uniformity test
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2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Weiting Lyu ◽  
David Rodriguez ◽  
Mario G. Ferruzzi ◽  
Giulio M. Pasinetti ◽  
James W. Murrough ◽  

Bioactive dietary polyphenols in grape (Vitis vinifera) have been used in Dietary Supplements (DSs) with the aim to prevent numerous diseases, including cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, and to reduce depression and anxiety. Given prior recognition that DSs can be quality challenged from the purity, authentication, adulteration, and actual concentration of targeted bioactives, to ensure consumer health protection as well as the quality and safety of grape polyphenol-based DSs, the present investigation was aimed at establishing a comprehensive quality control (QC) approach for grape polyphenol-based DSs in support of a human clinical study. In this study, the manufactured grape seed polyphenol extract (GSPE) and trans-resveratrol (RSV) capsules and Concord Grape Juice (CGJ) along with the corresponding original drug materials were analyzed using the developed different liquid chromatography/UV-visible spectroscopy/mass spectrometry (LC/UV-Vis/MS) methods. The weight variation of GSPE and RSV capsules was also evaluated according to the US Pharmacopeia (USP) tests. The results indicate that the total identified polyphenol content in each grape seed extract (GSE) capsule/CGJ is very similar and all GSE/RSV capsules pass the content/weight uniformity test. Given the complexity of these and many botanical products from the issues of purity, quality, adulteration, consistency, and their coupling to the complex chemistry in each grape-derived botanical, quality assurance and the steps needed to ensure grape-derived DSs being well homogeneous and stable and containing the known and expected bioactives at specific concentration ranges are fundamental to any research study and in particular to a clinical trial. Each of these issues is essential to provide a solid foundation upon which clinical trials with botanicals can be conducted with the goal of realizing measurable mental health outcomes such as reducing depression and anxiety as well as understanding of their underlying biological mechanisms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 92-107
Aldino Rizki Prayoga ◽  
Meizul Zuki ◽  
Yusril Dany

PT Mitra Kerinci is a company established in West Sumatra Province which is engaged in tea plantations and tea processing in its factories. PT Mitra Kerinci produces an average of 7,000 kg or 7 tons of green tea shoots per day. The production process for processing tea shoots, the factory sometimes does not reach the production target in accordance with the production target of the company. The goal of research  to determine the amount of the contribution of the motion study to the standard time and determine the amount of the contribution of the standard time to the increase in productivity in the final drying process at Ball Tea station, the production of tea shoots at PT. Kerinci Partners. This research an experimental research type and uses the same subject research design (treatment by subject design), namely the treatment is imposed on the same subject. The results of time calculations after the motion study on the process flow map reached 15,676.02 seconds. Then proceed with the calculation of the cycle time which reaches 825.41 seconds with the actual standard deviation obtained at 3.58 and the standard deviation of the subgroup distribution is 1.79. After knowing the results of the average cycle time, the actual standard deviation and the standard deviation of the subgroup distribution, the data uniformity test was continued, starting with calculating the BKA and BKB. The BKA calculation results obtained 830.78 and the BKB reached 820.04. So that in the data uniformity test the results reached 0.908. In the series of movements of the left and right hands after the repair, a cycle time of 825.41 seconds / unit of Ball Tea was obtained from the previous time, reaching 906.66 units / Ball Tea and getting a time difference of 81.25 seconds. In the calculation of the standard time, the normal time calculation is carried out first, after it is known that the result of the adjustment calculation reaches 1.12 so that the normal time is obtained with a total of 924.45 seconds. Continue to calculate the standard time and the results reach 1423.65 seconds with an allowance of 54%. This contributed to an increase in productivity by 5.7%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 108-114
I Valcárcel-Pérez ◽  
JL Molina ◽  
Z Fuentes

Objective: To evaluate mass screening campaigns for tuberculosis in prisoners in Ecuador. Material and method: Cross-sectional study of Chronic Cough (CC) detected amongst inmates who entered two prisons in Ecuador between January and December 2016 (n = 12,365). The time distribution of the CCs was analyzed with the uniformity test and its relationship with the diagnosed cases of PTB, the prevalence of PTB was calculated. A logistic regression model was performed to determine the factors modifiers of PTB positivity. Results: 1.332 chronic cougher were recorded, the positivity rate was 17.3% (95% CI, 15.1-19.4), and the prevalence was 1.9% (95% CI, 1.6 - 2.1). There was an absence of uniformity in the detection and diagnosis by epidemiological weeks; there was a positive correlation between CC and PTB cases. The positivity rate was associated with the prison with the highest density (adjusted OR 3.8; 95% CI, 2.5-5.5). Discussion: Massive screening campaigns are not enough to control tuberculosis in Ecuador’s prisons. The incidence found is high. It is necessary to strengthen the diagnostic process to treat all the cases found and thus break the chain of transmission.

Luminescence ◽  
2021 ◽  
Mohamed A. Abdel Hamid ◽  
Mokhtar M. Mabrouk ◽  
Hytham M. Ahmed ◽  
Bassant Samy ◽  
Hany A. Batakoushy

2021 ◽  
Vol 2076 (1) ◽  
pp. 012102
Chunliang Fu ◽  
Linhua Gong ◽  
Jiangjing Lin ◽  
Jun Zhou

Abstract With the rapid development of electronic and electrical products, the working frequency of ite products is higher and higher, the influence frequency range of interference between electronic products is also expanding, the test frequency range of radiation anti-interference is improving, at the same time, more and more attention is paid to the requirements of radiation anti-interference test site. At present, the uniformity of radiation field is mainly realized by single point multiple test, which will inevitably lead to the measurement error due to the time-varying characteristics of the radiation signal itself; In addition, the test time is greatly increased and the test efficiency is low. In order to solve these problems, this paper designs a device which can realize multi-point test at one time and can automatically adjust the test area. The simulation shows that the device can meet the requirement of 9point uniformity test of radiation field in 500mm × 500mm ~ 1500mm × 1500mm area. On this basis, experiments are carried out in 1000mm × 1000mm test area for 1.35GHz and 2.88GHz. The experiments show that the test device can meet the requirement of 9point uniformity test and greatly improve the test efficiency and automation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Akh Sokhibi ◽  
Mia Ajeng Alifiana ◽  
Andika Wisnujati ◽  
Arief Susanto ◽  
Vikha Indira Asri ◽  

Design and redesign are some of the fields of study in ergonomics. The purpose ofthe design and redesign is to achieve comfort and increase productivity. Ergonomics is a science that integrates workers with the environment around them at work. So it is hoped that integration can be applied to all organizations. CV Abadi Jaya Presisi is a company engaged in the production of plastic, where workers carry out finishing stages without fulfilling ergonomic aspects. Namely, the use of a worker's chair made of plastic is not following the dimensions of the worker. The method used in this study is quantitative with anthropometric data as primary data. First, the anthropometric data of finished workers were used in this study. Then the data is tested for normality, uniformity test, and data adequacy test. After testing the data, the next step is to calculate the percentile value used to determine the size of the ergonomic chair to be designed. According to the findings of this study, the width of the chair is 42.1 cm, the height of the chair is 30.3 cm, the length of the chair is 43.2 cm, the length of the back of the chair is 49.9 cm, and the height of the seat elbow is21.6 cm.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (09) ◽  
pp. 720-727
Suherman a ◽  
A.C. Kumoro ◽  
K. Anam ◽  
E.E. Susanto ◽  

The COVID-19 virus is still spreading throughout the world, and many efforts are being made to combat the outbreak and develop vaccines. Several traditional plants such as ginger and rosella can increase endurance and ward off various diseases. In this research, effervescent tablets made from ginger and rosella have been developed. Five formulations of effervescent tablets with different concentrations of acid and base mixtures have been made to test their physical properties, both granules, and effervescent tablets. The granule physical properties test results showed that the variation of the mixture of acids and bases had no significant effect on the physical properties of the granules. The physical quality of the granule is following the applicable requirements. The same thing was also found in the weight uniformity test. In contrast, in the brittleness and hardness test, tablet formulation 5 (an acid mixture consisting only of tartaric acid) showed the best results. From the dissolution time test, it was found that the use of a mixture of citric acid and tartrate was able to accelerate the dissolving time compared to the use of one type of acid. From the test results, it can be concluded that formulation five tablets show the best quality of tablets. Further studies need to be done regarding the application of ginger and roselle effervescent tablets to increase the bodys immunity from COVID-19.

Hanmant S. Mali ◽  
Gurunath S. Dhadde ◽  
Rohit B. Sapate ◽  
Nikita D. Gidde ◽  
Priyanka V. Bagade

The main goal of just about every drug delivery system is to supply preferred concentrations of drugs in blood and other body fluids, which would be clinically useful and non-hazardous for a long period of time. The Floating and Mucoadhesive both are coming under the novel drug delivery system in which they considered as predominantly more effective as compared to alternative drug delivery system because this formulation having direct contact with a biological system. The latest developments of FDDS and mucoadhesive including the biological and methodology factors that affect Gastrointestinal residence time, the main mucosal system which is explained, the structure of the main formulation described, approaches to develop single-unit and various different-unit floating and mucoadhesive systems, advantages, and one's categorization and development, in which the material used for floating mucoadhesive formulation preparation and other material which are shown on the rationale of their use in this formulation, aspects characterization are enlisted like Thickness and Diameter Testing, Bioadhesion Test, Drug Content Uniformity Test, X Rays Studies Water Uptake Studies, etc. This review also describes the studies to assess the effectiveness and implementation of floating systems, and applications of mucoadhesive systems.

2021 ◽  
Yazan Al-Hayek ◽  
Kelly Spuur ◽  
Rob Davidson ◽  
Christopher Hayre ◽  
Xiaoming Zheng

Abstract Objectives: This pilot experimental study explores the effect of vertical off-centring on CT numbers in combination with various tube voltages and phantom sizes.Methods: A CIRS Model 062 Electron Density and Combined Head and Body phantom underwent imaging using a Siemens Emotion 16-slice CT and GEMINI GXL scanners. Uniformity was evaluated as a function of vertical off-centring (20, 40, 60, and 80 mm above the gantry iso-centre) using different phantom sizes and tube voltage for ROI positions across the X and Y axis of each phantom. CT number change was assessed by comparing the measured values between anterior (upper) versus posterior (lower) ROIs.Results: The results showed that vertical off-centring and phantom size could account for 92% of the recorded variance and resultant CT number change. The uniformity test recorded a maximum change of 27.2 and 14 HU for peripheral ROIs at 80 mm phantom shift above the gantry iso-centre using the GEMINI GXL and Siemens scanners, respectively. The absolute CT number differences between anterior and posterior ROIs were 13.7 for the 30 cm phantom and 4.8 for the 20 cm phantom at 80 mm vertical off-centring. The most remarkable differences were observed at lower tube voltages.Conclusions: It is essential to highlight the significance of optimal patient centring for CT examinations and the consequences of CT numbers variation on clinical decision making. Phantom off-centring and ROI location have been demonstrated to affect CT number uniformity in this pilot experimental study. This was more evident at peripheral phantom areas, lower tube voltages and larger phantom size.

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