linear equation system
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2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 119-123
Nurhayati Abbas ◽  
Nancy Katili ◽  
Dwi Hardianty Djoyosuroto

This research is motivated by the lack of mathematics teaching materials that can make students learn on their own. The teaching material can be created by teachers as they are the ones who possess the knowledge about their students’ characteristics. Further, learning materials are a set of materials (information, tools, or texts) that can aid teachers and students to carry out the learning process. The two-variable linear equation system (SPLDV) is one of the mathematics materials taught to eighth-grade students of junior high school; it contains problems related to daily life. However, it is found that this material is still difficult to master by most students. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the SPLDV teaching materials that can help students learn and solve problems as well as be used as examples by teachers in developing other materials. This research aimed to make problem-based SPLDV teaching materials. The research method refers to the Four-D Model by Thiagarajan, Semmel, and Semmel (1974). It consisted of defining, designing, developing, and disseminating. The results showed that problem-based SPLDV teaching materials could be used in learning activities as the students and the teachers had shown their positive responses after going through expert assessments. This study also suggested that the teachers use this teaching material and adopt teaching materials for other similar materials.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 621-630
Ulia Safitri ◽  
Baidowi ◽  
Wahidaturrahmi ◽  
Nani Kurniati

The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of e-learning based mathematics learning on the material of the two-variable linear equation system for class VIII at MTsN 1 Mataram. This type of research is a descriptive study using a quantitative approach. The research design used a post-test-only control design. All students of class VIII at MTsN 1 Mataram were the population and the sampling technique used cluster random sampling. The sample used was class VIII-8 and VIII-9 who were a member of one sample group. The data in the study were analyzed using descriptive statistics and paired sample t-test to determine whether or not e-learning based mathematic learning was effective in the material of the two-variable linear equation system. Based on the results of data analysis, it is known that e-learning-based mathematics learning with learning video is effectively applied to the material of the two-variable linear equation system for class VIII students at MTsN 1 Mataram the academic year 2020/2021.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 631-640
Aflahul Ma'wa ◽  
Hapipi Hapipi ◽  
Muhammad Turmuzi ◽  
Syahrul Azmi

The purpose of this study was to develop student worksheets based on PBL (Problem Based Learning) to improve the problem-solving abilities of class VIII students at MTs Hikmatusysyarief NW Salut Narmada for the 2020-2021 school year on two-variable linear equation systems. PBL-based LKPD (Problem Based Learning) is an LKPD that is arranged based on the phases of the PBL learning model. The development of this product aims to overcome the weaknesses in the teaching and learning process and overcome the weaknesses of students' problem-solving abilities. The research methodology used in developing PBL-based LKPD is 4D (Define, Design, Development, and Dissemination). Data collection techniques using interview guidelines and questionnaires. The result of the research is a product in the form of LKPD based on PBL (Problem Based Learning) on ​​the material of a two-variable linear equation system. The product has been declared valid with very good criteria by two validators. Based on the results of a limited trial on the use of the developed product, it is known that the PBL-based LKPD can improve the problem-solving ability of class VIII students of MTs Hikmatusysyarief NW Salut Narmada.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 512-518
Median Aulia Azmi ◽  
Nyoman Sridana ◽  
Arjudin Arjudin ◽  
Baidowi Baidowi

This study aims to determine the effect of verbal ability and numerical ability, the effect of verbal ability, and the effect of numerical ability on the ability of solving linear equation system problems. This study is an ex post facto research. The population of this study were students of class XI SMAN 9 Mataram. The sample in this study were 28 students of class XI SMAN 9 Mataram represented by four students in each class. The data analysis used is multiple linear regression analysis and simple linear regression analysis. From the results of the data analysis, there is a significant influence between verbal ability and numerical ability on the ability to solve linear equation system problems with a value of  Fhitung = 3,660 > Ftabel = 3,39. The magnitude of this influence is written in the form of a regression equation, namely Y = 24,602 + 0,140X1 + 0,224X2. This regression equation shows that if the verbal ability score increases by 1 with a fixed numerical ability score, then the ability to solve math problems will increase by 0,140;  and if the numerical ability score increases by  1 with a fixed verbal ability score, the value of the ability to solve story questions will increase by 0,225 and plus 24,602 from other factors.

Manuel Radons ◽  
Siegfried M. Rump

AbstractLet A be a real $$n\times n$$ n × n matrix and $$z,b\in \mathbb R^n$$ z , b ∈ R n . The piecewise linear equation system $$z-A\vert z\vert = b$$ z - A | z | = b is called an absolute value equation. In this note we consider two solvers for uniquely solvable instances of the latter problem, one direct, one semi-iterative. We slightly extend the existing correctness, resp. convergence, results for the latter algorithms and provide numerical tests.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 34-41
Sergey Bolotin ◽  
Haitham Bohan ◽  
Aldyn-kys Dadar ◽  
Khenzig Biche-ool ◽  

Introduction: Planning integrated development of a residential area involves determining the composition of the objects to be built and creating an appropriate integration mechanism, backed up by a generalized work schedule. The existing methods of forming integrated work schedules do not use a systemic approach, based on a universal mathematical model, to describe the organizational and technological aspects of construction. Methods: The present study uses the method of uncertain resource coefficients to demonstrate a mechanism for systemically describing organizational and technological construction processes. We present a way of adapting this method to forming a generalized construction schedule during integrated development. The proposed adaptation mechanism is based on managing schedule calculations by rationally influencing the elements of the linear equation system that describes the organizational and technological processes. Results and Discussion: The solutions presented in the paper are fully consistent with the calculations obtained by different flow methods of organizing construction, as well as with the critical path method used in project management programs. The method described in the paper has been implemented in well-known project management software, Microsoft Project, as a macro program in the Visual Basic for Applications programming language, making it possible to form, calculate, and optimize a schedule for integrated territory development using the unified software toolkit.

KadikmA ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 48
Mutiara Winda Santoso ◽  
Dinawati Trapsilasiwi ◽  
Randi Pratama Murtikusuma

The aim of this qualitative research is to describe the types of student errors in solving the two-variable linear equation system story problem based on Newman's error analysis in terms of Florence Littauer's personality type. The data sources consisted of 8 students of grade IX C SMP Nuris Jember who had been taught the material of two-variable linear equation systems. The data taken were the results of the questionnaire used to group students into four categories of personality types, the results of the student's story problem solving test results, and the results of the interviews of the students who were the research subjects. The results showed that in solving the two-variable linear equation system material story problems, students sanguinis experienced reading errors, comprehensior errors, transformation errors, process skill errors, and  encoding error. Melancholy and phlegmatis students experience transformation error, process skill error, and encoding error. Koleris students experienced process skill error and encoding error. Keywords: Error,  Newman, Personality Type, SPLDV


Приводятся результаты исследования возможности увеличения эффективности использования радиочастотного спектра более чем в два раза за счет использования нескольких (N>2)радиосигналов с неортогональными поляризациями,передаваемых на общей несущей частоте. Предложены метод выявления такой возможности для заданной комбинации поляризаций радиосигналов, а также структурная схема и процедура определения параметров устройства поляризационного разделения радиосигналов на приемной стороне. Выполнен детальный анализ определения оптимальных коэффициентов элементов системы поляризационного разделения на приемной стороне четырех радиосигналов с учетом иррациональности коэффициентов анализируемой системы линейных уравнений. The results of the study of the possibility of increasing the efficiency of using the radio frequency spectrum by more than twice due to several (N>2) non-orthogonal polarizations of carrier radio signals are presented. The method to determine such possibility for any given set of polarizations, as well as a block diagram and a procedure for determining the parameters of a device for polarization separation of radio signals on the receiving side are proposed. The detailed analysis of the determination of optimal coefficients of elements of polarization separation system on receiving side of four radio signals is performed taking into account the irrationality of coefficients of analyzed linear equation system.

Fatemeh Babakordi ◽  
Nemat Allah Taghi-Nezhad

Calculating the matrix inverse is a key point in solving linear equation system, which involves complex calculations, particularly  when the matrix elements are  (Left and Right) fuzzy numbers. In this paper, first, the method of Kaur and Kumar for calculating the matrix inverse is reviewed, and its disadvantages are discussed. Then, a new method is proposed to determine the inverse of  fuzzy matrix based on linear programming problem. It is demonstrated that the proposed method is capable of overcoming the shortcomings of the previous matrix inverse. Numerical examples are utilized to verify the performance and applicability of the proposed method.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 54
Halimatus Sa'diah ◽  
Karim Karim ◽  
Yuni Suryaningsih

Matematika masih menjadi momok yang ditakuti siswa karena dirasa sulit. Siswa membuat kesalahan dalam menyelesaikan masalah karena tidak dapat mengubah soal cerita ke bentuk model matematika khususnya pada materi Sistem Persamaan Linear Dua Variabel (SPLDV). Berdasarkan hal tersebut diperlukan perangkat pembelajaran yang menarik dan kontekstual salah satunya yaitu dengan mengembangkan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) berbasis kearifan lokal Kalimantan Selatan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk menghasilkan LKPD materi sistem persamaan linear dua variabel berbasis kearifan lokal yang valid dalam pembelajaran matematika siswa kelas VIII SMP/MTs. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode Research and Development menggunakan model yang dikemukakan oleh Thigarajan, Semmel & Semmel yaitu 4-D. Beberapa tahapan yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini yaitu Define, Design, dan Develop. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini didasarkan pada uji validitas yang diperoleh melalui analisis secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif dari lembar validasi pada tahap develop yang dilakukan oleh tiga ahli. Menurut skor yang diberikan oleh ketiga ahli, didapatkan skor rata-rata 84,06%, artinya LKPD termasuk kategori cukup valid dan dapat dipergunakan dalam pembelajaran matematika.   Mathematics is still a scourge that students fear because it is difficult. Students solve problems because they cannot convert storey problems into mathematical models, especially in the Two-Variable Linear Equation System materials. Based on this, interesting and contextual learning tools are needed, one of which is developing Student Worksheets (LKPD) based on South Kalimantan local wisdom. The purpose of this research is to produce LKPD material on a two-variable linear equation system based on local wisdom that is valid in learning mathematics for class VIII SMP/MTs students. This research was conducted using the Research and Development method using the 4-D model proposed by Thiagarajan, Semmel & Semmel. Several stages were carried out in this research, namely Define, Design, and Develop. The data analysis technique used in this study is based on the validity test obtained through quantitative and qualitative analysis of the validation sheet at the development stage conducted by three experts. According to the scores given by the three experts, an average score of 84.06% was obtained, meaning that the LKPD was categorized as valid and could be used in learning mathematics.

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