individual housing
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2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 922
Jaekyung Lee ◽  
Galen Newman ◽  
Changyeon Lee

Urban shrinkage is a critical issue in local small- and medium-sized cities in Korea. While there have been several studies to analyze the causes and consequences of vacancy increases, most have only focused on socioeconomic associations at larger scale and failed to consider individual housing level characteristics, primarily due to a lack of appropriate data. Based on data including 52,400 individual parcels, this study analyzes the primary contributors to vacant properties and their spatial distribution through a multilevel model design based on data for each parcel. Then, we identify areas at high risk of vacancy in the future to provide evidence to establish policies for improving the local environment. Results indicate that construction year, building structure, and road access conditions have a significant effect on vacant properties at the individual parcel level, and the presence of schools and hypermarket within 500 m are found to decrease vacant properties. Further, prediction outcomes show that the aged city center and areas with strict regulations on land use are expected to have a higher vacancy rate. These findings are used to provide a set of data-based revitalization strategies through the development of a vacancy prediction model.

Alisha A Ziegler ◽  
Connie C Grobe ◽  
John J Reho ◽  
Eric S Jensen ◽  
Joseph D Thulin ◽  

Metabolic caging is an important tool for quantitative urine and feces collection in rodents, although significant limitationsand problems accompany its use. Despite strong opinions among investigators regarding the effects of metabolic caging onenergy and fluid homeostasis, careful quantitative analysis of the impact of this caging type—particularly when used for mice—is lacking. The current study assessed the effects of metabolic caging, with or without modifications such as plastic platform inserts, on ingestive behaviors, energy expenditure, accuracy of urine and fecal collection, and ambulatory activities in male C57BL/6J mice. Housing mice in metabolic cages, regardless of platform inclusion, increased energy expenditure without modifying food intake, presumably due to the inability of mice to perform normal thermoregulatory behaviors (burrowing and huddling). Surprisingly, mice in metabolic cages actively avoided platforms, and the inclusion of platforms modified the behavior of the mice and had position-dependent effects that reduced the accuracy of urine collection. Moving mice from cohousing to individual housing in home cages also increased ingestive behaviors and energy expenditure. We conclude that single housing of male C57BL/6J mice increases energy expenditure, that this increase is potentiated in metaboliccaging conditions, and that platforms in metabolic cages alter mouse behavior and urine collection. Additional future workis needed to determine the potential benefits of using higher ambient temperature for studies of mice in metabolic cagingand whether the above effects occur in females and other strains of mice and other rodent species.

2021 ◽  
Katarína Bučková ◽  
Ágnes Moravcsíková ◽  
Radka Šárová ◽  
Radko Rajmon ◽  
Marek Špinka

Abstract Most dairy calves are housed individually in their early ontogeny but there is an increasing interest in housing calves socially. Social housing has many positive effects on calf welfare including an advantage of social buffering, i.e., when negative effects of stress are mitigated through social support of familiar conspecific. So far, social buffering has not been tested in relation to stress after disbudding, a painful husbandry procedure performed in young calves. Therefore, the effect of pair versus individual housing on calves’ reaction to disbudding was investigated. In total 50 female calves housed either individually (n= 14) or in pairs (n= 36, 18 focal) were used. Calves were hot-iron disbudded with a local anesthetic and their behavior in home pens was recorded 24 h pre- and post-disbudding. Feeding, ruminating, resting, exploration, play, self-grooming, and pain-related behaviors were quantified during eight 20 min intervals during the 24 h periods pre- and post-disbudding. In pair-housed (PAIR) calves social resting, active and passive allo-grooming were additionally recorded. Concentrate intake was measured 24 h pre- and post-disbudding. The changes of pre- and post- disbudding behaviors as well as differences between individually housed (INDI) and PAIR calves were tested by general linear models. The differences in pre- and post-disbudding behaviors of PAIR calves were tested by paired t-test. We found that head rubbing (t=-5.14, P<0.0001) and head shaking (t=-3.33, P=0.004) increased after disbudding. Feeding increased only in PAIR calves (t=-2.95, P=0.016) which also resulted in a difference between treatments with PAIR calves fed more than INDI calves (F1,18=12.27, P=0.003). We did not find any other significant differences. Our results provide the first evidence that housing treatment affects calves' reactions to disbudding, with possible indication of social buffering.

Igor Pilipenko

Despite 30 years of market reforms, the main difference between the housing sector in Russia and other post-socialist countries and that of the advanced Western nations lies in housing tenure distribution. In the former states, outright homeowners with property mainly built in the planned economy dominate the market. At the same time, in the latter countries, the majority of households pay rent or take out a mortgage (these types of households account for three-quarters of households in the USA and on average almost two-thirds of households in Western and Northern European nations). This article examines the evolution of main indicators of housing construction in the USSR as well as in the 15 Union republics from 1918 to 1990. The research rests upon a database composed by the author from more than 120 official statistical sources at the national and Republics' level. This work covers not only state housing construction but also individual housing construction as well as housing construction cooperatives in the USSR republics, which the post-Soviet and foreign scholarly literature have often neglected. We identify the main stages of housing construction in the USSR and analyze the data on housing completions in urban and rural areas, the evolution of the housing stock, flats and houses built, and the statistics on the people in the Union Republics who improved their living conditions. The time series collected and per capita indicators across the 15 republics of the USSR calculated by the author, reveal quite synchronized development of their housing sectors. Nevertheless, the three Baltic republics were leaders in many per capita indicators, whereas the RSFSR, the Kazakh, Byelorussian and Armenian SSR stood out in terms of housing completions and share of people who improved their living conditions. At the same time, the Georgian, Ukrainian and Moldavian SSR excelled in floor area per person.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (22) ◽  
pp. 12791
Jie Wang ◽  
Biyu Peng ◽  
Xiaohua Xia ◽  
Zhu Ma

Focusing on the rapid rise of China’s housing prices in recent years, in this paper, we construct a model using the cheap talk game that centers on how information receivers in a market make inferences about the true state of the information based on the cost-free signals they receive and then make decisions based on these inferences, which in turn affect market equilibrium. By constructing a cheap talk game model of house prices, we examine the correlation between market expectations, economic fundamentals, and individual housing purchase decisions. Then, we conduct an empirical analysis using the dynamic GMM method based on the panel data of 35 large and medium-sized cities in China. The analysis reveals that: (1) when the whole of society expects housing prices to rise, housing prices will rise regardless of the true state of economic fundamentals; (2) when information on economic fundamentals is accurate and reliable, home buyers tend to make purchase decisions based on such information, thus maximizing the utility of society as a whole; but when information on economic fundamentals is unreliable, home buyers tend to make purchase decisions according to their own housing price expectations, which is not conducive to the optimization of the utility of society as a whole; (3) the empirical results also reveal that expectations are a non-negligible factor in the rise of housing prices, and the coefficient of expectations exceeds that of each economic fundamental; this demonstrates the investment-driven attribute of the housing market in China. At the same time, economic fundamentals have a definite effect on housing prices, which implies that the rise of housing prices in China is supported by objective conditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (Supplement_6) ◽  
pp. vi180-vi180
Shiri Davidi ◽  
Roni Blatt ◽  
Mijal Munster ◽  
Anna Shteingauz ◽  
Yaara Porat ◽  

Abstract INTRODUCTION Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields) therapy is an approved anti-cancer treatment for glioblastoma and mesothelioma. TTFields are delivered to patients continuously by two sets of arrays placed on opposite sides of the body at the tumor region to generate two perpendicular electric fields. Previously, in vivo studies of TTFields were limited due to the lack of a dedicated system that could maintain continuous and adequate contact of the arrays with the animal’s skin as well as the stress imposed on the animals by individual housing and the motility limitations they experience during treatment. METHODS Different electrode layouts were explored to optimize the intensity of the electric fields delivered to the target locations (therapeutic threshold &gt;1 V/cm). The ability of various adhesive materials and wire coiling prevention strategies to increase TTFields device usage was examined. Stress reduction with different housing methods was evaluated via clinical examination of the animals. RESULTS Optimal array layouts were identified based on simulation data for TTFields delivery to the torso or the head of the mouse. Compacting conductors into a single printed circuit cable connected to a novel electric swivel machine resulted in fewer wire entanglements, and the improved adhesives resulted in fewer array replacements, overall elevating device usage. Improved cage design permitted pairs of mice to maintain social interactions while individually housed. Less weight loss was seen for animals housed in the dyadic relative to the standard solitary cages, indicating reduced stress. CONCLUSIONS The inovivo system provides means for continuous delivery of therapeutic levels of TTFields to the head and torso of mice while minimizing animal stress and increasing device usage. The new head arrays enable application of TTFields to the head of mice for the first time, allowing expansion of glioblastoma treatment research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 109 ◽  
pp. 105604
Yingdan Mei ◽  
Jixiang Qiu ◽  
Jialu Wu ◽  
Lina Meng

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (9) ◽  
pp. e0257730
Konstanze Krueger ◽  
Laureen Esch ◽  
Richard Byrne

Debate persists over whether animals develop innovative solutions primarily in response to needs or conversely whether they innovate more when basic needs are covered and opportunity to develop novel behaviour is offered. We sourced 746 cases of “unusual” behaviour in equids by contacting equid owners and caretakers directly and via a website (, and by searching the internet platforms YouTube and Facebook for videos. The study investigated whether differences in need or opportunity for innovation were reflected in the numbers of different types of innovations and in the frequencies of repeating a once-innovative behaviour (i) with respect to the equids’ sex, age, and breed type, (ii) across behavioural categories, and whether (iii) they were affected by the equids’ management (single vs group housing, access to roughage feed, access to pasture, and social contact). We found that the numbers of different types of innovation and the frequency of displaying specific innovations were not affected by individual characteristics (sex, age, breed or equid species). Few types of innovation in escape and foraging contexts were observed, whilst the comfort, play, and social contexts elicited the greatest variety of innovations. We also found higher numbers of different types of innovations in horses kept in groups rather than in individual housing, and with unlimited rather than with restricted access to pasture and roughage. Equids in permanent social contact performed high rates of once-innovative behaviour. We suggest that equids produce goal-directed innovations and repeat the behaviour at high frequency in response to urgent needs for food and free movement or when kept in conditions with social conflict. However, equids devise the greatest variety of innovations when opportunity to play and to develop comfort behaviour arises and when kept in good conditions.

2021 ◽  
pp. 127-135
Mashrap Akhmedov ◽  
Rustam Abirov

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Marina Bonnici ◽  
Eun Kim

<p class="DidefaultA">The area is located in Città studi, on the edge of the dense complex of Politecnico di Milano and the large green space Giuriati Sports Field: two areas have no spatial continuity. The design intention is to establish a mutual relationship between campus and the urban context. By working on the concept of the threshold space as an opportunity for mediation, we were able to envision public and open spaces that interact with the city. The design of the new complex is based on a principle of balance between horizontality (public sphere) and verticality (private sphere), taking into consideration how, according to the principle of urban mixité, the relationship between public, social, working and private life will take on a new shape. The complex will therefore represent a transition between the urban setting and the rest of the campus. Its interior is based on the use of different threshold and mediation levels: these are configured as a gradual sequence starting from the more urban context of the work space, which is connected to the residence through the underground, to the exhibition and archive centre, which embodies the reciprocal relationship between city and campus, to the more private sphere of the residential complex, envisioned as a mix of domestic and work spaces that is reflected in each individual housing unit as well as the common areas. The dissertation was built upon a research on the formation of the threshold space, paying particular attention to the spatial continuity between indoors and outdoors.</p>

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