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2022 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. 06001
M. M. Voytyuk ◽  
T. E. Marinchenko ◽  
V. A. Voityuk

The developed infrastructure of a small agricultural business (ISAB) ensures the innovative development of production of small enterprises of the agro-industrial complex (AIC), solves social problems of rural areas and provides employment for the rural population, performing a number of functions, including: property, financial, consulting, information, legal, innovative , social and export support for small agricultural businesses (SAB). The aim of the study is to identify the problems of the infrastructure development of the SAB and search for their solutions. The methods of generalization, economic and mathematical modeling, functional analysis were used, the data of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, the reporting of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, publications of foreign and domestic authors and other sources served as the material for the study. It was proposed to use the institution of “commercial procurement”, to functionally expand the “financial” service, to organize a Single Industry Center for Infrastructure Development (Center), which will ensure effective interaction of all participants through the use of a digital platform based on a service-oriented architecture (SOA). The platform needs to be integrated with government information systems that support the infrastructure development of the SAB. The cluster organization of infrastructure facilities will increase efficiency, will contribute to the concentration of resources and their greater purposefulness. The main result of the implementation of new organizational mechanisms should be the effective development of the IMAB.

A Johnson ◽  
C Rademacher ◽  
J Eggers ◽  
N Gabler ◽  
L Greiner ◽  

Abstract Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) was declared a global pandemic on March 11, 2020 by the World Health Organization and its impact on animal agriculture in the United States was undeniable. By April, COVID-19 resulted in the simultaneous closure or reduced operations of many meat processing plants in the upper Midwest, leading to supply chain disruptions. In Iowa, the leading pork production and processing state, these disruptions caused producer uncertainty, confusion, and stress, including time-sensitive challenges for maintaining animal care. The Iowa Resource Coordination Center (IRCC) was quickly created and launched from the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (IDALS). The IRCC included public representation from the Iowa Pork Producers Association (IPPA), Iowa Pork Industry Center (IPIC), and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, and private partners including producers, veterinarians, and technical specialists. Supporting swine welfare, the IRCC provided information on management strategies, dietary alterations to slow pig growth, alternative markets, on-farm euthanasia, and mass depopulation under veterinary oversight. In a crisis, Iowa created a model that reacted to producers’ pragmatic, mental and emotional needs. This model could be quickly replicated with an introduction of a foreign animal disease.

2021 ◽  
Vol 99 (Supplement_3) ◽  
pp. 6-6
Anna K Johnson ◽  
Christopher Rademacher ◽  
Jamee Eggers ◽  
Nicholas K Gabler ◽  
Laura L Greiner ◽  

Abstract Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) was declared a global pandemic on March 11, 2020, by the World Health Organization. By April 2020, COVID-19 resulted in the simultaneous closure or reduced operations of many processing plants in the upper Midwest, which quickly resulted in supply chain disruptions. Iowa is the leading pork production and processing state, and these disruptions caused producer uncertainty, confusion, and stress, including time-sensitive challenges for maintaining animal care. The Resource Coordination Center (RCC) was quickly created and launched from the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship. The RCC had strategic collaborations with public representation from the Iowa Pork Producers Association, Iowa Pork Industry Center, and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, and private partners through producers, veterinarians, and technical specialists. The RCC’s mission was four-fold: (1) implement appropriate actions to ensure the health and safety of RCC members, stakeholders, and the public, (2) evaluate and reassess appropriate actions as needed for continuity of pork production operations, (3) provide information to pork producers during supply chain disruptions, and (4) maintain a safe and abundant pork supply for consumers. The command structure included Incident Commanders, Command Staff, and four Section Chiefs whom worked with their respective experts. Sections covered (1) operations, (2) planning, (3) logistics, and (4) finance and administration. As it related to animal welfare, the RCC provided information on management decisions, dietary alterations to slow pig growth, pig movement to increase living space, alternative markets, on-farm euthanasia and mass depopulation. Veterinary oversight was continually maintained. A manual was created to provide up-to-date information to inform producer decisions and aid. Although originally created for swine, the RCC also assisted poultry, cattle and sheep producers. In a crisis, Iowa created a model that reacted to producer’s pragmatic and emotional needs. This model could be replicated for any emergency by other states.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 235-248
Adita Ronarizkia ◽  
Lisa Dwi Wulandari ◽  
Yusfan Adeputera Yusran

Jorongan Village is as an area designated as the Furniture Industry Center of Probolingggo Regency, thereby leading to changes in some houses functionality from residential to business. This certainly changes the internal and external layout of the houses used for furniture business. The purpose of this research is to identify the spatial layout pattern of business houses in the furniture industrial center area of Probolinggo Regency. This research was carried out with the behavior mapping approach used to describe the existing space in each furniture business house. Therefore, based on the analysis results, there are four patterns of business function space layout, the first, second, and third are located at the front, side and partially inside the building, while the other part is located in the side. Furthermore, the pattern with part of the business function space is located inside the building, and partly outside the front and side of the house. The result showed that three houses had irregular patterns with different layouts from other businesses.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Carlos Omar Trejo-Pech ◽  
Susan White

Research methodology This case was primarily researched using academic research papers, industry reports (Egg Industry Center and others), and finance databases including Standard and Poor’s Capital IQ. Regarding the cost and investment budgets, the case relies mainly on an experiment conducted by the Coalition for Sustainable Egg Supply, updated by the authors of this case. Case overview/synopsis Eggs produced by cage-free birds, while more expensive than conventionally produced eggs, are gaining in popularity among consumers who want only eggs that are produced more humanely. A number of major distributors, including Whole Foods, McDonalds and Starbucks have pledged to sell only cage-free produced eggs by 2025. Several states including California, Oregon and Michigan have passed laws limiting conventional egg production. The case provides costs and industry information and needed to project free cash flows and risk-adjusted opportunity cost of capital and perform break-even capital budgeting analysis of the two egg production alternatives. Complexity academic level This case is appropriate for graduate corporate finance courses. It is particularly appropriate for agribusiness finance courses. A preliminary exercise was used during the fall 2018 in a land grant university, just after the “Prevention of Cruelty to Farm Animals Act,” also known as Proposition 12, was passed in California in favor of cage-free egg production. The exercise was revised and used in the fall 2019 in the same class. This extended version of the case, was classroom tested in the fall 2020 in an agribusiness finance graduate class, with agricultural economics and business students enrolled.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-70
S. Suranto ◽  
Much. Djunaidi

Goyor woven fabric is a product of the creative industry, a micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) product in weaving. Goyor woven fabric is developed industrial center locations at Kalijambe, Miri, Plupuh, Sragen. Goyor woven fabric, as a result of weaving craft, is a handmade woven fabric through a non-machine loom (ATBM).  The study aims to raise the potential of woven fabric products so that woven fabric products (goyor) become attractive to consumers and increase consumer buying interest. The strategy applied to increase sales volume and increase consumer buying interest is through marketing models by marketing mix approaches 9P (products, prices, promotions, distribution, people, physic, process, public relation, and power) to consumer buying interest. This research is beneficial as a marketing development model of market-oriented goyor Woven Fabric. The research objectives are to (a) analyze woven fabric goyor products based preferred by consumers; (b) analyze the market-oriented fabric goyor marketing development model in pandemic era covid 19.  The research method uses explanatory sequential methods with a research population of 15 entrepreneurs who understand Kalijambe, Miri, and Plupuh goyor woven fabric products. Data analysis Likert scale using preferences costumers while increasing product marketing uses a participatory approach. The research results showed that goyor fabric product preferred by consumers has the characteristics of using a marketing mix approach as follows: (1) product variables; (2) variable prices; (3) promotion variables; (4) place variables, (5) people, (6) physic, (7) process, (8) public relation and (9) power). The concept of strategy empowerment and market-oriented product marketing empowerment model is said to be feasible and reasonable. It can be used as a marketing development model in increasing interest in buying goyor products in the pandemic era covid 19. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 120-127
Mochammad Rifky Pamungkas ◽  
Muhamad Rizal ◽  
Ria Arifianti ◽  
Asmaul Husna

Covid-19 penetrates into Indonesia to have an impact on Business, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). One of the MSMEs affected by the Covid-19 pandemic is the Cibaduyut Shoe Industry Center. This has an impact on business, marketing, information and the competitiveness of MSME players in Cibaduyut. So the research objective is to find and determine the effect of entrepreneurial orientation, marketing performance, and ICT capabilities on competitive advantage. The research method used is quantitative with the research sample being SMEs in Cibaduyut and analysis using Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square. While the results of the study provide results for the greatest influence on the ICT capability variable of 44.9%. The conclusion in this study is that the entrepreneurial orientation variable and marketing performance do not have a significant effect on competitive advantage, while the ICT capability variable has a significant effect.

Lelo Sintani ◽  
Bambang Mantikei ◽  
Arya Mulyapradana ◽  
Ary Dwi Anjarini ◽  

Joshua Keeve Tandra ◽  
Suwandi Supatra

In 2020, mankind throughout the world will be shaken by the Covid-19 which greatly affected people's lives and caused a lot of unrest. The Indonesian government implements a "at home" system. And with this regulation, many workers and factory workers have their salaries reduced, and some are given a termination policy even though they are still productive for work. So that the impact of Covid-19 will not only have an impact on health, the economy, but also on the workforce and also disrupt food security. The food sector is one of the sectors that is resilient in every crisis and as we know food is the main need of every society. Project "Eco-friendly Agriculture in the Cakung area" as a productive forum to accommodate the unemployed in the surrounding area due to layoffs so that they can get a job, learn, and improve their skills. Therefore this project is located in Cakung District, East Jakarta. This project is designed based on urban farming, which means farming in an urban environment using a hydroponic planting system for healthier production results. And through the results of field surveys and internet research, the site is close to PIK (Small Industry Center) which is an area that is a shopping center for people in the surrounding area which is dominated by the textile and food industry. So this building will also support the surrounding area, namely the PIK (Small Industry Center) by producing plants that can produce cloth fibers and also some staple and supporting foods that have fast harvest times so that they can produce quickly given the pandemic conditions that have resulted in increased demand. Therefore, this project is expected to minimize the issues raised. Keywords:  Covid-19; Urban Farming; Work Termination AbstrakTahun 2020 ini umat manusia diseluruh dunia digoncang dengan adanya pandemi Covid-19 yang sangat mempengaruhi kehidupan masyarakat dan menimbulkan banyak keresahan. Pemerintah Indonesia menerapkan sistem “dirumah aja”. Dan dengan adanya aturan ini membuat para pekerja dan buruh pabrik banyak yang dikurangi gajinya, dan beberapa diberi kebijakan Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja padahal masih produktif untuk bekerja. Sehingga dampak Covid-19 tidak hanya berdampak pada kesehatan, perekonomian, tetapi juga pada Tenaga Kerja dan juga mengganggu ketahanan pangan. Sektor pangan merupakan salah satu sektor yang tahan disetiap krisis dan seperti yang kita tahu pangan merupakan kebutuhan utama setiap masyarakat. Proyek “Pertanian Ramah Lingkungan dikawasan Cakung” sebagai wadah produktif untuk menampung para pengangguran dikawasan sekitar akibat PHK agar mereka mendapat pekerjaan, belajar, dan meningkatkan keterampilan mereka. Maka dari itu proyek ini berlokasi di Kecamatan Cakung, Jakarta Timur. Proyek ini dirancang berbasis urban farming yang dalam arti bercocok tanam dilingkungan perkotaan dengan menggunakan sistem tanam hidroponik agar hasil produksi lebih sehat. Dan melalui hasil survei lapangan dan riset internet, lokasi tapak berdekatan dengan PIK (Pusat Industri Kecil) yang merupakan area yang menjadi pusat perbelanjaan orang-orang dikawasan sekitar yang didominasi dengan industri tekstil dan makanan. Maka bangunan ini juga akan mendukung kawasan sekitar yaitu PIK (Pusat Industri Kecil) dengan memproduksi tanaman yang dapat menghasilkan serat kain dan juga beberapa makanan pokok dan pendukung yang memiliki waktu panen yang cepat agar dapat produksi dengan cepat mengingat kondisi pandemi yang mengakibatkan peningkatkan kebutuhan. Oleh sebab itu proyek ini diharapkan dapat menimalisir isu yang diangkat.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 60
Masnilam Hasibuan ◽  
Vince Napitupulu

This study aims to determine how much influence the marketing environment has on the business income of the salak agrina parsalakan processing industry center. This research uses a quantitative design, quantitative research is research that involves measuring the level of a certain feature. Quantitative research includes every type of research based on calculations, percentages, averages, and other calculations. In other words, this research uses numerical or quantity calculations.The marketing environment consists of actors and forces outside of marketing that influence the ability of marketing management to build and maintain successful relationships with target customers. Income arising from the sale of merchandise, products or services within a certain period in the framework of activities for or which are the main objectives of the company which are directly related to the main business (operations) of the company concerned. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the marketing environment on income at the industrial processing center of Salak Agrina Parsalakan. The sample in this study were 20 customers of the Salak Agrina Parsalakan Processing Industry Center. The data collection techniques used were interviews, questionnaires and documentation studies. Testing the results of the analysis partially obtained a positive and significant value as indicated by the t test where the t value is 2.973, while the value of the t table is 1.734 so the t value is greater than the t table or 2.973> 1.734 using a significant level of 5% and df (degree of freedom) = n - 2, namely 20-2 = 18. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be seen that the marketing environment will affect income, which shows a positive and significant value, the coefficient of determination is 32.9%. while the rest is influenced by factors not examined by the authors of 67.1%. 973> 1,734 using a significant level of 5% and df (degree of freedom) = n - 2, namely 20-2 = 18. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be seen that the marketing environment will affect income shows a positive and significant value, the coefficient of determination is 32 , 9%. while the rest is influenced by factors not examined by the authors of 67.1%. 973> 1,734 using a significant level of 5% and df (degree of freedom) = n - 2, namely 20-2 = 18. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be seen that the marketing environment will affect income shows a positive and significant value, the coefficient of determination is 32 , 9%. while the rest is influenced by factors not examined by the authors of 67.1%.Keywords: Marketing Environment, Income.

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