sedimentary records
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2022 ◽  
Vol 277 ◽  
pp. 107355
Sean Fitzsimons ◽  
Jamie Howarth

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
Nicholas Culligan ◽  
Kam-biu Liu ◽  
Kathryn Ribble ◽  
Junghyung Ryu ◽  
Marianne Dietz

2021 ◽  
Damian Orr

<p>Reinga Basin is located northwest of New Zealand, along strike structurally from Northland and has a surface area of ~150,000 km². The basin contains deformed Cretaceous and Cenozoic strata, flat unconformities interpreted as sea level-modulated erosion surfaces and is intruded by volcanics. Persistent submarine conditions and moderate water depths has led to preservation of fossil-rich bathyal sedimentary records. This thesis presents the first seismic-stratigraphic analysis tied to dredged rock samples and recent International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) drilling. The Cenozoic tectonic evolution of Reinga Basin comprises four main phases. (1) Folding and uplift from lower bathyal water depths occurred at 56-43 Ma along West Norfolk Ridge to produce wave ravinement surfaces. This phase of deformation in Reinga Basin pre-dates tectonic events onshore New Zealand. (2) Basin-wide 39-34 Ma compression and reverse faulting exposed early to middle Eocene strata at the seabed. This phase of deformation is also observed farther south in Taranaki. (3) Oligocene uplift is recorded by late Oligocene shallow-water fauna at Site U1508, and led to a 6 Myr hiatus (34-28 Ma) associated with flat wave ravinement surfaces nearby. The unconformity is temporally associated with: normal faulting near West Norfolk Ridge that created topography of Wanganella Ridge; onset of Reinga Basin volcanism; and emplacement of South Maria Allochthon. Thin-skinned deformation and volcanism post-date thick-skinned reverse faulting and folding. The end of reverse faulting near South Maria Ridge is determined from undeformed Oligocene strata that have subsided 1500-2000 m since 36-30 Ma. (4) During the final phase of Reinga Basin deformation, South Maria Ridge subsided ~900-1900 m from middle shelf to bathyal depths from 23-19 Ma. Deformation migrated southeastwards, culminating in Northland Allochthon emplacement (23-20 Ma) and onshore arc volcanism at 23-12 Ma. Eocene onset of tectonic activity in northern New Zealand is shown to be older than previously recognised and it was broadly synchronous with other events related to subduction initiation and plate motion change elsewhere in the western Pacific.</p>

2021 ◽  
Damian Orr

<p>Reinga Basin is located northwest of New Zealand, along strike structurally from Northland and has a surface area of ~150,000 km². The basin contains deformed Cretaceous and Cenozoic strata, flat unconformities interpreted as sea level-modulated erosion surfaces and is intruded by volcanics. Persistent submarine conditions and moderate water depths has led to preservation of fossil-rich bathyal sedimentary records. This thesis presents the first seismic-stratigraphic analysis tied to dredged rock samples and recent International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) drilling. The Cenozoic tectonic evolution of Reinga Basin comprises four main phases. (1) Folding and uplift from lower bathyal water depths occurred at 56-43 Ma along West Norfolk Ridge to produce wave ravinement surfaces. This phase of deformation in Reinga Basin pre-dates tectonic events onshore New Zealand. (2) Basin-wide 39-34 Ma compression and reverse faulting exposed early to middle Eocene strata at the seabed. This phase of deformation is also observed farther south in Taranaki. (3) Oligocene uplift is recorded by late Oligocene shallow-water fauna at Site U1508, and led to a 6 Myr hiatus (34-28 Ma) associated with flat wave ravinement surfaces nearby. The unconformity is temporally associated with: normal faulting near West Norfolk Ridge that created topography of Wanganella Ridge; onset of Reinga Basin volcanism; and emplacement of South Maria Allochthon. Thin-skinned deformation and volcanism post-date thick-skinned reverse faulting and folding. The end of reverse faulting near South Maria Ridge is determined from undeformed Oligocene strata that have subsided 1500-2000 m since 36-30 Ma. (4) During the final phase of Reinga Basin deformation, South Maria Ridge subsided ~900-1900 m from middle shelf to bathyal depths from 23-19 Ma. Deformation migrated southeastwards, culminating in Northland Allochthon emplacement (23-20 Ma) and onshore arc volcanism at 23-12 Ma. Eocene onset of tectonic activity in northern New Zealand is shown to be older than previously recognised and it was broadly synchronous with other events related to subduction initiation and plate motion change elsewhere in the western Pacific.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (12) ◽  
pp. 3645-3661
Balkis Samah Kohila ◽  
Laurent Dezileau ◽  
Soumaya Boussetta ◽  
Tarek Melki ◽  
Nejib Kallel

Abstract. The Tunisian coast has been affected in the past by many events of extreme marine submersion (storms and tsunamis). A high-resolution study along two sediment cores taken from the lagoon of Ghar El Meleh was performed to identify the different paleoextreme events and to reconstruct the paleoenvironmental changes in the northeastern part of Tunisia during the Late Holocene. A very high-resolution sedimentological analysis (granulometric and geochemical) was applied to these cores. These cores were also dated with isotopic techniques (137Cs, 210Pbex, 14C), and the outcomes reveal five phases of paleoenvironmental changes in this lagoonal complex and identify two sediment layers that are in connection with two major historical marine submersion events. The first layer is mentioned as E1 and seems to fit with the great tsunami of 365 cal CE. This event was marked by an increase in the coarse sediment, and it is correlated for the first time with the immersed city of Neapolis in the northern Gulf of Hammamet discovered in 2017 by the same tsunamis of 365 cal CE. The other sandy layer, referred to as E2, was dated from 1690 to 1760 cal CE and is marked by one specific sedimentological layer attributed to a marine submersion event. This layer could be associated with the 1693 tsunami event in southern Italy or an increase in extreme storm events.

2021 ◽  
Jeongyeon Han ◽  
Wonsuck Kim

Abstract. A natural levee is a typical wedge-shaped deposit adjacent to a river channel. Given its location and distinctive features, the levee can serve as a key to revealing depositional processes of the coupled channel to floodplain system preserved in the rock record. Levee-floodplain topographic evolution is also closely linked to river avulsion processes which can spell a catastrophic flood. Nonetheless, the levee geometry and its aggradation pattern on the floodplain have not been fully incorporated in the study of avulsion. Here, we present a levee-building model using an advection settling of suspended sediment to reproduce the evolution of a fluvial levee over floods and to examine the effects of boundary conditions on levee geometry and grain-size trend. We further investigate river avulsion frequencies and styles (i.e., local vs. regional avulsion) associated with the grain-size distribution of supplied sediment and the overflow velocity into the floodplain, which control the levee geometry and especially the aggradation rate at the levee crest. In the modelling results, the levee develops 1) a concave-up profile, 2) exponentially decreasing grain size in the deposit, and 3) a relatively steeper shape for coarser sediment supply. The subsequent scaling analysis supports that the input grain size and levee profile slope are positively correlated with the avulsion frequency, whereas the overflow velocity is inversely proportional to the avulsion frequency. In connection with the avulsion styles and levee geometry, we suggest that steeper levee slopes tend to promote more local avulsions protecting abandoned channels from topographic healing, but gentler slopes of the levee are likely to lead to regional avulsions as abandoned channels with gentler levees are more vulnerable to the removal of topographic memory. The insights drawn from the current modelling work may thus have potential implications for reconstructing paleoenvironments in regard to river sediment transport and flood processes via levee deposits. Based on the roles of a levee on the avulsion frequency and style, the flood hazards triggered by river avulsions as well as the alluvial architecture in sedimentary records can be better assessed.

2021 ◽  
Pierre Henry ◽  
Sinan Özeren ◽  
Nurettin Yakupoğlu ◽  
Ziyadin Çakir ◽  
Emmanuel de Saint-Léger ◽  

Abstract. Earthquake-induced submarine slope destabilization is known to cause debris flows and turbidity currents, but the hydrodynamic processes associated with these events remain poorly understood. Records are scarce and this notably limits our ability to interpret marine paleoseismological sedimentary records. An instrumented frame comprising a pressure recorder and a Doppler recording current meter deployed at the seafloor in the Sea of Marmara Central Basin recorded consequences of a MW = 5.8 earthquake occurring Sept 26, 2019 and of a Mw = 4.7 foreshock two days before. The smaller event caused sediment resuspension but no strong current. The larger event triggered a complex response involving a mud flow and turbidity currents with variable velocities and orientations, which may result from multiple slope failures. A long delay of 10 hours is observed between the earthquake and the passing of the strongest turbidity current. The distance travelled by the sediment particles during the event is estimated to several kilometres, which could account for a local deposit on a sediment fan at the outlet of a canyon, but not for the covering of the whole basin floor. We show that after a moderate earthquake, delayed turbidity current initiation may occur, possibly by ignition of a cloud of resuspended sediment. Some caution is thus required when tying seismoturbidites with earthquakes of historical importance. However, the horizontal extent of the deposits should remain indicative of the size of the earthquake.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (21) ◽  
pp. 6987
Jinchen He ◽  
Jiayuan Lin ◽  
Yanhao Xu

Tufa barrages play an important role in fluviatile tufa ecosystems and sedimentary records. Quantifying the height of tufa barrage is significant for understanding the evolution and development of the Holocene tufa barrage systems. However, for submerged tufa barrages, there is no low-cost non-contact method to retrieve barrage height. Generally, it is difficult to recognize small tufa barrages by means of remotely sensed satellite data, but the combination of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry makes it possible. In this study, we used a fixed-wing UAV and a consumer-grade camera to acquire images of the submerged tufa barrage in Lying Dragon Lake, Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve, China, and estimated the height of the tufa barrage through UAV-based photogrammetric bathymetry. On this foundation, the relationship between barrage height and its spectrum was established through band ratio analysis using UAV-derived geometric bathymetry and digital orthoimages, which provided an alternative strategy to characterize the height of submerged tufa barrages. However, the spectral characteristics of submerged tufa barrages will oscillate with changes in the environmental conditions. In future research, we will consider using a dedicated aquatic multispectral camera to improve the experimentation.

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