analysis task
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2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-80
Refayafis Naibaho ◽  
Kimura Patar Tamba ◽  
Yanuar Rahmat Ndraha

Task design atau desain tugas merupakan komponen penting dalam mendorong terjadinya proses belajar matematika. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menyusun task design pembelajaran topik permutasi. Penelitian ini melibatkan 80 siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas di Ngabang, Kalimantan Barat pada tanggal 1 Januari sampai 5 Maret 2021. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi didactic engineering yang terdiri dari empat tahap yaitu 1) preliminary analysis, (2) design and a priori analysis, (3) implementation, observation, and data collection, dan (4) a posteriori analysis. Task design disusun dengan menggunakan kerangka Teori Situasi Didaktis. Pada setiap tahap, khususnya tahap keempat, data dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa untuk materi permutasi dapat dibuat task design berupa swafoto kelompok. Swafoto kelompok merupakan fundamental situation dalam task design yang dikonstruksi dengan kerangka Teori Situasi Didaktis dan sesuai dengan konteks siswa. Task design ini juga mampu mendorong siswa mengkonstruksi pengetahuannya melalui permasalahan swafoto kelompok. Dalam konteks pembelajaran jarak jauh, pada masa pandemi ini, swafoto kelompok merupakan bentuk task design yang kontekstual dan mendorong siswa terlibat aktif karena sifatnya personal. Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan potensi dan penggunaan Teori Situasi Didaktis sebagai kerangka task design pada topik permutasi di Sekolah Menengah Atas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (23) ◽  
pp. 216-232
Khaoula Mrhar ◽  
Lamia Benhiba ◽  
Samir Bourekkache ◽  
Mounia Abik

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are increasingly used by learn-ers to acquire knowledge and develop new skills. MOOCs provide a trove of data that can be leveraged to better assist learners, including behavioral data from built-in collaborative tools such as discussion boards and course wikis. Data tracing social interactions among learners are especially inter-esting as their analyses help improve MOOCs’ effectiveness. We particular-ly perform sentiment analysis on such data to predict learners at risk of dropping out, measure the success of the MOOC, and personalize the MOOC according to a learner’s behavior and detected emotions. In this pa-per, we propose a novel approach to sentiment analysis that combines the advantages of the deep learning architectures CNN and LSTM. To avoid highly uncertain predictions, we utilize a Bayesian neural network (BNN) model to quantify uncertainty within the sentiment analysis task. Our em-pirical results indicate that: 1) The Bayesian CNN-LSTM model provides interesting performance compared to other models (CNN-LSTM, CNN, LSTM) in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-Score; and 2) there is a high correlation between the sentiment in forum posts and the dropout rate in MOOCs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-17
Yunlu Bai ◽  
Geng Yang ◽  
Yang Xiang ◽  
Xuan Wang

For data analysis with differential privacy, an analysis task usually requires multiple queries to complete, and the total budget needs to be divided into different parts and allocated to each query. However, at present, the budget allocation in differential privacy lacks efficient and general allocation strategies, and most of the research tends to adopt an average or exclusive allocation method. In this paper, we propose two series strategies for budget allocation: the geometric series and the Taylor series. We show the different characteristics of the two series and provide a calculation method for selecting the key parameters. To better reflect a user’s preference of noise during the allocation, we explored the relationship between sensitivity and noise in detail, and, based on this, we propose an optimization for the series strategies. Finally, to prevent collusion attacks and improve security, we provide three ideas for protecting the budget sequence. Both the theoretical analysis and experimental results show that our methods can support more queries and achieve higher utility. This shows that our series allocation strategies have a high degree of flexibility which can meet the user’s need and allow them to be better applied to differentially private algorithms to achieve high performance while maintaining the security.

2021 ◽  
Ying Han ◽  
Bin Zheng ◽  
Linyong Zhao ◽  
Jiankun Hu ◽  
Chao Zhang ◽  

Abstract BACKGROUND: Music and noise have different impacts on individuals in the operating room. Their effects on the performance of surgical teams in simulated environments are not well documented. We investigated if laparoscopic teams operating under favorable acoustic conditions would perform better than under noisy conditions.METHODS: We recruited 114 surgical residents and built 57 two-person teams. Each team was required to perform two laparoscopic tasks (object transportation and collaborative suturing) on a simulation training box under musical, neutral, and noisy acoustic conditions. Data were extracted from video recordings of each performance for analysis. Task performance was measured by the duration of time to complete a task and the total number of errors, and objective performance scores. The measures were compared over the three acoustic conditions.RESULTS: A musical environment elicited higher performance scores than a noisy environment for both the object transportation (performance score: 66.3 ± 8.6 vs. 57.6 ± 11.2; p < 0.001) and collaborative suturing tasks (78.6 ± 5.4 vs. 67.2 ± 11.1; p < 0.001). Task times in the musical and noisy environments was subtracted to produce a musical-noisy difference time. Pearson correlation coefficient analysis showed a significant negative relationship between the team experience score and the musical-noisy difference time on the object transportation (r = -0.246, p = 0.046) and collaborative suturing tasks (r = -0.248, p = 0.044). CONCLUSIONS: As to individuals, music enhances the performance of a laparoscopy team while noise worsens performance. The negative correlation between team experience and musical-noisy difference time suggests that laparoscopy teams composed of experienced surgeons are less likely affected by an acoustic distraction than novice teams. Team resistance to acoustic distraction may lead to a new way for assessing team skills.

Maxim Vidgof ◽  
Djordje Djurica ◽  
Saimir Bala ◽  
Jan Mendling

AbstractProcess mining is a family of analytical techniques that extract insights from an event log and present them to an analyst. A key analysis task is to understand the distinctive features of different variants of the process and their impact on process performance. Techniques for log-delta analysis (or variant analysis) put a strong emphasis on automatically extracting explanations for differences between variants. A weakness of them is, however, their limited support for interactively exploring the dividing line between typical and atypical behavior. In this paper, we address this research gap by developing and evaluating an interactive technique for log-delta analysis, which we call InterLog. This technique is developed based on the idea that the analyst can interactively define filter ranges and that these filters are used to partition the log L into sub-logs $$L_1$$ L 1 for the selected cases and $$L_2$$ L 2 for the deselected cases. In this way, the analyst can step-by-step explore the log and manually separate the typical behavior from the atypical. We prototypically implement InterLog and demonstrate its application for a real-world event log. Furthermore, we evaluate it in a preliminary design study with process mining experts for usefulness and ease of use.

Electronics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (18) ◽  
pp. 2195
Luca Bacco ◽  
Andrea Cimino ◽  
Felice Dell’Orletta ◽  
Mario Merone

In recent years, the explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) paradigm is gaining wide research interest. The natural language processing (NLP) community is also approaching the shift of paradigm: building a suite of models that provide an explanation of the decision on some main task, without affecting the performances. It is not an easy job for sure, especially when very poorly interpretable models are involved, like the almost ubiquitous (at least in the NLP literature of the last years) transformers. Here, we propose two different transformer-based methodologies exploiting the inner hierarchy of the documents to perform a sentiment analysis task while extracting the most important (with regards to the model decision) sentences to build a summary as the explanation of the output. For the first architecture, we placed two transformers in cascade and leveraged the attention weights of the second one to build the summary. For the other architecture, we employed a single transformer to classify the single sentences in the document and then combine the probability scores of each to perform the classification and then build the summary. We compared the two methodologies by using the IMDB dataset, both in terms of classification and explainability performances. To assess the explainability part, we propose two kinds of metrics, based on benchmarking the models’ summaries with human annotations. We recruited four independent operators to annotate few documents retrieved from the original dataset. Furthermore, we conducted an ablation study to highlight how implementing some strategies leads to important improvements on the explainability performance of the cascade transformers model.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-20
Tham Vo

Recently, many pre-trained text embedding models have been applied to effectively extract latent features from texts and achieve remarkable performance in various downstream tasks of sentiment analysis domain. However, these pre-trained text embedding models also encounter limitations related to the capability preserving the syntactical structure as well as the global long-range dependent relationships of words. Thus, they might fail to recognize the relevant syntactical features of words as valuable evidences for analyzing sentiment aspects. To overcome these limitations, we proposed a novel deep semantic contextual embedding technique for sentiment analysis, called as: SE4SA. Our proposed SE4SA is a multi-level text embedding model which enables to jointly exploit the long-range syntactical and sequential representations of texts. Then, these achieved rich semantic textual representations can support to have a better understanding on the sentiment aspects of the given text corpus, thereby resulting the better performance on sentiment analysis task. Extensive experiments in several benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness or our proposed SE4SA model in comparing with recent state-of-the-art model.

Georgios Alexandridis ◽  
John Aliprantis ◽  
Konstantinos Michalakis ◽  
Konstantinos Korovesis ◽  
Panagiotis Tsantilas ◽  

The task of sentiment analysis tries to predict the affective state of a document by examining its content and metadata through the application of machine learning techniques. Recent advances in the field consider sentiment to be a multi-dimensional quantity that pertains to different interpretations (or aspects), rather than a single one. Based on earlier research, the current work examines the said task in the framework of a larger architecture that crawls documents from various online sources. Subsequently, the collected data are pre-processed, in order to extract useful features that assist the machine learning algorithms in the sentiment analysis task. More specifically, the words that comprise each text are mapped to a neural embedding space and are provided to a hybrid, bi-directional long short-term memory network, coupled with convolutional layers and an attention mechanism that outputs the final textual features. Additionally, a number of document metadata are extracted, including the number of a document’s repetitions in the collected corpus (i.e. number of reposts/retweets), the frequency and type of emoji ideograms and the presence of keywords, either extracted automatically or assigned manually, in the form of hashtags. The novelty of the proposed approach lies in the semantic annotation of the retrieved keywords, since an ontology-based knowledge management system is queried, with the purpose of retrieving the classes the aforementioned keywords belong to. Finally, all features are provided to a fully connected, multi-layered, feed-forward artificial neural network that performs the analysis task. The overall architecture is compared, on a manually collected corpus of documents, with two other state-of-the-art approaches, achieving optimal results in identifying negative sentiment, which is of particular interest to certain parties (like for example, companies) that are interested in measuring their online reputation.

2021 ◽  
Haluk Akay ◽  
Maria Yang ◽  
Sang-Gook Kim

Abstract Nearly every artifact of the modern engineering design process is digitally recorded and stored, resulting in an overwhelming amount of raw data detailing past designs. Analyzing this design knowledge and extracting functional information from sets of digital documents is a difficult and time-consuming task for human designers. For the case of textual documentation, poorly written superfluous descriptions filled with jargon are especially challenging for junior designers with less domain expertise to read. If the task of reading documents to extract functional requirements could be automated, designers could actually benefit from the distillation of massive digital repositories of design documentation into valuable information that can inform engineering design. This paper presents a system for automating the extraction of structured functional requirements from textual design documents by applying state of the art Natural Language Processing (NLP) models. A recursive method utilizing Machine Learning-based question-answering is developed to process design texts by initially identifying the highest-level functional requirement, and subsequently extracting additional requirements contained in the text passage. The efficacy of this system is evaluated by comparing the Machine Learning-based results with a study of 75 human designers performing the same design document analysis task on technical texts from the field of Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS). The prospect of deploying such a system on the sum of all digital engineering documents suggests a future where design failures are less likely to be repeated and past successes may be consistently used to forward innovation.

Annalisa Appice ◽  
Angelo Cannarile ◽  
Antonella Falini ◽  
Donato Malerba ◽  
Francesca Mazzia ◽  

AbstractSaliency detection mimics the natural visual attention mechanism that identifies an imagery region to be salient when it attracts visual attention more than the background. This image analysis task covers many important applications in several fields such as military science, ocean research, resources exploration, disaster and land-use monitoring tasks. Despite hundreds of models have been proposed for saliency detection in colour images, there is still a large room for improving saliency detection performances in hyperspectral imaging analysis. In the present study, an ensemble learning methodology for saliency detection in hyperspectral imagery datasets is presented. It enhances saliency assignments yielded through a robust colour-based technique with new saliency information extracted by taking advantage of the abundance of spectral information on multiple hyperspectral images. The experiments performed with the proposed methodology provide encouraging results, also compared to several competitors.

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