type property
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Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (5) ◽  
pp. 526
Salvador López-Alfonso ◽  
Manuel López-Pellicer ◽  
Santiago Moll-López

A subset B of an algebra A of subsets of a set Ω has property (N) if each B-pointwise bounded sequence of the Banach space ba(A) is bounded in ba(A), where ba(A) is the Banach space of real or complex bounded finitely additive measures defined on A endowed with the variation norm. B has property (G) [(VHS)] if for each bounded sequence [if for each sequence] in ba(A) the B-pointwise convergence implies its weak convergence. B has property (sN) [(sG) or (sVHS)] if every increasing covering {Bn:n∈N} of B contains a set Bp with property (N) [(G) or (VHS)], and B has property (wN) [(wG) or (wVHS)] if every increasing web {Bn1n2⋯nm:ni∈N,1≤i≤m,m∈N} of B contains a strand {Bp1p2⋯pm:m∈N} formed by elements Bp1p2⋯pm with property (N) [(G) or (VHS)] for every m∈N. The classical theorems of Nikodým–Grothendieck, Valdivia, Grothendieck and Vitali–Hahn–Saks say, respectively, that every σ-algebra has properties (N), (sN), (G) and (VHS). Valdivia’s theorem was obtained through theorems of barrelled spaces. Recently, it has been proved that every σ-algebra has property (wN) and several applications of this strong Nikodým type property have been provided. In this survey paper we obtain a proof of the property (wN) of a σ-algebra independent of the theory of locally convex barrelled spaces which depends on elementary basic results of Measure theory and Banach space theory. Moreover we prove that a subset B of an algebra A has property (wWHS) if and only if B has property (wN) and A has property (G).

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 79-92
Anatoly Lakeyev ◽  
Vyacheslav Rusanov ◽  
Andrey Banshchikov ◽  

The analytical conditions (necessary and sufficient) are defined for the solvability of the problem of differential realization of a continuous beam of controlled trajectory curves in the class of bilinear nonautonomous ordinary differential equations (with delay and without it) of the second order in a real separable Hilbert space. The problem under consideration belongs to the type of inverse problems for an additive combination of nonstationary linear and bilinear operators of evolution equations in an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space. The meta-language of this theory is the constructions of tensor products of Hilbert spaces, the structures of lattices with ortho-complementation, and the functional apparatus of the nonlinear Rayleigh-Ritz operator. It is shown that in the case of a finite bundle of trajectories, the presence of a sublinearity-type property of this operator allows us to obtain sufficient conditions for the existence of such realizations. Along the way, the topological-metric conditions for the continuity of the projectivization of the nonlinear Rayleigh-Ritz functional operator with the calculation of the fundamental group of its image are justified. The results obtained provide the motivation for the development of a qualitative theory of nonlinear structural identification of higher-order multi-linear differential models (e.g. for processes, induced by the «brain–machine» interface-platform of the type of Neuralink).

2021 ◽  
pp. 497-513
Neeru Bala ◽  
G. Ramesh

A. A. Goncharov ◽  

The current structure of a criminal law specifying the constituent elements of embezzlement from a card is imperfect concerning both the disposition and sanctions for a committed crime. The researchers fairly emphasize the urgency of the problem but consider commonly every method of embezzlement of money from a card apart from others, not proposing complex measures to eliminate contradictions arising in the process of study. Although the researchers recognize theft and fraud as equivalent crimes in the degree of danger to the public, to identify the responsibility level, it is necessary to determine reliably all objective evidence of any criminal act, which definitely can significantly differ in severity of punishment for their commitment. The paper studies such types of crime as the money embezzlement from bank cards by third parties. The system of normative legal acts of the Russian legislation the difference of fraud from theft. The objective aspect of constituent elements of a crime, the list of signs typical for the facade of a criminal act, peculiar to such group of crimes as embezzlement, are specified. The author distinguishes the objective elements of two bodies of evidence, which can fall under the definition of money embezzlement from a bank card: theft from a banking account and fraud, in other words, fraud using electronic payment facilities. The author concludes on the necessity to introduce to the RF Criminal Code the design article 158.2 with the description of constituent elements of money embezzlement from a banking account (card) in the form of theft to improve and unify criminal law in respect of responsibility for such type property crimes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-76
Marie-Françoise Bidaut-Véron

Abstract We consider the elliptic quasilinear equation - Δ m ⁢ u = u p ⁢ | ∇ ⁡ u | q {-\Delta_{m}u=u^{p}\lvert\nabla u\rvert^{q}} in ℝ N {\mathbb{R}^{N}} , q ≥ m {q\geq m} and p > 0 {p>0} , 1 < m < N {1<m<N} . Our main result is a Liouville-type property, namely, all the positive C 1 {C^{1}} solutions in ℝ N {\mathbb{R}^{N}} are constant. We also give their asymptotic behaviour; all the solutions in an exterior domain ℝ N ∖ B r 0 {\mathbb{R}^{N}\setminus B_{r_{0}}} are bounded. The solutions in B r 0 ∖ { 0 } {B_{r_{0}}\setminus\{0\}} can be extended as continuous functions in B r 0 {B_{r_{0}}} . The solutions in ℝ N ∖ { 0 } {\mathbb{R}^{N}\setminus\{0\}} has a finite limit l ≥ 0 {l\geq 0} as | x | → ∞ {\lvert x\rvert\to\infty} . Our main argument is a Bernstein estimate of the gradient of a power of the solution, combined with a precise Osserman-type estimate for the equation satisfied by the gradient.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (06) ◽  
pp. 1305-1321
Angelica Deibel

Much is known about random right-angled Coxeter groups (i.e., right-angled Coxeter groups whose defining graphs are random graphs under the Erdös–Rényi model). In this paper, we extend this model to study random general Coxeter groups and give some results about random Coxeter groups, including some information about the homology of the nerve of a random Coxeter group and results about when random Coxeter groups are [Formula: see text]-hyperbolic and when they have the FC-type property.

Mathematika ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 66 (4) ◽  
pp. 959-972
Vassilis Kanellopoulos ◽  
Miltiadis Karamanlis

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