universal space
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2021 ◽  
Shamal Nanji

<p>In the realm of religion, when rituals and prayers become a routine or a default reaction, often prescribed by elders, they lose value and meaning. In the modern era, we have distanced ourselves from the past ideals of religion. Nevertheless, we continue to seek meaning in life beyond material objects. The connection to the inner-self establishes this meaning and purpose. From this understanding, I realised that all religions, despite their subtle differences lead to spirituality and enlightenment. The idea that architecture can provide a universal middle ground between people and which they truly seek, is the context from which my thesis proposal derives from.  My thesis question:  How can the design of a Universal space of spiritual devotion be realised through exploration and manipulation of spatial qualities within sacred architecture, in a contemporary inner-city context?  Thus, this thesis will look into the architectural genre of Sacred Space in a contemporary setting. The objective will be to investigate the significance of sacred architecture and the common qualities between the various religions and their respective places of worship. The focus will be to propose an interior space which can be deemed sacred by any one from any religion seeking spiritual upliftment.  In doing so, the space will intend to unify people from different religious and cultural backgrounds, and lead them towards the common goal of connecting with the inner self.  The key theory investigated in this research looks at the case of religion for today’s society, interpretation of spirituality in the east and the west, defining sacred architecture and all that it entails, and the need for this typology in the contemporary world.  The contextual basis of this thesis will focus on New Zealand and the predominantly contemporary and diverse culture of the country. The rise in various ethnicities and technological advances means that the presence of a universal space of spiritual reflection and gathering is necessary now more than ever. In my observation, there is a noticeable lack of contemporary sacred architecture, in New Zealand. Perhaps this is the result of our predominantly Secular society. My proposal will aspire to see through this absence and attend to the need of spatial experience to mediate between people and which they spiritually seek.</p>

2021 ◽  
Shamal Nanji

<p>In the realm of religion, when rituals and prayers become a routine or a default reaction, often prescribed by elders, they lose value and meaning. In the modern era, we have distanced ourselves from the past ideals of religion. Nevertheless, we continue to seek meaning in life beyond material objects. The connection to the inner-self establishes this meaning and purpose. From this understanding, I realised that all religions, despite their subtle differences lead to spirituality and enlightenment. The idea that architecture can provide a universal middle ground between people and which they truly seek, is the context from which my thesis proposal derives from.  My thesis question:  How can the design of a Universal space of spiritual devotion be realised through exploration and manipulation of spatial qualities within sacred architecture, in a contemporary inner-city context?  Thus, this thesis will look into the architectural genre of Sacred Space in a contemporary setting. The objective will be to investigate the significance of sacred architecture and the common qualities between the various religions and their respective places of worship. The focus will be to propose an interior space which can be deemed sacred by any one from any religion seeking spiritual upliftment.  In doing so, the space will intend to unify people from different religious and cultural backgrounds, and lead them towards the common goal of connecting with the inner self.  The key theory investigated in this research looks at the case of religion for today’s society, interpretation of spirituality in the east and the west, defining sacred architecture and all that it entails, and the need for this typology in the contemporary world.  The contextual basis of this thesis will focus on New Zealand and the predominantly contemporary and diverse culture of the country. The rise in various ethnicities and technological advances means that the presence of a universal space of spiritual reflection and gathering is necessary now more than ever. In my observation, there is a noticeable lack of contemporary sacred architecture, in New Zealand. Perhaps this is the result of our predominantly Secular society. My proposal will aspire to see through this absence and attend to the need of spatial experience to mediate between people and which they spiritually seek.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (164) ◽  
pp. 43-48
M. Votinov ◽  
O. Smirnova

The article is devoted to identifying the design features of innovative cultural and entertainment buildings using media architecture and design tools to develop methodological foundations for their formation. Criteria for differentiation of these objects have been determined. The article presents the main typological characteristics of cultural and entertainment buildings using the means of media architecture and design. The functional components of this type of architectural object and complex have been determined. Modern fundamental approaches and the main trends in urban planning, spatial organization and architectural and planning solutions of innovative cultural and entertainment buildings using media architecture and design are identified. The article analyzes foreign experience in designing innovative cultural and entertainment buildings using media architecture and design. Trends in the formation of their volumetric-spatial structure have been determined. The factors influencing the formation of innovative cultural and entertainment buildings and complexes in the urban environment are identified. The article provides definitions of the concepts of "media architecture" and "media facade". The methods of architectural and design formation of innovative cultural and entertainment buildings using the means of media architecture and design are revealed: the method of multi-functional structure, the method of integration with the environment, the method of using national traditions, the method of complexity, the method of flexibility and communicativeness of space, the method of accessibility and adaptability (setting up a universal space), the reception of stylistic unity. The perspective directions of formation and development trends of innovative architectural objects in the urban environment with the use of media design means are determined.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 13
Conrad Ranzan

Explored is another application of the phenomenally successful DSSU&rsquo;s aether theory of gravity. It is explained how rotational motion with respect to the universal space medium (aether) determines the centrifugal effect. The article details the conditions involved in the attenuation of the Effect; and the extreme condition under which complete negation occurs. Included is a description of how a totally collapsed star &mdash;called a Terminal neutron star&mdash; is unable to manifest any centrifugal effects; and how, consequently, it can have no theoretical limit on its rate of rotation. Revealed is the fundamental law governing circular motion. This long-overlooked principle of physics leads to a startling and profound implication: Spiral galaxies are able to maintain their structural integrity without the need for so-called dark matter.

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-210
Amrit S. Šorli ◽  
Štefan Čelan

Advances of relativity theory are in the replacement of the space-time model with time-invariant universal space that has a variable energy density. Every physical object with mass m and energy E is diminishing the energy density of space exactly for the amount of its energy. Lorentz factor has its origin in the variable density of universal space, we call it “superfluid quantum space”—SQS that is the primordial energy of the universe. Universal SQS is the absolute frame of reference for all observers as confirmed experimentally by the general positioning system, which demonstrates that the relative rate of clocks is valid for all observers. A planet's perihelion precession and the Sagnac effect are the results of the SQS dragging effect.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Zhenyu Lu ◽  
Ning Wang

Purpose Dynamic movement primitives (DMPs) is a general robotic skill learning from demonstration method, but it is usually used for single robotic manipulation. For cloud-based robotic skill learning, the authors consider trajectories/skills changed by the environment, rebuild the DMPs model and propose a new DMPs-based skill learning framework removing the influence of the changing environment. Design/methodology/approach The authors proposed methods for two obstacle avoidance scenes: point obstacle and non-point obstacle. For the case with point obstacles, an accelerating term is added to the original DMPs function. The unknown parameters in this term are estimated by interactive identification and fitting step of the forcing function. Then a pure skill despising the influence of obstacles is achieved. Using identified parameters, the skill can be applied to new tasks with obstacles. For the non-point obstacle case, a space matching method is proposed by building a matching function from the universal space without obstacle to the space condensed by obstacles. Then the original trajectory will change along with transformation of the space to get a general trajectory for the new environment. Findings The proposed two methods are certified by two experiments, one of which is taken based on Omni joystick to record operator’s manipulation motions. Results show that the learned skills allow robots to execute tasks such as autonomous assembling in a new environment. Originality/value This is a new innovation for DMPs-based cloud robotic skill learning from multi-scene tasks and generalizing new skills following the changes of the environment.

Özgür Evren ◽  
Farhad Hüsseinov

Consider a dominance relation (a preorder) ≿ on a topological space X, such as the greater than or equal to relation on a function space or a stochastic dominance relation on a space of probability measures. Given a compact set K ⊆ X, we study when a continuous real function on K that is strictly monotonic with respect to ≿ can be extended to X without violating the continuity and monotonicity conditions. We show that such extensions exist for translation invariant dominance relations on a large class of topological vector spaces. Translation invariance or a vector structure are no longer needed when X is locally compact and second countable. In decision theoretic exercises, our extension theorems help construct monotonic utility functions on the universal space X starting from compact subsets. To illustrate, we prove several representation theorems for revealed or exogenously given preferences that are monotonic with respect to a dominance relation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-5
Amrit S. Šorli

Einstein has kept time as the dimension of the space-time continuum that is supposed to be a fundamental arena of the universe. Our research confirms time is the duration of changes, i.e., motion run in the time-invariant universal space that has Euclidean shape, it is infinite. Black holes in the center of galaxies are rejuvenating systems of the universe. In these black holes old matter is transforming back into the fresh energy of elementary that AGNs are throwing in the intergalactic space in the form of huge jests. These jets are fresh material for new star formation. The universal process of continuous rejuvenation is eternal.

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