performance grade
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Michael D. Elwardany ◽  
Jean-Pascal Planche ◽  
Gayle King

Superpave specifications address binder properties that may lead to rutting, transverse cracking, and fatigue damage with varying degrees of success. However, asphalt binder production and formulation has significantly changed and introduced much more variability in relation to quality since the development of the Superpave Performance-Grade system because of economic, technical, and environmental reasons. Consequently, aged-induced surface distresses under combined thermal and traffic loading have become the main challenge for highway agencies. Thermally induced surface deterioration appears in the form of traditional transverse cracking, block cracking, and raveling, or accelerating damage at construction joints. This study evaluated the limitations of the proposed linear viscoelastic (LVE) rheological cracking surrogates, such as ΔTc, R-value, and G-R parameters, and the ability of the Asphalt Binder Cracking Device (ABCD) failure test to overcome these limitations. ABCD is particularly appropriate to rank binder performance because the measured cracking temperature (Tcr) encompasses binder LVE properties, failure strength, coefficient of thermal contraction, and cooling rate. The proposed parameter (ΔTf = Tc(S = 300 MPa) from BBR—Tcr from ABCD) relates the failure temperature to the equi-stiffness temperature and gives credit to well-formulated and compatible polymer-modified binders expected to increase binder strength and strain tolerance. This paper proposes a specification framework based on both ΔTc and ΔTf, universally applicable, regardless of binder composition. Additionally, preliminary purchase specification limits for binders used in surface layers are proposed based on the analysis of 44 binders, 15 with corresponding field performance data. Obviously, as confirmed by a recent stakeholder workshop and industry feedback, these preliminary specification limits need further validation and possible adjustments to account for regional experience and local challenges.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Bakry Bakry ◽  
Syamril Syamril

Abstract: Servant leadership is a form of leadership which is oriented to serve the needs of subordinates in order to improve their pay scale. The term of servant leadership was first introduced by Robert K. Greenleaf in 1970. Servant leadership can be implemented in educational institution. School as one of those intuition that runs teaching and learning process is highly determined by the practices of servant leadership performed by the principal. This research aims at investigating the effect of servant leadership on teachers and employees at Sekolah Islam Athirah Makassar. This is a quantitative research using regression analysis in analyzing the data. The variables of this research are servant leadership (X) and teachers and employees grade performance (Y). The total participant is 90 which was taken randomly from each unit including primary school (SD), junior high school (SMP), and senior high school (SMA). The result of regression analysis showed that there was significant effect by0,02 < 0,05. It can be concluded that the X variable has effect on Y variable. In addition, it is obtained that t-test is higher than t-table (2.297 > 1.991) which means Ho is rejected and there is effect of servant leadership on teachers and employees’ performance grade. The regression equation obtained is Y = 76,058 + 0,187 X. Abstrak: Servant leadership atau kepemimpinan yang melayani adalah konsep kepemimpinan yang pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh Greenleaf (1970) yang dimaksudkan sebagai bentuk kepemimpinan yang berorientasi pada sifat melayani kepentingan bawahan agar mereka menjadi lebih sejahtera. Praktik kepemimpinan yang melayani (servant leadership) juga dapat dilaksanakan pada institusi pendidikan. Sekolah sebagai institusi pendidikan yang menjalankan proses pendidikan dan pembelajaran bagi peserta didik sangat ditentukan oleh praktik kepemimpinan yang dijalankan oleh kepala sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh kepemimpinan yang melayani (servant leadership) terhadap kinerja guru dan karyawan di Sekolah Islam Athirah Makassar. Metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan analisis regresi, variabel penelitian adalah servant leadership (X) dan nilai kinerja guru dan karyawan (Y), jumlah sampel sebanyak 90 orang guru dari unit SD, SMP dan SMA. Bedasarakan analisis regresi diperoleh nilai signifikan 0,02 < 0,05 sehingga disimpulkan bahwa variabel x berpengaruh terhadap variabel Y. Pada nilai t diperoleh thitung > ttabel (2,297 > 1,991) sehingga H0 ditolak artinya ada pengaruh servant leadership terhadap nilai kinerja guru dan karyawan. Dengan Persamaan Regresi yang terbentuk adalah Y = 76,058 + 0,187 X.

Akanksha Pandey ◽  
Sumit K. Singh ◽  
Sk. Sohel Islam ◽  
G. D. Ransingchung R. N. ◽  
Sridhar Raju ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 302 ◽  
pp. 124357
Punyaslok Rath ◽  
Loreto Urra Contreras ◽  
Behnam Jahangiri ◽  
Hamed Majidifard ◽  
William G. Buttlar

2021 ◽  
Vol 2045 (1) ◽  
pp. 012015
G Tang ◽  
X N Wu ◽  
P Sun ◽  
C T Yang

Abstract This paper focuses on the shear resistance of the bolted connection between steel plate and bamboo curtain plywood. From the fifteen groups of specimens, the performance grade, bolt diameter and end distance of bolts have an influence on the ultimate bearing capacity of joints and the yield load of joints and the yield load is 65%∼75% of the ultimate load. The initial stiffness of the node increases with the bolt diameter increasing. Provide certain materials and theoretical references for bamboo in the future design and research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 199-202
Sanjeev Kumar ◽  
Gangandeep Kaur ◽  
Amba Vaidehi ◽  
Avinash Kishore ◽  
Anaba Asif ◽  

To study the association between ECC, IQ & health in Sri ganganagar, Rajasthan. to assess BMI & academic performance in ECC & Non ECC 3-6yr old school going children in Sri ganganagar, Rajasthan. A total of 300 children were evaluated and oral examination was done using BMI scale – CDC (Centers for disease control and prevention), Weight scale- Unificare company Height scale – 200 cm Roll Ruller wall Mounted Height Stadiometer, Academic performance grade as per school record & Dentition status for caries assessment was conducted using dmf index of WHO form 1997. . A total of 300 school going children were selected from Sri ganganagar, Rajasthan of which 150 were having ECC & 150 Non ECC in the age groups of 3, 4, 5 and 6 years. Correlation between the ECC & Academic performance is stated.

Ali Arabzadeh ◽  
Joseph H. Podolsky ◽  
Maxwell D. Staver ◽  
R. Christopher Williams ◽  
Austin D. Hohmann ◽  

In this study, asphalt mixtures were engineered with bio-renewable soybean oil-derived modifiers, and then used for pavement demonstration projects in the U.S. states of Iowa and Minnesota in the summer of 2019. The performance grade, elastic recovery (R), and non-recoverable creep compliance (Jnr) of the binders were evaluated. The modification of asphalt binder for the Iowa project almost maintained the high and low temperature grades, and the presence of modifier in the mixture of Minnesota project resulted in a slight decrease in the low temperature grade while maintaining the high temperature grade. The Jnr and R values proved the increase of elasticity and relaxation of the asphalt binder modified for the Iowa project. The Jnr calculated for the Minnesota project revealed a considerable increase in the relaxation of the asphalt binder. Disc-shaped compact tension, Hamburg wheel tracking, and push-pull were the mechanical performance tests performed on the mixtures. Based on the results obtained from these tests, the Iowa mixture, produced with modified asphalt binder, showed a significant improvement in resistance to low-temperature cracking, rutting, moisture damage, and fatigue cracking. The Minnesota mixture, modified in the plant, showed a significant improvement in the fatigue performance and a slight improvement in low-temperature cracking resistance.

Munirul Ula ◽  
Rizal Tjut Adek ◽  
Bustami Bustami

E-Marketplace is a place in cyberspace where prospective buyers meet each other to conduct transactions electronically through the internet medium. Like the market in the conventional sense, namely a meeting place for sellers and buyers, in the E-Marketplace, various companies in the world also interact without being limited by the territory of space (geography) and time. Therefore, an analysis of the performance of the website is needed to ensure the performance of the Bireuen emarketplace ( website can run effectively in the future. The role of this emarketplace is very important, therefore in building emarketplace we must pay attention to several factors, namely: performance, information, economic, control, efficiency, and service, which is better known as the PIECES method. To analyze the performance of our self-developed emarketplace, was done by PIECES method. While the testing method in the performance analysis of the website uses the GTMetrix and Google Transparency applications. The results of the PIECES questionnaire on the dimensions of Information, Economy, Efficiency, and Service. The average score for the all dimensions is moderate, it is ranging from 42.8% to 51.45% and is in line with the expectations. The GTMetric test results of the Emarketplace website, shows that the average performance grade is 66% or grade D. This means that the quality of the Emarketplace website based on the index generated by Google is still low. It should be improved to provide good quality of service for users in future. The Emarketplace are also being analyzed by the Google transparency report, the result is “no unsafe content” was found, means this website is safe to visit. There are no applications that harm the users.

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