personality type
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2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (6) ◽  
pp. 2956-2969
Budi Cahyono ◽  
Kartono Kartono ◽  
Budi Waluya ◽  
Mulyono Mulyono ◽  
Rina Dwi Setyawati

This study aims to determine the effect of the PBL model with argumentation scaffolding on changes in the critical thinking of teacher candidates’ teachers in terms of personality type and gender. This research is quasi-experimental research with one group pretest-posttest design. 28 prospective teachers who take the algebraic structure course are the samples of this study. Critical thinking skills scores were analysed descriptively and statistically with normality test and paired t-test. The results showed that the application of PBL with argumentation scaffolding was effective in increasing the critical thinking of prospective teachers from the criteria of "less critical" to "critical enough" and the n-gain results were categorized as moderate when viewed from the aspect of personality type. and gender. The existence of differences in critical thinking that is influenced by gender and personality type is a research finding that must be considered to determine the learning model.          Keywords: Problem-based learning, gender, critical thinking, personality type

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 104
Mawadatul Maulidah ◽  
Hilman Ferdinandus Pardede

Personality is defined as the mix of features and qualities that make up an individual's particular character, including thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. With the rapid development of technology, personality computing is becoming a popular research field by providing users with personalization. Many researchers have used social media data to automatically predict personality. This research uses a public dataset from Kaggle, namely the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Dataset. The purpose of this study is to predict the accuracy and F1-score values so that the performance for predicting and classifying Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality can work optimally by using attributes from the MBTI dataset, namely posts and types. Predictive accuracy analysis was carried out using the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) algorithm with random oversampling technique with the Imblearn library for MBTI personality type prediction and comparing the performance of the method proposed in this study with other popular machine learning algorithms. Experiments show that the LSTM model using the RMSprop optimizer and learning speed of 10-3 provides higher performance in terms of accuracy while for the F1-score the LSTM model using the RMSprop Optimizer and learning speed of 10-2 gives a higher value than the proposed machine learning algorithm so that the model MBTI dataset using LSTM with random oversampling can help in identifying the MBTI personality type.

Юлия Николаевна Корепанова

Статья посвящена рассмотрению феномена страха смерти в психологии так называемых трансцендентных убийц («некрофильского типа личности»). На сегодняшний момент не существует единого мнения относительно факторов надежно детерминирующих преступную участь человека, вопрос по-прежнему составляет предмет научных дискуссий. В психолого-криминологических типологиях не представлена рассматриваемая категория убийц, несмотря на то что многие отечественные и зарубежные исследователи описывали подобный тип личности, широко использовали термин «социальный некрофил» и ему подобные. В статье раскрывается психологическая основа преступного поведения. Описывается роль тревоги в механизме формирования бессознательных насильственных установок. Объясняется психологический смысл убийств, совершаемых социальными некрофилами. Автор акцентирует внимание на парадоксальности, специфичности отношения убийц с трансцендентными влечениями к смерти: страх перед ней и одновременное стремление к ней на основе душевного сродства (особой формы личностных смыслов) для реализации как осознаваемых, так и бессознательных целей. Подчеркивает принципиальную важность самопознания в жизни каждого индивида, образующего смысл жизни, дающего ощущение полноты и радости. Задается вопросом о роли внутриутробного периода развития плода в механизме «психологического рождения» в момент появления на свет. В представленном аналитическом материале, преимущественно благодаря трудам Ю. М. Антоняна и открытиям психоаналитического направления в науке, уточняется и предлагается определение исследуемой категории убийц. В дискуссионном стиле проводится обзор различных теорий, гипотез, научных воззрений, исследующих истоки и значение страха смерти в механизме преступного поведения убийц с трансцендентными влечениями. Приводятся авторские умозаключения по исследуемому в статье вопросу. Статья поможет представителям правоохранительных органов глубже понимать психологические механизмы и причины преступного поведения, использовать полученные знания при раскрытии преступлений, эффективнее выстраивать линию коммуникативного взаимодействия с описанным типом личности в ходе производства следственных действий. The article is devoted to the consideration of the phenomenon of death anxiety in the psychology of the so-called transcendental murderers («necrophilic personality type»). At the moment, there is no consensus regarding the factors that reliably determine the criminal fate of a person; the issue is still the subject of scientific discussions. In psychological and criminological typologies, the considered category of murderers is not represented, despite the fact that many domestic and foreign researchers described this type of personality, widely used the term «ocial necrophile» and the like. The article reveals the psychological basis of criminal behavior. The role of anxiety in the mechanism of the formation of unconscious violent attitudes is described. The psychological meaning of the murders committed by social necrophiles is explained. The author focuses on the paradoxicality, specificity of the relationship of murderers with transcendental drives to death: fear of it and the simultaneous striving for it on the basis of emotional affinity (a special form of personal meanings) for the realization of both conscious and unconscious goals. Emphasizes the fundamental importance of self-knowledge in the life of each individual, forming the meaning of life, giving a feeling of fullness and joy. Asks the question about the role of the prenatal period of fetal development in the mechanism of "psychological birth" at the time of birth. In the presented analytical material, mainly thanks to the works of Yu. M. Antonyan and the discoveries of the psychoanalytic direction in science, the definition of the investigated category of murderers is specified and proposed. In a discussion style, a review of various theories, hypotheses, scientific views, exploring the origins and significance of the fear of death in the mechanism of the criminal behavior of murderers with transcendental drives, is carried out. The author's conclusions on the issue investigated in the article are given. The article will help law enforcement officials to better understand the psychological mechanisms and causes of criminal behavior, use the knowledge gained in solving crimes, and more effectively build a line of communicative interaction with the described personality type during the production of investigative actions.

KadikmA ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 48
Mutiara Winda Santoso ◽  
Dinawati Trapsilasiwi ◽  
Randi Pratama Murtikusuma

The aim of this qualitative research is to describe the types of student errors in solving the two-variable linear equation system story problem based on Newman's error analysis in terms of Florence Littauer's personality type. The data sources consisted of 8 students of grade IX C SMP Nuris Jember who had been taught the material of two-variable linear equation systems. The data taken were the results of the questionnaire used to group students into four categories of personality types, the results of the student's story problem solving test results, and the results of the interviews of the students who were the research subjects. The results showed that in solving the two-variable linear equation system material story problems, students sanguinis experienced reading errors, comprehensior errors, transformation errors, process skill errors, and  encoding error. Melancholy and phlegmatis students experience transformation error, process skill error, and encoding error. Koleris students experienced process skill error and encoding error. Keywords: Error,  Newman, Personality Type, SPLDV

KadikmA ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 69
Diva Setyo Anjani ◽  
Dinawati Trapsilasiwi ◽  
Randi Pratama Murtikusuma ◽  
Ervin Oktavianingtyas ◽  
Inge Wiliandani Setya Putri

This research purpose to describe metacognition in solving Open Ended SPLDV Problems Based on Sensing Intuition personality. This research type is qualitatif descriptive conducted in class VIII I SMP Negeri 1 Purwosari. Subjects of this research consist of 3 students with Sensing personality and 3 students with Intuition personality selected based on the highest score on personality type. Six students will solve Open Ended problem and inteview. The results showed that students sensing type receive information based on the facts, while students Intuition type personality found a correlation based on information. Students Sensing type only solve Open Ended problems using two different methods the teacher had been taught, while students Intuition type able to solve Open Ended problems using new methods and able to explain solution more than two correctly answers. On the worksheet students Sensing type tend to be systematic, while students Intuition type tend to be not systematis. Although there is a difference metacognition activities in solving Open Ended SPLDV problems, students with Sensing and Intuition personality able to meet all indicator metacognition planning, monitoring, and evaluating.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (11(75)) ◽  
pp. 66-71
M. Shirokaya ◽  
O. Zhukova

This article presents materials which are a continuation of our research publication in 20192020. The first part of the research, devoted to working conditions and the subjective attitude of specialists with different individual typological characteristics to changed remote work due to COVD-19 conditions, is described in the article by Shirokaya M.Yu. and Zhukova O.I. (East European Science Journal, Vol. 3, N 9(73), 2021).  This article is devoted to the study of the features of self-organization and self-control among specialists with different individual typological styles in the conditions of universal remote work, as a necessary measure to ensure health safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. 120 respondents took part in the study. A professional psychological questionnaire, the methodology "Individual typological characteristics of personality" (Sobchik, 2005), "Questionnaire of self-organization of activity" (Mandrikova, 2010) and the scale of "Self-control" (Ishkov, 2004) were used to obtain the results. It was found that all specialists in the conditions of universal remote work have a reduced level of purposefulness as a meaningful vision of the purpose of life with satisfaction with the process of achieving it. This disrupts the overall self-organization, its strategic component, which forms a temporary perspective for the future. Specialists with visual-imaginative cognitive style are distinguished by a high level of self-organization and self-control; the conditions of remote work do not cause such specialists to change either the strategy or tactics of doing work. Remote work specialists with an intuitive cognitive style are distinguished by a low level of selforganization. Remote work specialists with the formal-logical personality type also showed a low level of selforganization and an increase in working time despite the previously revealed experience. The verbal personality type is characterized by the worst indicators of remote work self-organization. Specialists with an accentuated type have a high level of self-organization; however, they spend a lot of effort and energy to maintain it.  At the end, the practical significance of the study is given: the identification of an individual personal contribution to the formation of specialist’s with different cognitive styles self-organization allows you to find an individual approach to a specialist and help him realize and unlock the potential of self-organization for high efficiency in the conditions of remote work.

Hospitality industry is one of the most profitable industries with a high potential for increase, thus being a hospitality manager is one of the most trendy and prestigious jobs of today. It is also a challenging job since, being an effective one is quite complex due to recorded industrial higher heart burn effects, rapid industrial changes in demand, constant trends and severe industrial competition. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the performance variance of the top managers of the five-star hotels of Nepal in respect with their gender. The primary data were received from employees on different level, line-managers of five star hotels. Descriptive and explanatory research designs were used. Composite means and correlation coefficients models were used to analyze and interpret the data. Analysis showed that the female managers generally tend to adopt democratic or participative style while governing people, whereas, male managers induce an autocratic or directive style in their daily performance. Based on the regression analysis, it was determined that the extraversion dimension had a more significant effect than the openness dimension. The extraversion dimension had a negative effect on extrinsic job satisfaction, while the openness dimension had a positive effect. The extraversion and openness dimensions had a weak but statistically significant effect on general job satisfaction. The extraversion dimension had a negative effect on general job satisfaction, while the openness dimension had a positive effect. Keywords: Five-star hotel, Managers’ type, Personality-type, Effective hospitability, Job satisfaction.

A. O. Belebeyeva ◽  
M. V. Shevchenko ◽  
Yu. G. Vernigor ◽  
L. M. Semenyuk

The purpose of this paper is to study the distribution of the roles of medical staff in teams that provide medical care in a tertiary health care facility. Materials and methods. The study was conducted among medical workers of the Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Center for Endocrine Surgery, Transplantation of Endocrine Organs and Tissues of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine: Departments of Reproductive Medicine, Surgery and Consultative Clinic according to R. Belbin’s methodology for diagnosing team roles using BSPIQ uestionnaire (Belbin Self-Perception Inventory). The study involved 25 health workers from three structural units of the center: the Department of Reproductive Medicine (7 respondents), a consultative clinic of different specialties (11) and the Department of Endocrine Surgery (7). This study was conducted in several stages. In the first stage, respondents identified and assessed their role in the team based on self-assessment. Respondents answered «Yes» / «No» to 3 short questions concerning the knowledge about the distribution of team members according to the typology of roles proposed by R.M. Belbin (1); belief that the roles that employees perform in the department are identical to their positions or expectations; confidence in the definition of team roles by personality type (3). The following is the direct diagnosis and definition of team roles among the selected medical staff of this health care institution.The survey was conducted during COVID-19 pande­mic, so it has some sampling limitations and is a pilot study. Results and discussion. According to the survey, it was found that all respondents were not previously familiar with this methodology. Every second respondent does not believe in the identity of the roles that employees perform in these teams, their positions or descriptions. However, 84 % of respondents indicated the dependence of team roles on personality type. The results of respondents’ self-assessment of their own roles in teams and direct diagnosis of the distribution of roles using the BSPI-questionnaire coincided with only 5 % of respondents. According to the study, there was a statistically significant relationship between gender and team membership. In particular, only women work in team I (Department of Reproductive Medicine), and 91 % of men (p < 0.002) work in team III (Department of Endocrine Surgery). The situation is similar in terms of position and work in individual clinical teams studied (p < 0.001). The hypothesis of the existence of a relationship between the age of the respondent and the severity of his command role behavioral functions was not confirmed (p < 0.991).The teams differed statistically significantly in the filling of roles (p < 0.087). Separate regularities of distribution of roles in each of the studied commands are revealed. Conclusions. This study points to the importance of studying the distribution of roles in teams. According to its results, it was found that the team (behavioral) role (role) of a member of the studied teams depends on gender and position, but is not related to the age factor. Team roles in the studied clinical teams are distributed differently: the most pronounced role characteristics in all teams are a specialist (expert), a completer-finisher (controller); the absence of a coordinator role has been established. Roles such as monitor evaluator and resource investigator exist only in the team of doctors of the consulting clinic.

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