group band
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2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-45
Iulian Rusu

Abstract Dancing in the culture of all peoples is a form of artistic manifestation with various functions, mystical, hunting warriors, etc., with deep roots in the very beginning of the first forms of organization of human communities. At national level, our people are the keeper of old and wonderful folk traditions, with dances of great wealth and variety. In our popular creation, the choreographic term “danse” is called “play”. Romanian dances have various ritual, ceremonial, or party functions, related to specific occasions. As a spatial deployment, they are divided into several categories: group, band, couple and soloistic. Theodor Rogalski in the Three Romanian dances highlights the beauty and vitality of the character of our people, especially through orchestration and the timbral coloring of the instruments. The conducting analysis of the 3 Romanian dances can also be a teaching material that is designed to guide the young musicians on the way to musical analysis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Bahiroh Adilah

This research focuses on analyzing the discourse of the power relation between the state and the people in Indonesia in the lyrics of the songs "Kami Belum Tentu" and "Padi Milik Rakyat" by Feast (group band). Intolerance became Indonesia main concern in 2018 especially Surabaya’s church bombing, which then elaborated on other issues related to the socio- economic and political phenomena in Indonesia. The two songs were chosen because they adequately describe the socio-economic and political conditions in Indonesia and related to various sectors of government.This study uses Normal Fairclough's critical discourse analysis method to read the discourse on power relations between the state and the people which is articulated in the lyrics of the two songs. The results of this study conclude that the discourse on power relations with the form of Governmentality is spread in various areas of government, including in the leadership of a democratic country, the education system in Indonesia, the law constitution of UU ITE, towards farm workers through Reforma Agraria, and also in the management of tax money in Indonesia. The people will always be in a repressive state power system and the state uses its political power to carry out hegemonic submissions that are detrimental to the people structurally and economically through the ISA (Ideological State Apparatus) and RSA (Repressive State Apparatus) which critized in Indonesian indie song lyric.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 68
Bahiroh Adilah

This research focuses on analyzing the discourse of the power relation between the state and the people in Indonesia in the lyrics of the songs "Kami Belum Tentu" and "Padi Milik Rakyat" by Feast (group band). Intolerance became Indonesia main concern in 2018 especially Surabaya’s church bombing, which then elaborated on other issues related to the socio- economic and political phenomena in Indonesia. The two songs were chosen because they adequately describe the socio-economic and political conditions in Indonesia and related to various sectors of government.This study uses Normal Fairclough's critical discourse analysis method to read the discourse on power relations between the state and the people which is articulated in the lyrics of the two songs. The results of this study conclude that the discourse on power relations with the form of Governmentality is spread in various areas of government, including in the leadership of a democratic country, the education system in Indonesia, the law constitution of UU ITE, towards farm workers through Reforma Agraria, and also in the management of tax money in Indonesia. The people will always be in a repressive state power system and the state uses its political power to carry out hegemonic submissions that are detrimental to the people structurally and economically through the ISA (Ideological State Apparatus) and RSA (Repressive State Apparatus) which critized in Indonesian indie song lyric.

2021 ◽  
Deepak K Jha ◽  
Niti Yashvardhini ◽  
Saurav Bhattacharya ◽  
Kumar Sayrav ◽  
Amod Kumar ◽  

Abstract Arsenic, the proven genotoxic carcinogen in humans, is a groundwater contaminant of global concern. The present work investigates the applicability of randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) as molecular marker to demonstrate arsenic genotoxicity in the freshwater fish, Channa punctatus. Fish specimens, segregated into three groups, were exposed to 10, 50 and 500 µgL− 1 of arsenic respectively for 20 consecutive days. DNA extracted from same specimens of each group before and after exposure was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using single arbitrary primers. Marked changes in RAPD profiles of fish DNA were observed upon exposure to arsenic compare to RAPD profiles of their pre-exposure state, resulting from loss or gain of certain bands. Altogether a total of 41 loci were amplified with 37–41 bands in each group. Band 1 of pre-exposure state was lost in all post-exposure samples while bands 4, 6 and 7 appeared as new bands after exposure to arsenic. The changes in the RAPD banding patterns upon exposure to arsenic reflect alterations in fish DNA. The RAPD bands, therefore, appeared as potential markers, capable of revealing the genotoxicity induced by arsenic in this piscine model.

2020 ◽  
Vol 42 (4) ◽  
pp. 283-291
L.A. Markovska ◽  
N.Y. Parkhomenko ◽  
A.V. Rudenko ◽  
O.A. Savelyeva ◽  

New cross–linked and linear polyurethane compositions with different content of various reactive metal[Ni,Zn,Cu]inorganic modifiers (MIM) were synthesized. The results of IR spectroscopy confirm the reaction and structural reorganization in the system under the influence of MIM. Thus, in the region of stretching vibrations of NH groups of the urethane fragment, a shoulder increase was noted in the region of weakly bound stretching vibrations of NH groups at 3456 cm-1 and a new band at 4314 cm-1 appears, which indicates the presence of hydrogen bonds with the chlorine ion CuCl2. The presence of MIM in polyurethane leads to a shift of valence vibration of urethane group band νС =O to the region of 1723 cm-1 and the appearance of an intensive shoulder 1711 cm-1, which indicates the formation of a coordination bond C = O → Cu[Cl2]. The appearance in the IR spectrum of the polymer with MENM content of three new bands with maximums (530, 558 and 637) cm–1 indicates the formation of a coordination bond N → Cu. It was shown that the presence of transition metals dichlorides in the polymer structure provides opportunities for target production of polyurethane compositions with a set of specified properties, namely: fungicide properties, which were provided by the presence of Zn- and Cu-chlorides, photostability which was provided by the presence of Ni-chloride. In this case, the incorporation of active compounds into the structure of the polymer excludes the diffusion of MIM on the surface of the material with subsequent removal and thus prolongs the protective functions of the coating – resistance to biocorrosion, UV radiation, chemical agents, heat resistance while maintaining high adhesion / cohesion. Keywords: polyurethane compositions, cross-linked, linear, inorganic modifiers, coatings, adhesion, stabilyty, environment.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 187
Yuli Puspita Sari

Artikel ini berisi tentang analisis semiotik makna pesan dakwah pada lirik lagu Deen Assalam yang di cover Group Band Nissa Sabyan dengan kajian semiotik Ferdinand de Saussure. Sebelumnya lagu tersebut dipopulerkan oleh penyayi asal arab Saudi Sulaiman Al-Mughani. Metode yang akan digunakan dalamPenelitian ini adalah semioticdaripemikiranSaussure.DalamteoriSaussuredijelaskanbahwatandamemiliki unsur yang saling berhubungan yaitupenanda(signifier),petanda(signified). Pada proses semiotik ini mencoba menghubungkan makna dari lirik lagu Deen Assalam pada pesan dakwah yang terkandung. Hasil dari penelitian ini dari lirik lagu Deen Assalam pada setiap bait memiliki makna yang saling berkaitan antara bait satu dan bait selanjutnya. Pesan dakwah pada lirik lagu tersebut adalah agama yang cinta perdamaian dan toleransi di dalam masyarakat. Lirik lagu yang paling bermakna Abmahabbaat Wabtisaam Asyaru Bainil Anamhadahu dinassalamyangartinyasebarkanlahdiantarainsaneinilahislamagamaperdamaian.Teknikanalisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis dengan menggunakanteorisemiotika ferdinan de Saussure. Model teori dari Saussure lebih memfokuskanperhatian langsungadatandaitusendiri.DalampenelitianterhadapliriklaguDeenAsalamini,penelitimembuatinterprestasidenganmembagikeseluruhanliriklagumenjadibeberapabaitdanselanjutnyaperbaitakandianalisis Dengan menggunakan teori Semiotika dari Saussure.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Agus Adhityatama

<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p><strong></strong><br />Logotype as a Graphic Image in the Major Label and Index Label Visual Identity Group Band Context. A logotype will interpret the context of visual identity. Seringai band is one example of an indie group that has a strong image through logotype as their visual identity. A good and appropriate logotype quality is how to create an appropriate identity in forming the characteristics of a band. The use of logotype as a misguided visual identity often occurs in Indonesia and the music industry as a facilitator of the withdrawal of a visual identity both image and artistically, especially for a band that is shaded by a major label. Data on observations conducted in the field show that many things that are less than ideal seem like imitation often occurs without us knowing it.<br />A good logotype is born from an in-depth research, and facts in the manufacturing process, the role of letters emotionally must be able to appreciate the atmosphere and taste. By using this type of qualitative research with a descriptive approach, it is concluded that the results of the analysis in this discussion can provide education to the<br />people of Indonesia.</p><p><br /><strong>Abstrak</strong><br />Logotype Sebagai Citra Grafis Dalam Konteks Identitas Visual Grup Band Major Label dan Indie Label. Sebuah logotype akan memaknai konteks dari identitas visual. Grup band Seringai menjadi salah satu contoh grup indie yang memiliki citra yang kuat lewat logotype sebagai identitas visual mereka. Kualitas logotype yang baik dan pantas adalah bagaimana menciptakan sebuah identitas yang tepat dalam pembentukan<br />karakteristik sebuah grup band. Penggunaan logotype sebagai identitas visual yang salah kaprah kerap terjadi di Indonesia dan industri musik sebagai fasilitator mundurnya sebuah identitas visual yang baik secara citra maupun secara artistik, khususnya untuk grup band yang dinaungi oleh major label. Data observasi yang dilakukan di lapangan<br />menunjukkan banyak hal yang kurang ideal seperti sering terjadinya peniruan tanpa kita sadari. Logotype yang baik lahir dari sebuah riset yang mendalam. Fakta dalam proses pembuatannya, peranan huruf secara emosionil harus dapat mengapresiasikan suasana dan rasa. Dengan menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif disimpulkan hasil analisis dalam pembahasan ini dapat memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat Indonesia.<br /><br /></p>

SeBaSa ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 129
Intan Purnama Sari ◽  
Ririn Setyorini

2015 ◽  
Vol 1120-1121 ◽  
pp. 576-580 ◽  
Yong Qiang Kang ◽  
Yan Gong Yang ◽  
Li Jing Li ◽  
Zhao Jia ◽  
Ai Rong Ma

As flame-retardant Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) fibers was one of the most important differential fibers, it was of great importance to make research on the modification of flame-retardant PAN fibers to improve its characteristics. In this present study, the flame-retardant PAN fiber with good moisture absorption and mechanical properties has been prepared treated by blending solution of sodium hydroxide and hydrazine hydrate. FTIR spectra presented that new amide and cyclization-crosslinking pyridine group band peaks appeared. X-ray diffraction showed that the crystal structure of PAN fibers has been converted from quasi-crystalline structure into partially crystallized structure after modification treatment. SEM micrographs indicated that the original longitudinal surface microgroove has changed to layered structure by surficial etchant.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2014 ◽  
pp. 1-9 ◽  
Luis M. Carrillo-López ◽  
Hilda A. Zavaleta-Mancera ◽  
Alfredo Vilchis-Nestor ◽  
R. Marcos Soto-Hernández ◽  
Jesús Arenas-Alatorre ◽  

Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) was achieved using extract ofChenopodium ambrosioidesas a reducer and coating agent at room temperature (25°C). Two molar solutions of AgNO3(1 mM and 10 mM) and five extract volumes (0.5, 1, 2, 3, and 5 mL) were used to assess quantity, shape, and size of the particles. The UV-Vis spectra gave surface plasmon resonance at 434–436 nm of the NPs synthesized with AgNO310 mM and all extract volumes tested, showing a direct relationship between extract volumes and quantity of particles formed. In contrast, the concentration of silver ions was related negatively to particle size. The smallest (4.9 ± 3.4 nm) particles were obtained with 1 mL of extract in AgNO310 mM and the larger amount of particles were obtained with 2 mL and 5 mL of extract. TEM study indicated that the particles were polycrystalline and randomly oriented with a silver structure face centered cubic (fcc) and fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) indicated that disappearance of the –OH group band after bioreduction evidences its role in reducing silver ions.

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