ◽  
Miao Zhang ◽  
Kai Xu ◽  
Juan Cao

AbstractMobile station (MS) localization in a cellular network is appealing to both industrial community and academia, due to the wide applications of location-based services. The main challenge is the unknown one-bound (OB) and multiple-bound (MB) scattering environment in dense multipath environment. Moreover, multiple base stations (BSs) are required to be involved in the localization process, and the precise time synchronization between MS and BSs is assumed. In order to address these problems, hybrid time of arrival (TOA), angle of departure (AOD), and angle of arrival (AOA) measurement model from the serving BS with the synchronization error is investigated in this paper. In OB scattering environment, four linear least square (LLS), one quadratic programming and data fusion-based localization algorithms are proposed to eliminate the effect of the synchronization error. In addition, the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) of our localization model on the root mean-square error (RMSE) is derived. In hybrid OB and MB scattering environment, a novel double identification algorithm (DIA) is proposed to identify the MB path. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithms are capable to deal with the synchronization error, and LLS-based localization algorithms show better localization accuracy. Furthermore, the DIA can correctly identify the MB path, and the RMSE comparison of different algorithms further prove the effectiveness of the DIA.

Ingeniería ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 401-418
Hernán Paz Penagos ◽  
Andrés Alejandro Moreno Sánchez ◽  
José Noé Poveda Zafra

Context: The evaluation of air quality in Colombia is localized; it does not go beyond determining whether the level of the polluting gas at a specific point of the monitoring network has exceeded a threshold, according to a norm or standard, in order to trigger an alarm. It is not committed to objectives as important as the real-time identification of the dispersion dynamics of polluting gases in an area, or the prediction of the newly affected population. From this perspective, the presence of polluting gases was evaluated on the university campus of Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito, located north of the city of Bogotá, and the affected population was estimated for the month of October, 2019, using the Kriging geostatistical technique. Method: This study is part of the design and construction of an auxiliary mobile station that monitors and reports complementary information (CO and SO2 gases) to that provided by the Guaymaral meteorological station, located in the north of Bogotá. This information is transmitted through an IoT network to a server, where a database is created which stores the information on polluting gases reported by the 14 stations of the Bogotá air quality monitoring network, the information sent by the auxiliary station, and the statistical information of the population present on the university campus. Pollutant gas data and population information recorded from October 1st to 31st, 2019, are the input for data analysis using the Kriging interpolation method and predicting the affected population on said campus. Results: There is a particulate matter concentration of 29 µg/m3 of PM10 in the coliseum and 12,6 µg/m3 of PM2,5 in building G, in addition to 9,8 ppb of O3 in building I, 14,9 ppb of NO2 in that same building, 0,79 ppb of CO in building C, and 0,65 ppb of SO2 also in building C, thus allowing to infer, according to the Bogotá air quality index, a favorable air quality for a population of 2.131 people who visited the campus university during the aforementioned period. Conclusions: The correct integration of the data in the web server and their analysis, carried out in the R language, allowed determining the approximate indicators of the polluting factors around Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito. Additionally, to determine the affected population, these indicators were correlated with the information on the registered population that entered the campus during the period under study. Based on the results obtained, it was concluded that the air quality on the campus of Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito is favorable, and that 2.131 people benefited daily from these conditions.

Jaafar A. Aldhaibani ◽  
Mohanad S. Alkhazraji ◽  
Hasanain Lafta Mohammed ◽  
Abid Yaya

High mobility requirements are one of the challenges face fifth-generation wireless (5G) cellular networks by providing acceptable wireless services to users traveling at speed up to 350 km/h. This paper presents a new scenario to increase the bit rate and coverage for passengers that use the vehicles for traveling through the installation a mobile station (MS) on these vehicles to provide a high-quality service to users. Based on signal to noise ratio (SNR’s) mathematical derivation and the outage probability of the user link, the proposed system is evaluated. Numerical results indicate an enhancement for users who received signal strength (RSS) from (-72 to -55) dBm and (15 to 38) Mbps in bit rate. Moreover, their number of users increased by proposed system adoption.

Mubarak Mohammed Al-Ezzi Sufyan ◽  
Waheed Ur Rehman ◽  
Tabinda Salam ◽  
Qazi Ejaz Ali ◽  
Abeera Ilyas ◽  

AbstractIn this era of the digital world, data play a central role and are continuously challenging spectrum efficiency. With the introduction of enriched multimedia user-generated content, the challenges are even more aggravated. In this vein, uplink caching is considered as one of the promising solutions to effectively cater the user’s demands. One of the main challenges for uplink caching is duplication elimination. In this paper, a cache enabled uplink transmission with a duplication elimination scheme is proposed. The proposed scheme matches the mobile’s data to be uploaded with the cached contents both at mobile station (MS) and small base station (SBS). In contrast to existing techniques, the proposed scheme broadcasts the cached contents at an SBS to all the MSs under its footprint. This provides MS an opportunity to exploit the list of cached contents before uploading its data. A MS only uploads its data if it is not already cached at an SBS. This significantly reduces duplication before the real transmission takes place. Furthermore, the proposed technique reduces energy consumption in addition to improving spectral efficiency and network throughput. Besides, a higher caching hit ratio and lower caching miss ratio are also observed as compared to other schemes. The simulation results reveal that the proposed scheme saves 97% energy for SBS, whereas 96–100% energy is saved for MS on average.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Parvin Kumar ◽  
Sanjay Kumar Sharma ◽  
Shelly Singla ◽  
Varun Gupta ◽  
Abhishek Sharma

Abstract In today’s scenario, wireless communication is turning into a decisive and leading backbone to access the worldwide network. Therefore, the usage of mobile phones and broadband is rising staggeringly. To satisfy their expulsive needs, it demands increment in data rates while providing higher bandwidth and utilizing optical fiber in wireless communication, and this becomes a worldwide analysis area. Radio over fiber (RoF) system is taken into account as best solution to fulfill these needs. In RoF system, the radio frequency signal operated at millimeter wave (30–300 GHz) is centralized and processed at control station (CS) and also, the CS upconverts this electrical signal to optical domain. By employing optical fiber link, this signal reaches to base station (BS). Then, the received optical signal converts back to electrical domain at the respective BS. Now BS radiates the electrical signal to corresponding mobile station (MS) in commission with the millimeter wave frequency bands. This RoF system is providing massive bandwidth, facilitating large mobility for RF frequency signals, small loss, fast and cost effective setup, wonderful security, and unlicensed spectrum etc. The RoF system introduces microcells structure for BS cells to boost the frequency reuse and needed capacity. It has benefits in terms of ability to fulfill increasing bandwidth demands to cut back the power consumption and the dimensions of the handset devices. This paper firstly explains the overview of existing wireless mobile communication and broadband systems and then, targets the review of RoF system which will become energy efficient system for next generation mobile communication and future broadband systems. This paper also includes the performance degradation and evaluation parameters. Finally, this paper presents the various research opportunities for its implementation zone.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 1535-1548
Dongchan Lee ◽  
Keewhan Kim

Wang Zhou ◽  
Xiangyu Zhao ◽  
Kuang Cheng ◽  
Yi Cao ◽  
Shuang-hua Yang ◽  

Y. He ◽  
G. Qiao ◽  
H. Li ◽  
X. Yuan ◽  
Y. Li

Abstract. Modelling of ice sheet micro-topography based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is meaningful for the understanding of interactions between local ice mass and climate. 3D reconstruction based on UAV has advantages that satellite remote sensing cannot replace. Here, the surface micro-topography measurement was performed during the China's 36th Antarctic expedition (CHINARE) in 2019–2020, using an UAV platform composed of a DJI Phantom 4 and a D-RTK GNSS mobile station around Zhongshan Station of China. Then, four partly overlapped models were obtained by the SfM-MVS technology. Affected by the complex environment factors, the performance of this technology sometimes is challenged over the marginal Antarctic Ice Sheet. Satellite altimetry is one of the most essential technologies for land ice surface elevation measurements, widely used in regional or global ice mass balance estimations.We use the land ice surface heights with high accuracy derived from the Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) to compare with the UAV-derived models. Combined with the high precision and space-time resolution of ICESat-2 satellite altimetry, the results of the model were evaluated under different terrain conditions. It has been certified that the derived models without extra GCPs were capable of detecting the surface micro-topographic features if considering the potential factors, which can be popularized and developed in polar research.

Electronics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (13) ◽  
pp. 1505
Adel Aldalbahi ◽  
Farzad Shahabi ◽  
Mohammed Jasim

The use of beamforming technology in standalone (SA) millimeter wave communications results in directional transmission and reception modes at the mobile station (MS) and base station (BS). This results in initial beam access challenges, since the MS and BS are now compelled to perform spatial search to determine the best beam directions that return highest signal levels. The high number of signal measurements here prolongs access times and latencies, as well as increasing power and energy consumption. Hence this paper proposes a first study on leveraging deep learning schemes to simplify the beam access procedure in standalone mmWave networks. The proposed scheme combines bidirectional recurrent neural network (BRNN) and long short-term memory (LSTM) to achieve fast initial access times. Namely, the scheme predicts the best beam index for use in the next time step once a MS accesses the network, e.g., transition from sleep to active (or idle) modes. The scheme eliminates the need for beam scanning, thereby achieving ultra-low access times and energy efficiencies as compared to existing methods.

Dr. Suchita W. Varade

The motivation behind this paper is to present another technique for isolating remote correspondence, (for example, the 802.11a/b/g/n and cell UMTS MAC conventions) across numerous problematic correspondence joins (like Ethernet) utilizing milli meter waves MIMO correspondence. The object is to present the fitting equipment, programming, and framework design needed to give the premise to a remote framework (utilizing a 802.11a/b/g/n and cell conventions as a model) that can scale to help a huge number of clients at the same time (say in a huge place of business, super corporate retailer, and so forth) or in a little, however extremely thick correspondence RF area. Components of correspondence between a base station and a Mobile Station will be examined measurably to exhibit higher throughput, less crashes and lower bit mistake rates (BER) with the given transmission capacity characterized by the 802.11n remote detail (utilization of MIMO channels will be assessed). Another organization nodal worldview will be introduced. Elective connection layer correspondence strategies will be suggested and broke down for the impact on cell phones. The examination will depict how the calculations utilized by state machines executed on Mobile Stations and Wi-Fi customer gadgets will be impacted by new base station transmission conduct. New equipment plan strategies that can be utilized to improve this engineering just as equipment plan standards concerning the insignificant equipment practical squares needed to help such a framework configuration will be portrayed. Recreation plan and check reproduction procedures to demonstrate the plan will oblige a worthy degree of execution to meet the exacting planning as it identifies with this new framework engineering.

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