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A.A. Romanovich ◽  
A.V. Grishin ◽  
I.A. Denisov ◽  

Short dump belt conveyors are used to create bulk cargo both as an integral part of technological machines in the processing of building materials, and as vehicles in a chain of conveyors for transporting bulk cargo in accordance with the logistics of open warehouses. When implementing mechanization schemes for open warehouses, depending on the degree of variability of the cargo flow in the structures of such conveyors, drives can be used that allow regulating the speed of the belts, thereby controlling the productivity of the entire line. Often, short belt conveyors are not equipped with specialized unloading devices, which requires elaboration of the issues of movement of cargo particles during unloading, especially if the conveyor is operating in a production line. The article simulates the processes of unloading short dump belt conveyors when controlling the speed of the belt. Trajectories of movement of cargo particles for various parameters of conveyors are obtained: belt speed, conveyor tilt angle to the horizon, diameter of the unloading drum. It is shown that it is necessary to simulate unloading processes in all cases with belt speed control and conveyor operation without specialized unloading devices.

Ivan Dmitrievich Tuzovskii

This article explores the problem of utopian universals applicable to the concept of “information society”. The author interprets utopian universals as most general representations on the best social structure that became widespread within a particular epistemological tradition. The subject of this research is the determination and evolution of the universal social attributes characteristic to projects of best social structure within the epistemological tradition of scientific rationality developed throughout the XVI – XXI centuries. From T. Mohr's "Utopia" to D. Bell's "post-industrial Society" and M. Castells '"Information Age", the author traces the universal features of social attribution. The researcher comes to the conclusion that projects of an optimal or ideal social structure, changing their concrete form of expression, retain a utopian character throughout the entire line of development of the epistemological tradition of scientific rationality. Utopian universals of aggregation and codification of theoretical knowledge, transformation of science into the major driving force of political and economic development, transition of power to the wisemen-philosophers, collective maximally egalitarian and democratic participation in decision-making is the attributes that to greater or lesser degree are inherent to the utopias of Western civilization, beginning with the work of T. More. These same attributes retain in the concept of information society, which allows raising the question of the need for critical revision as a theoretical scientific concept and practical political project of the information society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 80 (Suppl 1) ◽  
pp. 1158.1-1158
G. Gridneva ◽  
E. Samarkina ◽  
S. Glukhova ◽  
Y. Muraviev ◽  
A. Kudryavtseva ◽  

Background:7-hydroxy Methotrexate (7-hydroxy-MTX) is a phase I metabolite of MTX, which is converted by hepatic aldehyde oxidases. It is known that 7-hydroxy MTX can reduce the effectiveness of methotrexate, which is associated with increased excretion of methotrexate due to a decrease in polyglutamation and binding to enzymes [1].Objectives:To analyze the level of 7-hydroxy-MTX in peripheral blood cells in order to study the correlation of the level of this metabolite with the level of polyglutamates of methotrexate (MTXPGs).Methods:The prospective study included 65 patients aged 53±11 years, 50 women, 13 men, diagnosed with RA, according to the ACR/EULAR 2020 criteria, methotrexate (MTX) naiive. The duration of the disease was 7,5[4;24] months. All patients were administrated MTX subcutaneously at a dose of 10-15 mg/m2. The visits were carried out at weeks 0, 4, 12, 24 and 36, at all visits samples were taken for the content of MTXPGs with 1,2,3 and 4 glutamate residues and 7-hydroxy MTX separately in red blood cells mass (RBC) and mononuclear cells (MO). The mononuclear fraction was isolated by layering on verografin-ficoll. All patients received folic acid at a standard dose of 5 mg 24 hours after parenteral MTX administration. Samples were collected no earlier than 36 hours after MTX administration. All patients had normal renal function. Disease activity was assessed using the DAS28 index calculated by C-reactive protein.Results:The average concentration of 7-hydroxy MTX is shown in Table 1.Table 1.Level of 7-hydroxy MTX in erythrocytes and mononuclear cells, nmol/L, Median [25; 75 quartiles]7-hydroxy MTX level in:4 weeks12 weeks24 weeks36 weeksRBC18,5[3,1;61,5]10,2[3,6;50,8]10,3[1,7;36,8]7,2[0,1;25,3]MO0,8[0,1;15,2]4,0[0,1;42,2]3,5[0,1;8,1]0,4[0,1;8,9]The level of 7-hydroxy-MTX directly correlated with the level of MTXPGs 1-4, and summary MTXPG in both RBC and MO. Analysis of pairwise correlations according to Pearson showed that: after 4, 12 and 36 weeks, the level of 7-hydroxy-MTX did not correlate with the value of DAS28. After 24 weeks of therapy, the level of 7-hydroxy-MTX in RBC was inversely correlated with DAS28 of the disease (p=0.043).Conclusion:The preliminary results indicate a positive correlation between the level of 7-hydroxy-MTX and MTXPGs in RBC and MO. In this regard, the concentration of 7-hydroxy-MTX can be used as a prognostic marker for MTX therapy in the absence of opportunities in clinical centers to measure the entire line of MTXPGs in RBC and MO. Since the data obtained are somewhat at odds with the few literary sources, it is necessary to conduct further research on this fact.References:[1]Baggott JE, Morgan SL (2009) Methotrexate catabolism to 7-hydroxymethotrexate in rheumatoid arthritis alters drug efficacy and retention and is reduced by folic acid supplementation. Arthritis Rheum 60:2257–2261Disclosure of Interests:None declared

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-60
N.V. Grebchenko ◽  
Y.V. Yeromenko ◽  

Protection against short circuits in microgrid networks with distributed generation is proposed, in which the power of the power sources and loads are constantly changing, which leads to a change in the sensitivity of relay protection. The response current of the proposed protection automatically adapts to the current value of the line operating current. The protection includes measures to block its action in the event of short-term interference in current circuits. Protection is installed on both sides of the line and protects the entire line, provides a stable mode of operation of the network due to the quick shutdown of short circuits. The algorithm of operation and the scheme for implementing protection are given. The protection operation was tested using the parameters of the real short circuit mode. References 7, figures 3.

Empiricisms ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 339-354
Barry Allen

The chapter considers three lines of anti-empiricism in analytic philosophy: Quine and Davidson against the “dogmas of empiricism”; Sellars against the “myth of the given”; and Rorty’s new pragmatism, with its “higher nominalism” and disdain for radical empiricism. These anti-empiricism arguments were chiefly developed with Carnap in mind, and that is their weakness. The empiricism they criticize is theorematic rather than problematic, the empiricism of Russell and Carnap, not Epicurus or Newton. “Problematic” empiricisms like theirs, and including the work of the radical empiricists, are untouched by this entire line of criticism.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 31-42
Johannes Kluhspies ◽  
Martina Hekler

The Chuo Shinkansen is a Japanese maglev line under construction between Tokyo and Osaka. On a central section of the line, construction has come to a standstill in 2020 for reasons of regional policy. This threatens the completion of the entire line. The article describes some of the interests triggering the underlying conflict. Some of the key points contained in the Japanese solution proposals are summarized. Overall, the opening of the high-speed maglev system is likely to be postponed by several years.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 5-15 ◽  
Jessica Kunert

This study examines how algorithmic processing affects structures and practices in sports journalism in Germany. A multi-level perspective is used to determine which strategies data providers, software providers, and media outlets use to develop automated reporting, which compiles perspectives across the entire line of news production. The results of 11 in-depth interviews show that non-journalistic actors are vital partners in the news production process, as all actors work together in data handling, training, and software development. Moreover, automation can generate additional content such as match and historical coverage to help address shortfalls in capacity. However, given the business case for automation, amateur football (soccer) is currently the only viable candidate for its use. Many actors involved in the process argue that automated content is an added value for their readers, but claim that content quality has to be put before quantity. This means that some media outlets edit automated articles to increase the quality of their sports journalism, but that this is done only on a small scale. Media outlets do not perceive their roles to be changing, but see automation as a helpful tool that complements their work; a few use automatically created articles as a baseline for in-depth reporting. Moreover, the so-called ‘meta-writer’ has not become a reality yet, as data-processing and news writing are still kept separate. This article sheds new light on the use of automation in the sports beat, highlighting the growing role of non-journalistic actors in the news production process.

Games ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 14
Georgiy Karev

Evolution of distribution of strategies in game theory is an interesting question that has been studied only for specific cases. Here I develop a general method to extend analysis of the evolution of continuous strategy distributions given a quadratic payoff function for any initial distribution in order to answer the following question—given the initial distribution of strategies in a game, how will it evolve over time? I look at several specific examples, including normal distribution on the entire line, normal truncated distribution, as well as exponential and uniform distributions. I show that in the case of a negative quadratic term of the payoff function, regardless of the initial distribution, the current distribution of strategies becomes normal, full or truncated, and it tends to a distribution concentrated in a single point so that the limit state of the population is monomorphic. In the case of a positive quadratic term, the limit state of the population may be dimorphic. The developed method can now be applied to a broad class of questions pertaining to evolution of strategies in games with different payoff functions and different initial distributions.

Branko Majmunovic ◽  
Satyaki Mukherjee ◽  
Rahul Mallik ◽  
Soham Dutta ◽  
Gab-Su Seo ◽  

Israel Marines-Garcia ◽  
Aarón Aguilar ◽  
Ramón Aguilar ◽  
Mauricio Pelcastre ◽  
Philippe Darcis

Abstract For special high dynamic loading applications, the structural integrity of the girth welds shall withstand stress levels that might be on the limits of the permissible defect tolerances for current production welding standards for plain pipe ends. In addition, unexpected loading conditions might take the stress limits out of safe operation, which can compromise the entire line. As a solution, the cross section of the girth weld may be increased for ensuring the strength and fatigue resistance under any loading circumstances, including strain cycles of reeling installation technique. The employment of pipes with upset ends is an excellent option for those cases. To propose this option as an alternative to current offshore solution for a Major O&G company, Tenaris developed a long upset pipe end with enhanced fatigue life. The challenges of this work included the manufacturing of very long upset ends from a medium wall thickness pipe, very tight mechanical properties difference between pipe and upset material properties, and finally a welding qualification program. The improvement of the fatigue strength of this product was highly expected. In order to achieve all requirements, especial arrangements were performed on the upsetter machine for achieving the target upset geometry; which was previously obtained by a design of experiments technique. Then the heat treatment of the pipes was designed for obtaining the tight mechanical properties difference between pipe body and upset sections. The main outcomes of the whole development are described within this paper; which include key information of how to overcome issues that might arise during the development and production stages of upsetted line pipes. The upset ends undertake a cylindrical machining; this process provides the advantage of achieving tight dimensional tolerances in the high-low girth welding alignment. The fatigue endurance data after full scale reeling experimental test are included, as well as the numerical comparison between the strain fields of plain pipe and upset girth weld unions. The welding procedure qualified during this work is described. The results of the whole development were very satisfactory and, as expected, the fatigue strength of upset ends was higher than the plain pipe.

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