scientific concept
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M.V. Petrova

The article reveals the ontological essence of technology on the basis of identifying categories that reflect the meaning of technology at various stages of the development of society. Categories: copying, serving, overcoming, production, progress, process, revolution, science, technogenic environment, technosphere, noosphere, alienation force, pollution factor, collective intelligence, technical reality, technotronic civilization, transformation - they consistently reveal the ontology of technology. The significance of the Kappa concept of technology, which defines technology as an extension of a human being, is shown. The influence of the historical context in the formation of categories describing the essence of technology is revealed. Much attention is paid to the inconsistency, multidimensionality of the phenomenon of technology. The article defines the specifics of using the categories of technogenic environment and technosphere. The significance of the natural scientific concept of the noosphere is shown. The analysis of the features of the fifth technological revolution is given, the prospects for the formation of a technotronic society are shown. It has been established that the most important ontological basis of the phenomenon of technology is the anthropological component, which does not remain constant. The question is raised about the possibility of self-sufficiency of technology in the ontological sense, the formation of its independence from a person and the likelihood of such a scenario. The technotronic civilization is just being formed and the prospects for its development are not unambiguous, technology can acquire new, completely unexpected qualities, which requires further research.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Lindsay Portnoy ◽  
Talia Lemberger

Purpose Approaches to learning have the ability to influence knowledge acquisition, comprehension, retention and even motivation to learn. Previous work indicates that despite age, experience, or prior knowledge, students have a tendency to approach learning differently as a function of the presented content. The purpose of this study is to explore how context influences student approaches to learning science. Design/methodology/approach The authors adopt a question-asking methodology to evaluate if approaches to learning the same science content vary when presented within the context of Pure Science or the History of Science. Findings Results indicate that contextualizing the presentation of science content, shifts the approaches students take in attempting to learn science content as evidenced by the questions they ask to deepen their understanding. Additional variables of prior experience with each scientific concept, task persistence at a distractor task and later recall of the presented concepts were related to different inquiry strategies. Research limitations/implications Implications for instructional design and pedagogy are discussed. Practical implications The framework in which scientific information is presented may impact how students modify existing and create a new schema, impacting their beliefs about scientific knowledge and the way in which students question, hypothesize and engage within the domain of science. Social implications By studying the role of inquiry while students engage in science learning, the authors explore the role of context, content and knowledge retention. Originality/value The current study probes at the nature of student questioning and its reliance on the content, context and its relationship to outcome variables such as learning and, perhaps, even persistence as it relates to students’ prior knowledge within content areas which may, in turn, lead to varying levels of student self-efficacy.

Itinera ◽  
2021 ◽  
Ziggy Ghassemi

This article proposes connections between literature and science through the relatively recent scientific concept of chaos. I examine Laurence Sterne’s The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman and Denis Diderot’s Jacques the Fatalist and His Master to show how these authors contradict the scientific thinkers of their time by creating narrative structures that disrupt the normal flow of time and bend the typically absolute space between reader and fictional story. Though the physical books of Jacques and Tristram Shandy have a final page, the two authors leave it to their readers to finish the stories for themselves. The narrators of both novels interact with their readers, creating a space that allows their audience to fill in the narrator’s and author's blanks. In doing this, these texts become simultaneously complete and incomplete. Thus, a narrative styled similarly to the thought experiment of Schrodinger's cat is created. In this sense these novels can be perceived as precursors to scientific thought of the twentieth and twenty-first century.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
إدريس عبده عثمان عبده عبد الله

استخدام التخطيط و البحوث العلمية في المؤسسات الإعلامية : دراسة وصفية تحليلية على عينة من المؤسسات الإعلامية الاتحادية بولاية الخرطوم في الفترة من أول يناير 2009م إلى 31 ديسمبر 2010م The study deals with the use of planning scientific research in some information institutes at Khartoum state in the period 2009- 2010. The study concentrated on the use of planning in this institutes and do the information instates use the scientific concept of planning , in adition to the institutes information how to use the planning to collect information , data on the scientific research. For their more the difficulties which face the planning and scientific research in the information in states. The study summarizes that planning used by these institution sometimes is bsed on scientific research. These institutions do not use planning continuously, with planner in their general policies, and the use of scientific in bases in their researches one reflected. The study suggested the necessity of using planning in information institution through scientific principles. The researches implemented by the information institution must present solution the problems and difficulties they faced , and which are assist and facilitate in using the planning process , in addition to the existence of scientific research assessment and valuation for researches of communication used by these information institution

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Fujuan Chen ◽  
Xueying Xiao ◽  
Youshan Ni ◽  
Yanan Zhu ◽  
Xiao Li

In order to improve the comprehensive nursing effect of the hospital emergency treatment, this paper analyzes the process of the hospital emergency treatment. In addition, this paper combines the possible risks to analyze the risk factors of the comprehensive nursing in the hospital emergency treatment and builds an intelligent analysis model based on the actual situation of the hospital emergency treatment. At the same time, this paper conducts a systematic survey of emergency services and gives the composition and structure of the system. In addition, this paper divides the business required by the system into modules, including registration module, doctor workstation, nurse workstation, query statistics module, decision-making module, and maintenance module. Finally, this paper suggests that in the process of the clinical triage, more ideas for improving the existing evaluation model should be proposed, and experience should be transformed into advantages, so as to improve emergency triage skills; establish an objective, quantitative, and scientific concept of emergency classification and triage; and fully realize scientific triage and precise triage.

Tryastuti Irawati Belliny Manullang ◽  
Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto ◽  
Ana A ◽  
Efri Mardawati ◽  

This study aims to demonstrate the importance of hygiene to prevent COVID-19 pandemic towards students with special needs using wheat bread where the chemical nutrient and multiplied microorganisms on bread made from wheat microparticles are analyzed. The experiments were conducted by contaminating the wheat bread using hands cleansed washing soap, hand sanitizer, cajuput oil, and cooking oil. Then, we gave lessons about the scientific concept to students with intellectual disabilities with IQ below 70. Results of the contaminated wheat bread showed the highest colony-forming units on the given treatment which used water and cooking oil. The second highest was the dirty hands. However, for wheat bread contaminated by handwashing soap, hand sanitizer and stores in the fridge, the colony-forming unit was null. The teaching and learning process showed that this experiment helped students to maintain personal hygiene during COVID-19. The experiment successfully shifted students’ perspectives because the students directly observed the process of the spoilage bread. Although it is very difficult for the students with intellectual disabilities to learn the concept of fungus, and microbe’s growth on the bread, this study can open students’ perception about handwashing. Therefore, implementing the experimental demonstration through an inquiry-based approach in future studies should be conducted to enable students to understand more about the scientific concept.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 299-313
Iryna Udris

Purpose of research. The need for a thorough scientific and theoretical consideration and generalization of the formation of systematic knowledge about the national forms of our art at the leading stages of historical development, is gaining relevance in modern domestic science of art. Among other things, it requires the study of the achievements of scientists in the study of national creative heritage in the field of sculpture of Kievan Rus and the Cossack times during the formation of scientific art history. The article is devoted to the process of formation of the concept of evolution of forms of sculpture of the old princely years and the Cossack era in the works of specialists of the early twentieth century. The research methodology is based on a comprehensive historical and cultural approach, a systematic method, synchronous analysis of publications of one time period, structural analysis. This methodology allows us to consider the gradual formation of scientific views on the characteristic national differences and the direction of evolution of Ukrainian art of this period in the broader international context of artistic development. The scientific novelty of the results is to determine the process of formation of objective ideas about the formal and semantic features, distinctive features and high artistic level of monuments of Ukrainian sculpture from ancient times to the end of the Cossack era based on analysis of publications of various trends of leading experts of the late XIX – XX centuries .: D. Ainalova, E. Redina, E. Kuzmina, F. Ernst, M. Makarenko, K. Shirotsky, S. Yaremich, V. Modzalevsky, F. Schmidt, devoted to the study of this branch of ancient Ukrainian art and in the context of the characteristics of the general development of fine arts, and as an independent subject of research. Conclusions. Ukrainian science of art of the early twentieth century. has achieved undeniable success in the study of national forms of domestic sculpture of ancient Slavic times, Kievan Rus and the seventeenth – eighteenth centuries. as the period of the highest prosperity. The considered material testifies to the high professional level of formation of the substantiated scientific concept of national self-sufficiency of ancient Ukrainian sculpture as an important component of the general art process at various stages of its development.

2021 ◽  
pp. 147-154
M. N. Stepanova

The paper implements an institutional and functional approach to determining the place and role of insurance in shaping a “green” economy. The ways of integrating it as a constituent element of the financial system have been considered. The views of scientists involved in various aspects of modelling the “green” economy on the functional utility of insurance have been summarised. The use of the term “green insurance” and the meanings it implies have been analysed. The author has concluded that the relevant concept of “green insurance” is not yet so unambiguous that it can be used as a scientific concept. Another important conclusion that has been brought up for discussion is that the potential of insurance as a risk management tool within the green economy strategy is not to be confined to environmental insurance, but should be considered in expanding its scope of application to include both the fuller coverage of risk carriers and the range of potential hazards. 

Natalia Chornopyska ◽  
K. Stasiuk ◽  

The article emphasizes Ukrainian terminology streamlining importance for the area of logistics and supply chain management. It is noted that cooperation of linguists-terminologists and logistics specialists should be considered as a prerequisite for terminological work of high quality. First group’s responsibilities include elaboration and presentation of the term resulting into reducing its semantic content by fitting the scope into boundaries of vocabulary definition; logistics professionals on the other hand are responsible for developing scientific discourse maximizing scientific concept contents. Logistics terminology problem gets into focus of every searcher researching logistics and supply chain management problems. Exploration results are rather representing semantic content of a term than polishing it by aiming at unambiguous and clear definition of the term, its conciseness. The streamlining of Ukrainian terminology in logistics is likely to draw experts’ attention to qualitative component of the problem concerning terms unification. And it seems reasonable to start with common terms, such as "logistics potential" being the object of this study. The paper aims at supplementing the scientific discourse on the term "logistics potential" with its subsequent unification. General objectives include (1) carrying out a comparative and critical analysis for the scientific concept of "logistics potential" by means of existing developments of domestic scientific schools and (2) proposing unified term for "logistics potential" suitable for further codification in the terminology dictionary. As a result, a visual representation of "logistics potential" concept is being provided; the author's definition of the term "logistic potential" is being formulated; the need for "logistics system", "capability", "symbiosis", "resilience" and "progress" categories usage is being explained as the most suitable for revealing the content as well as helpful for achieving conciseness of the term.

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