primary care health
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. es0358
Daphne Hui ◽  
Bert Dolcine ◽  
Hannah Loshak

A literature search informed this Environmental Scan and identified 11 evaluations of virtual care in primary care health settings and 7 publications alluding to methods, standards, and guidelines (referred to as evaluation guidance documents in this report) being used in various countries to evaluate virtual care in primary care health settings. The majority of included literature was from Australia, the US, and the UK, with 2 evaluation guidance documents published by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. Evaluation guidance documents recommended using measurements that assess the effectiveness and quality of clinical care including safety outcomes, time and travel, financial and operational impact, participation, health care utilization, technology experience including feasibility, user satisfaction, and barriers and facilitators or measures of health equity. Evaluation guidance documents specified that the following key decisions and considerations should be integrated into the planning of a virtual care evaluation: refining the scope of virtual care services; selecting an appropriate meaningful comparator; and identifying opportune timing and duration for the evaluation to ensure the evaluation is reflective of real-world practice, allows for adequate measurement of outcomes, and is comprehensive, timely, feasible, non-complex, and non–resource-intensive. Evaluation guidance documents highlighted that evaluations should be systematic, performed regularly, and reflect the stage of virtual care implementation to encompass the specific considerations associated with each stage. Additionally, evaluations should assess individual virtual care sessions and the virtual care program as a whole. Regarding economic components of virtual care evaluations, the evaluation guidance documents noted that costs or savings are not limited to monetary or financial measures but can also be represented with time. Cost analyses such as cost-benefit and cost-utility estimates should be performed with a specific emphasis on selecting an appropriate perspective (e.g., patient or provider), as that influences the benefits, effects, and how the outcome is interpreted. Two identified evaluations assessed economic outcomes through cost analyses in the perspective of the patient and provider. Evidence suggests that, in some circumstances, virtual care may be more cost-effective and reduces the cost per episode and patient expenses (e.g., travel and parking costs) compared to in-person care. However, virtual care may increase the number of individuals treated, which would increase overall health care spending. Four identified evaluations assessed health care utilization. The evidence suggests that virtual care reduces the duration of appointments and may be more time-efficient compared to in-person care. However, it is unclear if virtual care reduces the use of medical resources and the need for follow-up appointments, hospital admissions, and emergency department visits compared to in-person care. Five identified evaluations assessed participation outcomes. Evidence was variable, with some evidence reporting that virtual care reduced attendance (e.g., reduced attendance rates) and other evidence noting improved attendance (e.g., increased completion rate and decreased cancellations and no-show rates) compared to in-person care. Three identified evaluations assessed clinical outcomes in various health contexts. Some evidence suggested that virtual care improves clinical outcomes (e.g., in primary care with integrated mental health services, symptom severity decreased) or has a similar effect on clinical outcomes compared to in-person care (e.g., use of virtual care in depression elicited similar results with in-person care). Three identified evaluations assessed the appropriateness of prescribing. Some studies suggested that virtual care improves appropriateness by increasing guideline-based or guideline-concordant antibiotic management, or elicits no difference with in-person care.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (24) ◽  
pp. 5854
Sara Guillen-Aguinaga ◽  
Luis Forga ◽  
Antonio Brugos-Larumbe ◽  
Francisco Guillen-Grima ◽  
Laura Guillen-Aguinaga ◽  

Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is associated with increased cardiovascular morbidity, mortality, and hospital admissions. This study aimed to analyze how the differences in delivered care (variability of glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) achieved targets) affect hospital admissions for cardiovascular events (CVEs) in T2D patients. Methods: We analyzed the electronic records in primary care health centers at Navarra (Spain) and hospital admission for CVEs. We followed 26,435 patients with T2D from 2012 to 2016. The variables collected were age, sex, health center, general practitioner practice (GPP), and income. The clinical variables were diagnosis of T2D, weight, height, body mass index (BMI), blood pressure (BP), HbA1c, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), smoking, and antecedents of CVEs. We calculated, in each GPP practice, the proportion of patients with HbA1c ≥ 9. A non-hierarchical K-means cluster analysis classified GPPs into two clusters according to the level of compliance with HbA1C ≥ 9% control indicators. We used logistic and Cox regressions. Results: T2D patients had a higher probability of admission for CVEs when they belonged to a GPP in the worst control cluster of HbA1C ≥ 9% (HR = 1.151; 95% CI, 1.032–1.284).

D Tavares ◽  
M Amorim ◽  
L Leite ◽  
R Cerveira Lima

In recent years, research has focused on the various potentialities and functions associated with so-called restorative sleep, in the general population and not only in individuals with more serious pathologies. Thus, sleep hygiene rules have been defined in order to allow, in an accessible way, everyone to actively contribute to their quality of sleep. Health students play a key role as active agents in primary care, health promotion and disease prevention. But to assume this role, as a living example and educator, they often need to increase their health literacy, which must go far beyond specific knowledge. With this observational study, we aimed to assess the actual knowledge of higher education students in courses in the area of health (School of Health of the Polytechnic of Porto), through an online questionnaire with some factual statements on this topic. It is expected that the data collected will allow the identification of misconceptions and misconceptions about the area of sleep, thus revealing which lines of intervention still need to be invested in literacy in this area.

Eman Tadros ◽  
Melanie Barbini ◽  
Lovdeep Kaur

A total of 2,162,400 adults were incarcerated in the United States in 2016. Sub-optimal health status, existing healthcare disparities, and fragmented healthcare delivery among incarcerated populations are concerning and warrant redress. This article highlights the need for and discusses the benefits of collaboration between healthcare professionals in incarcerated settings. The roles of primary care health professionals, pharmacists, and medical family therapists (MedFTs) in correctional facilities are outlined. Through integrated healthcare models, enhanced communication, improved continuity of care, and holistic treatment plans, existing gaps in healthcare delivery in correctional facilities can be filled. By working together and assuming nontraditional roles, medical professionals can help improve health outcomes of incarcerated individuals. Collaborative healthcare models in incarcerated settings can elevate public health in a cost-effective, yet positive manner.

Dermot Ryan ◽  
Bertine Flokstra - de Blok ◽  
Evangeline Clark ◽  
Clara Gaudin ◽  
Myriam Mamodaly ◽  

Most patients presenting with allergies are first seen by primary care health professionals. The perceived knowledge gaps and educational needs were recently assessed in response to which the LOGOGRAM Task Force was established with the remit of constructing pragmatic flow-diagrams for common allergic conditions in line with an earlier EAACI proposal to develop simplified pathways for the diagnosis and management of allergic diseases in primary care. To address the lack of accessible and pragmatic guidance, we designed flow-diagrams for five major clinical allergy conditions: asthma, anaphylaxis, food allergy, drug allergy and urticaria. Existing established allergy guidelines were collected and iteratively distilled to produce five pragmatic and accessible tools to aid diagnosis and management of these common allergic problems. Ultimately, they should now be validated prospectively in primary care settings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (5) ◽  
pp. 23514-23525
Dina Mara Formiga Da Silva ◽  
José Edmilson Silva Gomes ◽  
Diego da Silva Ferreira ◽  
Levy Sombra de Oliveira Barcelos ◽  
Tallys Newton Fernandes De Matos

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 ◽  
pp. 1415-1420
Renê Ferreira da Silva-Junior ◽  
Eduardo Ferreira Moura Ribeiro ◽  
Rodrigues Soares Araújo ◽  
Ricardo Otávio Maia Gusmão ◽  
Diego Dias De Araújo ◽  

Objetivo: conhecer as percepções de profissionais que atuam na atenção primária a saúde acerca do matriciamento em saúde mental. Métodos: estudo descritivo com abordagem qualitativa, realizado em um polo de matriciamento em um município no Norte de Minas Gerais, participaram nove profissionais de saúde. Utilizou-se uma entrevista semi-estruturada. A análise dos dados foi realizada utilizando-se a Análise de Conteúdo. Resultados: o conteúdo das falas destacaram a importância do Apoio Matricial; a ideia central de que todos são responsáveis pelo cuidado; o matriciamento como fator que favorece a resolutividade. As dificuldades destacaram à sobrecarga de trabalho; muitos ainda consideram prática interdisciplinar como algo difícil e assumir a responsabilidade e continuidade dos casos. Conclusão: os profissionais reconhecem o apoio matricial como uma estratégia indispensável. No entanto, no cotidiano dos serviços existem algumas dificuldades que permeiam as práticas dos profissionais que precisam ser problematizadas para que a efetiva implantação da proposta possa ser consolidada.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 119-122
Nur Ain Nabila Za'im ◽  
Mawaddah Azman

Hoarseness accounts for 1% of all consultations in primary care. Suspicion of malignancy should be considered in individuals with risk factors presenting with unexplained hoarseness lasting more than two weeks. A significant number of patients with laryngeal cancer present at an advanced stage due to lack of awareness regarding vocal health. It is important to educate both the public and primary care health providers concerning laryngeal cancer. We present the case of an 81-year old male smoker who presented to us with a six-month history of progressive hoarseness. He was initially treated in two primary and one secondary care centres, where a diagnosis of laryngeal cancer was not considered. Careful assessment in our centre managed to determine a diagnosis of T3N0M0 glottic carcinoma. We will discuss this alarming triad of progressive hoarseness in a male smoker to help primary care physicians streamline their thoughts and identify red flags in a hoarse patient.

Sara Guillen-Aguinaga ◽  
Luis Forga ◽  
Antonio Brugos-Larumbe ◽  
Francisco Guillen-Grima ◽  
Laura Guillen-Aguinaga ◽  

Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is associated with increased cardiovascular morbidity, mortality, and hospital admissions. There is variability in clinical practice. The objectives are to analyze the variability in the control of Blood Pressure (BP), HbA1c, and LDL-C in T2D patients and its influence on admissions due to cardiovascular events (CVE) Methods: We analyzed the electronic records in Primary Care Health centers in Navarra (Spain) and hospital admission for CVE. We follow 480637 people from 2012 to 2016. We calculated indicators of control of patients with T2D for each year, percentage with: HbA1c < 7%; HbA1c >= 9%; BP <140/90 mmHg; LDL-C <100 mg/dl. We used logistic and Cox regression. Results: Patients in the best control GP practices cluster are 2.5 times more likely to have HbA1c <7% [OR: 2.46 (95% CI: 2.29-3.64)]. Poor HbA1c control ≥ 9% is more likely in the worst control cluster [OR: 1.73 (95% CI:1.63-1.83)]. The probability of admission for CVE increases with age, being male, low income, obesity, history of CVE, having HbA1c ≥ 9%, and belonging to a GP practice in the cluster of HbA1C ≥ 9% worst control. In contrast, it decreases in patients with HbA1c <7%, BP<140/90 mmHg and LDL <100 mg/dl.

Rev Rene ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 22 ◽  
pp. e70874
Jéssica Karine Lopes Bohrer ◽  
Ana Catarina Laboissière Vasconcelos ◽  
Ana Lúcia Queiroz Bezerra ◽  
Cristiane Chagas Teixeira ◽  
Juliane Andrade ◽  

Objective: to evaluate the patient safety culture in a primary care health unit. Methods: cross-sectional study conducted with 51 professionals linked to Primary Health Care. Data were collected using the self-administered instrument Medical Office Survey on Patient Safety Culture, translated, adapted and validated for use in Brazil. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed. Nurses, physicians, Community Health Agents, among other professionals participated. Results: the dimensions of the patient safety culture in Primary Health Care indicated opportunities for improvement or weaknesses in the service. The general assessment of patient safety and the global assessment of the quality of care provided in Primary Health Care were appointed as good or fair. Conclusion: the safety culture in Primary Care did not identify strong dimensions; there were problems with equipment, performance and availability of test results and exchange of information with imaging centers/laboratories in the care network.

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