internet medium
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Munirul Ula ◽  
Rizal Tjut Adek ◽  
Bustami Bustami

E-Marketplace is a place in cyberspace where prospective buyers meet each other to conduct transactions electronically through the internet medium. Like the market in the conventional sense, namely a meeting place for sellers and buyers, in the E-Marketplace, various companies in the world also interact without being limited by the territory of space (geography) and time. Therefore, an analysis of the performance of the website is needed to ensure the performance of the Bireuen emarketplace ( website can run effectively in the future. The role of this emarketplace is very important, therefore in building emarketplace we must pay attention to several factors, namely: performance, information, economic, control, efficiency, and service, which is better known as the PIECES method. To analyze the performance of our self-developed emarketplace, was done by PIECES method. While the testing method in the performance analysis of the website uses the GTMetrix and Google Transparency applications. The results of the PIECES questionnaire on the dimensions of Information, Economy, Efficiency, and Service. The average score for the all dimensions is moderate, it is ranging from 42.8% to 51.45% and is in line with the expectations. The GTMetric test results of the Emarketplace website, shows that the average performance grade is 66% or grade D. This means that the quality of the Emarketplace website based on the index generated by Google is still low. It should be improved to provide good quality of service for users in future. The Emarketplace are also being analyzed by the Google transparency report, the result is “no unsafe content” was found, means this website is safe to visit. There are no applications that harm the users.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 6561-6573
P. Ramachandran , Dr. R. Balasubramanian

Proliferation of the internet by multiple devices has led to dramatic increases in network traffic.  The Internet medium has also been growing with this usage, but this fast growth has also resulted in new threats making networks vulnerable to intruders and attackers or malicious users. This has made network security an important factor due to excessive usage of ICT (Information and Communications Technology) as threats to IVTs has also grown manifold. Securing data is a major issue, especially when they are transmitted across open networks. IDSs (Intrusion Detection Systems)  are methods or techniques or algorithm which cater to detection of intrusions while on transit. IDSs are useful in identifying harmful operations. Secure automated threat detection and prevention is a more effective procedure to reduce workloads of monitors by scanning the network, server functions and inform monitors on suspicious activity. IDSs monitor systems continually in the angle of threat. This paper’s proposed technique detects suspicious activities using AI (Artificial Intelligence) and analyzes networks concurrently for defense from harmful activities. The proposed algorithm’s experimental results conducted on the UNSW_NB15_training-set shows good performances in terms of accuracy clocking above 96%. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 182-187
Karrupusamy P.

Electrical device monitoring is an essential work for improving the efficiency of electrical energy. The industrial device monitoring process are majorly contributed with physical verification of the process going on with the electrical instrument. In some cases the monitoring work is handled with help of automated sensor controllers. The automated sensor controllers are widely used for emergency cases of the ongoing process by the electrical instruments. The system status will be displayed on a screen when the system is fully controlled by an intelligent controller. From the status certain process and equipment are able to manage by physical switches by a human operator. The proposed work is designed to control certain applications which are remotely placed from the control station. The design utilizes internet medium and Blynk server for the specific operations. A sensor based monitoring station is kept near to the electrical device for sending the status of the application system. By using this design any system can be monitored remotely without physical verification. This improves the efficiency of energy utilization by the control devices.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Hongying Wen ◽  
Kairong Liang ◽  
Yiquan Li

Internet public opinion events at universities in China occurred frequently, creating painful repercussions for reputation and stability of colleges and universities. To better cope with the problem, this paper explores an evolutionary mechanism of the university Internet public opinion events. Firstly, we discuss the interactions and behavior of three key participants: an Internet medium, university students as a whole, and administration. Secondly, we construct a tripartite evolutionary game model consisting of an Internet medium, student group, and university administration and then analyze and obtain the differential dynamic equations and equilibrium points. Subsequently, the evolutionary stable equilibrium is further analyzed. Finally, we employ numerical studies to examine how the tripartite behavior choices affect evolutionary paths and evolutionary equilibrium strategies. Results are derived as follows: under certain conditions, there exists an asymptotically stable equilibrium point for the tripartite evolutionary game. On the one hand, appropriate penalties and rewards should be provided to foster objectives and fair behaviors of the network medium. On the other hand, university students should be educated and guided to deal rationally with negative effects of Internet public opinion events. Moreover, online real-name authentication is an important and necessary measure. Finally, the university administration should release truthful, timely, and comprehensive information of Internet public opinion events to mitigate potential negative impacts.

2020 ◽  
pp. 78-90
Eglė Gabrėnaitė ◽  
Monika Triaušytė

Modern media has led to changes in the scope, intensity and effectiveness of communication. The Internet medium, which offers almost unlimited dialogue and polylogue possibilities, has become an attractive place for provocation to be born and function. The provocative narrative not only inspires these processes, but also becomes as a result of such a genre modification. This article analyzes a provocative discourse, the Lithuanian version of the global movement MeToo, which promotes the publication of cases of sexual harassment: testimonies of women who have been sexually harassed, publications in the media discussing the issue, interviews with discourse participants, another type of comments. The MeToo discourse is characterized by a rhetorical aspect: the concept of provocation as an effective communication strategy is explored; the relationship of the provocative narrative to the genre category is discussed; characteristic rhetorical elements – invention, disposition, elocution – have been distinguished.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-25
Sally Dakheel Hamdi ◽  
Abdulkareem M. Radhi

The Internet has become open, public and widely used as a source of data transmission and exchanging messages between criminals, terrorists and those who have illegal motivations.  Moreover, it can be used for exchanging important data between various military and financial institutions, or even ordinary citizens. One of the important means of exchanging information widely used on the Internet medium is the e-mail. Email messages are digital evidence that has been become one of the important means to adopt by courts in many countries and societies as evidence relied upon in condemnation, that prompts the researchers to work continuously to develop email analysis tool using the latest technologies to find digital evidence from email messages to assist the forensic expertise into to analyze email groups .This work presents a distinct technique for analyzing and classifying emails based on data processing and extraction, trimming, and refinement, clustering, then using the SWARM algorithm to improve the performance and then adapting support vector machine algorithm to classify these emails to obtain practical and accurate results. This framework, also proposes a hybrid English lexical Dictionary (SentiWordNet 3.0) for email forensic analysis, it contains all the sentiwords such as positive and negative and can deal with the Machine Learning algorithm. The proposed system is capable of learning in an environment with large and variable data. To test the proposed system will be select available data which is Enron Data set. A high accuracy rate is 92% was obtained in best case. The experiment is conducted the Enron email dataset corpus (May 7, 2015 Version of the dataset).

2020 ◽  
pp. 647-655
Sakhhi Chhabra

With ubiquitous digital growth in the last two decades, consumers' belief of authenticity has become robust. Empowered consumers voice their opinion boldly through internet medium. Antibrand activists, bloggers and loosely organized network of consumers continuously monitor the activities of deceitful marketers and one insidious tactic turns the emotional image to doppelgänger brand image (DBI) - disparaging images and stories about a brand. This article helps in giving insights about the concept of DBI and show the paradoxical side of emotional branding. The concept has been explained with illustrations and recent issues like net neutrality in India, Maggi ban, etc. In addition, the chapter also covers the motivations to create DBI, brands susceptible to DBI and location of such images. The work puts across the schemes where managers could turn this threat of DBI into an opportunity to tell a new brand story, thereby regaining the emotional appeal for the brand. Understanding the concept of DBI would help the readers appreciate the area of emotional branding in better light.

Seeking knowledge is among the most important virtuein Islam. The Internet era offers more sources and new ways in gaining and producing information including religious information. However, the perception that the religious information behaviour among the Malays is not yet being studied empirically. A framework has been developed based on theories, previous related studies and interviews with Internet users. Three main aspects of behaviour being studied: usage, information seeking and verification. Data is collected using printed and electronic questionnaires. There are 616 usable data successfully gathered and analyzed through SPSS. Related to usage, the result shows that the Malays have adapted well with the Internet medium for searching the religious information. The results also show that there are changes on the technical aspect of information acquisition and delivery via the new media. However from the procedural aspect, the information behaviour among Malays are still traditional in nature based on their seeking information methods. The results suggest that the religious offline behaviour continues online, demonstrating their conservative nature. Analyzing the beahviour against the users’ background suggests that there is a statically relationship between them. A high percentage of users claimed that the verify online religious information, even though they differ on this in practice. This paper ends with recommendations to improve the information behaviour among the masses

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 00014
Muhammad Hamdan Mukafi

Globalization era is marked by information and technology advancement. It brings jungle of sign, obscuring definitive convention, or even creating a new definition, which is occurred in Indonesian literature. Colonialism history is a center convention which defines Indonesian literature, the literary genre is one of it. Reflecting a case of colonialism; England with its literary genre convention, that are a poem, fiction, and drama – are getting “resistance” from America, the continent that “occupied” by it, which had been opening free space to establish literary genres, such as sermon and speech are included. Therefore, in this case, innovation to Indonesian literary definition always a chance. Cross-media literature, in a blanket of information and technology advancement, had been born with hybridizing text, audio, and visual. Internet medium such as YouTube being its publication method. In 2011, Fahd Djibran and his colleagues gave birth to literary work named revolvere project – when the creation of audio-visual no longer arranged, but parting to literature. The born of revolvere project followed by many artists who answered to the mood of the age. Many new names come up like visual-poetry, visual-fiction, and more – putting them in one room known as Literary Reformer. It has its structure, interpreted in hybridative form, but opening to be studied in a different way when separated. This lead to a question of its legitimation in Indonesian literary world. So, Jane Stokes genre theory chose to examine its worthiness as Indonesian literature’s new creation room in genre classification. In this research, the theory of semiotics, the field of cultural production, and basic of taxonomy are implemented to observe its position to classify and struggle scheme in Indonesian literary world. Then, literary reformer denoted as Indonesian literature reflection, a success of mixing arts spices in one chalice, creating Indonesian literature new definitive identity.

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