fundamental movement skills
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Nadine Van Wyk ◽  
Nicole Taylor McCallum ◽  
Larry Katz

Sport and education organizations have established models to ensure that coaches and teachers understand the physical, social, emotional and mental development of children. Such pathways of intentionally designed models fail to exist in the recreation sector where many physical activity (PA) programs are mainly developed based on convenience and instructor availability rather than on established credentials and current pedagogy practices. Addressing this gap, this paper explores the creation of an intentionally designed model of programming for children’s structured recreation, which is defined as sport or PA-based programs that are planned and led by an instructor. This proposed model is contextualized within the province of Alberta, but may be applicable across the nation. The authors further define “intentionally designed” as the development of purposeful programming with specific objectives that align with outside sources. One such source comes from the Canadian Parks and Recreation Association, who has created a Canadian Recreation Framework, an initiative to ultimately develop the well-being of all Canadians. The proposed, structured recreation model also incorporates several guiding principles including physical literacy and sport philosophy. Physical Literacy (PL) focuses on the lived body as the embodied dimension of our human experience, and how it can be enriched through various experiences that enable us to reach our full potential (Whitehead, 2007). It is about viewing the body holistically rather than separate from the entire being. By planning diverse PA in four environments, including land, water, air, and ice, the model also aligns with the sports sector and its philosophy of developing both fundamental movement skills and fundamental sport skills. Moreover, with allocated playing time, intentionally designed structured lesson plans, and one consistent leader in each activity, the model aims to increase the participants’ motor proficiency and levels of PA while building their confidence and competence across distinct exercises. The execution of the proposed recreation model involves a four-month program where participants rotate to a different PA environment each month and attend two classes per week, cumulating in 32 total classes. Management implications are discussed to determine how recreational professionals can achieve the intended outcomes of the model. Finally, further research is necessary to determine if this model can increase participants’ motor proficiency and positively influence physical activity behaviors in the recreation sector.

Children ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 79
Yeon-Oh Han ◽  
Byung-Sun Lee

The purpose of this study is to develop a comprehensive and systematic method and standard for evaluating children’s physical activity competency as a solution to the problem of increasing child obesity rates due to a decrease in physical activity among children. This study was used a cross-sectional study design. A literature review and Delphi survey were conducted to develop children’s physical activity competency evaluation. The evaluation criteria were presented based on the measurement data of metropolitan area kindergarten students (228 subjects) on the 2016 winter vacation. Items in the evaluation of children’s physical activity competency test battery include health physical strength, basic movement skills, physical activity habits, and physical activity attitudes. Physical fitness for health consisted of muscle strength and endurance (sit-up), flexibility (sit and reach, trunk lift) and body composition (BMI). Fundamental movement skills consisted of mobility (run, hop, jump), stability (static balance, dynamic balance), and control (throw kick). Physical activity habits consisted of the amount of daily steps (steps), exercise time, screen time, and sleep time. Physical activity attitudes consisted of preference, enjoyment, and confidence. The evaluation criteria for child physical activity competency test battery were presented in five stages, divided by age and gender. With the developed evaluation of children’s physical activity competency, the overall level of physical fitness for health, fundamental movement skills, physical activity habits, and physical activity attitudes of kindergarteners in the metropolitan area could be confirmed, and standards were presented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 265-270
Kusnandar ◽  
Panuwun Joko Nurcahyo ◽  
Didik Rilastiyo Budi

Penelitian analisis keterampilan gerak olahraga berbasis Fundamental Movement Skills bertujuan untuk untuk mengukur dan mengetahui keterampilan gerak olahraga yang dimiliki oleh siswa SD dan SMP di Kecamatan Sumbang. Penelitian ini penting untuk dilakukan karena dengan diketahuinya tingkat keterampilan gerak olahraga pada siswa disetiap jenjang pendidikan maka akan membantu guru dan pelatih untuk membina anak dalam menggali potensi olahraga yang dimiliki sehingga dapat membantu anak untuk berkembang sesuai bakat dan dapat berprestasi tinggi di masa yang akan datang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan pendekatan Survey. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu tes Fundamental Movement Skills untuk mengukur tingkat keterampilan gerak olahraga pada siswa. Sampel pada penelitian ini berjumlah 35 orang dengan rincian 25 siswa SD dan 15 siswa SMP. Hasil penelitian keterampilan gerak olahraga pada siswa SD menunjukan bahwa terdapat 12 anak yang berada pada kategori baik, 4 anak cukup dan 4 anak dalam kategori kurang. Sedangkan untuk siswa SMP menunjukan hasil 11 anak dengan kategori baik dan 4 anak cukup. Secara keseluruhan, siswa SD dan SMP di Desa Karanggintung, Sumbang memiliki rata-rata keterampilan gerak olahraga pada kategori baik. Hasil penelitian keterampilan gerak olahraga berbasis Fundamental Movement Skills akan memberikan dampak positif dalam menemukan dan menggali potensi keterampilan gerak pada siswa SD dan SMP di bidang olahraga.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1356336X2110555
Jiani Ma ◽  
Michael J. Duncan ◽  
Si-Tong Chen ◽  
Emma L.J. Eyre ◽  
Yujun Cai

The present study aimed to examine cross-cultural differences in fundamental movement skills (FMS) proficiency levels in children aged 9–10 years old in England and China, using a process-oriented FMS measurement. Four FMS (run, jump, throw, catch) were measured using the Test of Gross Motor Development-2 (TGMD-2). The sample consisted of 272 (58.3% boys, 41.7% girls) Chinese children and 273 (48.7% boys, 51.3% girls) English children. ANCOVA analysis for the raw FMS scores showed significant sex by country interaction ( P = .022, partial η2 = .01). Chinese children scored higher than English children on total FMS, locomotor, and object control skill subsets. Additional Chi-squared analyses revealed significant differences regarding mastery levels of skills, with a higher proportion of Chinese children being classified as having advanced skill proficiency across three of four selected FMS (i.e. run, throw, and catch). The substantial cross-cultural differences found may be related to aspects such as Physical Education (PE) provision and process, educational policy, and other physical activity opportunities (e.g. extracurricular organised sports). Our findings require further examination of the contextual influences, in order to understand the optimal strategies that promote children's FMS development through PE, youth sports, or physical activity promotion.

Matheus M. Pacheco ◽  
Fernando G. dos Santos ◽  
Maria T. S. P. Marques ◽  
José A. R. Maia ◽  
Go Tani

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 1174-1188
Zheng Xin ◽  
Borhannudin Bin Abdullah ◽  
Nasnoor Juzaily Mohd Nasiruddin ◽  
Shamsulariffin Bin Samsudin ◽  
Zeinab Zaremohzzabieh

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Mark David Williams ◽  
Ben William Strafford ◽  
Joseph Antony Stone ◽  
Jason Moran

While ideas from long-term athlete development (LTAD) models have been adopted and integrated across different sports, issues related to early specialization, such as increased risk of injury and burnout, are still common. Although some benefits may be associated with early sport specialization, sports sampling is purported to be a more effective approach to the long-term health and wellbeing of children. Furthermore, the concept of developing what are commonly referred to as “fundamental movement skills” (FMS) is central to the rationale for delaying single sports specialization. However, in place of sports sampling, it appears that the practice of strength and conditioning (S&C) has become a driving force behind developmental models for youth athletes, highlighted by the growing body of literature regarding youth athletic development training. In this perspective piece, we explore how conventional S&C practice may insufficiently develop FMS because typically, it only emphasizes a narrow range of foundational exercises that serve a limited role toward the development of action capabilities in youth athletic populations. We further discuss how this approach may limit the transferability of physical qualities, such as muscular strength, to sports-specific tasks. Through an ecological dynamics lens, and using basketball as an example, we explore the potential for parkour-based activity within the LTAD of youth basketball players. We propose parkour as a training modality to not only encourage movement diversity and adaptability, but also as part of an advanced strength training strategy for the transfer of conventional S&C training.

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