hydraulic regime
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M. Iskakov ◽  
A. N. Tomilov ◽  

On the basis of a systematic approach, the goals and functional tasks of the analysis of the steadystate hydraulic regime are formalized, as a proven practice of the methodology of decision-making in the field of commissioning and prospective development of complex heat supply systems of megacities. The use of a systematic approach to setting and improving the tasks of mode analysis allowed us to develop and implement an applied information system with an effective analyzing methodology for solving professional problems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Simone Bernardini ◽  
Fabio Bellatreccia ◽  
Andrea Columbu ◽  
Ilaria Vaccarelli ◽  
Marika Pellegrini ◽  

Caves are dark subsurface environments with relatively constant temperatures that allow studying bio-mineralization processes and paleoenvironmental or climate changes in optimal conditions. In the extreme and oligotrophic cave environment, manganese patinas having stromatolite-like features are uncommon. Here we provide the first detailed mineralogical, geochemical, and microbiological investigation of fine-grained and poorly crystalline MnFe stromatolite-like wall patinas formed in a deep-cave environment in Italy. These mineralizations, about 3 mm thick, consist of an alternation of Mn-layers and Fe-lenses. We show that the microbial communities' composition is dominated by Mn-oxidizing bacteria, such as Bacillus, Flavobacterium, and Pseudomonas. Our multidisciplinary investigation, integrating data from different analytical techniques (i.e., optical microscopy, SEM-EDS, μXRF, XRPD, FT-IR, Raman spectroscopy, and DNA sequencing), revealed peculiar chemical, mineralogical, and biological features: 1) A cyclical oscillation of Mn and Fe along the growth of the patinas. We propose that this oscillation represents the shift between oxic and suboxic conditions related to different phases occurring during paleo-flood events; 2) A typical spatial distribution of mineralogy and oxidation state of Mn, bacterial imprints, detrital content, and stromatolite-like morphologies along the Mn-layers. We propose that this distribution is controlled by the local hydraulic regime of the paleo-floods, which, in turn, is directly related to the morphology of the wall surface. Under less turbulent conditions, the combination of clay mineral catalysis and biological oxidation produced vernadite, a poor-crystalline phyllomanganate with a low average oxidation state of Mn, and branched columnar stromatolite-like morphologies. On the other hand, under more turbulent conditions, the sedimentation of clay minerals and microbial communities' development are both inhibited. In this local environment, a lower oxidation rate of Mn2+ favored the formation of todorokite and/or ranciéite, two compounds with a high average oxidation state of Mn, and flat-laminated or columnar stromatolite-like morphologies.

Siba Prasad Mishra ◽  
Ananta Charan Ojha

Introduction: The Chilika lagoon in south Odisha, India was ecologically degraded from 1985 onwards by reduction of its aquatic (fish + prawn + shrimp) catches along with reduction in salinity, hydraulic regime, water exchange, aquatic weeds invasion, and sediment influx. The aquatic catch was 8669MT in year 1985-1986 gradually reduced to 1274MT during 1995-1996 from Odisha Fisheries Dept. records which resulted in poor economic condition of ≈0,2million fishermen and they migrated to adopt other livelihood. One direct tidal inlet dredged (Sipakuda) and Naraj barrage in the apex of South Mahanadi Delta were the major hydraulic interventions made to regain hydraulic regime. After the hydraulic interventions, the eco system restored, and the aquatic catch surged but it was insufficient to livelihood sustenance for the fishermen community of the Chilika,     so   that  they are forced for alternate occupation and migration. Methodologies: Fish catch data collected for 30 years and soft computing models linear regression, Multi Linear Perception (ANN), SMOorg (SVM) and the Random Forest algorithms (Weka Software) are used to predict the fish catch data of the lagoon for coming decade from 2020 to 2030. The effects of major hydraulic interventions are analyzed and the soft computing method of the fish and shrimp catch prediction of the Chilika has been attempted for the first time except some statistical approaches. Results: The Random Forest is found to be the preferred algorithm followed by the MLP model. The amount of catch remained around 12-13TMT if the variables and the present status of the lagoon is maintained. The combined effect of the Sipakuda Tidal inlet and the effective operation of the Naraj barrage have maintained the sustainable aqua catch. The present study shall be an immense help for the lake users and policy makers to augment aquatic catch, and alternate livelihood fishers community of the Chilika lagoon.

2021 ◽  
Vol 264 ◽  
pp. 03024
Sanatjon Khidirov ◽  
Rustam Oymatov ◽  
Bakhodir Norkulov ◽  
Furqat Musulmanov ◽  
Iroda Rayimova ◽  

For multi-section drainage facilities, it is important to develop operational measures based on maneuvering moving barriers. Maneuvering of moving barriers is a measure that carries out the flow of water from the upper reaches to the lower reaches at the required level, taking into accounts the design features and operational mode of the hydraulic regime of the drainage structure. The maneuvering mode in the flow of water from the discharge structures ensures the order of opening, phasing, and level of opening of these movable barriers. Hydraulic conditions are associated with the effective control of the hydraulic regime in the lower part of the drainage structure or the suppression of excess kinetic energy, the reversal of the flow, or the prevention of post-riser deformation processes. Creating conditions ensuring that the hydrotechnical and hydropower construction of the water transfer or discharge facility is adapted for use in conjunction with a hydropower plant, water intake, sluices, and flow control system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 264 ◽  
pp. 03059
Ulmas Khusankhodjaev ◽  
Odil Kadyrov

The article presents the results of experimental studies to determine the throughput of the right-bank water intake structure and bottom galleries, the hydraulic regime in the galleries, and the movement of bottom sediments in them. Based on the results of the studies, a series of curves were obtained for the dependence of the discharge on the water horizon in the upper pool and the value of the opening of the gate of the intake structure. Checking the work of the galleries together with the working water intake holes showed that there is no mutual influence of them on each other. The total consumption of water passed through the water intake and galleries is practically equal to the sum of the consumption of water passed through these structures separately. It was found that the main amount of sediment accumulated in the headwater will fall into the left gallery, while slightly less (about one third) will fall into the right span, and only a small remainder leaves through the weir, while the water flow rate was distributed as follows: Qgal = 1.65Qwater.

2021 ◽  
Vol 263 ◽  
pp. 02031
Dilshod Bazarov ◽  
Irina Markova ◽  
Sanatjon Khidirov ◽  
Oybek Vokhidov ◽  
Farokhiddin Uljaev ◽  

The paper analyzes the dynamics of planned and deep deformations on the section of the Amudarya River in the area of the damless water intake in the main structure of the Karshi Main Canal-KMC. The results of field studies of the state of the canal situation of the Amudarya River at the site of a damless water intake are studied. The course of riverbed processes in the riverbed is studied. Recommendations for improving water intake conditions have been developed. According to the results of the field survey and the study of the head section of the supply canal, the state of the Amudarya riverbed in the water intake zone was assessed. The results of surveys of the hydraulic and pumping modes of sediments of the Amudarya River in the area of the damless water intake are analyzed and summarized. The results of field studies of the canal situation of the Amudarya River in the water intake area in the Amudarya River KMC in the area of the Karshi head water intake are studied. The riverbed situation is not characterized by constant hydraulic characteristics over time for the same water flow rate, i.e. with the same water horizon marks, the flow rates may differ from each other by about half, and with the same flow rates, the horizon marks may vary up to ± 0.6 m. This is explained by the extreme instability and high mobility of the canal, and large deformations of the canal occur in a short time. The hydraulic regime of the river is characterized by a significant redistribution of speeds, depth and width of the flow. The range of their changes is within: Maximum speed >Vmax =2…5 m/s; average speed Vav = 0.5…2.5 m/s; depth H max = 4…14 m, Hav = 1…5 m; width B = 300…2000 m; slope i = 0.00016…0.0003. It is established that the characteristic feature of the river is that at a constant flow can have different average velocities depth and width, for example, when Qw = 1000 m3/s, respectively, v = 0.6…1.7m/s, B = 180…1030m, Hav = 1.1…4.3m.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 126-131
V. Dzhedzhula ◽  

In modern conditions, the practice of building multi-storey office buildings, shopping centers and catering establishments where the installation of air conditioning systems is necessary is becoming widespread. In addition to regulatory requirements, the need for air conditioning systems is dictated by market conditions: a building in which optimal microclimatic conditions are created has significant competitive advantages in terms of renting, selling and operating compared to a building without ventilation and air conditioning systems. The main approaches to the installation of air conditioning systems are as follows: central air conditioning combined with ventilation and air heating; the use of local closers where the coolant is water - climate beams, fan coils; use of freon local systems - local and multizonal. Given the frequent inconsistency of planning and operational decisions of these buildings, due to the fact that different tenants may have different needs for the installation of air conditioning systems, different heat surpluses and other hazards, the installation of water cooling systems is one of the best solutions. within the limits of modernization of the system in accordance with the new operational features. Water cooling systems require the creation of an optimal hydraulic regime, which will not only allow optimal operation of refrigeration equipment, but also save energy. A significant difference in the formation of the hydraulic environment with constant and variable mode has formed the objectives of the study and confirms their relevance. The article considers the approaches to the formation of hydraulic modes of the refrigeration system. The results of the research were implemented during the construction of a real public facility. On the example of this object, the economic indicators of the formation of different hydraulic modes of the refrigeration system are determined. The use of the correct schemes for the formation of hydraulic modes of water cooling systems will significantly increase the energy efficiency of the process of forming the internal microclimate of these premises.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 35-44

In this article, hydraulic and technological ways of increasing the effi ciency of the water supply system for high-rise buildings are considered in order to improve the effi ciency of water supply and distribution in a given projected facility. The operational, technological and feasibility analysis of the applicability of modern pumps to improve the effi ciency of water supply systems in high-rise buildings has been completed. Cascade water supply technologies are justifi ed with the aim of regulating the hydraulic regime in the water supply system of high-rise buildings. The operational features of water supply systems of high - rise buildings, the factors infl uencing water and resource saving, the effi ciency of pump installations and the peculiarities of their regulation are substantiated.

2020 ◽  
Gábor Fleit ◽  
Sándor Baranya

<p>The ever-increasing demand for fluvial navigation and the more and more efforts made for ecologically sustainable water usage (facilitated by e.g. the Water Framework Directive of the EU) have highlighted potential conflicts of interests in river management. Riverine traffic has notable hydrodynamic effects, i.e. the local hydraulic regime of river reaches may get significantly altered by wave events generated by passing vessels. As ship waves reach the shallower areas, the related hydrodynamic stresses affect the near-bed boundary layer increasingly, bed shear stress increases gradually, leading to the resuspension of fine sediments. In order to find out more about the nature of this phenomenon, simultaneous ABS (acoustic backscatter sensor) and ADV (acoustic Doppler velocimeter) measurement were performed in the Hungarian Danube. Such measurement not only offer the opportunity to reveal the likely interconnections between hydrodynamic variables (e.g. flow velocity, turbulent kinetic energy) and suspended sediment concentrations (SSC), but the found correlation between ABS data and the backscatter strength of the ADV also suggests the applicability of the latter for the estimation of instantaneous SSC in a high temporal resolution.</p>


The questions of influence of thermal and hydraulic regime management quality in cogenerated system of centralized heat supply on its effectiveness are observed.

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