emptiness problem
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2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (4) ◽  
pp. 356-371
Anton Romanovich Gnatenko ◽  
Vladimir Anatolyevich Zakharov

Sequential reactive systems are computer programs or hardware devices which process the flows of input data or control signals and output the streams of instructions or responses. When designing such systems one needs formal specification languages capable of expressing the relationships between the input and output flows. Previously, we introduced a family of such specification languages based on temporal logics $LTL$, $CTL$ and $CTL^*$ combined with regular languages. A characteristic feature of these new extensions of conventional temporal logics is that temporal operators and basic predicates are parameterized by regular languages. In our early papers, we estimated the expressive power of the new temporal logic $Reg$-$LTL$ and introduced a model checking algorithm for $Reg$-$LTL$, $Reg$-$CTL$, and $Reg$-$CTL^*$. The main issue which still remains unclear is the complexity of decision problems for these logics. In the paper, we give a complete solution to satisfiability checking and model checking problems for $Reg$-$LTL$ and prove that both problems are Pspace-complete. The computational hardness of the problems under consideration is easily proved by reducing to them the intersection emptyness problem for the families of regular languages. The main result of the paper is an algorithm for reducing the satisfiability of checking $Reg$-$LTL$ formulas to the emptiness problem for Buchi automata of relatively small size and a description of a technique that allows one to check the emptiness of the obtained automata within space polynomial of the size of input formulas.

Alex Dixon ◽  
Ranko Lazić ◽  
Andrzej S. Murawski ◽  
Igor Walukiewicz

AbstractFinitary Idealized Concurrent Algol ($$\mathsf {FICA}$$ FICA ) is a prototypical programming language combining functional, imperative, and concurrent computation. There exists a fully abstract game model of $$\mathsf {FICA}$$ FICA , which in principle can be used to prove equivalence and safety of $$\mathsf {FICA}$$ FICA programs. Unfortunately, the problems are undecidable for the whole language, and only very rudimentary decidable sub-languages are known.We propose leafy automata as a dedicated automata-theoretic formalism for representing the game semantics of $$\mathsf {FICA}$$ FICA . The automata use an infinite alphabet with a tree structure. We show that the game semantics of any $$\mathsf {FICA}$$ FICA term can be represented by traces of a leafy automaton. Conversely, the traces of any leafy automaton can be represented by a $$\mathsf {FICA}$$ FICA term. Because of the close match with $$\mathsf {FICA}$$ FICA , we view leafy automata as a promising starting point for finding decidable subclasses of the language and, more generally, to provide a new perspective on models of higher-order concurrent computation.Moreover, we identify a fragment of $$\mathsf {FICA}$$ FICA that is amenable to verification by translation into a particular class of leafy automata. Using a locality property of the latter class, where communication between levels is restricted and every other level is bounded, we show that their emptiness problem is decidable by reduction to Petri net reachability.

2020 ◽  
Vol 31 (06) ◽  
pp. 749-775
Patrick Landwehr ◽  
Christof Löding

We consider an extension of tree automata on infinite trees that can use equality and disequality constraints between direct subtrees of a node. Recently, it has been shown that the emptiness problem for these kind of automata with a parity acceptance condition is decidable and that the corresponding class of languages is closed under Boolean operations. In this paper, we show that the class of languages recognizable by such tree automata with a Büchi acceptance condition is closed under projection. This construction yields a new algorithm for the emptiness problem, implies that a regular tree is accepted if the language is non-empty (for the Büchi condition), and can be used to obtain a decision procedure for an extension of monadic second-order logic with predicates for subtree comparisons.

Soh Kumabe ◽  
Takanori Maehara

The b-matching game is a cooperative game defined on a graph. The game generalizes the matching game to allow each individual to have more than one partner. The game has several applications, such as the roommate assignment, the multi-item version of the seller-buyer assignment, and the international kidney exchange. Compared with the standard matching game, the b-matching game is computationally hard. In particular, the core non-emptiness problem and the core membership problem are co-NP-hard. Therefore, we focus on the convexity of the game, which is a sufficient condition of the core non-emptiness and often more tractable concept than the core non-emptiness. It also has several additional benefits. In this study, we give a necessary and sufficient condition of the convexity of the b-matching game. This condition also gives an O(n log n + m α(n)) time algorithm to determine whether a given game is convex or not, where n and m are the number of vertices and edges of a given graph, respectively, and α(・) is the inverse-Ackermann function. Using our characterization, we also give a polynomial-time algorithm to compute the Shapley value of a convex b-matching game.

IEEE Access ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 21857-21869 ◽  
Xiujun Wang ◽  
Zhi Liu ◽  
Yan Gao ◽  
Xiao Zheng ◽  
Xianfu Chen ◽  

2018 ◽  
Vol 53 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Lukas Fleischer ◽  
Manfred Kufleitner

Weakly recognizing morphisms from free semigroups onto finite semigroups are a classical way for defining the class of ω-regular languages, i.e., a set of infinite words is weakly recognizable by such a morphism if and only if it is accepted by some Büchi automaton. We study the descriptional complexity of various constructions and the computational complexity of various decision problems for weakly recognizing morphisms. The constructions we consider are the conversion from and to Büchi automata, the conversion into strongly recognizing morphisms, as well as complementation. We also show that the fixed membership problem is NC1-complete, the general membership problem is in L and that the inclusion, equivalence and universality problems are NL-complete. The emptiness problem is shown to be NL-complete if the input is given as a non-surjective morphism.

2018 ◽  
Vol 29 (04) ◽  
pp. 663-685 ◽  
Kent Kwee ◽  
Friedrich Otto

While (stateless) deterministic ordered restarting automata accept exactly the regular languages, it has been observed that nondeterministic ordered restarting automata (ORWW-automata for short) are more expressive. Here we show that the class of languages accepted by the latter automata is an abstract family of languages that is incomparable to the linear, the context-free, and the growing context-sensitive languages with respect to inclusion, and that the emptiness problem is decidable for these languages. In addition, we give a construction that turns a stateless ORWW-automaton into a nondeterministic finite-state acceptor for the same language.

10.29007/8hkx ◽  
2018 ◽  
René Neumann

We present a framework in Isabelle/HOL for formalizing variants ofdepth-first search. This framework allows to easily prove non-trivialproperties of these variants. Moreover, verified code in severalprogramming languages including Haskell, Scala and Standard ML can begenerated.In this paper, we present an abstract formalization of depth-first search anddemonstrate how it is refined to an efficiently executable version. Further we use the emptiness-problem of Büchi-automata known from model checking as the motivation to present three Nested DFS algorithms. They are formalized, verified and transformed into executable code using our framework.

2017 ◽  
Vol 28 (08) ◽  
pp. 945-975 ◽  
Mohamed Faouzi Atig ◽  
Benedikt Bollig ◽  
Peter Habermehl

We consider ordered multi-pushdown automata, a multi-stack extension of pushdown automata that comes with a constraint on stack operations: a pop can only be performed on the first non-empty stack (which implies that we assume a linear ordering on the collection of stacks). We show that the emptiness problem for multi-pushdown automata is 2ETIME-complete. Containment in 2ETIME is shown by translating an automaton into a grammar for which we can check if the generated language is empty. The lower bound is established by simulating the behavior of an alternating Turing machine working in exponential space. We also compare ordered multi-pushdown automata with the model of bounded-phase (visibly) multi-stack pushdown automata, which do not impose an ordering on stacks, but restrict the number of alternations of pop operations on different stacks.

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