managerial training
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2022 ◽  
Vol 951 (1) ◽  
pp. 012051
M S A Majid ◽  
F Faisal ◽  
H Fahlevi ◽  
A Azhari ◽  
H Juliansyah

Abstract This study measures and decomposes the Total Factor Productivity (TFP) of the SMEs in the agricultural sector across 23 regencies/cities in Aceh province, Indonesia during the 2015-2019 period. Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), the study found a low level of SMEs’ productivity during the study period. The SMEs in Aceh province recorded different levels of TFP. Overall, the SMEs’ TFP has slightly declined, contributed mainly by an increase in efficiency level and a decline in the technical efficiency change. These findings showed the importance of adopting advanced agricultural-related technologies and implementing good SMEs’ governance principles to further improve SMEs’ TFP. Finally, the government must prioritize promoting non-productive SMEs across the 23 regencies/districts in the province by offering sufficient financial aids and conducting professional managerial training programs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 65-86
Renata Matkevičienė ◽  
Lina Jakučionienė

Research background: The role of communication has now become much more critical than during previous periods, not only to compete with other organisations in the stream of communicating messages but also to develop and implement organisational strategies and support the organisation’s top-level managers and decision-makers. The goal of public relations (PR) associations is to develop PR professionals’ competencies. Comprehensive research at the European level signals the need for constant improvement of competencies, especially business development and technologies (Zerfass et al., 2020; Adi, 2019). A vast majority of practitioners across Europe highlight the importance of digitalising stakeholder communications and building a digital infrastructure to support internal workflows (Zerfass et al., 2021). However, instead of technical and managerial training, PR practitioners continue to overwhelmingly offer communication training and development opportunities (Tench et al., 2013; Zerfass et al., 2018; MacNamara et al., 2017; Feldman, 2017; The USC Annenberg Centre for Public Relations, 2017; Communicating AI, 2019). There are discrepancies between the perceived importance of competencies and the current qualifications of professionals due to digital transformation and changes impacted by globalisation. Purpose: To identify changes in PR specialists' competencies due to the impact of globalisation. Methods: Content analysis of information provided in the webpages of international professional PR associations for the period 2015–2020. Findings and value added: The study results show that professional PR associations do not respond to the challenges of the changing environment in a timely manner by providing training, but present and discuss relevant topics with the help of specialists from other fields while encouraging the sharing of good practices. Such a functioning position occupied by professional PR associations in developing the model of competence for PR specialists reveals that PR associations are engaged in strengthening or maintaining competencies, but not developing them.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
Yana Vyshnevska ◽  

Characterized the development of postgraduate education of heads of general secondary education institutions of Ukraine at different stages of its forming. It is found that the tasks set by the state leadership for the secondary school directly influenced the transformation of the content, forms and methods of professional development of managing teaching staff. The characteristic of modern conditions of organizing postgraduate education of heads of general secondary education institutions has been provided. Dynamics and characteristic features of transformation of the legal framework regarding education, updating and filling educational framework with new documents have been established. These documents summarize the qualification requirements and the structure of competences of modern heads of general secondary education institutions according to their functional responsibilities. The orientation of postgraduate education of heads (headmasters/headmistresses) of general secondary education to the general structure of professional competences defined in national standards and standard curricula has been substantiated. It is proved that the model of lifelong education for school headmasters/headmistresses requires its improvement in the direction of increasing the level of managerial training and development of professional competences of headmasters/headmistresses in a rapidly and dynamically renewed school education throughout the period of professional activity of the heads.

V.N. Korablev ◽  

The article is devoted to the management training of chiefs of medical organizations, in which a paradigm change has taken place: from the organizer of health care to the manager of health care. The author reveals topical problems and offers his own vision of their solution. The main aspects of this process are the formation of a manager's model, the creation of a system for training and formation of a personnel reserve, continuous training of these categories, as well as the introduction of an assessment of the quality and effectiveness of managers' activities. The author pays close attention to the technology and resource provision of managerial training for chiefs of medical organizations at the Postgraduate Institute for Public Health Workers

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 143-152
Ferri Kuswantoro

Innovation is the main support especially in improving employee performance. Many studies had explained the importance of managerial training and team work in pursuing growth. However, studies that explained how the role of innovation in driving the relationship between training and teamwork on employee job satisfaction are rare. The purpose of this research is to examine the role of innovativeness in driving the relationship between training and team work on employee job satisfaction. Using a sample of 165 respondents with questionnaire from employees in general supported by AMOS version 24 the results of the study showed that there was a significant positive effect between teamwork on the innovativeness and employee job satisfaction. There was a significant positive effect between the relationship of innovativeness on employee job satisfaction but there was no significant positive effect between managerial training on the innovativeness and employee job satisfaction. The final result indicated that the innovativeness partially mediated a significant positive relationship between teamwork and employee job satisfaction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 6-18
Boyko Elena A. ◽  

The need for accelerated innovative development of the country, the transition to hightech production entails the modernization of engineering education, the formation of the future engineers' ability to innovate. The analysis shows that one of the reasons for the decline in the pace of innovative development is the insufficient economic and organizational and managerial training of future engineers. This prevents engineers from making a business case for new technology solutions and identifying their potential commercial and social impact at the initial design stage. The author points out that, regulated as a mandatory, organizational and managerial type of engineering activity, the requirements of educational standards are reflected in an aspect, which leads to the imperfection of organizational and managerial training of future engineers. At the same time, the tasks of innovation of the engineer in terms of economy and management are much wider than the content of organizational and management activities. This makes it necessary to expand the requirements of educational standards for the economic and management activities of an engineer and introduce this type of activity instead of organizational and managerial. This proposal is based on the domestic traditions of integrated and interdisciplinary engineering training, which today need to be rethought taking into account accelerated scientific and technological progress and effective foreign practice of preparing future engineers for innovation. Based on the analysis and the identified economic and management actions of the engineer in the process of innovation implementation, the author's understanding of the essence of innovative economic and management activities of the engineer as a result of his indepth economic training is proposed. The results of the study will make it possible to determine the essence and structure of the readiness of future engineers for innovative economic and management activities, as well as to develop theoretical and methodological foundations for its formation in the process of professional training of students in engineering and technical specialties.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (7(71)) ◽  
pp. 60-66
S. Rybkina

The article is devoted to the study of the possibilities of applying the system-model approach for the analysis of foreign experience in the development of the system of professional education of specialists in the field of public administration. The main method is a comparative analysis of approaches to the training of public managers in different countries, combined with the generalization of empirical experience to gain an idea of global development trends in the study area. It is shown that the system-model approach is the most productive for determining the latter. The article analyzes the main models of development of vocational education systems of public managers in the context of the peculiarities of management systems and socio-cultural factors of different countries. At the same time, those aspects of foreign experience that can be used for the formation and development of the domestic model of professional education of public managers are highlighted. The managerial and social context of using certain components of the analyzed models for reforming the process of managerial training in Ukraine is determined. The generalizations concerning global paradigmatic (model) directions of development of system of professional education of professional managers which should serve as a basis of planning of domestic reforms in the researched sphere are carried out.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-30
Wenni Wahyuandari ◽  
Nurani Nurani

Abstract The people of Waung have been blessed with a non –machinery waving skill (Tenun Bukan Mesin/ TBM) which learned from their ancestors. The product is not only seen as a beautiful art but it has also an added economic value. It can contribute to the increase of the family income if the product can meet what the market really needs and well managed.  The traditional waving has not developed fast in the coming of modern era because of its limited use, competiveness and conventional marketing. Only the women usually buy it used as a corset. These facts indicate that they have got the productive and the managerial problems. They rarely get any training to produce waving with a new trend and to expand their market using IT. To solve problems there should be productive and managerial training programs to protect them so can be preserved as a meaningful Indonesian heritage and even will elevate people’s income as well. The training aims to equip the people with the skills how to make motif waving as a raw material to produce the various kinds of accessories/souvenirs (wallet, tissue box, wall decoration, pillowcase, bag, pencil case). In the managerial domain, people are importantly enriched with the skills to make financial report and make on-line marketing. The method uses social approach. This means that group of waving community, housewives, unemployed youth, stakeholders get involved during the implementation of the program from planning evaluation. Abstrak Desa Waung Kecamatan Boyolangu Kabupaten Tulungagung memiliki potensi membuat tenun bukan mesin (TBM). Potensi ini adalah berkah karena tenun tidak hanya memiliki nilai  ekonomi tetapi bernilai seni. Permasalahan yang dihadapi kedua mitra terkait dengan Sumber Daya Manusia, produksi dan manajemen. Mereka tidak memiliki pengetahuan dan ketrampilan bagaimana cara membuat tenun bermotif agar ketrampilan menenun tanpa mesin bisa berlanjut menjadi warisan budaya, memiliki nilai seni yang bernilai jual tinggi dan memiliki beraneka ragam manfaat sehingga menjadi sumber tambahan penghasilan masyarakat. Sedangkan masalah aspek manajemen bagaimana cara memasarkan hasil Kerajinan Tenun Bermotif sehingga jangkauan pemasaran lebih luas dengan memaksimalkan IT. Solusi dari permasalahan ini, pertama dengan memproduksi tenun bukan mesin (TBM) bermotif sebagai bahan baku kerajinan tangan tenun seperti dompet, tempat tisu, hiasan dinding, sarung bantal, tas, kotak pensil. Kedua, peningkatan kualitas SDM melalui berbagai kegiatan pelatihan terkait dengan manajemen SDM, produksi, keuangan dan pemasaran berbasis online. Metode pelaksanaan melibatkan kelompok pengarajin tenun bukan mesin, ibu-ibu rumah tangga, remaja belum bekerja, pemangku kepentingan, masyarakat terlibat dalam berbagai tahapan kegiatan mulai dari perencanaan sampai evaluasi dalam beberapa tahapan (sosialisasi, perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi).


The purpose of the article is to find ways to improve the humanitarian training of the future manager, namely - the axiological support of his activities as a basis for productive relationships in the team. The formation of the axiological basis of the manager's activity is considered as one of the important tasks of his master's degree. Professional, humanistic and personal values are the basis of his management style and determine the degree of efficiency. The author analyzes the essence of managerial activity as natural for human society, clarifies the points of contact between the professional values of the manager and universal and social values, substantiates the axiological aspects of managerial training. The author's method of formation of personal and professional values of the future manager is considered. The main directions of its implementation are a) the inclusion in the classroom and independent work of practical tasks that involve the analysis of ready-made and the creation of their own communicative samples; b) their empathic evaluation and analysis on a reflexive basis. The application of the methodology not only expands the communicative experience of the future manager, which is also important for his professional development, but first of all actualizes both for the direct performer and for the audience axiological aspects of interaction with colleagues and subordinates, helps the teacher to identify errors means for its adjustment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (33) ◽  
pp. e15299
Kiomars Aziz Malayeri ◽  
Mohammad Sharif-Taherpour ◽  
Mohammad Mohammadi

The objective of this study was factor analysis of educational evaluation indicators of sports coaches in Hamadan province. The statistical population of the study was all sports coaches in all sports branches in Hamadan province in the years (2019-2018). The statistical population of this study included all sports coaches in Hamadan province according to the latest information provided by the Statistics Center of the General Directorate of Sports and Youth in 2018, it included 4,000 people. The sampling method was stratified random; the number of samples was 351 based on Morgan table. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire that interviewed 30 experienced sports coaches and using Delphi technique and after agreeing on the materials, the results of the study were extracted and classified. Its nominal and content validity were reviewed and confirmed by a group of experts. The reliability of the instrument was calculated by Cronbach's alpha method of 0.85. Data were analyzed using heuristic rotation heuristic analysis, repeated measures analysis of variance and Bonferroni post hoc test at a significance level of P <0.050. Based on the results of factor analysis, out of 75 items of performance evaluation, 17 items were removed and 58 items were included in 6 factors. Social factors (5 items), professional (8 items), personality (8 items), managerial (14 items), scientific (14 items), emotional skills (9 items) in order of prioritizing the scientific factor in the first place, management in Second place, personality in third place, professional in fourth place, emotional in fifth place and social in sixth place. It is concluded that; Sports coaches in Hamadan province in all sports need scientific and managerial training according to the training of personality traits and these three priorities are considered by the trainers for training, respectively.

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