developmental education
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2022 ◽  
Vol 32 ◽  
pp. 100596
Leanne Oudes-Slob ◽  
Marjolein Dobber ◽  
Chiel van der Veen ◽  
Bert van Oers

T. Kuz'minova ◽  
R. Ashurbekov

The construction of new, market-based economic relations in Russia in the early 90s of the last century was accompanied by a radical transformation of the education system to the Bologna standard. At the same time, Western scientists - teachers drew attention to the work on the cognitive development of the child by L.S. Vygotsky, the theory of developmental education by P.Ya. Galperin, the theory of inventive problem solving by G.S. Altshuller and the results of research by other scientists providing the formation of systems thinking in Soviet education. The article shows that the documents regulating the development of Russian education include the formation of systematic and critical thinking in students, but in practice this is not always implemented. The directions of transformation of the Russian education system since the beginning of building market relations in the 90s of the last century are identified as the cause of the current situation. The formation of systems thinking in higher education should consider the peculiarities of the age dynamics of adults. The most developed figurative and verbal thinking among students makes it possible to use the teaching methods of V.F. Shatalov, which reduces the time for studying educational materials by more than 30 times in comparison with classical teaching methods.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 250-262
Nataliya Stepanchenko ◽  
Neonila Partyko ◽  
Petro Rybalko ◽  
Svitlana Bobrovytska ◽  
Nataliia Serdiuk ◽  

The article is devoted to the problems of neuropsychological support of the educational process in elementary school, prevention possible disorders of primary school children’s mental processes and neuropsychological correction of difficulties in their learning. The neuropsychological causes of school failure are generalized (summarized). The methods of correctional and developmental education of elementary school children with specific neuropsychological features are analyzed. Neuropsychological factors of educational failure, particulary left-handed children and psychophysiological principles of special children’s psychological and pedagogical support in an inclusive environment are described. Organizational-didactic, diagnostic and correctional conditions of individual neuropsychological support of elementary school education are analyzed. A correctional and developmental program for neuropsychological diagnostics and correction of young schoolchildren’s educational failure is developed. The neuropsychological approach to the psychological and pedagogical supervision of first-grade pupils, taking into account their learning success, the level of communicative skills development and cognitive mental processes are come near.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 1154-1159
G.P. Kovaleva ◽  
A.I. Dekina

The purpose of the article is to analyze the transformational processes in Russian higher education aimed at restructuring the educational environment based on developmental education technologies that contribute to the formation of students' systematic thinking and abilities for self-realization in the professional sphere. Following this agenda, the change in the content of education in the Kuzbass State Agricultural Academy and the use of innovative teaching methods (business games, integrator, storytelling, pedagogical design, etc.) modify the role of the teaching staff. They initiate it as not only a translator of knowledge, but also makes it a key element in creation of prerequisites for employment of graduates and their professional implementation. Advanced training and retraining of teachers and administrative and managerial personnel of the Kuzbass State Agricultural Academy in the profile of developmental education creates conditions for the transition to "systematic thought activity pedagogy", training on its basis highly qualified specialists who are able to form their own individual trajectory of professional and career growth at the request of the employer, providing with their labor stability of the functioning of the agroeconomy of the region. The research used the system-dialectical, comparative and integrative methods.

2021 ◽  
pp. 089590482110584
Amanda N. Nix ◽  
Tamara Bertrand Jones ◽  
Shouping Hu

Florida Senate Bill 1720 drastically changed developmental education, beginning in fall 2014. This paper considers affected faculty members’ perceptions and experiences with the passage and implementation of reform, according to focus group data provided by 294 participants at 21 Florida College System institutions between 2014 and 2019. We found that faculty members experienced feelings of powerlessness and meaninglessness—the two main components of policy alienation—related to the passage of SB 1720, with some reported opportunities for discretion and innovation at a local level. Despite feelings of alienation, faculty worked hard to facilitate student success through the changes.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-45
Akiva Yonah Meiselman ◽  
Lauren Schudde

Abstract Developmental education (dev-ed) aims to help students acquire knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in college-level coursework. The traditional prerequisite approach to postsecondary dev-ed—where students take remedial courses that do not count toward a credential—appears to stymie progress toward a degree. At community colleges across the country, most students require remediation in math, creating a barrier to college-level credits under the traditional approach. Corequisite coursework is a structural reform that places students directly into a college-level course in the same term they receive dev-ed support. Using administrative data from Texas community colleges and a regression discontinuity design, we examine whether corequisite math improves student success compared with traditional prerequisite dev-ed. We find that corequisite math quickly improves student completion of math requirements without any obvious drawbacks, but students in corequisite math were not substantially closer to degree completion than their peers in traditional dev-ed after 3 years.

N. U. MALIY ◽  

The article considers the peculiarities of the application of innovative methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of children with disabilities. Psychodiagnostic examination is organized taking into account the age and expected level of mental development of the child. These indicators determine the organizational forms of the diagnostic procedure, the choice of methods and interpretation of results. Diagnostic tasks should be available to the child. During the examination, the child must be offered a task that he can successfully perform, and in the analysis of the results, taking into account the tasks for which age group, the child coped. It is separately noted that at inspection it is important to reveal not only actual possibilities of the child, but also its potential possibilities in the form of a zone of the nearest development. This is achieved by offering tasks of varying complexity and providing the child with dosed assistance during the tasks. Strict scientificity is required in the selection of diagnostic tasks for each age stage, ie the examination should use those tasks that can identify which aspects of mental activity are violated in the examined child. It is emphasized that when processing and interpreting the results it is necessary to give their qualitative and quantitative characteristics, while the system of qualitative and quantitative indicators should be unambiguous for all examined children. It is noted that conducting psychodiagnostic research is always subject to a specific goal, which determines the ways to solve certain problems. The main purpose of psychodiagnostic research of a child with developmental disorders is to identify the structure of mental disorders to determine the optimal ways of correctional care. The specific task is determined by the age of the child, the presence or absence of disorders of vision, hearing, musculoskeletal system, social situation, stage of diagnosis (screening, differential diagnosis, in-depth psychological study). Psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of developmental disorders should determine the direction of the child's education, his specific educational needs, the possible level of his education, indicate the main directions of correctional and developmental education, ie psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of developmental disorders is differential prognostic. In the process of diagnosis, the optimal organizational forms of the child's education and recommendations of individual planned learning should be determined. child to develop an individual correctional program, evaluation of the effectiveness of corrective measures). To obtain informative and objective results of psychological study of the child it is necessary to adhere to a number of special conditions Key words: innovation, diagnostics, correction, lag, training.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-57
Christine G. Mokher ◽  
Toby J. Park-Gaghan ◽  
Shouping Hu

Abstract Community colleges may face challenges supporting the unique needs of language minority (LM) students whose primary language is not English. Florida provides a unique context for examining whether LM students who are considered underprepared for college-level coursework benefit more from traditional developmental education programs in reading and writing, or reformed programs that allow most students to accelerate or even bypass developmental requirements while providing additional support services. Utilizing statewide data from firsttime-in-college students at all 28 Florida College System institutions, we use an interrupted time series design with an analysis of heterogenous effects to compare first year coursetaking outcomes in English before and after Florida’s developmental education reform for LM versus non-LM students. We also consider the intersecting identities of LM students by further disaggregating results based on whether students took high school courses in English for Speakers of other Languages (ESOL), and for native-born versus foreign-born students. The findings suggest that while the reform’s benefits are similar for LM and non-LM students overall, there are importance differences among LM subgroups which indicate that ESOL and foreign-born students may benefit most.

2021 ◽  
Vol 123 (9) ◽  
pp. 3-27
Christine G. Mokher ◽  
Toby J. Park-Gaghan ◽  
Shouping Hu

Background/Context: Accelerated instructional strategies for developmental education have been promoted as a way to help underprepared students to progress more quickly through college-level coursework. Yet, what remains unknown is whether certain accelerated strategies are more effective than others and whether this initial acceleration may lead to longer term success. Purpose/Objective/Research Question/Focus of Study: We examine whether the likelihood of success varies for completion of mathematics and English requirements over 3 years among the Florida students enrolled in courses using one of four developmental instructional strategies: compressed, corequisite, modularized, or contextualized. Population/Participants/Subjects: Our sample includes all first-time-in-college students during the 2015–2016 year who enrolled in all 28 public state colleges and took any developmental education course during the first year. Research Design: We use inverse probability-weighted regression adjustment (IPWRA) to compare success rates in completion of mathematics and English requirements over 3 years for Florida college students in each of these strategies. Findings/Results: Overall, the results demonstrate variation in the likelihood of success for completion of mathematics and English courses over 3 years among students in different developmental instructional strategies, which suggests that the method of acceleration does matter. Corequisite courses tended to lead to greater long-term gains in math and, to an extent, in reading, while contextualized tended to be most effective in writing. Conclusions/Recommendations: Leaders can play an important role in strengthening institutional capacity to effectively implement developmental education reform by developing faculty buy-in, ensuring adequate resources to scale and sustain reform efforts, and using data to inform future decision-making.

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