relationship patterns
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2021 ◽  
pp. 250-267
John T. S. Madeley

Europe is often taken to represent a global exception in matters of religion and secularity and some argue that much of the reason for this lies in the way religion-state relations are arranged. This chapter assesses these and related claims while summarily tracing the character, development, and impact of different relationship patterns in Europe as both ‘religion’ and ‘state’ have undergone massive change over the last 500 years. None of the fifty-odd current states of Europe meet any strict standard of religion–state separation; it can be argued nonetheless that the emergent and identifiable common European model is largely consistent with liberal egalitarian values. Key concepts are introduced: secular state, confessional state, religious state, religious establishment, and separationism.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Fabian Nevries ◽  
Carl Marcus Wallenburg

PurposeThe study aims to develop an organizational culture typology and explore how different logistics service provider (LSP) and customer archetypes interact to generate performance improvements in logistics outsourcing relationships.Design/methodology/approachA multiple case study approach with 12 dyads was employed. Interviews as well as public and internal data from LSPs and customers were analyzed.FindingsThe results reveal four archetypes each for LSPs and customers, characterized by two dimensions: “activeness” and “openness”. Furthermore, analyzing the interaction among the archetypes, three relationship patterns are identified (“static”, “restrained”, and “progressive”) that differ in the exploratory and exploitative improvement outcomes.Research limitations/implicationsThe study contributes to theory development at the intersection of organizational culture and logistics outsourcing.Originality/valueThe study provides a typology of organizational culture in logistics outsourcing and how different archetypes interact to generate improvements.

J-IKA ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 152-160
Rosiana Andhikasari

ABSTRAKBisnis kuliner berupa café yang menjamur saat ini membuat para pemilik usaha berfikir keras untuk membuat café miliknya berbeda dengan yang lain sehingga dapat menarik minat pelanggan untuk datang, salah satunya pada Mabar & Game Coffee. Peneliti ingin melihat apakah ada pengaruh antara kualitas pelayanan pada kepuasan pelanggan di Mabar & Game Coffee. Penelitian ini memakai metode penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif dengan variabel X terdiri dari, variabel  X1 adalah identitas fisik, variabel X3 adalah manajemen organisasi, variabel X2 adalah identitas non fisik, variabel X5 adalah aktivitas dan pola hubungan, variabel X4 adalah kualitas hasil, dan variabel Y adalah kepuasan pelanggan. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu regresi linier berganda, penghitungan hipotesis menggunakan uji F dan uji t dimana uji F adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh simultan antara variable X ke Y, sedangkan uji t untuk mengetahui pengaruh secara parsial dari variable X ke Y. dari hasil penghitungan menggunakan SPSS, didapatkan hasil bahwa variable X yang terdiri dari identitas fisik, aktivitas dan pola hubungan, kualitas hasil, manajemen organisasi, identitas non fisik memiliki pengaruh secara simultan terhadap variabel Y yaitu kepuasan pelanggan. Sedangkan dari penghitungan menggunakan uji T ditemukan bahwa identitas non fisik merupakan variabel yang paling dominan, sehingga menurut pelanggan, identitas non fisik yang dimiliki oleh Mabar & Game Coffee sangat mempengaruhi kepuasan mereka.Kata kunci: kualitas pelayanan, kepuasan pelanggan, cafe ABSTRACTThe culinary business in the form of a cafe that is mushrooming at this time makes business owners think hard to make their café different from the others so that it can attract customers to come, one of which is Mabar & Game Coffee. Researchers want to see if there is an influence between service quality on customer satisfaction at Mabar & Game Coffee. This research uses descriptive quantitative research method with variable X consisting of, variable X1 is physical identity, variable X3 is organizational management, variable X2 is non-physical identity, variable X5 is activity and relationship patterns, variable X4 is quality of results, and variable Y is customer satisfaction. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression, calculating the hypothesis using the F test and t test where the F test is to determine the simultaneous effect between the X to Y variables, while the t test is to determine the partial effect of the X to Y variables. SPSS, it was found that variable X which consists of physical identity, non-physical identity, organizational management, quality of results, activities and relationship patterns have a simultaneous influence on variable Y, namely customer satisfaction. Meanwhile, from the calculation using the T test, it was found that non-physical identity is the most dominant variable, so that according to customers, Mabar & Game Coffee's non-physical identity greatly affects their satisfaction.Keywords: service quality, customer satisfaction, cafe

Land ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (10) ◽  
pp. 1014
Shan He ◽  
Lin Lin ◽  
Qian Xu ◽  
Chenxia Hu ◽  
Mengmeng Zhou ◽  

Land-use zoning provides an effective tool for designing and implementing differentiated farmland-protection policies. Despite the exponential increase in research on farmland zoning in recent years, little research has comprehensively explored the supply, demand and relationships of the diverse functions of farmland. In this study, multi-sourced datasets and diverse methods, along with GIS, were combined to spatially evaluate the supply, demand and relationship patterns among the production, ecological and landscape-cultural functions of the farmland of Hangzhou City in China, to construct farmland zoning. The results indicate that high production supply was mostly concentrated in flat plains, whereas highly ecological farmland was frequently observed in mountains. Both urban and rural areas had the capacity to provide aesthetics and recreation. Regarding demand, high values were mainly observed near the downtown area. Additionally, supply-and-demand matching (SDM) and multi-functional coupling and coordination degree (MCCD) were evaluated. Among the four basic zones acquired by SDM analysis, two zones dominated by more than one function were further divided into four sub-regions, according to the MCCD values. Ultimately, six farmland-use zones were determined. By considering the supply, demand and relationships of multiple functions, this farmland-zoning program offers new insights into differentiated farmland protection.

2021 ◽  
pp. 095679762110038
Xiaosha Wang ◽  
Yanchao Bi

Humans primarily rely on language to communicate, on the basis of a shared understanding of the basic building blocks of communication: words. Do we mean the same things when we use the same words? Although cognitive neural research on semantics has revealed the common principles of word-meaning representation, the factors underlying the potential individual variations in word meanings are unknown. Here, we empirically characterized the intersubject consistency of 90 words across 20 adult subjects (10 female) using both behavioral measures (rating-based semantic-relationship patterns) and neuroimaging measures (word-evoked brain activity patterns). Across both the behavioral and neuroimaging experiments, we showed that the magnitude of individual disagreements on word meanings could be modeled on the basis of how much language or sensory experience is associated with a word and that this variation increases with word abstractness. Uncovering the cognitive and neural origins of word-meaning disagreements across individuals has implications for potential mechanisms to modulate such disagreements.

2021 ◽  
pp. 146144482110431
Tal Nadel Harony ◽  
Gali Einav ◽  
Yair Galily

This article proposes that WhatsApp can offer insights into couples’ relationships. Based on Gottman’s therapy model, which mathematically analyzes marital conflicts, this study focuses on couples’ WhatsApp correspondence and asks to what extent it reflects the offline relationships of Generation X. The research was conducted over a year using semi-structured interviews with 18 couples who have been in a relationship for at least 5 years. The couples described their discourse on WhatsApp and the dynamics of their relationship offline. The findings indicate that WhatsApp use mirrors offline relationships. The following four types of interaction were identified: (1) technical, (2) practical, (3) casual, and (4) emotional. In addition, the following three patterns of conflictual behavior that correspond with Gottman’s distinctions were identified: (1) logical, (2) emotional, and (3) avoidant. The article cites WhatsApp’s potential for behavioral observation and the possibility of using it to change relationship dynamics.

2021 ◽  
pp. 097508782110341
Ismail Numan Telci

The Horn of Africa has visibly started to play a more distinctive role in international relations in the past years. Comprising Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea and Djibouti, the region is home to competition between countries of the region and influence of external actors. The region is increasingly a part of Middle East regional politics and is home to competition among regional powers such as Turkey, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Iran. It is critical to articulate how each country formulates an agenda for the region. Therefore, the article seeks to explain how each regional power came to establish policies with each of the Horn of Africa country to set the stage for a strategy that depends on the region. While the study focuses on the motivations and instruments of involvement of these actors in the Horn of Africa politics, it also focuses on the relationship patterns between these external powers and Horn of African countries. The study aims to generate a policy-oriented analysis as well as a framework with regard to the role of external actors in the Horn of Africa politics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-94
Ruddy Tri Santoso ◽  
Muhammad Syukri ◽  
Dyah Ayu Putri Ermawati ◽  
Ni’matul Hasanah

This research aims to measure the independence of local governments in implementing regional autonomy in Sleman Regency by assessing the financial performance of the Regional Financial and Asset Agency (BKAD) based on the Budget Realization Report (LRA) for 3 years from 2017 - 2019 by analyzing the effectiveness ratio of Regional Original Income, growth ratio, compatibility ratio, regional financial independence ratio, and regional financial dependency ratio. The results of the analysis showed that the growth ratio of Regional Native Income (PAD) was assessed to have a positive growth rate. PAD effectiveness level is already very effective with an average effectiveness of 110.5%. Ratio of Compatibility has decreased in 2019 to 81.47% which shows that still local governments still allocate a lot of operating spending rather than capital expenditure. The independence ratio in the Sleman Regency government increased from 51.50% to 54.36% which was categorized as having moderate financial capabilities and showing participatory relationship patterns. The level of local financial dependence on the central government is considered very high reaching 63.99%. This shows that the Sleman County Regional Government has not been able to maximize Local Original Income effectively and efficiently in obtaining Regional Revenue.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-38
Agus Riyadi ◽  
Hendri Hermawan Adinugraha

Purpose -  The purpose of this study was to describe the Islamic counseling construction in the da’wah science structure.Method - This study used a qualitative descriptive analysis especially library research. The researchers examined the amount of literature relevant to the problem in this study.Result - The results showed that guidance and counseling are disciplines occupies a specific area of the human relationship in terms of the relationship that needs and helps each other. Relationship patterns like this, in reality, are built by a person or group of people based on different motives and values. One of them is the foundation of religious spirit in the form of awareness of the sacred mission as the basis for one’s activities in establishing relationships with other people. On this basis, the guidance and counseling activities are very appropriate when it is integrated with Islamic da’wah activities so that it becomes clear that the construction of Islamic guidance and counseling is in the structure of da’wah science.Implications – This study can be used to improve the skills performance of the Islamic counseling construction in the da’wah science structure.Originality - This research is the first study that used literature deeply about Al-Nadzariyah Al-Syumuliyah Al-Qur’aniyah in da’wah science.***Tujuan - Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan konstruksi konseling Islam dalam struktur ilmu dakwah.Metode - Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif khususnya penelitian kepustakaan. Peneliti mengkaji sejumlah literatur yang relevan dengan masalah dalam penelitian ini.Hasil - Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bimbingan dan konseling menempati wilayah tertentu dari hubungan manusia dalam hal hubungan yang saling membutuhkan dan membantu. Pola hubungan seperti ini pada kenyataannya dibangun oleh seseorang atau sekelompok orang berdasarkan motif dan nilai yang berbeda. Salah satunya adalah landasan spirit keagamaan berupa kesadaran akan misi suci sebagai landasan aktivitas seseorang dalam menjalin hubungan dengan orang lain. Atas dasar itulah maka kegiatan bimbingan dan konseling sangat tepat bila dipadukan dengan kegiatan dakwah Islam sehingga menjadi jelas bahwa konstruksi bimbingan dan konseling Islam berada dalam struktur ilmu dakwah.Implikasi - Penelitian ini dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kinerja keterampilan konstruksi konseling Islam dalam struktur ilmu dakwah.Originalitas - Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pertama yang menggunakan literatur secara mendalam tentang Al-Nadzariyah Al-Syumuliyah Al-Qur’aniyah dalam ilmu dakwah.

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