science city
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Olga Igorevna Vapnyarskaya

The purpose of the study is to reveal the influence of virtualization on the role and contribution of municipal museums to the activities of the historical education of citizens and the development of cultural tourism. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, the study examines the features of the functioning of municipal museums and analyzes the phenomenon of its virtualization. The study deals with the transformation of municipal museums into territorial socio-cultural centers. Based on the analysis of the work of the Museum Association "Museums of the Korolev science city", the contribution of municipal museums to the historical education of the population has been analyzed, recommendations for the creation of virtual exhibitions based on the website of the said Museum Association have been proposed. In the end, it was concluded that virtualization of municipal museums is a modern advertising tool that informs about the tourist benefits of the city and the region, increases the possibilities of museums for the historical education of citizens, and forms a new type of motivation for cultural tourism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (15) ◽  
Jane Desborough ◽  
Gloria Clifton

Marina S. Chvanova ◽  
Irina A. Kiselyova

The work deals with the problem of professional self-determination of students in the process of professional training in the universities of the science city. We consider the types of self-realization, present a model of professional self-determination of future young scholars, as well as methodological approaches to building a model and its components. The organizational and pedagogical conditions for the professional self-determination of students on the basis of the cluster approach are presented: the orientation of the educational process of universities in science cities to interact with enterprises, research institutes of the science city, the business community; active organizational and educational position of universities in science cities to promote employment and job placement of students at enterprises in science cities; a combination of various forms, methods of supporting the professional self-determination of students; accompaniment of the educational process with a digital ecosystem for practice-oriented interaction of students with employers and other interested social partners. The implementation of the model in practice will allow students to engage in professionally oriented interaction, including through project activities and interaction through Internet technologies with the world professionally oriented scientific community.

Elena N. Rassolova ◽  
Konstantin A. Galkin ◽  

The article examines the key characteristics of young scientists’ integration into scientific communities in the context of the new prospects offered by the VUCA world. We see the VUCA world as a time of opportunities and a favorable period for young scientists to take initiatives, and also a world of total uncertainty, where impetuosity and uncertainty, as well as the constant search for and change of various strategies, become a key to successful career building and advancement. The empirical base of the analysis consists of 30 biographical interviews with young scientists from a city of regional significance, a young science city, a large city and a city of federal significance. The article puts forward a hypothesis about the importance of horizontal integration of young scientists into scientific communities in young cities and innovative cities, as well as in a large city and in a city of federal significance. The paper also discusses the role of the city as an actor that forms scientific communities and strategies for interaction and integration of young scientists with scientific communities. Special attention is paid to the meanings of scientific careers and the individual role of scientific communities in the careers of young scientists and also to the strategies for integrating young scientists into scientific careers. The authors consider changes in the configurations of strategies for both building a scientific career and integration into scientific communities at the local, national and global levels as new opportunities that arise for scientists in the VUCA world. The main conclusion of the article is that the integration and career building strategies in science are influenced by both the city and the orientation of the city, the local scientific community, which may differ depending on particular scientific disciplines. A successful strategy that allows one to use the potential and resources of the VUCA world to the maximum extent possible is the horizontal integration of young scientists.

Land ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (11) ◽  
pp. 425
Shoma Jingu

Development has fragmented urban nature, and target sites for conservation strategies need to be those that have long maintained their original land cover in a clustered area. Additionally, continuously grasping changes from rural to urban as well as changes over decades after urbanization is essential. Therefore, this study identified and investigated natural patches in urban landscapes, clarified actual management practices in the identified patches, and traced changes in land ownership and land cover during the past 130 years in the Tsukuba Science City, Japan. We first identified areas containing clusters of urban grasslands and forest patches that have existed since the 2010s. We then identified urban green space patches that since the 1880s have remained undeveloped after being agricultural landscapes, despite the rapid urbanization of the Tsukuba Science City since the 1970s. These patches of urban green space were mainly identified near rural communities, research institutions, planned development sites, and golf courses. The findings of this study highlighted the need for new policy implications through systematic arrangement of diverse conservation strategies to maintain urban green space patches. Further investigation is required to elucidate the ecosystem services provided by these remnant green patches.

Viktoria Evgenievna Barkovskaya

The article analyzes the current state of innovation activity of small enterprises. Based on the statistical data there are presented such parameters as the proportion of small enterprises engaged in innovative activities, proportion of innovative goods and services of small enterprises, cost of the innovation activities of small enterprises. There has been mentioned the importance of the assessment of innovative activity as a means of timely identification of problems and building solutions to improve the activity of the innovative enterprises in the science city and to increase their efficiency. As a result of the analysis, the main components of innovation activity in the science cities needed for the objective assessment have been identified. The proposed assessment is based on the principles of consistency, systematicity, complexity, practical orientation, scientific character, optimality, democracy, and reliability. In accordance with the developed principles, there has been described the proposed approach to assessing the innovation activity in the science cities. The requirements for developing assessment parameters are identified and its methodological provisions are formulated, where the goal, objectives, principles, the process of assessing, etc. are stated in a logical sequence. The sequence of the process includes forming the staff responsible for the assessment, calculating indicators, interpretation of the results. The coefficients, such as the level of added value, the profitability of intangible assets, the assessment of investments in the implementation and development of R&D, the volume of commercialized R&D have been proposed to take into account as assessment parameters. On the basis of small innovative enterprises of the science city of Korolev SPE Inkar-M LLC, SPE Impulse LLC, Robotmash LLC there has been carried out the approbation of the assessment, the results of which gave the highest rates of their innovative activity.

В.Е. Барковская

Статья посвящена анализу малого предпринимательства в наукограде Королёв, в частности выделены основные особенности его развития. Среди представителей малого бизнеса автором исследования проведен опрос с целью выявления проблем в развитии данной отрасли. По результатам опроса сформулированы предложения по развитию малого предпринимательства в наукограде Королёв в рамках инновационного аспекта. The article is devoted to the analysis of small business in the science city of Korolev, in particular, the main features of its development are highlighted. Among small business representatives, the author of the study conducted a survey to identify problems in the development of this industry. According to the results of the survey, proposals were formulated for the development of small business in the science city of Korolev in the framework of the innovative aspect.

ACS Nano ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (5) ◽  
pp. 5153-5156
Paul Mulvaney

2020 ◽  
Montserrat Díaz-Raviña ◽  
Maria Teresa Barral-Silva ◽  
Manuel Arias-Estévez ◽  
Jorge Mataix-Solera

<p>To commemorate the<em> 2015 International Year of Soil</em>, the Spanish Society of Soil Science (SECS-Territorial Delegation of Galicia) and the University of Santiago de Compostela published the comic<em> Living in the soil</em>, with the aim of raising awareness amongst young people the importance of soil and the need to protect it. The initial version<em>, Vivir no solo</em>, published by the Galician Culture Council, was modified and adapted  to the current  specific scenarios of the countries where it was edited, and translated  to Spanish, English and Italian as well as other languages (Galician, Catalan) for broadcasting it both at nationally at international level. In 2018 and 2019, the Spanish, Italian and Catalan versions were re-edited to commemorate the Decade International of Soils 2015-2024. All comic versions, including the English one, were edited in both paper (a total of 80.000 copies) and web format, the latter are available in the SECS web page (</p><p>Since 2015 up to now, the comic has been successful used in many projects/activities carried out in various institutions (Educational Centers, Natural Parks, Museums, Nature Associations, soil-related Institutions). The soil is a hidden resource very little known to the public. It is under our feet, but we can´t see it because it is covered by vegetation. However, agricultural or forest soil is a living systems, it is the home to a huge diversity of organisms of different sizes that perform important ecological functions and others linked to human activities. The protagonists of the comic are a snail, an earthworm and a mole that inhabit the soil as well as a group of young people who, trying to solve a problem of soil use management that occurs in a little village, show us several important soil aspects (concept, components, functions, threats, degradation, protection and restoration). Events, etc). Some examples of these events are: Science City Project: Living in the soil, 2015, Spanish Research Council  (CSIC), 2015; Would life on the planet be possible without the soil,  SECS, CSIC, 2019; Vivere nel Suolo: Giornata di Legalitá Ambientale; Vivere nel Suolo and Giornata Mondiale  del suolo,  SECS, Italian Society of Soil Science, Parco dei Nebrodi, European Soil Science Conservation, 2018-2019. Considering the success of all these events, it seems that the comic “Living in the soil” has a great potential as an innovative and attractive publication of great interest to disseminate and raise awareness worldwide about the importance of this non-renewable resource for maintaining life on the planet.</p><p><strong> </strong><strong>Acknowlegments. </strong>All persons and organizations that participate in this initiative of the edition (2015) and re-edition (2018, 2019) of the comic in the different languages.<strong>  </strong></p><p> </p>

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