destructive action
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2022 ◽  
pp. 15-33
María-Teresa del-Olmo-Ibáñez ◽  
Antonio López Vega

The pandemic has challenged the human race, as it had been understood in the beginning of the 21st century, and it has been equalized under the effects of COVID-19. It is impossible to ignore the modifications with which transhumanism has superimposed itself on humanism. However, the pandemic has come to question this 'power' of man and science over man himself. The initially uncontrollable destructive action of a virus has been enough to almost paralyze all this progress, even in medicine itself. Health spaces and efforts had to concentrate on the search for resources to quickly stop the increase of contagions and deaths and to find definitive solutions to halt the disease. Economic, social, and cultural activities have required a response to the emergency and a capacity to react and adapt for survival. The Ortega-Marañón Foundation harmonizes humanities and sciences in its two research institutes: Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset and Instituto de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Salud Gregorio Marañón, affiliated to the Complutense University of Madrid.

Ius Poenale ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-148
Feryando Feryando

An error in persona in the implementation of the criminal justice system is a type of destructive action by law enforcement officers that can cause harm to someone. The use of authority by investigators to arrest and detain and detention and prosecution by public prosecutors is a concrete form of persona error. This study focused on the mechanism of a compensation claim through pre-trial due to a persona error in implementing the criminal justice system and an impediment to the implementation of the pre-trial judge's decision on the granting of the compensation claim. The method used is normative and empirical juridical research. The results showed that the mechanism of a claim for compensation through pre-trial due to an error in person in implementing the criminal justice system was carried out fundamentally at the formulation stage. These formulations outlined in the Code Of Criminal Procedure (Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana/ KUHAP) and Government Regulation Concerning Implementation of The Book of Criminal Procedure Law as a basis for the implementation of pre-trial and the application stage. The statutory factors of Decree of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 983 / KMK.01 / 1983 (Keputusan Menteri Keuangan RI Nomor 983/KMK.01/1983) are an impediment in implementing the pre-trial judge's determination of the compensation claim because the regulation governs administrative procedures that are lengthy and involve government agencies.

V. G. Pogrebnyak ◽  
I. I. Chudyk ◽  
A. V. Pogrebnyak ◽  
I. V. Perkun ◽  

The energetic capabilities of a high-speed jet of an aqueous solution of polyethylene oxide (PEO) with varying concentration and different outflow pressures from a jetforming nozzle were investigated using the length of the forming channel in the model of the casing of an oil and gas well, cement sheath and rock layer, as well as impact of the jet force on a metal plate fixed on a physical pendulum. The experimental data made it possible to obtain a calculated dependence in a dimensionless form to determine the quality (initial sections) of jets of aqueous solutions with different concentrations and molecular weights of PEO, considering the real parameters of the jet-forming nozzles of the hydroperforator. A comprehensive study of the perforation process made it possible to substantiate the mechanism of the high destructive capacity of a high-speed jet of polymer solution. It has been established that the mechanism of the high destructive capacity of the polymer water jet is not due to the Toms effect, but caused by the destructive action of the dynamic pressure of the polymer water jet «reinforced» by strongly unfolded macromolecular chains under the action of a tensile flow in the inlet area of the jet forming nozzle of the hydroperforator. Keywords: perforator; jet nozzle; jet quality; casing; cement sheath; rock; Toms effect.

Doxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 66-83
Olexander Kyrylyuk

Boris Pasternak argued that no one understood that in his main novel a certain philosophy was set forth, the essence of which was that the true world was closed to us by a swaying curtain. Other poets clearly saw the same images of the world fabric, woven from threads, which closes true being from us. There is a similar superstring theory in modern physics. The search for this idea in an explicit form in the writer’s works ended in a negative result. Then the subject of analysis was literary criticism, which dealt with the curtain, fabric and threads mentioned in the novel or told about its cryptosemantics. The metaphorical change in the properties of things and the blurring of their boundaries was considered a manifestation of their unity in the other world. Critics tried to consider the idea of ??Pasternak in the contest of the Plato“s cave as a symbol of the division of the world into the illusory and true ones, etc. However, none of the critics could find in the novel the hidden content the novel“s author spoke about. Instead, critics saw in the novel such meanings and images that were completely absent in it. The article concludes that if the hidden meaning does exist in the novel, it is not explicated in any way. At the same time, it may be assumed that the idea of ??the threads of the world came to Pasternak, as it was with other poets, in the his poiesis insight of clairvoyance. At the same time, the article concluded that in Pasternak”s case the real, material world as a curtain-world disappears by itself due to the destructive action of the revolution. In addition to the world of things, in the war, from the lack of food, frosts and epidemics, the heroes of the novel and Zhivago himself die. The main character from «Zhivago» (Аlive) gradually turned into the “Mertvago” (Unalive), what allows Me author to consider the novel a guilty verdict of social revolution. Of course, for the apologists of the «Russian World» it would be tempting to interpret the fall of the curtain (the disappearance of the world of things) as opening to Russians by catharsis the true Divine World, but when noble people disappeared and Ham began to rule everywhere, in Russia there was no one who would and could cognize this Divine World.

2021 ◽  
Vol 157 (2) ◽  
pp. 59-79
Andrzej Faryński ◽  
Andrzej DŁUGOŁĘCKI ◽  
Jarosław DĘBIŃSKI ◽  
Tomasz KWAŚNIAK ◽  

The paper deals with questions appearing at investigation of high explosive-fragmentation heads of medium calibre when the blast waves (BW) generated by the flying fragments affect the results of velocity of the BW generated by the head itself (HBW). A method used by the authors for protection of measurement sensors against destructive action of the fragments is described. Distribution of produced fragments regarding the sizes and in function of scattering angle was studied. Mean velocity of highest speed (2100 m/s) fragments was measured on the base of first 10 m. Distribution of HBW velocities in function of radius of propagation was measured.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 265-271
Silvia Putri Lestari ◽  
Ana Puji Astuti

The risk of violence is a destructive action that requires proper handling. This can happen to people with mental disabilities. People with mental disabilities can usually be seen from several characteristics, namely disturbances in the function of thought, emotion, and behavior, including: psychosocial; personality disorders; and social. The impact of improper handling is injuring oneself, others and the environment. The aim to be achieved is to describe how to manage violent behavior approaches to mental disabilities..The preparation of this scientific paper uses a case study approach using a descriptive method. Data collection is done by using 5 nursing processes which include assessment, determining nursing diagnoses, planning nursing, carrying out nursing actions and conducting nursing evaluations.Patients who have been treated for 3 days can control violent behavior by physical means: deep breathing, can control violent behavior by means of real drugs and also verbal means. Suggestions from this research is that the public can seek information, study, and support mental patient treatment therapy. ABSTRAK Risiko perilaku kekerasaan merupakan suatu tindakan yang bersifat dekstruktif yang memerlukan penanganan yang tepat. Hal ini dapat terjadi pada penyandang disabilitas mental. Orang dengan disabilitas mental biasanya dapat dilihat dari beberapa karakteristik yaitu terganggunya fungsi pikir, emosi, dan perilaku, antara lain: psikososial; gangguan kepribadian; dan sosial. Dampak penanganan yang tidak tepat adalah melukai diri sendiri, orang lain maupun lingkungan. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai adalah untuk menggambarkan bagaimana pengelolaan risiko perilaku kekerasan pada disabilitas mental. Penyusunan karya tulis ilmiah ini menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif. Pengumpulan data yang dilakukan yaitu dengan menggunakan 5 proses keperawatan yang meliputi pengkajian, menentukan diagnosis keperawatan, melakukan perencanaan keperawatan, melaksanakan tindakan keperawatan dan melakukan evaluasi keperawatan. Pasien yang telah dilakukan pengelolaan selama 3 hari dapat melakukan cara kontrol perilaku kekerasan dengan cara fisik: nafas dalam, dapat mengontrol perilaku kekerasan dengan cara 5 benar obat dan juga dengan cara verbal. Saran dari penelitian ini adalah agar masyarakat dapat mencari informasi, mempelajari, serta mendukung terapi perawatan pasien jiwa.

Molecules ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (17) ◽  
pp. 5120
Zoya K. Makhneva ◽  
Maksim A. Bolshakov ◽  
Andrey A. Moskalenko

The effect of singlet oxygen on light-harvesting (LH) complexes has been studied for a number of sulfur (S+) and nonsulfur (S−) photosynthetic bacteria. The visible/near-IR absorption spectra of the standard LH2 complexes (B800-850) of Allochromatium (Alc.) vinosum (S+), Rhodobacter (Rba.) sphaeroides (S−), Rhodoblastus (Rbl.) acidophilus (S−), and Rhodopseudomonas (Rps.) palustris (S−), two types LH2/LH3 (B800-850 and B800-830) of Thiorhodospira (T.) sibirica (S+), and an unusual LH2 complex (B800-827) of Marichromatium (Mch.) purpuratum (S+) or the LH1 complex from Rhodospirillum (Rsp.) rubrum (S−) were measured in aqueous buffer suspensions in the presence of singlet oxygen generated by the illumination of the dye Rose Bengal (RB). The content of carotenoids in the samples was determined using HPLC analysis. The LH2 complex of Alc. vinosum and T. sibirica with a reduced content of carotenoids was obtained from cells grown in the presence of diphenylamine (DPA), and LH complexes were obtained from the carotenoidless mutant of Rba. sphaeroides R26.1 and Rps. rubrum G9. We found that LH2 complexes containing a complete set of carotenoids were quite resistant to the destructive action of singlet oxygen in the case of Rba. sphaeroides and Mch. purpuratum. Complexes of other bacteria were much less stable, which can be judged by a strong irreversible decrease in the bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) absorption bands (at 850 or 830 nm, respectively) for sulfur bacteria and absorption bands (at 850 and 800 nm) for nonsulfur bacteria. Simultaneously, we observe the appearance of the oxidized product 3-acetyl-chlorophyll (AcChl) absorbing near 700 nm. Moreover, a decrease in the amount of carotenoids enhanced the spectral stability to the action of singlet oxygen of the LH2 and LH3 complexes from sulfur bacteria and kept it at the same level as in the control samples for carotenoidless mutants of nonsulfur bacteria. These results are discussed in terms of the current hypothesis on the protective functions of carotenoids in bacterial photosynthesis. We suggest that the ability of carotenoids to quench singlet oxygen (well-established in vitro) is not well realized in photosynthetic bacteria. We compared the oxidation of BChl850 in LH2 complexes of sulfur bacteria under the action of singlet oxygen (in the presence of 50 μM RB) or blue light absorbed by carotenoids. These processes are very similar: {[BChl + (RB or carotenoid) + light] + O2} → AcChl. We speculate that carotenoids are capable of generating singlet oxygen when illuminated. The mechanism of this process is not yet clear.

Insects ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (7) ◽  
pp. 635
Maristella Mastore ◽  
Sara Caramella ◽  
Silvia Quadroni ◽  
Maurizio Francesco Brivio

Drosophila suzukii, Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD), is a serious economic issue for thin-skinned fruit farmers. The invasion of this dipteran is mainly counteracted by chemical control methods; however, it would be desirable to replace them with biological control. All assays were performed with Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), Xenorhabdus nematophila (Xn), and Xn secretions, administered orally in single or combination, then larval lethality was assessed at different times. Gut damage caused by Bt and the influence on Xn into the hemocoelic cavity was also evaluated. In addition, the hemolymph cell population was analyzed after treatments. The data obtained show that the combined use of Bt plus Xn secretions on larvae, compared to single administration of bacteria, significantly improved the efficacy and reduced the time of treatments. The results confirm the destructive action of Bt on the gut of SWD larvae, and that Bt-induced alteration promotes the passage of Xn to the hemocoel cavity. Furthermore, hemocytes decrease after bioinsecticides treatments. Our study demonstrates that combining bioinsecticides can improve the efficacy of biocontrol and such combinations should be tested in greenhouse and in field in the near future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-31
Tadeusz Pilch

The aim of this article is to show the contradiction between establishing social pedagogy as a scientific discipline and equipping the humans, especially youth, with a system of humanitarian values and at the same time, initiating practical activities aimed at improving the material conditions of life. The opposite of these humanistic aspirations of the scientific discipline is the destructive action of political power based on malicious intentions, subordinating to its power, often authoritarian, the life and behaviors of citizens. The government rejects his vocation to serve the common good and the country’s develop- ment; and focuses on dominating all manifestations of collective and individual life. This striving for power reduces civil liberties and rights, divide society into hostile interest groups, and lead to abuse of violence and economic crisis. An additional nuisance for the society is the drastic neglect of social welfare, the disorganization of the infrastructure serving the public and the general disorganization of collective life. In this form, power can only be abolished.

IUCrJ ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 270-280
Christo Nanev ◽  
Lata Govada ◽  
Naomi E. Chayen

The nucleation ability of pores is explained using the equilibration between the cohesive energy maintaining the integrity of a crystalline cluster and the destructive energy tending to tear it up. It is shown that to get 3D crystals it is vital to have 2D crystals nucleating in the pores first. By filling the pore orifice, the 2D crystal nuclei are more stable because their peripheries are protected from the destructive action of water molecules. Furthermore, the periphery of the 2D crystal is additionally stabilized as a result of its cohesion with the pore wall. The understanding provided by this study combining theory and experiment will facilitate the design of new nucleants.

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