random walks on graphs
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2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (4) ◽  
Václav Zatloukal

2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (3) ◽  
Massimo Frigerio ◽  
Claudia Benedetti ◽  
Stefano Olivares ◽  
Matteo G. A. Paris

2021 ◽  
Vol 82 (7) ◽  
Hendrik Richter

AbstractA central question of evolutionary dynamics on graphs is whether or not a mutation introduced in a population of residents survives and eventually even spreads to the whole population, or becomes extinct. The outcome naturally depends on the fitness of the mutant and the rules by which mutants and residents may propagate on the network, but arguably the most determining factor is the network structure. Some structured networks are transient amplifiers. They increase for a certain fitness range the fixation probability of beneficial mutations as compared to a well-mixed population. We study a perturbation method for identifying transient amplifiers for death–birth updating. The method involves calculating the coalescence times of random walks on graphs and finding the vertex with the largest remeeting time. If the graph is perturbed by removing an edge from this vertex, there is a certain likelihood that the resulting perturbed graph is a transient amplifier. We test all pairwise nonisomorphic regular graphs up to a certain order and thus cover the whole structural range expressible by these graphs. For cubic and quartic regular graphs we find a sufficiently large number of transient amplifiers. For these networks we carry out a spectral analysis and show that the graphs from which transient amplifiers can be constructed share certain structural properties. Identifying spectral and structural properties may promote finding and designing such networks.

Abdelghani Bellaachia ◽  
Mohammed Al-Dhelaan

Random walks on graphs have been extensively used for a variety of graph-based problems such as ranking vertices, predicting links, recommendations, and clustering. However, many complex problems mandate a high-order graph representation to accurately capture the relationship structure inherent in them. Hypergraphs are particularly useful for such models due to the density of information stored in their structure. In this paper, we propose a novel extension to defining random walks on hypergraphs. Our proposed approach combines the weights of destination vertices and hyperedges in a probabilistic manner to accurately capture transition probabilities. We study and analyze our generalized form of random walks suitable for the structure of hypergraphs. We show the effectiveness of our model by conducting a text ranking experiment on a real world data set with a 9% to 33% improvement in precision and a range of 7% to 50% improvement in Bpref over other random walk approaches.

2021 ◽  
Vol 127 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-62
Kenta Endo ◽  
Ippei Mimura ◽  
Yusuke Sawada

Wildberger's construction enables us to obtain a hypergroup from a random walk on a special graph. We will give a probability theoretic interpretation to products on the hypergroup. The hypergroup can be identified with a commutative algebra whose basis is transition matrices. We will estimate the operator norm of such a transition matrix and clarify a relationship between their matrix products and random walks.

2019 ◽  
Vol 65 (8) ◽  
pp. 4893-4914 ◽  
Dragana Bajovic ◽  
Jose M. F. Moura ◽  
Dejan Vukobratovic

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