basic measurement
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Sensors ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 482
Jiachen Yang ◽  
Tianlei Ni ◽  
Lin Liu ◽  
Jiabao Wen ◽  
Jingyi He ◽  

Marine surveying is an important part of marine environment monitoring systems. In order to improve the accuracy of marine surveying and reduce investment in artificial stations, it is necessary to use high-precision GNSS for shipborne navigation measurements. The basic measurement is based on the survey lines that are already planned by surveyors. In response to the needs of survey vessels sailing to the survey line, a method framework for the shortest route planning is proposed. Then an intelligent navigation system for survey vessels is established, which can be applied to online navigation of survey vessels. The essence of the framework is that the vessel can travel along the shortest route to the designated survey line under the limitation of its own minimum turning radius. Comparison and analysis of experiments show that the framework achieves better optimization. The experimental results show that our proposed method can enable the vessel to sail along a shorter path and reach the starting point of the survey line at the specified angle.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2086 (1) ◽  
pp. 012113
A I Levin ◽  
E A Pecherskaya ◽  
Yu A Varenik ◽  
V V Antipenko ◽  
D V Artamonov ◽  

Abstract The structure of an automated system for measuring the complex resistance of the human body and the phase difference is proposed. It is used in the rheographic method for diagnosing human cardiovascular system diseases using a multilevel microcontroller structure. The metrological analysis of the automated system made it possible to achieve an increase in the measurement accuracy both by reducing the methodological and instrumental components of measurement errors. The relative basic measurement error does not exceed ± 0.5%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 1318-1325
Johan Bruiyf Bension ◽  
Ferry Kondo Lembang ◽  
Carlos Salemba Latuihamallo ◽  
Samin Radjid ◽  
Asrul Irfanullah

ABSTRAK Negeri Hutumuri merupakan desa terpadat di wilayah Kecamatan Leitimur Selatan Kota Ambon dengan jumlah penduduk mencapai 4.657 jiwa serta kepadatan penduduk sebesar 310 jiwa setiap km2. Keberadaan profil status jumlah  penduduk yang lebih besar memungkinkan peluang munculnya berbagai persoalan kependudukan khususnya kesehatan penduduk apabila tidak dikelola dengan baik. Tujuan dari program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan aparat desa sebagai ujung tombak pembangunan desa terkait penyajian dan pengolahan data demografi kesehatan penduduk. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatannya meliputi pelatihan dan pendampingan tentang analisis statistik data demografi kesehatan penduduk yang meliputi pengukuran dasar data demografi kependudukan desa. Hasil dari pelaksanaan kegiatan ini, dapat menunjang pemahaman, menambah pengetahuan dan pengembangan softskill aparat desa dalam mengelola statistik demografi kesehatan penduduk yang berdampak pada peningkatan kualitas pengelolaan dan penataan data kependudukan yang dapat digunakan untuk pembangunan dan mempermudah pelayanan terhadap masyarakat desa. Kata Kunci: Demografi Kesehatan Penduduk, Penyajian dan Pengolahan Data, Softskill Aparat Desa ABSTRACT Negeri Hutumuri is the most populous village in the South Leitimur Subdistrict, Ambon City, with a population of 4,657 people and a population density of 310 people per km2. The existence of a larger population status profile allows opportunities for various population problems to arise, especially population health if it is not managed properly. The purpose of this Community Service program is to increase the knowledge of village officials as the spearhead of village development related to the presentation and processing of population health demographic data. The method of implementing its activities includes training and assistance on a statistical analysis of population health demographic data which includes basic measurement of village population demographic data. The results of the implementation of this activity can support understanding, increase knowledge and develop soft skills of village officials in managing demographic health statistics of the population which have an impact on improving the quality of management and structuring of population data that can be used for development and facilitating services to village communities. Keywords: Population Health Demographics, Data Presentation, and Processing, Soft Skills for Village Officials.

Aerospace ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (9) ◽  
pp. 240
Yusong Wang ◽  
Yidi Wang ◽  
Wei Zheng ◽  
Minzhang Song ◽  
Guanghua Li

X-ray pulsar-based navigation (XNAV) is a promising autonomous navigation method, and the pulse phase is the basic measurement of XNAV. However, the current methods for estimating the pulse phase for orbiting spacecraft have a high computational cost. This paper proposes a stellar angle measurement-aided pulse phase estimation method for high Earth orbit (HEO) spacecraft, with the aim of reducing the computational cost of pulse phase estimation in XNAV. In this pulse phase estimation method, the effect caused by the orbital motion of the spacecraft is roughly removed by stellar angle measurement. Furthermore, a deeply integrated navigation method using the X-ray pulsar and the stellar angle is proposed. The performances of the stellar angle measurement-aided pulse phase estimation method and the integrated navigation method were verified by simulation. The simulation results show that the proposed pulse phase estimation method can handle the signals of millisecond pulsars and achieve pulse phase estimation with lower computational cost than the current methods. In addition, for HEO spacecraft, the position error of the proposed integrated navigation method is lower than that of the stellar angle navigation method.

2021 ◽  
Peter Hrabovský ◽  
Zuzana Kolková ◽  
Jozef Matúšov ◽  
Pavol Belány

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 133
Antonino Quattrocchi ◽  
Roberto Montanini ◽  
Mariangela Latino ◽  
Nicola Donato

The sensitivity of Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBGs) to the variation of a specific parameter can be improved by choosing a suitable coating material. This paper explores the possibility of measuring the concentration of Ethanol in aqueous solutions by using poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) as coating material of a single-mode FBG. The basic measurement principle relies in the absorption of liquid Ethanol which produces controlled swallowing of the coating, straining the underneath Bragg grating. The PMMA coating was deposited on the FBG by means of a specifically designed dip coating test bench, able to accurately control the thickness of the applied layer. Metrological performances of the developed PMMA-coated FBG Ethanol sensor have been assessed for Ethanol concentrations in the range of 0-38 % in distilled water at 25 °C constant temperature. The prototype shows good repeatability and better sensitivity when compared to an uncoated FBG, especially at low Ethanol concentrations. The dynamic behavior of the sensor (which depends on the kinetics of the absorption mechanism) has been assessed as well, showing a response time of about 290 s, while the recovery time (660 s) was almost twice.

Vivian de Buffrénil ◽  
Eli Amson ◽  
Alexandra Quilhac ◽  
Dennis F. A. E. Voeten ◽  
Michel Laurin

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 59
Syahrir Syahrir

The existence of a laboratory in an engineering department is very important. The reality is that not all students can use existing laboratories in the engineering department due to limited laboratory space, tools and time constraints. The very rapid development of technology cannot be avoided. Active smartphone users in Indonesia reach over 100 million users. This proves that today's technological developments are very influential in everyday life. There are various kinds of technological developments that have occurred to date. One of these very rapid developments has led to digital technology which is increasingly favored by the community such as VR ( Virtual Reality ) technology which is able to provide the worldvirtual. Therefore, VR technology is used to solve student’s problems in accessing the laboratory. Where the VR technology takes a laboratory background. The utilization is in the form of virtual laboratory applications as digital educational media using VR technology which can later interact directly with practicum tools in the virtual laboratory application.

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
pp. 715-732
Hongyuan Gou ◽  
Xianyong Zhang

The multi-granulation rough sets serve as important hierarchical models for intelligent systems. However, their mainstream optimistic and pessimistic models are respectively too loose and strict, and this defect becomes especially serious in hierarchical processing on an attribute-expansion sequence. Aiming at the attribute-addition chain, compromised multi-granulation rough set models are proposed to systematically complement and balance the optimistic and pessimistic models. According to the knowledge refinement and measure order induced by the attribute-enlargement sequence, the basic measurement positioning and corresponding pointer labeling based on equilibrium statistics are used, and thus we construct four types of compromised models at three levels of knowledge, approximation, and accuracy. At the knowledge level, the median positioning of ordered granulations derives Compromised-Model 1; at the approximation level, the average positioning of approximation cardinalities is performed, and thus the separation and integration of dual approximations respectively generate Compromised-Models 2 and 3; at the accuracy level, the average positioning of applied accuracies yields Compromised-Model 4. Compromised-Models 1–4 adopt distinctive cognitive levels and statistical perspectives to improve and perfect the multi-granulation rough sets, and their properties and effectiveness are finally verified by information systems and data experiments.

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