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2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 66-75
Ioannis Haranas ◽  
Ioannis Gkigkitzis ◽  
Kristin Cobbett ◽  
Ryan Gauthier

According to Landauer’s principle, the energy of a particle may be used to record or erase N number of information bits within the thermal bath. The maximum number of information N recorded by the particle in the heat bath is found to be inversely proportional to its temperature T. If at least one bit of information is transferred from the particle to the medium, then the particle might exchange information with the medium. Therefore for at least one bit of information, the limiting mass that can carry or transform information assuming a temperature T= 2.73 K is equal to m = 4.718´10-40 kg which is many orders of magnitude smaller that the masse of most of today’s elementary particles. Next, using the corresponding temperature of a graviton relic and assuming at least one bit of information the corresponding graviton mass is calculated and from that, a relation for the number of information N carried by a graviton as a function of the graviton mass mgr is derived. Furthermore, the range of information number contained in a graviton is also calculated for the given range of graviton mass as given by Nieto and Goldhaber, from which we find that the range of the graviton is inversely proportional to the information number N. Finally, treating the gravitons as harmonic oscillators in an enclosure of size R we derive the range of a graviton as a function of the cosmological parameters in the present era.

Monica Bernardo ◽  
Fatemeh Homayounieh ◽  
Maria Cristina Rodel Cuter ◽  
Luiz Mário Bellegard ◽  
Homero Medeiros Oliveira Junior ◽  

Abstract We assessed variations in chest CT usage, radiation dose and image quality in COVID-19 pneumonia. Our study included all chest CT exams performed in 533 patients from 6 healthcare sites from Brazil. We recorded patients’ age, gender and body weight and the information number of CT exams per patient, scan parameters and radiation doses (volume CT dose index—CTDIvol and dose length product—DLP). Six radiologists assessed all chest CT exams for the type of pulmonary findings and classified CT appearance of COVID-19 pneumonia as typical, indeterminate, atypical or negative. In addition, each CT was assessed for diagnostic quality (optimal or suboptimal) and presence of artefacts. Artefacts were frequent (367/841), often related to respiratory motion (344/367 chest CT exams with artefacts) and resulted in suboptimal evaluation in mid-to-lower lungs (176/344) or the entire lung (31/344). There were substantial differences in CT usage, patient weight, CTDIvol and DLP across the participating sites.

2021 ◽  
Charles J. Henny ◽  
James L. Kaiser

ABSTRACT Fisheries managers used the fish toxicant rotenone to eradicate an undesirable brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus) population and all other fish species at Hyatt Reservoir, Oregon, on 12 October 1989. This 4-yr study (1988–1990, 1992) compared effects of that rotenone project on Ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) nesting at Hyatt Reservoir and nearby Howard Prairie Reservoir (untreated reference)—the latter a reservoir where both brown bullheads and hatchery-released rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) prospered. Because Hyatt Reservoir was treated after Osprey fall migration in 1989, the first 2 yr (1988 and 1989) yielded pretreatment information: number of Osprey pairs was unchanged and reproductive rates were similar and consistent at the two reservoirs. Yearling fish (200–250 mm) were restocked at Hyatt Reservoir in the spring of 1990 and Ospreys returned each year following rotenone treatment, with no decline in the number of occupied or active nests. The negative effect of the rotenone treatment on Ospreys was short-term, resulting in reduced reproductive rates (young/occupied nest, young/active nest, and young/successful nest) during the first nesting season posttreatment, although hatching rates were not affected. Osprey dive success and prey delivery rates declined sharply in 1990, leading to competition for food among siblings and brood reduction. Osprey reproductive rates and prey delivery rates at Hyatt Reservoir in both 1990 and 1992 remained below the extremely high pretreatment rates, but within the range required for population stability. Serious adverse effects of the fish loss on Osprey reproduction were minimized by: (1) the delay of the rotenone application until after breeding season, (2) the restocking of the treated reservoir in the following spring with some larger (yearling) fish (though the timing was late), (3) the maintenance of a supplemental feeding program for a nesting pair of Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), which minimized kleptoparasitism on Ospreys, and perhaps most important (4) the presence of nearby water bodies, where Osprey obtained some fish in the 1990 and 1992 breeding seasons.

Margaret Kehoe ◽  
Diane Poulin-Dubois ◽  
Margaret Friend

Purpose This study investigated within-language and between-language associations between phonological memory, vocabulary, and grammar in French–English ( n = 43) and Spanish–English ( n = 25) bilingual children at 30, 36, and 48 months. It was predicted that phonological memory would display both within-language and between-language relations to language development and that these relations would be stronger at the youngest age. Method Bilingual children participated in free-play sessions in both of their languages at each age, from which vocabulary and grammatical information (number of different words and mean length of utterance) was extracted. Vocabulary information was also obtained from parent inventories completed when the children were 30 months and a standardized receptive vocabulary test administered at 36 and 48 months. The children were also administered nonword repetition tests in both of their languages at each age. Results Mixed logistic regression indicated that phonological memory was associated with vocabulary and grammar within the same language and phonological memory in the other language. In two of the four statistical models, phonological memory exhibited positive between-language relations, and in one model, it exhibited negative between-language relations to language development. Results also indicated that within-language and between-languages effects remained constant, or between-language associations decreased during the age range studied. Conclusion Overall, the findings provide some support for cross-language associations between phonological memory and lexical and grammatical skills.

2021 ◽  
Jian-Han Lai ◽  
Kuan-Hao Cheng ◽  
Yih-Jer Wu ◽  
Ching-Chung Lin

Abstract Background: The most important factor in evaluating a physician’s competence is strong clinical reasoning ability, leading to correct principal diagnoses. The process of clinical reasoning includes history taking, physical examinations, validating medical records, and determining a final diagnosis. In this study, we designed a teaching programme to evaluate the clinical reasoning competence of fourth-year medical students.Methods: We created five patient scenarios for our standardised patients, including haemoptysis, abdominal pain, fever, anaemia, and chest pain. A group history-taking workshop with individual reasoning principles was implemented to teach and evaluate students’ abilities to take histories, document key information, and arrive at the most likely diagnosis. Residents were trained to act as teachers, and a post-study questionnaire was employed to evaluate the students’ satisfaction with the training programme.Results: A total of 76 students, five teachers, and five standardised patients participated in this clinical reasoning training programme. The average history-taking score was 64%, the average key information number was 7, the average diagnosis number was 1.1, and the average correct diagnosis rate was 38%. Standardised patients presenting with abdominal pain (8.3%) and anaemia (18.2%) had the lowest diagnosis rates. The scenario of anaemia presented the most difficult challenge for students in history taking (3.5/5) and clinical reasoning (3.5/5). The abdominal pain scenario yielded even worse results (history taking: 2.9/5 and clinical reasoning 2.7/5). We found a correlation in the clinical reasoning process between the correct and incorrect most likely diagnosis groups (group history-taking score, p=0.045; key information number, p=0.009 and diagnosis number, p=0.004). The post-study questionnaire results indicated significant satisfaction with the teaching programme (4.7/5) and the quality of teacher feedback (4.9/5).Conclusions: We concluded that the clinical reasoning skills of fourth-year medical students benefited from this training programme, and the lower correction of the most likely diagnosis rate found with abdominal pain, anaemia, and fever might be due to a system-based teaching programme in fourth-year medical students; cross-system remedial reasoning training is recommended for fourth-year medical students in the future.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (8) ◽  
pp. e0244118
Karl Marius Aksum ◽  
Lars Brotangen ◽  
Christian Thue Bjørndal ◽  
Lukas Magnaguagno ◽  
Geir Jordet

Visual perception in football (“soccer” in the U.S.) is increasingly becoming a key area of interest for researchers and practitioners. This exploratory case study investigated a sub-set of visual perception, namely visual exploratory scanning. The aim of this study was to examine the scanning of four elite football midfield players in an 11 vs. 11 real-game environment using mobile eye-tracking technology. More specifically, we measured the duration and information (number of teammates and opponents) of the players’ scanning behavior. The results showed that the players’ scanning duration was influenced by the ball context and the action undertaken with the ball at the moment of scan initiation. Furthermore, fixations were found in only 2.3% of the scans. Additionally, the results revealed that the stop point is the most information-rich part of a scan and that the players had more opponents than teammates inside their video frame during scans. Practical applications and further research recommendations are presented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 193-207
Suryanaji ◽  
Purwanto Purwanto ◽  
Arga Pramudita

Pinus merkusii is a main species for produce pine resin in Indonesia. Clone of Pinus merkusii on progeny trial establishing by Perhutani has identified can produce high yielderresin up to 100 gr/tree/3 days. Clonal forestry needs applied propagation method that easy dan economically on operational level. One of propagation method selected was by air layering. This research work were to obtained genetic materials and to get information number of live percent of seedling from air layering from high yielder resin Pinus merkusii subline when the mother trees reach 12 years old. The research was conducted in Perum Perhutani KPH Banyumas Barat, RPH Samudra on year 2020 with Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The result of this research showed that rooting ability on  Pinus merkusii 12 years old mother trees have signifiant differences between subline. Rooting ability of seedling generated by air layering method were 29% (subline SG2), 24% (subline JB2), 18% (subline SL2) and 11% (subline SM2) with an average of 18% and heritability of rooting ability by air layering was 0,44.  

2021 ◽  
Marta Mielicki ◽  
Charles Fitzsimmons ◽  
Lauren Schiller ◽  
Dan Scheibe ◽  
Jennifer M Taber ◽  

Visual displays, such as icon arrays and risk ladders, are often used to communicate numerical health information. Number lines improve reasoning with rational numbers but are seldom used in health contexts. College students compared rates for information related to COVID-19 (e.g., number of deaths and number of cases) in one of four randomly-assigned conditions: icon arrays, risk ladders, number lines, or no accompanying visual display. As predicted, number lines facilitated performance on these problems – the number line condition outperformed the other visual display conditions, which did not perform any better than the no visual display condition. In addition, higher performance on the health-related math problems was associated with higher COVID-19 worry for oneself and others, higher perceptions of COVID-19 severity, and higher endorsement of intentions to engage in preventive health behaviors, even when controlling for baseline math skills. These findings have important implications for effectively presenting health statistics.

Ioannis Haranas ◽  
Ioannis Gkigkitzis ◽  
Kristin Cobbett ◽  
Ryan Gauthier

According to Landauer’s principle, the energy of a particle may be used to record or erase N number of information bits within the thermal bath. The maximum number of information N recorded by the particle in the heat bath is found to be inversely proportional to its temperature T. If at least one bit of information is transferred from the particle to the medium, then the particle might exchange information with the medium. Therefore for at least one bit of information, the limiting mass that can carry or transform information assuming a temperature T= 2.73 K is equal to m = 4.71810-40 kg which is many orders of magnitude smaller that the masse of most of today’s elementary particles. Next, using the corresponding temperature of a graviton relic and assuming at least one bit of information the corresponding graviton mass is calculated and from that, a relation for the number of information N carried by a graviton as a function of the graviton mass mgr is derived. Furthermore, the range of information number contained in a graviton is also calculated for the given range of graviton mass as given by Nieto and Goldhaber, from which we find that the range of the graviton is inversely proportional to the information number N. Finally, treating the gravitons as harmonic oscillators in an enclosure of size R we derive the range of a graviton as a function of the cosmological parameters in the present era

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Kirti Dutta ◽  
Kirti Sharma ◽  
Terjani Goyal

Purpose Marketers are focusing on the need for customer advocacy to influence other customers and drive consumption. The purpose of this paper is to explore whether online or digital advocacy influences customer decision-making related to the purchase of travel and tourism services. This paper will also identify the categories of influencers that stimulate purchase for travel and tourism. Influencers do want to know the kind of information customers are looking for. Design/methodology/approach This paper is based on a primary survey of travelers to understand their degree of dependence on online reviews while making hospitality consumption-related decisions. Findings This paper looks at both influencer marketing and online reviews by consumers to understand consumption toward advocated brand. Influencers who are perceived as unbiased in their viewpoints are trending on social media. Consumers gain trust in reviews that disclose reviewer information, number of relevant reviews are present over a period and presence of both unbiased positive and negative recommendations related to the establishment and prices versus performance. Practical implications Marketers and influencers alike can gain from the factors influencing consumer trust toward online advocacy and reviewed information. Originality/value Research is relevant for all stakeholders as it highlights the fact that consumers are looking at online reviews and one does not have to be a famous personality to influence purchase. It is relevant for influencers, as it highlights reasons for trust and various information cues that consumers are looking for. Research also gives perspective to influencers to refine online strategy and gain trust of more followers.

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