localization and mapping
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Drones ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 23
Tong Zhang ◽  
Chunjiang Liu ◽  
Jiaqi Li ◽  
Minghui Pang ◽  
Mingang Wang

In view of traditional point-line feature visual inertial simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) system, which has weak performance in accuracy so that it cannot be processed in real time under the condition of weak indoor texture and light and shade change, this paper proposes an inertial SLAM method based on point-line vision for indoor weak texture and illumination. Firstly, based on Bilateral Filtering, we apply the Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) point feature extraction and Fast Nearest neighbor (FLANN) algorithms to improve the robustness of point feature extraction result. Secondly, we establish a minimum density threshold and length suppression parameter selection strategy of line feature, and take the geometric constraint line feature matching into consideration to improve the efficiency of processing line feature. And the parameters and biases of visual inertia are initialized based on maximum posterior estimation method. Finally, the simulation experiments are compared with the traditional tightly-coupled monocular visual–inertial odometry using point and line features (PL-VIO) algorithm. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed an inertial SLAM method based on point-line vision for indoor weak texture and illumination can be effectively operated in real time, and its positioning accuracy is 22% higher on average and 40% higher in the scenario that illumination changes and blurred image.

2022 ◽  
Shuhuan Wen ◽  
Zhixin Ji ◽  
Ahmad B. Rad ◽  
Zhengzheng Guo

Abstract The problem of exploration in unknown environments is still a great challenge for autonomous mobile robots due to the lack of a priori knowledge. Active Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) is an effective method to realize obstacle avoidance and autonomous navigation. Traditional Active SLAM is usually complex to model and difficult to adapt automatically to new operating areas. This paper presents a novel Active SLAM algorithm based on Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL). The Relational Proximal Policy Optimization (RPPO) model with deep separable convolution and data batch processing is used to predict the action strategy and generate the action plan through the acquired environment RGB images, so as to realize the autonomous collision free exploration of the environment. Meanwhile, Gmapping is applied to locate and map the environment. Then, based on Transfer Learning, Active SLAM algorithm is applied to complex unknown environments with various dynamic and static obstacles. Finally, we present several experiments to demonstrate the advantages and feasibility of the proposed Active SLAM algorithm.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-15
Muhammad Shahzad Alam Khan ◽  
Danish Hussain ◽  
Kanwal Naveed ◽  
Umar S. Khan ◽  
Imran Qayyum Mundial ◽  

Applications of mobile robots are continuously capturing the importance in numerous areas such as agriculture, surveillance, defense, and planetary exploration to name a few. Accurate navigation of a mobile robot is highly significant for its uninterrupted operation. Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is one of the widely used techniques in mobile robots for localization and navigation. SLAM consists of front- and back-end processes, wherein the front-end includes SLAM sensors. These sensors play a significant role in acquiring accurate environmental information for further processing and mapping. Therefore, understanding the operational limits of the available SLAM sensors and data collection techniques from a single sensor or multisensors is noteworthy. In this article, a detailed literature review of widely used SLAM sensors such as acoustic sensor, RADAR, camera, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), and RGB-D is provided. The performance of SLAM sensors is compared using an analytical hierarchy process (AHP) based on various key indicators such as accuracy, range, cost, working environment, and computational cost.

Sensors ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 520
Guanghui Xue ◽  
Jinbo Wei ◽  
Ruixue Li ◽  
Jian Cheng

Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is one of the key technologies for coal mine underground operation vehicles to build complex environment maps and positioning and to realize unmanned and autonomous operation. Many domestic and foreign scholars have studied many SLAM algorithms, but the mapping accuracy and real-time performance still need to be further improved. This paper presents a SLAM algorithm integrating scan context and Light weight and Ground-Optimized LiDAR Odometry and Mapping (LeGO-LOAM), LeGO-LOAM-SC. The algorithm uses the global descriptor extracted by scan context for loop detection, adds pose constraints to Georgia Tech Smoothing and Mapping (GTSAM) by Iterative Closest Points (ICP) for graph optimization, and constructs point cloud map and an output estimated pose of the mobile vehicle. The test with KITTI dataset 00 sequence data and the actual test in 2-storey underground parking lots are carried out. The results show that the proposed improved algorithm makes up for the drift of the point cloud map, has a higher mapping accuracy, a better real-time performance, a lower resource occupancy, a higher coincidence between trajectory estimation and real trajectory, smoother loop, and 6% reduction in CPU occupancy, the mean square errors of absolute trajectory error (ATE) and relative pose error (RPE) are reduced by 55.7% and 50.3% respectively; the translation and rotation accuracy are improved by about 5%, and the time consumption is reduced by 2~4%. Accurate map construction and low drift pose estimation can be performed.

2022 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Chensheng Cheng ◽  
Can Wang ◽  
Dianyu Yang ◽  
Weidong Liu ◽  
Feihu Zhang

SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping) plays a vital role in navigation tasks of AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle). However, due to a vast amount of image sonar data and some acoustic equipment's inherent high latency, it is a considerable challenge to implement real-time underwater SLAM on a small AUV. This paper presents a filter based methodology for SLAM algorithms in underwater environments. First, a multi-beam forward looking sonar (MFLS) is utilized to extract environmental features. The acquired sonar image is then converted to sparse point cloud format through threshold segmentation and distance-constrained filtering to solve the calculation explosion issue caused by a large amount of original data. Second, based on the proposed method, the DVL, IMU, and sonar data are fused, the Rao-Blackwellized particle filter (RBPF)-based SLAM method is used to estimate AUV pose and generate an occupancy grid map. To verify the proposed algorithm, the underwater vehicle is equipped as an experimental platform to conduct field tasks in both the experimental pool and wild lake, respectively. Experiments illustrate that the proposed approach achieves better performance in both state estimation and suppressing divergence.

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Jooeun Song ◽  
Joongjin Kook

The simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) market is growing rapidly with advances in Machine Learning, Drones, and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies. However, due to the absence of an open source-based SLAM library for developing AR content, most SLAM researchers are required to conduct their own research and development to customize SLAM. In this paper, we propose an open source-based Mobile Markerless AR System by building our own pipeline based on Visual SLAM. To implement the Mobile AR System of this paper, we use ORB-SLAM3 and Unity Engine and experiment with running our system in a real environment and confirming it in the Unity Engine’s Mobile Viewer. Through this experimentation, we can verify that the Unity Engine and the SLAM System are tightly integrated and communicate smoothly. In addition, we expect to accelerate the growth of SLAM technology through this research.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 67
Abdul Rauf ◽  
Muhammad Jehanzeb Irshad ◽  
Muhammad Wasif ◽  
Syed Umar Rasheed ◽  
Nouman Aziz ◽  

In the last few decades, the main problem which has attracted the attention of researchers in the field of aerial robotics is the position estimation or Simultaneously Localization and Mapping (SLAM) of aerial vehicles where the GPS system does not work. Aerial robotics are used to perform many tasks such as rescue, transportation, search, control, monitoring, and different military operations where the performance of humans is impossible because of their vast top view and reachability anywhere. There are many different techniques and algorithms which are used to overcome the localization and mapping problem. These techniques and algorithms use different sensors such as Red Green Blue and Depth (RGBD), Light Detecting and Range (LIDAR), Ultra-Wideband (UWB) techniques, and probability-based SLAM which uses two algorithms Linear Kalman Filter (LKF) and Extended Kalman filter (EKF). LKF consists of 5 phases and this algorithm is only used for linear system problems but on the other hand, EKF algorithm is also used for non-linear system. EKF is found better than LKF due to accuracy, practicality, and efficiency while dealing SLAM problem.

2022 ◽  
pp. 15-36
Elhoucine Essefi

Traditionally, forensic geophysics involves the study, search, localization, and mapping of buried objects or elements within soil, buildings, or water using geophysics tools for legal purposes. Recently, with the evolution of environmental crimes, forensic geophysics gave special care to detection, location, and quantification of polluting products. New techniques including the magnetic susceptibility have emerged to investigate this type of crimes. After discussing the state of the art of forensic geophysics, this chapter proposed the magnetic susceptibility as an efficient tool of environmental crimes detection. A case study of pollution detection was proposed from Tunisia. Being a fast and cheap technique, magnetic surveys represent a real promise for environmental forensic geophysics.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1215 (1) ◽  
pp. 012007
R.U. Titov ◽  
A.V. Motorin

Abstract The paper discusses the generalized simultaneous localization and mapping problem statement from the standpoint of the Bayesian approach and its relationship with algorithms for different map representations. The two-dimensional example describes the linearized simultaneous localization and mapping algorithm for the mobile platform in two-dimensional space.

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