partial digestion
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2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (7) ◽  
pp. 1466-1468
Pallavi Gupta ◽  
Divya Nidhi

Human anatomy is the science where human body structures are designed to enable complete physiological action thus establishing homeostasis of the human body. Acharya Sushruta had a keen observation about the human body reflecting that without the absolute knowledge of Rachana Sharir. Chikitsak cannot be considered an expert. In Ayurveda, the part of G.I.T. is mentioned in Koshthanga by various Acharya. These Koshthanga are Aamashaya, Pakwashaya, Purishdhara, Uttarguda, Adharguda, Kshudrantra etc. which are situated within the koshtha. In modern anatomy, G.I.T. or Alimentary canal includes all the structures between the mouth and anus, forming a continuous passageway that includes the main organ of digestion, namely the stomach small intestine and large intestine, each part of the Gastric intestinal tract is adapted to its specific function. The 'oesophagus' function primarily to conduct food rapidly from the pharynx to the stomach mixing along with the digestive juic- es, carrying out partial digestion and then propelling the food into the duodenum is the function of the stomach small intestine is designed for complete digestion and absorption of nutrients. Absorption of water and electrolyte from the chyme to form solid faeces is the function of the large intestine. Pakwashaya is the main organ related to the site of Vata Dosha, Purishvaha srotas, Purishdhara kala, Koshthanga and Aashaya. Pakwashaya plays an important role in formation of urine and digestion of food. Keywords: Pakwashaya, Purish

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-107
Maria Priscila da Silva Carvalho ◽  
Priscilla Virgínio de Albuquerque ◽  
Emanuela Polimeni de Mesquita ◽  
Ana Greice Borba Leite ◽  

This literature review addresses the morphological variations in the stomach of domestic animals by associating them with their diet. The stomach is an important organ located between the esophagus and the small intestine. It is an enlarged portion of the digestive system, where partial digestion occurs, as well as absorptive processes and secretion of hormones and enzymes. The organ has great diversity among mammals, this condition being associated with the eating habits assumed by the representatives of the class. Scientific articles and books on anatomy, histology, veterinary medical clinic, animal management and nutrition were used as a basis for textual structuring of this work. The stomach can be classified as unicavitary, when it consists of a single saculiform dilation, being described in carnivores as the dog and the cat, herbivores as the horses and omnivores as the pigs. The latter two being characterized by a glandular and aglandular stomach lining, while in the first two the lining tissue is entirely glandular. The stomach is said to be pluricavitary, when it is formed by compartments, as in ruminants, in which the constituent chambers are predominantly aglandular, being a glandular one. Knowledge of the subject in question is of great relevance, especially for veterinarians, so that these professionals can effectively identify possible changes that may affect the stomach, favoring the care of sick animals.

Dimitri Poddighe ◽  
Almagul Kushugulova

The human salivary microbiota includes hundreds of bacterial species. Alterations in gut microbiota have been explored in Celiac Disease (CD), but fewer studies investigated the characteristics of salivary microbiome in these patients, despite the potential implications in its pathogenesis. Indeed, some recent studies suggested that the partial digestion of gluten proteins by some bacteria may affect the array of gluten peptides reaching the gut and the way by which those are presented to the intestinal immune system. The available clinical studies investigating the salivary microbiota in children and adults, are insufficient to make any reliable conclusion, even though some bacterial species/phyla differences have been reported between celiac patients and controls. However, the salivary microbiome could correlate better with the duodenal microbiota, than the fecal one. Therefore, further clinical studies on salivary microbiome by different and independent research groups and including different populations, are advisable in order to explore the usefulness of the salivary microbiome analysis and understand some aspects of CD pathogenesis with potential clinical and practical implications.

Minerals ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 512
David Quirt ◽  
Antonio Benedicto

Pb-isotopes have been proposed as pathfinders for sandstone-hosted unconformity-related U deposits, with isotope ratios providing information on mineralization timing and element remobilization and migration. Pb-isotopes proximal to mineralization display radiogenic signatures, often with ‘excess Pb’ suggestive of derivation from greater U concentrations than are currently present. The U deposits in the Kiggavik project area (west of Baker Lake, NU, Canada) are basement-hosted, contain several generations of pitchblende mineralization, display a strong structural control, and are located in fault-related fracture systems and foliation-parallel veinlets. Drill core samples were analysed by Inductively-Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) for Pb isotopes following multi-acid total-digestion, reverse Aqua Regia partial-digestion, and weak-acid-leach attacks, to evaluate the utility of the respective dissolution methods in Pb-isotope pathfinder geochemistry. Partial-digestion results are similar to weak-acid-leach results, indicating that interpretation of Pb-isotope signatures can be carried out from partial-digestion data if weak-acid-leach data are unavailable. Application of this pathfinder method at Kiggavik shows that Pb-isotope ratios display systematic trends useful for exploration vectoring. Uranium-content-adjusted 206Pb/204Pb ratios and 206Pb/204Pb ‘excess-lead’ data highlight anomalous isotopic values. 207Pb/206Pb ratios display downhole trends complementary to location of mineralization. Three-dimensional (3D) distributions of Pb-isotope data at the Contact U prospect show systematic trends and form halos around the mineralization. Isotopic footprints are limited to <50 m from the mineralization outline, reflecting host-rock and structural control, but indicate areas with elevated potential for U mineralization and provide vectoring information within basement lithologies.

Aleksander Mikhailovich Prilutskii ◽  
Vladimir Yur'evich Lebedev

This article is dedicated to analysis of the phenomenon of pseudo-traditionalism on the example of interpretation of image of a village in the discourses of modern culture. The concepts and processes that cursory are perceived as traditional, but modernistic in their essence, are referred to pseudo-traditional. The authors understand pseudo-traditionalism as a result of stylistic mimicry based on the partial digestion of separate elements of the traditional semiotic system borrowed extra-contextually and uncoupled from other elements, with which they are in a state of structural-systemic relations within the framework of real tradition. The article is carried out in the context of semiotic-hermeneutic approach towards analysis of the phenomena of modern culture. The sources include the literary text of clearly traditional orientation, as well as materials collected in the course of sociological interview. The authors prove that the opposition city &ndash; village carries mythological character, equally to demonization of city and idealization of village in pseudo-traditionalistic discourses. The article also analyzes various aspects and modi of the modern mythological image of a village, including religious (eschatological). The author examines the impact of historical and social contexts upon the formation of ancient mythology.

2019 ◽  
Vol 97 (Supplement_3) ◽  
pp. 273-273
Zac Traughber ◽  
Fei He ◽  
Jolene Hoke ◽  
Gary Davenport ◽  
Maria R C de Godoy

Abstract In recent years, ancient grains have become popular sources of novel carbohydrates and fiber in pet foods. End-products of microbial fermentation (e.g. short-chain fatty acids) have been shown to be beneficial to the canine microbiome and overall host health. However, limited research exists on the fermentation characteristics of these increasingly popular grains. Thus, the aim of this study was to quantify the fermentative characteristics of select ancient grains in vitro using canine fecal inoculum. Five ancient grains, amaranth (AM), millet white proso (MWP), oat groats (OG), quinoa (QU), red millet (RM), were evaluated and compared to cellulose (CEL) and beet pulp (BP). Triplicate samples of each substrate were initially subjected to partial digestion of starch and protein to mimic in vivo conditions. They were then fermented for 0, 3, 6, 9, and 12 hours. All test substrates had acetate concentrations similar to that of BP after 6, 9, and 12 hrs. Amaranth, OG, and QU had significantly greater butyrate concentrations than BP and CEL after 6 hours, with all test ingredients having significantly higher butyrate concentrations after 9 and 12 hours. pH decreased significantly after 6 hours with further decreases seen after 9 and 12 hours for all substrates, except CEL. Amaranth, MWP, OG, and RM showed significantly greater pH reductions than CEL and BP, with QU performing similarly to BP. Overall, ancient grains show a moderate and beneficial fermentative profile with greater concentrations of butyrate compared with BP; a traditional and moderate fermentable fiber source used in pet foods. Future research should evaluate these substrates and their blends on gastrointestinal health and fecal quality in vivo.

Nutrients ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 1927 ◽  
Ángel Cebolla ◽  
María Moreno ◽  
Laura Coto ◽  
Carolina Sousa

Gluten is a complex mixture of storage proteins in cereals like wheat, barley, and rye. Prolamins are the main components of gluten. Their high content in proline and glutamine makes them water-insoluble and difficult to digest in the gastrointestinal tract. Partial digestion generates peptide sequences which trigger immune responses in celiac and gluten-sensitive patients. Gluten detection in food is challenging because of the diversity, in various food matrices, of protein proportions or modifications and the huge number of immunogenic sequences with differential potential immunoactivity. Attempts to develop standard reference materials have been unsuccessful. Recent studies have reported the detection of a limited number of dominant Gluten Immunogenic Peptides (GIP) that share similarities to epitopes presented in the α-gliadin 33-mer, which showed to be highly proteolytic resistant and is considered to be the most immunodominant peptide within gluten in celiac disease (CD). GIP were detectable and quantifiable in very different kind of difficult to analyze food, revealing the potential immunogenicity by detecting T-cell activity of celiac patients. But GIP were also found in stool and urine of celiac patients on a supposedly gluten-free diet (GFD), showing the capacity to resist and be absorbed and excreted from the body, providing the first simple and objective means to assess adherence to the GFD. Methods to specifically and sensitively detect the most active GIP in food and biological fluids are rational candidates may use similar analytical standard references for determination of the immunopathological risk of gluten exposure in gluten-related diseases.

Ángel Cebolla ◽  
María de Lourdes Moreno ◽  
Laura Coto ◽  
Carolina Sousa

Gluten is a complex mixture of storage proteins in cereals like wheat, barley and rye. Prolamins are the main components of gluten. Their high content in proline and glutamine makes them water-insoluble and difficult to digest in the gastrointestinal tract. Partial digestion generates peptide sequences which trigger immune responses in celiac and gluten-sensitive patients. Gluten detection in food is challenging because of the diversity, in various food matrices, of protein proportions and their immunogenicity. Attempts to develop standard reference materials have been unsuccessful. We present here a summary of recent studies reporting the detection of dominant Gluten Immunogenic Peptides (GIP) sharing epitopes presented in the &alpha;-gliadin 33-mer, the most important celiac disease-immunogenic sequence within gluten. GIP were not only detectable and quantifiable in very different kind of difficult to analyze food, but also in stool and urine of celiac patients on a supposedly gluten-free diet (GFD), providing the first simple and objective means to assess adherence to the GFD. Methods to specifically and sensitively detect the most active GIP in food and biological fluids are rational candidates may use similar analytical standard references for determination of the immunopathological risk of gluten exposure in gluten-related diseases.

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 (4) ◽  
pp. 649-657 ◽  
Leticia S. F. Pereira ◽  
Michele S. P. Enders ◽  
Gabrielle D. Iop ◽  
Paola A. Mello ◽  
Erico M. M. Flores

In this study, we proposed a method for halogen determination using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) after partial digestion of soils basically using H2O2as a reagent for organic matrix composition.

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