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2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 75-81
Andrej Valerianov ◽  
Natalya Alekseeva ◽  
Tatyana Medvedeva ◽  
Artur Semenov ◽  
Niyaz Safiullin

For the second decade, the agro-industrial complex has been receiving significant amounts of state support. At the same time, the issue of its effectiveness is becoming more and more urgent. In various sources, you can find a variety of approaches to assessing the effectiveness of budgetary funds allocated for the development of agriculture. The fact of state support in itself does not guarantee a return in the form of an increase in gross output, attraction of investments in the industry, an increase in wages in the countryside, an increase in tax revenues from enterprises in the industry. The methods of state support must adapt to modern challenges. They should stimulate recipients not for maximum development and subsequent cessation of activities, but for stable and long-term activities. This fine line usually prevents a sharp increase in the effectiveness of state support for the agro-industrial complex. The result of this study is an assessment of the rationality and effectiveness of state support for agriculture in the Chuvash Republic. The existing measures of state support in the Chuvash Republic properly support the development of the agricultural sector: investors have shown interest, fixed assets are being updated, labor productivity and production volumes are growing. But the current system does not quite cope with staffing problems in the countryside. The index of the physical volume of agricultural production, which amounted to 126.4% over the past 7 years, is far from a breakthrough rate. A significant increase in production volumes cannot be achieved with a reduction in the number of employees. Using the correlation-regression method, it was revealed that the growth of the level of wages in the countryside was largely influenced by the labor market laws, and not by state support measures. What is needed is motivating rather than compensatory measures on the part of the state, which will ensure the outstripping growth of wages in agriculture

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 122-129
Sanat Seitov

The research was carried out in order to highlight the main problems that impede the increase in the competitiveness of Kazakhstani animal husbandry. The indicators of productivity (milk yield, shearing of wool from one sheep, etc.), as well as aggregated data (production volumes, indices of the physical volume of gross production) were used as criteria for assessing the development of the industry. In Kazakhstan, the share of beef pedigree cattle in 2019 accounted for only 11.5% of the total cattle population. The average live weight of cattle was 336 kg, the average slaughter weight was 175 kg, which is 2 times lower than world standards, the average live weight of 1 bird was 2.2 kg. The republic has a weak base for the production of basic feed for the fattening contingent, due to which its supply with such feed is at the level of 57.8% of the scientifically grounded norm. The share of breeding stock of dairy cattle (as of January 1, 2018) is 2.8%, birds of all types - 12.3% of the total livestock, sheep - 14.8%. In modern conditions, in order to increase competitiveness, it is necessary to focus efforts on solving such problems as providing highly productive breeding cattle and poultry; improving the fodder base by expanding the crops of corn, soybeans, alfalfa, chickpea; strengthening of preventive work against especially dangerous animal diseases; adaptation of scientific developments in the field of genetics, selection and fodder production to the current economic conditions in animal husbandry; accelerating the transfer of animal husbandry to new technologies; implementation of international standards for product quality and management

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (9) ◽  
pp. e0256796
Ji Yeon Lim ◽  
Song Rae Cho ◽  
Gil Won Kim ◽  
Pil Joo Kim ◽  
Seung Tak Jeong

In rice paddy, the closed chamber method is broadly used to estimate methane (CH4) emission rate. Since rice plants can significantly affect CH4 production, oxidation and emission, rice plantation inside the chamber is standardized in IPCC guidelines. Methane emission rate is calculated using the increased concentration inside the headspace. Biomass growth might decrease the headspace volume, and thus CH4 emission rates might be overestimated. To evaluate the influence of chamber headspace decreased by rice plant development on CH4 emission rates, five Korean rice cultivars were cultivated in a typical rice paddy, and physical volume changes in rice biomass were assayed using water displacement method. The recommended acrylic closed chambers (H. 1.2 m x W. 0.6 m x L. 0.6 m) were installed, and eight rice plants were transplanted inside the chamber with the same space interval with the outside. Biomass growth significantly decreased the headspace volume of the chamber. However, this volume covered only 0.48–0.55% of the closed chamber volume at the maximum growth stage. During the whole cropping period, mean 0.24–0.28% of chamber headspace was allocated by plant biomass, and thus this level of total CH4 emissions was overestimated. However, this overestimation was much smaller than the errors coming from other investigation processes (i.e., chamber closing hour, temperature recording, inconstant flooding level, different soil environments, etc.) and rice physiological changes. In conclusion, the influence of physical biomass volume inside the closed chamber was negligible to make the error in total CH4 emission assessment in rice paddies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 236-245
T. Dudnyk ◽  
L. Chintea

Currently, forensic methods and regulations in the field of construction do not explain how quality of work affects the procedure of forensic examinations and research related to determining the work scope. While carrying out building and renovation services, it is possible to control provided construction and renovation services,  establish their physical volume and quality. While research, forensic expert can identify violations of building codes, as well as determine the cost of refurbishment or elimination of defects made providing services. The scoop of performed works is determined by geometric parameters of construction elements, established during field surveys using design and as-built documentation. While carrying out field surveys, it is necessary (along with the determination of service scope) to pay attention to the compliance of the work performed with the requirements of building codes. The article outlines problematic issues and provides a list of basic indicators determining the scoop and quality of the construction works carried out, indicated in the reporting documentation drawn up by contractors based on results of activities in the field of construction. Actual issue arising in the establishment of the scoop and cost of construction work is considered  that quality does not meet the requirements of regulatory documents in the field of construction. It is explained how the quality of the work performed affects the results of research related to the determination of the actually completed volumes of repair, building and renovation and construction work.

Niels R. van der Werf ◽  
S. Si-Mohamed ◽  
P. A. Rodesch ◽  
R. W. van Hamersvelt ◽  
M. J. W. Greuter ◽  

Abstract Objective The aim of the current study was, first, to assess the coronary artery calcium (CAC) scoring potential of spectral photon-counting CT (SPCCT) in comparison with computed tomography (CT) for routine clinical protocols. Second, improved CAC detection and quantification at reduced slice thickness were assessed. Methods Raw data was acquired and reconstructed with several combinations of reduced slice thickness and increasing strengths of iterative reconstruction (IR) for both CT systems with routine clinical CAC protocols for CT. Two CAC-containing cylindrical inserts, consisting of CAC of different densities and sizes, were placed in an anthropomorphic phantom. A specific CAC was detectable when 3 or more connected voxels exceeded the CAC scoring threshold of 130 Hounsfield units (HU). For all reconstructions, total CAC detectability was compared between both CT systems. Significant differences in CAC quantification (Agatston and volume scores) were assessed with Mann-Whitney U tests. Furthermore, volume scores were compared with the known CAC physical. Results CAC scores for routine clinical protocols were comparable between SPCCT and CT. SPCCT showed 34% and 4% higher detectability of CAC for the small and large phantom, respectively. At reduced slice thickness, CAC detection increased by 142% and 169% for CT and SPCCT, respectively. In comparison with CT, volume scores from SPCCT were more comparable with the physical volume of the CAC. Conclusion CAC scores using routine clinical protocols are comparable between conventional CT and SPCCT. The increased spatial resolution of SPCCT allows for increased detectability and more accurate CAC volume estimation. Key Points • Coronary artery calcium scores using routine clinical protocols are comparable between conventional CT and spectral photon-counting CT. • In comparison with conventional CT, increased coronary artery calcium detectability was shown for spectral photon-counting CT due to increased spatial resolution. • Volumes scores were more accurately determined with spectral photon-counting CT.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 6006
Ruslan Skrynkovskyy ◽  
Oksana Protseviat ◽  
Khrystyna Kaydrovych ◽  
Yuriy Tyrkalo ◽  
Sviatoslav Kniaz

Ensuring the development of the agro-industrial sector at both the national and regional levels is a priority for Ukraine’s integration not only into the European but also into the global economic space. The purpose of the article is to study the trends and prospects for the development of the agro-industrial sector of the regions of Ukraine. In the research process, the methods of theoretical analysis, synthesis, observation, description, tabular-graphic, correlation analysis were used. According to the study results, the reduction of the share of agriculture, forestry and fisheries sector in the structure of the gross domestic product of Ukraine in the period 2015–2019 from 12.06% in 2015 to 8.97% in 2019 was established. The unstable dynamics of the agricultural index in Ukraine during 2015–2020 was determined, wherein 2019–2020, the decrease in the physical volume of agricultural production by farms of all categories was 6.8 and 12.9 relative points compared to previous years. There was revealed the growing dynamics of labour productivity at enterprises engaged in agricultural activities in 2015-2019, except for the year 2017, when there was a slight decrease in this indicator by 1.3%, compared to 2016. The results of the correlation analysis, aimed at determining the relationship between the key variables that characterize the development of the agro-industrial sector of Ukraine, showed that among the studied regions of Ukraine, a very high and high direct correlation was demonstrated by nine regions of Ukraine, among which the Lviv region became the leader. The proposed approach to applying correlation analysis between the volume of output and the expenses of all enterprises for the production (work, services) can be applied to other types of economic activity.Prospects for the development of the agro-industrial sector of the regions of Ukraine are seen in the following: 1) the creation of unique integration business networks through the implementation of cooperation mechanisms; 2) support for the implementation of export operations at the appropriate level and the development of the existing export support infrastructure, in particular at the regional level; 3) establishing cooperation between potential producers of raw materials and processors, efficient use of production capacity and innovative production of agro-industrial complex (AIC) with the use of technological innovations on this basis; 4) effective use and increase of resource potential, ensuring the economic stability of agro-industrial entities; 5) state support and stimulation of the agro-industrial complex; 6) reforming the scientific and technical sphere of the agro-industrial complex.


The directions of statistical analysis of the country’s foreign trade processes are considered in the article. Possibilities of statistical methods for studying the state and the main trends that have developed in this area are highlighted. The conclusions about the intensity of the dynamics of the trade balance indicators are generalized. The processes of the outstripping development of imports over exports are highlighted. The dynamics of the balance of export-import operations is analyzed and trends of its deterioration are demonstrated. The degree of coverage of imports by exports and the processes of formation of the trade balance deficit are investigated in time. The directions of development of characteristics of the balance of foreign trade operations are studied. High levels of export and import dependence of the country have been demonstrated, which leads to vulnerability to external shocks and instability in the world. The results of the analysis of the structure and structural shifts in the trade of Ukraine with the countries of the Visegrad Four are presented. The emphasis is made on the prospects of interrelations with this group of countries from the point of view of using their experience in preparing for accession to the EU. The article demonstrates more intensive changes in the geographical structure of exports than imports and highlights the tendencies towards an increase in the role of Poland and a decrease in Hungary in the export-import operations of the Visegrad Four with Ukraine. The processes of changing the terms of trade have been investigated in terms of changes in export and import prices and in terms of changes in the physical volume of exports and imports on the example of a group of dairy products, which are widely represented among both export and import goods of Ukraine. The index method was used to analyze the absolute and relative impact of changes in prices and the physical volume of exports and imports of a number of dairy products on the value of exports and imports. Changes in the terms of trade are highlighted by constructing quantitative and price indices of the terms of trade. It was clarified that it was the sharp reduction in the physical volume of exports that contributed to the decrease in foreign exchange earnings from the export of dairy products. The necessity of measures to promote domestic goods abroad, primarily to European countries, has been substantiated. The research results can be used in foreign trade policy at the macro level.

2021 ◽  
pp. 14-18
Oleksandra ROZHENKO ◽  

Trends in the development of economic entities in Ukraine, which are factors for the formation of socio-economic areas of their state and legal regulation, taking into account all the diversity of characteristics of their functioning. Factors of state and legal regulation of economic entities in Ukraine, namely the branches of the national economy, as objects of such influence that need to be adjusted. The ratio of the dynamics of GDP in Ukraine with the dynamics of GDP in the world was studied, in Ukraine the decline in GDP growth occurred by 6.98 % more than in the world. The identified trends are an important factor for the development and introduction of changes in state and legal regulation for the adaptation of domestic legal norms to European and world standards. The structure of Ukraine's gross domestic product was studied and ten industries with the largest share in the country's GDP were identified. By indicators: the share of gross regional product in total (%), indices of physical volume of gross regional product (in previous year's prices, percent), indices of physical volume of gross regional product per capita in Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk and Kharkiv regions have the largest values by state, but with different rates of change. Examining the structure of gross regional product and the balance of foreign trade, identified administrative-territorial units in which there is the highest concentration: Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk and Kharkiv regions. Studies of key performance indicators of economic entities show a decrease in the number of economic entities by 1.66 %, an increase in the number of employees by 9.76 %, an increase in sales by 87.62 % and an increase in personnel costs by 124.65 %. Trends of the main indicators of enterprise activity have been studied in the selected regions and Ukraine, the growth of the number of business entities in 2015–2019 is observed only in Kyiv. The generalizing factor in the context of this study is the level of profitability (loss) of all activities of enterprises, which during 2015–2019 increased by more than 200 %.

2021 ◽  
Vol 296 ◽  
pp. 06017
Galina P. Litvintseva ◽  
Ilya N. Karelin

Digital transformation of society which influenced all spheres of people’s life can promote sustainability of economy, especially on the growth stage of its lifecycle. The research characterizes sustainability of economy as sustainability of economic growth in regions of Russia, which is estimated by variation ratio of growth rates of physical volume of gross regional product in 85 regions during 2011–2019. Positive connection between regional subindices of people’s quality of life and the ESG ranking of Russian regions is revealed. It was discovered that increase of people’s digital wealth positively influenced on sustainability of growth rates of gross regional product during 2015–2018. The risk of unemployment rate increase which is frequently mentioned in publications was not confirmed, namely the share of unemployed with higher education and without it as a part of relevant labor force negatively correlates with digital indices. Digitalization of social sphere and services positively influence on divorcement rate and tumor illness frequency while its decrease could result in growth of economic crimes share. However people’s digital wealth could influence on decrease of share of government and municipal servicemen in regions labor force. It is advisable to count these ambiguous processes when perfecting national and regional development programs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 273 ◽  
pp. 07018
Nikolay Chernov ◽  
Alexander Palii ◽  
Larisa Tolmacheva ◽  
Konstantin Tomilin ◽  
Mikhail Kritskiy

In this work the research of heat-removing properties of areas of extended surfaces, for example, of finned and needle radiators for assessment of efficiency of distribution of a thermal field and heat extraction is described. Also the description of the carried-out computational modeling is provided in the Fluent processor of universal program system of the final and element analysis Ansys. The relevance of the selected subject is confirmed by the fact that one of the most important and difficult tasks arising when developing the electronic equipment is a withdrawal of heat generated by it. At a current steady trend in reduction of dimensions of electronic devices this problem does not disappear, and opposite, becomes more and more sharp, and that is stronger, than device high power less its physical volume, and not only the efficiency of heat extraction, but also dimensions and, of course, reliability of operation of electronic devices depends on constructions of heat-removing elements. In work the conclusion is drawn that for a solution of a complex problem of assessment of efficiency of the heat sink for the purpose of decrease in temperature of heatterminated element, it is necessary to use electrothermal analogy.

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