recognition theory
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2131 (1) ◽  
pp. 011001

Abstract “Intelligent Information Technologies and Mathematical Modeling” is an international scientific and practical conference, the second in a series of annual conferences dedicated to the analysis of modern problems and achievements in the field of mathematical modeling and intelligent information technologies, including artificial intelligence, software engineering, information systems security and their application in various fields of science, technology and education. The main goal of the conference is to provide an opportunity to discuss modern achievements and prospects for the development of mathematical modeling, computational methods, intelligent information and software technologies that are essential for fundamental science and applied research in the field of: continuum mechanics, hydroaerodynamics, earth sciences, chemistry, biology, social and economic sciences, mechanical engineering and energy, materials science, nanotechnology, image processing and pattern recognition, theory of parallel computing and its applications, cybersecurity, large database technologies and artificial intelligence. The conference was held in Divnomorskoe, Krasnodar Territory, Russia on 30 May - 6 June, 2021. For foreign participants who couldn’t attend the conference due to the travel restrictions caused by the spread of the coronavirus infection, a teleconference was organized in one day of the conference week. Each participant had 10-15 minutes to present his research. After that, 5-7 minutes were allotted for questions and discussion. More than 1500 participants took part in the conference. During the conference, the technical equipment of the venue worked perfectly, no problems arose. Both the participants and the organizers of the conference were satisfied with the event. Presentation of information by the participants virtually did not cause any difficulties. In general, the experience of holding the conference partially in a virtual format was considered positive. List of Organizing Committee Chair and Co-Chairs, Scientific Committee Members are available in this pdf.

Nerilee Ceatha ◽  
Aaron C. C. Koay ◽  
Conor Buggy ◽  
Oscar James ◽  
Louise Tully ◽  

Considerable research has been undertaken regarding the mental health inequalities experienced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI+) youth as a consequence of societal and individual prejudice, stigma and discrimination. Far less research has focussed on protective factors that promote wellbeing for this population. A scoping review was conducted using a six-stage methodological framework, and is reported in accordance with the PRISMA-ScR statement. This explored the extent, range and nature of the peer-reviewed, published, academic literature on what is known about the protective factors that promote LGBTI+ youth wellbeing. Six databases were systematically searched applying Population–Concept–Context key inclusion criteria, complemented by contact with authors to identify additional sources, reference checks and hand searches. Ninety-six individual research records were identified and analysed, drawing from Honneth’s Recognition Theory. Interpersonal relations with parents (n = 40), peers (n = 32) and providers (n = 22) were associated with indicators of enhanced wellbeing, as were LGBTI+ community relations (n = 32). Importantly, online (n = 10), faith (n = 10) and cultural (n = 5) communities were potentially protective. Content and thematic analysis highlighted the importance of Gay–Straight Alliances (GSAs) (n = 23) offering powerful protective opportunities through intersecting interpersonal, community and legal forms of recognition. GSAs enhance allyship by peers and providers (n = 21), facilitate access to LGBTI+ community networks (n = 11) and co-exist alongside inclusive policies (n = 12), curricular (n = 5) and extracurricular activities (n = 1). This scoping review underscores the need to move beyond the predominant focus on risk factors for LGBTI+ youth, which subsequently inform protectionist approaches. It concludes with an appeal to develop mechanisms to apply recognitive justice to policy, practice and, importantly, future research directions. This emphasises the salience of enhanced understandings of inclusion, which is rights-based, universally available and of potential benefit to all.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Daniel Fitousi

People tend to associate anger with male faces and happiness or surprise with female faces. This angry-men-happy-women bias has been ascribed to either top-down (e.g., well-learned stereotypes) or bottom-up (e.g., shared morphological cues) processes. The dissociation between these two theoretical alternatives has proved challenging. The current effort addresses this challenge by harnessing two complementary metatheoretical approaches to dimensional interaction: Garner's logic of inferring informational structure and General Recognition Theory—a multidimensional extension of signal detection theory. Conjoint application of these two rigorous methodologies afforded us to: (a) uncover the internal representations that generate the angry-men-happy-women phenomenon, (b) disentangle varieties of perceptual (bottom-up) and decisional (top-down) sources of interaction, and (c) relate operational and theoretical meanings of dimensional independence. The results show that the dimensional interaction between emotion and gender is generated by varieties of perceptual and decisional biases. These outcomes document the involvement of both bottom-up (e.g., shared morphological structures) and top-down (stereotypes) factors in social perception.

I. Yu. Torshin ◽  
O. A. Gromova ◽  
A. G. Chuchalin ◽  
Yu. I. Zhuravlev

Background. So-called rational drug design is suboptimal when it comes to finding effective and safe drug-based treatment for COVID-19. Another approach seems promising: to reprofile the pharmaceuticals registered in the Anatomical, Therapeutic, and Chemical Classifier (ATC).Material and methods. Chemoreactome screening, a method that simulates the results of inhibiting viral growth in a cell culture, models the effects of pharmaceuticals on the human virome, and estimates the adverse effects of medicines, was used to reprofile about 2700 pharmaceuticals from the ATC. The information technology behind chemoreactome analysis is based on the topological recognition theory advanced by the Institute of Pharmaceutical Informatics, Federal Research Center for Informatics and Control, Russian Academy of Sciences.Results. Sixty two pharmaceuticals and 20 micronutrients were found to have a pronounced antiviral effect with minimal side effects. Comparison against data of basic research and clinical trials showed 31 out of 62 pharmaceuticals to have been independently confirmed usable in COVID-19 treatment. These inhibit coronaviral proteins and/or function as adaptogenic molecules that improve the functioning of cells exposed to viral stress. Glucosamine sulfate was found to have the best safety profile and minimum effects on the healthy human virome out of all the tested anticoronaviral micronutrients.Conclusions. Reprofiling of pharmaceuticals registered in the ATC could significantly speed up the search for more effective and safer drugbased COVID-19 treatments. Several micronutrients show promise for long-term coronavirus prevention, especially in the elderly.

Станислав Петрович Серегин ◽  
Дмитрий Сергеевич Родионов ◽  
Наталья Анатольевна Милостная ◽  
Геннадий Вячеславович Сипливый ◽  
Роман Анатольевич Крупчатников

В настоящее время все большее распространение имеет проблема возникновения мочекаменной болезни, в том числе отягощенная осложнениями, такими как серозный и гнойный пиелонефрит. Задача диагностики различных форм пиелонефрита относится к классу плохоформализуемых задач, которые недостаточно эффективно решаются классическими методами теории распознавания образов. Практика решения задач с аналогичной структурой данных показала, что приемлемое для практики качество принятия решений по поставленной в работе задачи может быть достигнуто при использовании методологии синтеза гибридных нечетких правил. В связи с этим, целью исследования является повышение качества дифференциальной диагностики серозного и гнойного пиелонефрита у больных мочекаменной болезнью на основе данных оксидантного статуса с использованием названной методологии реализуемой современными информационными и интеллектуальными технологиями. Для достижения поставленной в работе цели, в соответствии с общими рекомендациями методологии синтеза гибридных нечетких правил была синтезирована система гибридных диагностических моделей на основе модифицированной формулы Е. Шортлифа, в которой коэффициент уверенности от одного признака заменяется соответствующей функцией принадлежности. Полученная система решающих правил, позволяет с высокой степенью уверенности производить дифференциальную диагностику серозных и гнойных форм пиелонефрита с выделением промежуточного класса состояний, требующего проведения специфических терапевтических мероприятий. Проверка результатов срабатывания полученных решающих правил на репрезентативной контрольной выборке показала, что диагностические чувствительность, специфичность и эффективность предлагаемого метода не ниже 0,9, что позволяет рекомендовать полученные результаты для использования в медицинской практике Currently, the problem of urolithiasis is becoming more common, including complications such as serous and purulent pyelonephritis. The problem of diagnosing various forms of pyelonephritis belongs to the class of poorly formalized problems that are not effectively solved by classical methods of pattern recognition theory. The practice of solving problems with a similar data structure has shown that an acceptable quality of decision-making for the problem set in the work can be achieved using the methodology of hybrid fuzzy rules synthesis. In this regard, the aim of the study is to improve the quality of differential diagnosis of serous and purulent pyelonephritis in patients with urolithiasis based on the data of the oxidant status using the named methodology implemented by modern information and intelligent technologies. To achieve this goal, in accordance with the general recommendations of the methodology for the synthesis of hybrid fuzzy rules, a system of hybrid diagnostic models was synthesized based on the modified E. Shortlif formula, in which the confidence coefficient from one attribute is replaced by the corresponding membership function. The resulting system of decisive rules allows for a high degree of confidence in the differential diagnosis of serous and purulent forms of pyelonephritis with the allocation of an intermediate class of conditions that require specific therapeutic measures. Verification of the results of the operation of the obtained decision rules on a representative control sample showed that the diagnostic sensitivity, specificity and effectiveness of the proposed method is not lower than 0.9, which allows us to recommend the results for use in medical practice

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-22
Agustín Ibañez ◽  
Sol Fittipaldi ◽  
Catalina Trujillo ◽  
Tania Jaramillo ◽  
Alejandra Torres ◽  

Background: Social cognition is critically compromised across neurodegenerative diseases, including the behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD), Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and Parkinson’s disease (PD). However, no previous study has used social cognition and other cognitive tasks to predict diagnoses of these conditions, let alone reporting the brain correlates of prediction outcomes. Objective: We performed a diagnostic classification analysis using social cognition, cognitive screening (CS), and executive function (EF) measures, and explored which anatomical and functional networks were associated with main predictors. Methods: Multiple group discriminant function analyses (MDAs) and ROC analyses of social cognition (facial emotional recognition, theory of mind), CS, and EF were implemented in 223 participants (bvFTD, AD, PD, controls). Gray matter volume and functional connectivity correlates of top discriminant scores were investigated. Results: Although all patient groups revealed deficits in social cognition, CS, and EF, our classification approach provided robust discriminatory characterizations. Regarding controls, probabilistic social cognition outcomes provided the best characterization for bvFTD (together with CS) and PD, but not AD (for which CS alone was the best predictor). Within patient groups, the best MDA probabilities scores yielded high classification rates for bvFTD versus PD (98.3% , social cognition), AD versus PD (98.6% , social cognition + CS), and bvFTD versus AD (71.7% , social cognition + CS). Top MDA scores were associated with specific patterns of atrophy and functional networks across neurodegenerative conditions. Conclusion: Standardized validated measures of social cognition, in combination with cognitive screening, can provide a dimensional classification with specific pathophysiological markers of neurodegeneration diagnoses.

Religions ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (7) ◽  
pp. 467
Hille Haker

While the concept of responsibility is a cornerstone of Christian ethics, recognition theory still lacks a thorough theological–ethical analysis. This essay seeks to fill the gap and develop normative ethics of recognition and responsibility. The first part provides a systematic analysis of the conceptual elements of recognition, emphasizing the need to focus on misrecognition as a heuristic tool and ethical priority. While recognition coincides with responsivity and attentiveness in the encounter of self and other, responsibility adds to this the moral accountability for acts, practices, structures, and institutions, rendering recognition and responsibility interrelated but also distinct principles of morality. This normative analysis is then correlated to the hermeneutical, narrative ethics of Christian ethics. The founding narrative of biblical ethics, the Cain and Abel narrative in Gen 4, is interpreted as a dialectic of recognition and responsibility. Both exegesis and ethics profit from this interdisciplinary and correlative approach between philosophical and biblical ethics. Finally, the ethics of recognition and responsibility, which emerges from the Frankfurt School critical theory, is confronted with exemplary indigenous approaches focusing on mutual responsibility as the foundation of ecological ethics. Christian ethics of recognition and responsibility resonates with this approach, yet emphasizes the distinctiveness of human interactions and the demands of moral responsibility.

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