mutual exclusion
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Simone König ◽  
Maximilian Reihn ◽  
Felipe Gelinski Abujamra ◽  
Alexander Novy ◽  
Birgit Vogel-Heuser

AbstractThe car of the future will be driven by software and offer a variety of customisation options. Enabling these customisation options forces modern automotive manufacturers to update their standardised scheduling concepts for testing and commissioning cars. A flexible scheduling concept means that every chosen customer configuration code must have its own testing procedure. This concept is essential to provide individual testing workflows where the time and resources are optimised for every car. Manual scheduling is complicated due to constraints on time, predecessor-successor relationships, mutual exclusion criteria, resources and status conditions on the car engineering and assembly line. Applied methods to handle the mathematical formulation for the corresponding industrial optimisation problem and its implementation are not yet available. This paper presents a procedure for automated and non-preemptive scheduling in the testing and commissioning of cars, which is built on a Boolean satisfiability problem on parallel and identical machines with temporal and resource constraints. The presented method is successfully implemented and evaluated on a variant assembly line of an automotive Original Equipment Manufacturer. This paper is the starting point for an automated workflow planning and scheduling process in automotive manufacturing.

2022 ◽  
Jaime Iranzo ◽  
George Gruenhagen ◽  
Jorge Calle-Espinosa ◽  
Eugene V. Koonin

Cancer driver mutations often display mutual exclusion or co-occurrence, underscoring the key role of epistasis in carcinogenesis. However, estimating the magnitude of epistatic interactions and their quantitative effect on tumor evolution remains a challenge. We developed a method to quantify COnditional SELection on the Excess of Nonsynonymous Substitutions (Coselens) in cancer genes. Coselens infers the number of drivers per gene in different partitions of a cancer genomics dataset using covariance-based mutation models and determines whether coding mutations in a gene affect selection for drivers in any other gene. Using Coselens, we identified 296 conditionally selected gene pairs across 16 cancer types in the TCGA dataset. Conditional selection accounts for 25-50% of driver substitutions in tumors with >2 drivers. Conditionally co-selected genes form modular networks, whose structures challenge the traditional interpretation of within-pathway mutual exclusivity and across-pathway synergy, suggesting a more complex scenario, where gene-specific across-pathway interactions shape differentiated cancer subtypes.

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 20-29
S. V. Biryukov

The subject of this research is the problem of combining (interrelation) of various principles of law used in the framework of law enforcement and other types of legal activity.The purpose of the study is to confirm or refute the hypothesis that the principles of law can not only complement each other, but also "collide" with each other when they are used in the framework of legal activity.The research methodology includes dialectics, systems approach, specific sociological methods, culturological and theoretical-sociological analysis, formal legal method. The author describes the degree of scientific elaboration of the problem in foreign and Russian studies, including works devoted to such related topics as the functions of the principles of law and the system of principles of law, as well as the opinions directly on the issue of R. Dworkin and A. Barak.The main results, scope of application. The author substantiates the presence of at least three ways of combining (interconnecting) the principles of law: (1) addition – the concerted action of several principles; (2) competition – limiting the operation of one principle to another; (3) collision – direct contradiction of one principle to another, their mutual exclusion. The definition of factual circumstances, the choice of applicable rules and their interpretation by court or other enforcement official can be influenced by ideology underlying the prevailing practice or the enforcer's own position. The specificity of a particular ideology is correlated by the author with the use of one or another combination of principles of law when making a law enforcement decision. It is shown in the article with specific examples of so-called "complex cases" from the practice of Russian higher courts. Complementing the principles of law is the predominant way of their relationship, used in law enforcement. It contributes to the preservation of the unity of the system of law. At the same time, the consistent implementation of one principle can limit the possibilities for the implementation of others. It leads to the fact in the process of law enforcement that it is often necessary to make a choice in favor of one of the principles within the framework of their competition. This choice is determined by several factors, including not only the established practice (law enforcement customs and precedents), but also the current social context, the position and interests of the law enforcement officer and the participants in the case. Finally, in some cases, situations are possible when the principles of law are mutually exclusive, come into conflict with each other. This, in particular, can occur when the principles of law belong to different systems (subsystems) of law or reflect the peculiarities of the legal ideology of different historical periods. The article identifies certain patterns of combining the principles of law, examines the importance of this topic for studying the issues of legal monism and legal pluralism, shows the importance of complementarity, competition and conflict of principles of law not only for the law enforcement process, but also for the knowledge of law, criticism of law, lawmaking, powerless implementation rights.Conclusions. Although within the framework of the traditional approach for domestic jurisprudence, the essence of law is associated with the interests and property relations reflected in the law, legal ideology has a relatively independent meaning nevertheless. A certain duality is inherent in legal activity, as a result of which the problems of combining interests are expressed precisely through various options for combining the principles and norms of law. It is proved that the system of principles of law is a complex system in which the same principles can be used in various combinations with each other.

in this paper we will see the application of computer science algorithms to the plumbing system. We propose a fault tolerant tap water system which is impossible without Internet of things and algorithms . We will show that the problem is a mutual exclusion group problem and we propose an adapted algorithm version from the literature as a solution . Coupling algorithms with the configurable plumbing network we believe that this will open new field of research on IoT we called it software defined plumbing Network where components that have been traditionally implemented in hardware (e.g. water mixers, spring faucets ,flow sensors, etc.) are instead implemented by means of software . This way we can solve other problem like instantaneous hot water,automatic cleaning of the water heater..etc since due to computer algorithms the systems can be easily smart, extensible and adaptive.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-26
Prasad Jayanti ◽  
Siddhartha Jayanti

The abortable mutual exclusion problem, proposed by Scott and Scherer in response to the needs in real-time systems and databases, is a variant of mutual exclusion that allows processes to abort from their attempt to acquire the lock. Worst-case constant remote memory reference algorithms for mutual exclusion using hardware instructions such as Fetch&Add or Fetch&Store have long existed for both cache coherent (CC) and distributed shared memory multiprocessors, but no such algorithms are known for abortable mutual exclusion. Even relaxing the worst-case requirement to amortized, algorithms are only known for the CC model. In this article, we improve this state of the art by designing a deterministic algorithm that uses Fetch&Store to achieve amortized O (1) remote memory reference in both the CC and distributed shared memory models. Our algorithm supports Fast Abort (a process aborts within six steps of receiving the abort signal) and has the following additional desirable properties: it supports an arbitrary number of processes of arbitrary names, requires only O (1) space per process, and satisfies a novel fairness condition that we call Airline FCFS . Our algorithm is short with fewer than a dozen lines of code.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11/3 (-) ◽  
pp. 37-40
Liubov HANAS ◽  

Introduction. The current stage of functioning of domestic business structures shows the exacerbation of the deficit of different types of resources for their activities. Today the solvency of a large number of businesses is particularly critical. In such circumstances, there is a need to find progressive and effective management tools and technologies that will provide comprehensive, accurate and timely information about the cash state of the enterprises in order to make adequate management decisions. In view of all the above, it can be argued that the diagnosis of cash flows of the enterprise is a necessary component of management in modern business conditions. The purpose of the paper is to develop a unified and logically sound sequence of diagnosing cash flows of the enterprise. Results. The results of the conducted research allowed to offer a unified sequence of diagnosing cash flows at the enterprise, which is based on the following stages: formation of information base for diagnosing cash flows; determining cash flows by type; estimating cash flows based on calculating indicators of uniformity, synchronicity, balance, liquidity, sufficiency; monitoring the diagnosis of cash flows and finding possible causes of deficiencies; development of recommendations to eliminate the shortcomings of diagnosing cash flows of the enterprise. It has been established that a number of principles should be taken into account when selecting diagnostic indicators, namely: purposefulness, dynamism, complexity, representativeness, efficiency, functionality, avoidance of mutual exclusion, interconnection. The main sources of information for diagnosing cash flows of the enterprise are various forms of financial and management statements, accounts, agreements and more. Conclusions. The main advantages of the developed sequence of diagnosing cash flows at the enterprise is that it allows to evaluate the most representative indicators that determine the uniformity, synchronicity, balance, liquidity, cash flow adequacy and more. Based on the calculations, you can diagnose the state of cash flows and, if necessary, develop effective measures to eliminate identified discrepancies.

Biomedicines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 1773
François Hafezi ◽  
Lisa Jaxel ◽  
Morgane Lemaire ◽  
Jonathan D. Turner ◽  
Danielle Perez-Bercoff

Background: Chief among mechanisms of telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) reactivation is the appearance of mutations in the TERT promoter. The two main TERT promoter mutations are C>T transitions located −146C>T and −124C>T upstream from the translational start site. They generate a novel Ets/TCF binding site. Both mutations are mutually exclusive and −124C>T is strikingly overrepresented in most cancers. We investigated whether this mutational bias and mutual exclusion could be due to transcriptional constraints. Methods: We compared sense and antisense transcription of a panel of TERT promoter-luciferase vectors harboring the −124C>T and -146C>T mutations alone or together. lncRNA TAPAS levels were measured by RT-PCR. Results: Both mutations generally increased TERT transcription by 2–4-fold regardless of upstream and downstream regulatory elements. The double mutant increased transcription in an additive fashion, arguing against a direct transcriptional constraint. The −146C>T mutation, alone or in combination with −124C>T, also unleashed antisense transcription. In line with this finding, lncRNA TAPAS was higher in cells with mutated TERT promoter (T98G and U87) than in cells with wild-type promoter, suggesting that lncRNA TAPAS may balance the effect of TERT promoter mutations. Conclusions: −146C>T and −124C>T TERT promoter mutations increase TERT sense and antisense transcription, and the double mutant features higher transcription levels. Increased antisense transcription may contain TERT expression within sustainable levels.

Axioms ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 312
Haiyang Hou ◽  
Chunyu Zhao

D numbers theory is an extension of Dempster–Shafer evidence theory. It eliminates the constraints of mutual exclusion and completeness under the frame of discernment of Dempster–Shafer evidence theory, so it has been widely used to deal with uncertainty modelling, but if it cannot effectively deal with the problem of missing information, sometimes unreasonable conclusions will be drawn. This paper proposes a new type of integration representation of D numbers, which compares the data of multiple evaluation items horizontally, and can reasonably fill in missing information. We apply this method to the user experience evaluation problem of online live course platform to verify the effectiveness of this method.

2021 ◽  
Yue Gu ◽  
Liangfang Li ◽  
Yining Zhang ◽  
Junji Ma ◽  
Chenfan Yang ◽  

Previous lifespan studies have demonstrated that the brain functional modular organization would change along with the adult lifespan. Yet, they assumed mutual exclusion among functional modules, ignoring convergent evidence for the existence of modular overlap. To reveal how age affects the overlapping functional modular organization, this study applied a detection algorithm requiring no prior knowledge of the resting-state fMRI data of a healthy cohort (N = 570, 18-88 years). Age-related regression analyses found a linear decrease in the overlapping modularity and the similarity of modular structure and overlapping node (i.e., region involved in multiple modules) distribution. The number of overlapping nodes increased with age, but the increment was distributed unevenly. In addition, across the adult lifespan and within each age group, the nodal overlapping probability consistently exhibited positive correlations with both functional gradient and flexibility. Further, we showed that the influence of age on memory-related cognitive performance might be explained by the change in the overlapping functional modular organization. Together, our results revealed age-related decreased segregation from the perspective of brain functional overlapping modular organization, providing new insight into the adult lifespan change in brain function and its influence on cognitive performance.

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