models of development
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2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 122-129
B. Niyazov ◽  
S. Niyazovа

Frontal analysis of the activities of medical and preventive institutions on the basis of the process model involves an objective assessment of the activities of all sections of preventive and therapeutic and diagnostic work, identification of shortcomings and reserves, foresight on this basis of the results of the work of medical and preventive institutions.

Land ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 1343
Antonio Pizarro-Gómez ◽  
Giedrė Šadeikaitė ◽  
Francisco Javier García-Delgado

Local Productive Systems (hereinafter LPSs) based on agro-food industries constitute alternative models of development in peripheral rural areas that are subject to internal and external dynamics and processes. The main objective of this research is to investigate these processes and their consequences on four LPSs based on the Iberian Pig Transformation Industry (hereinafter LPS-IPTI) in SW Spain: Fregenal de la Sierra, Higuera la Real, Cumbres Mayores and Jabugo. Using secondary data, a comparison is made between 2002 and 2020 to establish the changes, causes and consequences on the LPS-IPTIs studied. The results obtained indicate (1) the business and territorial concentration of LPS-IPTIs; (2) changes in the structure of the LPS-IPTI due to internal and external causes that were already present before the international economic crisis; (3) productive and territorial specialisation in standardised products and quality products that generated the polarisation of the sector; (4) simplification of industrial processes; (5) loss of employment, especially female; (6) external control of companies in the sector which, accordingly, brings about the loss of prominence of local actors in favour of foreign companies, reduced social capital and the progressive loss of ownership of the LPS.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Miguel Brun-Usan ◽  
Alfredo Rago ◽  
Christoph Thies ◽  
Tobias Uller ◽  
Richard A. Watson

Abstract Background Biological evolution exhibits an extraordinary capability to adapt organisms to their environments. The explanation for this often takes for granted that random genetic variation produces at least some beneficial phenotypic variation in which natural selection can act. Such genetic evolvability could itself be a product of evolution, but it is widely acknowledged that the immediate selective gains of evolvability are small on short timescales. So how do biological systems come to exhibit such extraordinary capacity to evolve? One suggestion is that adaptive phenotypic plasticity makes genetic evolution find adaptations faster. However, the need to explain the origin of adaptive plasticity puts genetic evolution back in the driving seat, and genetic evolvability remains unexplained. Results To better understand the interaction between plasticity and genetic evolvability, we simulate the evolution of phenotypes produced by gene-regulation network-based models of development. First, we show that the phenotypic variation resulting from genetic and environmental perturbation are highly concordant. This is because phenotypic variation, regardless of its cause, occurs within the relatively specific space of possibilities allowed by development. Second, we show that selection for genetic evolvability results in the evolution of adaptive plasticity and vice versa. This linkage is essentially symmetric but, unlike genetic evolvability, the selective gains of plasticity are often substantial on short, including within-lifetime, timescales. Accordingly, we show that selection for phenotypic plasticity can be effective in promoting the evolution of high genetic evolvability. Conclusions Without overlooking the fact that adaptive plasticity is itself a product of genetic evolution, we show how past selection for plasticity can exercise a disproportionate effect on genetic evolvability and, in turn, influence the course of adaptive evolution.

Antonio Pizarro-Gómez ◽  
Giedrė Šadeikaitė ◽  
F. Javier García-Delgado

Local Productive Systems (hereinafter LPS) based on agro-food industries constitute alternative models of development in peripheral rural areas that are subject to internal and external dynamics and processes. The main objective of the research is to investigate the processes and their consequences on four SPLs based on the Iberian Pig Transformation Industry (hereinafter LPS-IPTI) in SW Spain: Fregenal de la Sierra, Higuera la Real, Cumbres Mayores and Jabugo. Using secondary data, a comparison is made between 2002 and 2020 to establish the changes, causes and consequences on the LPS-IPTI studied. The results obtained indicate (1) business and territorial concentration of LPS-IPTI; (2) productive and territorial specialisation in standardised products and quality products; (3) simplification of industrial processes; (4) loss of employment, especially female; (5) external control of companies in the sector which, accordingly, results in the loss of prominence of local actors in favour of foreign companies, reduced social capital and the progressive loss of ownership of the LPS.

2021 ◽  
pp. 111774
Luc Watrin ◽  
Steven Nordin ◽  
Renáta Szemerszky ◽  
Oliver Wilhelm ◽  
Michael Witthöft ◽  

Mohamed Housni ◽  
Mohammed Talbi ◽  
Abdelwahed Namir

COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the digitalization and the implementation of technological tools to distribute knowledge and content to certify the instructional process's steadiness despite the restrictions posed in many nations worldwide. However, multi-models of development and integrations based on multitudes of theoretical and conceptual frameworks made it difficult for deciders during the year - especially in developing countries - to follow a clear path based on their contextual needs. Based on a literature review and historical Data, Learning Ana-lytics research, and its empirical results, this article proposes a data-analytics model for growth. Training/educational technologies help stakeholders use data as intelligence sources to implement technologies that will improve traditional learning procedures without constraining practices. As a result, the paper also suggests, according to the pragmatic results, a 4-year plan applicable in multidi-mensional contexts to enhance the organization's learning capabilities as a whole unit to face future trials. The return on experience in the last year of the pandemic contracts the methodological basis of results. Furthermore, this manuscript's aim is defined by the urgent necessity of post-pandemic solutions to positively safe-guard the future of keeping the wheel of knowledge running for the learners and warrant upcoming transition into using data as a source of developing new learn-ing technologies.

2021 ◽  
Andrada Ianus ◽  
Joana Carvalho ◽  
Francisca F Fernandes ◽  
Renata Cruz ◽  
Cristina Chavarrias ◽  

Diffusion MRI (dMRI) provides unique insights into the neural tissue milieu by probing interaction of diffusing molecules and tissue microstructure. Most dMRI techniques focus on white matter tissues (WM) due to the relatively simpler modelling of diffusion in the more organized tracts; however, interest is growing in gray matter characterisations. The Soma and Neurite Density MRI (SANDI) methodology harnesses a model incorporating water diffusion in spherical objects (assumed to be associated with cell bodies) and in impermeable 'sticks' (representing neurites), which potentially enables the characterisation of cellular and neurite densities. Recognising the importance of rodents in animal models of development, aging, plasticity, and disease, we here sought to develop SANDI for preclinical imaging and provide a validation of the methodology by comparing its metrics with the Allen mouse brain atlas. SANDI was implemented on a 9.4T scanner equipped with a cryogenic coil, and experiments were carried out on N=6 mice. Pixelwise, ROI-based, and atlas comparisons were performed, and results were also compared to more standard Diffusion Kurtosis MRI (DKI) metrics. We further investigated effects of different pre-processing pipelines, specifically the comparison of magnitude and real-valued data, as well as different acceleration factors. Our findings reveal excellent reproducibility of the SANDI parameters, including the sphere and stick fraction as well as sphere size. More strikingly, we find a very good rank correlation between SANDI-driven soma fraction and Allen brain atlas contrast (which represents the cellular density in the mouse brain). Although some DKI parameters (FA, MD) correlated with some SANDI parameters in some ROIs, they did not correlate nearly as well as SANDI parameters with the Allen atlas, suggesting a much more specific nature of the SANDI parameters. We conclude that SANDI is a viable preclinical MRI technique that can greatly contribute to research on brain tissue microstructure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (7(71)) ◽  
pp. 60-66
S. Rybkina

The article is devoted to the study of the possibilities of applying the system-model approach for the analysis of foreign experience in the development of the system of professional education of specialists in the field of public administration. The main method is a comparative analysis of approaches to the training of public managers in different countries, combined with the generalization of empirical experience to gain an idea of global development trends in the study area. It is shown that the system-model approach is the most productive for determining the latter. The article analyzes the main models of development of vocational education systems of public managers in the context of the peculiarities of management systems and socio-cultural factors of different countries. At the same time, those aspects of foreign experience that can be used for the formation and development of the domestic model of professional education of public managers are highlighted. The managerial and social context of using certain components of the analyzed models for reforming the process of managerial training in Ukraine is determined. The generalizations concerning global paradigmatic (model) directions of development of system of professional education of professional managers which should serve as a basis of planning of domestic reforms in the researched sphere are carried out.

2021 ◽  
Jorge Rojas Hernández ◽  
Patricio Silva Ávila ◽  
Ricardo Barra Ríos

The pandemic afflicting the world is accompanied by a social, economic, political, cultural, and climatic multi-crisis. It is the crisis of the Anthropocene Era and modern paradigms. Modern society is in a complex situation. The responses to the multicrisis, including the pandemic, will probably come from the revalorization and resignification of experiences and socioecological knowledge of communities. Their historical experiences, currently fragmented by modernization processes, will be able to intercommunicate and, with resilient energy, open new possibilities for human and planetary life. It will be a great transformation, in which old and new models of development will be in tension. These tensions will also be expressed in the form of social and political radicalization and result in conflicts over natural resources, especially water, natural forests, ecosystems, and productive land. Human and planetary life is seriously threatened. Intellectual and scientific activity must connect with the ecological knowledge of local communities to defend human and natural life.

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