business function
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2022 ◽  
Vol 355 ◽  
pp. 03058
Huijie Gu ◽  
Shulin Yang ◽  
Mengdie Gu ◽  
Ming Yuan

The traditional online teaching adopts the single architecture to develop and implement the system, which facilitates the data sharing and testing of the system. However, due to the increasing complexity of the system's business functions, the system based on monolithic architecture has become increasingly complex, its scalability has deteriorated, and its concurrency performance has decreased. Based on these problems, this paper puts forward combining microservice architecture and online teaching platform, using microservice architecture independent deployment, concurrent performance characteristics such as high technology selection and flexible, the complex business function is divided into several small service module, solve the challenges faced by the traditional system, at the same time improve the efficiency of the use of online teaching platform and students' learning autonomy, The system function design, architecture design, safety design and so on are expounded to build an efficient and perfect online teaching platform.

2022 ◽  
pp. 74-82
Harrick Vin

Over the past decade or so, for most enterprises, information technology (IT) has shifted from being a support function to be a synonym for business wellness. During the same period, though, the scale and complexity of IT for running business has grown significantly; today, performing any business function requires complex interplay of many, often invisible and dynamically changing, technology components. This is making design resilient and interruption-free IT a significant challenge. This chapter discusses limitations of traditional approaches for managing enterprise IT operations; introduces the concept of cognitive automation, a novel approach that blends intelligence with automation to transform enterprise IT operations; and describes the design of ignio™, a cognitive automation platform for enterprises. The author concludes by highlighting the challenges in driving cognitive transformation of enterprise operations and providing some suggestions for embarking upon this journey.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
Pavol Odaloš

Language Landscape of Banská Bystric (Continuity of Texts and Intersection of Ethnic Groups)The language landscape of Banská Bystrica is made up of visible language, which means written language in the form of contextually fixed words, sentences and complex sentences of a commercial and non-commercial nature. Non-commercial language fulfills a communicative function in terms of presenting basic orientation information in and around Banská Bystrica town, and about the town’s activities, the church and cemetery buildings, and monuments. Commercial language has a business function because it becomes part of the process of business transactions: first in the form of advertising texts offering commercial products; later in the form of information concerning goods offered directly by business facilities. The language landscape of Banská Bystrica is a collection of texts in Slovak, German and Hungarian and is a manifestation of the ethnolinguistic activities of Slovaks, Germans and Hungarians. Some texts in English, German, Latin, Russian and Romanian are evidence of the vitality of these languages in presenting facts about the present day and the history of this town. Krajobraz językowy Bańskiej Bystrzycy (kontinuum tekstów a krzyżowanie się grup etnicznych)Na krajobraz językowy Bańskiej Bystrzycy składają się teksty o charakterze komercyjnym i niekomercyjnym, dostępne w wersji wizualnej, powstałe w języku pisanym, w formie kontekstowo uwarunkowanych słów, zdań prostych i zdań złożonych. Język o charakterze niekomercyjnym pełni funkcję komunikacyjną w zakresie przekazywania podstawowych informacji orientacyjnych w mieście Bańska Bystrzyca i w jego okolicach, a także informacji o działalności związanej z miastem, o budynkach kościelnych i cmentarnych oraz o zabytkach. Język o charakterze komercyjnym pełni funkcję biznesową, ponieważ staje się częścią procesu obrotu gospodarczego: najpierw w postaci tekstów reklamowych oferujących produkty handlowe, później w formie informacji o produktach oferowanych bezpośrednio przez placówki handlowe i usługowe. Krajobraz językowy Bańskiej Bystrzycy tworzą teksty w językach słowackim, niemieckim i węgierskim, będące przejawem działalności etnolingwistycznej Słowaków, Niemców i Węgrów. Teksty w językach angielskim, niemieckim, rosyjskim, rumuńskim i po łacinie świadczą o istotnej roli tych języków w przedstawianiu faktów dotyczących współczesności i historii tego miasta.

Sebatik ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 604-613
Ummi Syafiqoh ◽  
Rachmad Fitriyanto

Proses Akreditasi Perguruan Tinggi merupakan proses yang membutuhkan banyak sumber daya. Bagi perguruan tinggi dengan sumber daya terbatas, penggunaan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi menjadi salah satu solusi untuk persiapan akreditasi. Permasalahan muncul ketika stakeholder dan anggota organisasi perguruan tinggi tidak memiliki informasi tentang potensi teknologi informasi yang tersedia dan dibutuhkan. Enterprise architecture merupakan blueprint untuk memahami struktur teknologi informasi dan komunikasi di organisasi. Pemanfaatan enterprise architecture memudahkan pengelola perguruan tinggi untuk memaksimalkan dan mengembangkan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang dimiliki. TOGAF-ADM sebagai framework enterprise architecture menawarkan fleksibilitas dan sifat generik penggunaan artefak enterprise architecture. Sifat fleksibel dan generik ini menjadi masalah dikarenakan cakupannya yang sangat luas menyebabkan banyaknya opsi artefak yang disediakan. Penelitian-penelitian yang disebutkan sebelumnya, belum mencantumkan alasan pemilihan artefak yang digunakan.. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun arsitektur bisnis dan data dengan framework TOGAF-ADM berorientasi artefak. Penelitian dilakukan dalam 4 tahap. Tahap pertama, implementasi preliminary phase, diikuti tahap kedua fase architecture vision. Tahap ketiga fase Business Architecture dan tahap keempat fase information system architecture. Hasil yang diperoleh tersusun 8 artefak. Artefak katalog prinsip tersusun dari 2 prinsip bisnis, 1 prinsip data, 2 prinsip aplikasi dan 1 prinsip teknologi. Artefak functional decomposition diagram baseline dan target menunjukkan diperlukannya empat proses bisnis tambahan meliputi manajemen data tracer study, evaluasi penelitian dosen, evaluasi pengabdian dosen, monitoring penelitian dosen, monitoring pengabdian dosen dan manajemen data dosen dan mahasiswa. Pada artefak organizational decomposition diagram dan role catalogue terdapat tugas dan peran setiap stakeholder terkait proses akreditasi. Artefak data entity/business function matrix dan data to role access matrix berisikan entitas data yang digunakan dalam proses akreditasi serta tugas dari setiap stakeholder terkait dengan pengelolaan data.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 ◽  
Emily Tarvin

The YouTube channels Good Mythical Morning, grav3yardgirl, and the Vlogbrothers are analyzed to understand the function of fandom names on the platform. The selected YouTubers explain that their named fandoms create a sense of community on their channels. However, YouTube celebrities attempt to assert control over the narrative of their fan groups and encourage viewers to perceive them in a particular way. This control often relates to how content creators use the names to brand their channels and sell merchandise. Names of fan groups emphasize communal relationships but also perform a prominent business function. Understanding how the demonyms try to balance these different motivations reveals that the commercialization of fandom is embedded in everyday social media practices and the relationship between online celebrities and fans.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 66-72
Khaeruman ◽  
M. Ilmi Syiraf ◽  
Defi Mugfiroh ◽  
Yeny Safriyana ◽  
Fariha Maulani ◽  

Marketing is a business function that identifies current unmet wants and needs and manages their size, determines which target markets the organization can best serve, and determines the appropriate range of products, services and programs to serve those markets. So marketing acts as a liaison between the needs of the community and the pattern of industrial responses.This community service activity is carried out at the home of the business actor who has the address. The method used in the implementation of community service activities is business assistance.The purpose of this method is the participatory-lecture method,discussion-information and continued with direct training on making business management development models for business actors "Cireng Ceu Iin" in Padasuka Village, Baros District, Serang Regency.In a business, it is better to plan carefully both in terms of future prospects and the management system that can be done to manage the business in question. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the prospect of competition, market segmentation and the smooth running of its business. Especially for the management of the Cireng-making business, it is necessary to pay attention to the availability of raw materials in the form of sago and flour which must be processed into dough. Setting the selling price is one of the factors that must be considered in a business. Prices must be realistic but do not forget the capital spent to carry out the business in question.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 235-248
Adita Ronarizkia ◽  
Lisa Dwi Wulandari ◽  
Yusfan Adeputera Yusran

Jorongan Village is as an area designated as the Furniture Industry Center of Probolingggo Regency, thereby leading to changes in some houses functionality from residential to business. This certainly changes the internal and external layout of the houses used for furniture business. The purpose of this research is to identify the spatial layout pattern of business houses in the furniture industrial center area of Probolinggo Regency. This research was carried out with the behavior mapping approach used to describe the existing space in each furniture business house. Therefore, based on the analysis results, there are four patterns of business function space layout, the first, second, and third are located at the front, side and partially inside the building, while the other part is located in the side. Furthermore, the pattern with part of the business function space is located inside the building, and partly outside the front and side of the house. The result showed that three houses had irregular patterns with different layouts from other businesses.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (14) ◽  
pp. 7587
James W. Westerman

The Human Resource (HR) function is often viewed by those in organizations as a process function and a cost-center, which results in an enhanced risk of outsourcing and automation. However, HR is also uniquely positioned to engage firms in cross-functional transformational change efforts, as its work is embedded in every business function within an organization. Sustainable HR and the triple bottom line (TBL) present opportunities for HR to build a strategic role within organizations. This essay provides strategic and tactical models, with specific steps for implementation, to assist HR in re-assert its role in driving the competitiveness of the firm through Sustainable HR.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (13) ◽  
pp. 1537
Rui Cai ◽  
Jianluan Guo

To protect environmental sustainability, organizations are moving their focus towards greening the business process. Similarly to any other business function, financial management has also turned to environmentally friendly activities. Green finance is a new financial pattern that integrates environmental protection and economic profits. This paper analyses the publications on green finance, and their intellectual structure and networking. The bibliometric data on green finance research have been extracted from the Scopus database. This study finds the most productive countries, universities, authors, journals, and most prolific publications in green finance, through examining the published works. Also, the study visualizes the intellectual network by mapping bibliographic coupling (BC) and co-citation. The study’s essential contribution is the analysis of green finance developments and trajectories that can help scholars and practitioners to appreciate the trend and future studies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (3) ◽  
pp. 87-98
Olha RYNDZAK ◽  

The remittances of the migrants can become one of the most significant positive results of international migration. Still, the usage of their capabilities demands scientific-based prudent state control. In Ukraine, the policy in this field is merely at the stage of the development. The international experience of the realization of the ways of revenue stimulation from international migrants and the main ways of their mobilization in the development of countries – suppliers of the labor power have been reviewed. The main channels of international money transfers and their fees have been analyzed. According to the sociological survey of the Ukrainian migrants, the individual aspects of their economic behavior have been clarified. In this connection, it turned out that most of the respondents send their funds to Ukraine, where they are mostly spent to the satisfaction of daily needs of the family and also to the accommodations of the migrant during his staying home. Besides, in Ukraine, the common ways of use of money earned abroad are the purchase of durable goods, savings, repairs, and housing reconstruction. In the meantime, the survey has exposed the low willingness to invest their money in Ukraine. The investments into the business function are the most common way of the possible investment of the migrant funds. The research has proved the necessity of the state policy development in the field of regulation of the remittances. The measures of such regulations are systematized in two directions. The first one applies to the transfers and transferring channels themselves. The objective of such regulation is the money transfers of the migrants from abroad through the official channels and increasing of their rate. The second one is connected directly with the transfer usage. Its objective is the spending of such funds for the benefit of development and their effective usage.

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