wind structure
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2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (4) ◽  
pp. 421-424

Galaxies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 4
Amit Kashi ◽  
Amir Michaelis

We run a numerical experiment ejecting stellar winds in a very massive binary system measuring the properties of the resulting colliding wind structure and accreted mass onto the companion under different conditions. Colliding massive binaries interact and create a colliding wind structure with a shape that depends on the momentum ratio, orbital motion, distance between the stars, and other factors. We run simulations of a static LBV-WR binary and in each simulation abruptly varying the mass loss rate of the LBV from the fiducial value. The modified wind front propagates and interacts with the previous colliding wind structure, and modifies its shape. We calculate the emitted X-ray from the interaction and investigate the proprieties of the new shape. We derive the mass accretion rate onto the secondary, and find that it depends on the momentum ratio of the winds. We then add orbital velocity that reduces the mass accretion rate, a similar behaviour as the analytical estimates based on modified Bondi–Hoyle–Lyttleton. Creating a large set of simulations like those presented here can allow constraining parameters for specific colliding wind binaries and derive their stellar parameters and orbital solution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 1283-1301
Corwin J. Wright ◽  
Richard J. Hall ◽  
Timothy P. Banyard ◽  
Neil P. Hindley ◽  
Isabell Krisch ◽  

Abstract. Major sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs) are extreme dynamical events where the usual strong westerly winds of the stratospheric polar vortex temporarily weaken or reverse and polar stratospheric temperatures rise by tens of kelvins over just a few days and remain so for an extended period. Via dynamical modification of the atmosphere below them, SSWs are believed to be a key contributor to extreme winter weather events at the surface over the following weeks. SSW-induced changes to the wind structure of the polar vortex have previously been studied in models and reanalyses and in localised measurements such as radiosondes and radars but have not previously been directly and systematically observed on a global scale because of the major technical challenges involved in observing winds from space. Here, we exploit novel observations from ESA's flagship Aeolus wind-profiler mission, together with temperature and geopotential height data from NASA's Microwave Limb Sounder and surface variables from the ERA5 reanalysis, to study the 2021 SSW. This allows us to directly examine wind and related dynamical changes associated with the January 2021 major SSW. Aeolus is the first satellite mission to systematically and directly acquire profiles of wind, and therefore our results represent the first direct measurements of SSW-induced wind changes at the global scale. We see a complete reversal of the zonal winds in the lower to middle stratosphere, with reversed winds in some geographic regions reaching down to the bottom 2 km of the atmosphere. These altered winds are associated with major changes to surface temperature patterns, and in particular we see a strong potential linkage from the SSW to extreme winter weather outbreaks in Greece and Texas during late January and early February. Our results (1) demonstrate the benefits of wind-profiling satellites such as Aeolus in terms of both their direct measurement capability and use in supporting reanalysis-driven interpretation of stratosphere–troposphere coupling signatures, (2) provide a detailed dynamical description of a major weather event, and (3) have implications for the development of Earth-system models capable of accurately forecasting extreme winter weather.

2021 ◽  
Vol 923 (1) ◽  
pp. 105
Yan Li ◽  
Shaosui Xu ◽  
Janet G. Luhmann ◽  
Benoit Lavraud

Abstract We study solar wind anomalies and their associations with solar wind structures using the STEREO solar wind and suprathermal electron (STE) data from IMPACT and PLASTIC. We define solar wind anomalies as temporary and local excursions from the average solar wind state, regardless of their origins, for six anomalies: sunward strahls, counterstreaming suprathermal electrons, suprathermal electron depletions, nearly radial magnetic field episodes, anomalously low proton temperatures, and anomalously low proton beta. We first establish the solar wind synoptic contour displays, which show the expected variations in solar wind structure during the solar cycle: recurrent corotating heliospheric magnetic field (HMF) and stream structures are dominant during solar quiet times around the solar minimum (2008 December) preceding cycle 24, while complex structures characterize solar active times around the solar maximum (2014 April). During the declining phase of the cycle (2016–2019), the stream structures remain complex, but the HMF sectors show the structures of the solar minimum. We then systematically study the six anomalies by analyzing the STE data using automated procedures. All anomalies present some degree of dependence on the large-scale solar wind structure, especially around the solar minimum, implying that the solar wind structure plays a role in either the generation or transportation of these anomalies. One common feature of all of the anomalies is that the distributions of the durations of the anomalous episodes all peak at the 1 hr data resolution, but monotonically decrease over longer durations, which may arguably imply that solar anomalies occur on a continuum of temporal and spatial scales.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (22) ◽  
pp. 4655
Mathias Tollinger ◽  
Rune Graversen ◽  
Harald Johnsen

High-resolution sea surface observations by spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) instruments are sorely neglected resources for meteorological applications in polar regions. Such radar observations provide information about wind speed and direction based on wind-induced roughness of the sea surface. The increasing coverage of SAR observations in polar regions calls for the development of SAR-specific applications that make use of the full information content of this valuable resource. Here we provide examples of the potential of SAR observations to provide details of the complex, mesoscale wind structure during polar low events, and examine the performance of two current wind retrieval methods. Furthermore, we suggest a new approach towards accurate wind vector retrieval of complex wind fields from SAR observations that does not require a priori wind direction input that the most common retrieval methods are dependent on. This approach has the potential to be particularly beneficial for numerical forecasting of weather systems with strong wind gradients, such as polar lows.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-66

The convective activity along the west coast of India in the southwest monsoon season has some characteristic features, the reasons for which could not be given earlier. The observed features of convective weather over Bombay in this season show that they do not fall into the general pattern found in other areas of the tropics. A study of the thermodynamic conditions reveal that these features cannot be explained in terms of the observed instability. On the other hand, these features could be explained in terms of the environmental wind field.

Atmosphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (10) ◽  
pp. 1308
Eric A. Hendricks ◽  
Jonathan L. Vigh ◽  
Christopher M. Rozoff

A minimal modeling system for understanding tropical cyclone intensity and wind structure changes is introduced: Shallow Water Axisymmetric Model for Intensity (SWAMI). The forced, balanced, axisymmetric shallow water equations are reduced to a canonical potential vorticity (PV) production and inversion problem, whereby PV is produced through a mass sink (related to the diabatic heating) and inverted through a PV/absolute–angular–momentum invertibility principle. Because the invertibility principle is nonlinear, a Newton–Krylov method is used to iteratively obtain a numerical solution to the discrete problem. Two versions of the model are described: a physical radius version which neglects radial PV advection (SWAMI-r) and a potential radius version that naturally includes the advection in the quasi-Lagrangian coordinate (SWAMI-R). In idealized numerical simulations, SWAMI-R produces a thinner and more intense PV ring than SWAMI-r, demonstrating the role of axisymmetric radial PV advection in eyewall evolution. SWAMI-R always has lower intensification rates than SWAMI-r because the reduction in PV footprint effect dominates the peak magnitude increase effect. SWAMI-r is next demonstrated as a potentially useful short-term wind structure forecasting tool using the newly added FLIGHT+ Dataset azimuthal means for initialization and forcing on three example cases: a slowly intensifying event, a rapid intensification event, and a secondary wind maximum formation event. Then, SWAMI-r is evaluated using 63 intensifying cases. Even though the model is minimal, it is shown to have some skill in short-term intensity prediction, highlighting the known critical roles of the relationship between the radial structures of the vortex inertial stability and diabatic heating rate. Because of the simplicity of the models, SWAMI simulations are completed in seconds. Therefore, they may be of some use for hurricane nowcasting to short-term (less than 24 h) intensity and structure forecasting. Due to its favorable assumptions for tropical cyclone intensification, a potential use of SWAMI is a reasonable short-term upper-bound intensity forecast if the storm intensifies.

Rong Fei ◽  
Yuqing Wang

AbstractThe first successful simulation of tropical cyclone (TC) intensification was achieved with a three-layer model, often named the Ooyama-type three-layer model, which consists of a slab boundary layer and two shallow water layers above. Later studies showed that the use of a slab boundary layer would produce unrealistic boundary layer wind structure and too strong eyewall updraft at the top of TC boundary layer and thus simulate unrealistically rapid intensification compared to the use of a height-parameterized boundary layer. To fully consider the highly height-dependent boundary layer dynamics in the Ooyama-type three-layer model, this study replaced the slab boundary layer with a multilevel boundary layer in the Ooyama-type model and used it to conduct simulations of TC intensification and also compared the simulation with that from the model version with a slab boundary layer. Results show that compared with the simulation with a slab boundary layer, the use of a multilevel boundary layer can greatly improve simulations of the boundary-layer wind structure and the strength and radial location of eyewall updraft, and thus more realistic intensification rate due to better treatments of the surface layer processes and the nonlinear advection terms in the boundary layer. Sensitivity of the simulated TCs to the model configuration and to both horizontal and vertical mixing lengths, sea surface temperature, the Coriolis parameter, and the initial TC vortex structure are also examined. The results demonstrate that this new model can reproduce various sensitivities comparable to those found in previous studies using fully physics models.

Joseph E. Borovsky

If MHD turbulence is a dominant process acting in the solar wind between the Sun and 1 AU, then the destruction and regeneration of structure in the solar-wind plasma is expected. Six types of solar-wind structure at 1 AU that are not destroyed by turbulence are examined: 1) corotating-interaction-region stream interfaces, 2) periodic density structures, 3) magnetic structure anisotropy, 4) ion-composition boundaries and their co-located current sheets, 5) strahl-intensity boundaries and their co-located current sheets, and 6) non-evolving Alfvénic magnetic structure. Implications for the solar wind and for turbulence in the solar wind are highlighted and a call for critical future solar-wind measurements is given.

2021 ◽  
Bilal Benmahi ◽  
Thibault Cavalié ◽  
Thomas K. Greathouse ◽  
Vincent Hue ◽  
Rohini Giles ◽  

<p>Since 30 years, an equatorial oscillation of the temperature structure with a quasi-period of 4 years has been discovered in the atmosphere of Jupiter (Orton et al. 1991, Leovy et al. 1991). This phenomenon results in a complex vertical and horizontal structure of prograde and retrograde jets. However, the wind structure of the stratosphere in the equatorial zone of Jupiter has not been measured directly. It has only been inferred in the tropical region from the thermal wind balance using temperatures measured in the jovian stratosphere and the cloud-top wind speeds measured as a initial condition (e.g. Flasar et al. 2004). But temperatures are not constrained between the upper troposphere and the middle stratosphere from observations, limiting thus the accuracy of the thermal wind balance.</p> <p>In this study, we derive self-consistently for the first time the structure of the tropical winds by utilizing wind and temperature observations all performed in the stratosphere. The wind speeds were obtained by Cavalié et al. (2021) at 1 mbar in Jupiter's stratosphere in both the equatorial and tropical regions in March 2017 with ALMA. The stratospheric thermal field was measured a few days before from the equator to the mid-latitudes with Gemini/TEXES (Giles et al. 2020). For the derivation of the wind, we use both the thermal wind equation (Pedlosky 1979) and the equatorial thermal wind equation (Marcus et al. 2019). In this paper, we will present and discuss our results.</p>

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