dietary nutrient
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2022 ◽  
pp. 1-32
Kevin Tang ◽  
Katherine P Adams ◽  
Elaine L Ferguson ◽  
Monica Woldt ◽  
Jennifer Yourkavitch ◽  

Abstract Objective: To review existing publications using Household Consumption & Expenditure Survey (HCES) data to estimate household dietary nutrient supply to (1) describe scope of available literature, (2) identify the metrics reported and parameters used to construct these metrics, (3) summarize comparisons between estimates derived from HCES and individual dietary assessment data, and (4) explore the demographic and socioeconomic sub-groups used to characterize risks of nutrient inadequacy. Design: This study is a systematic review of publications identified from online databases published between 2000 to 2019 that used HCES food consumption data to estimate household dietary nutrient supply. Further publications were identified by “snowballing” the references of included database-identified publications. Setting: Publications using data from low- and lower middle income countries Results: In total, 58 publications were included. Three metrics were reported that characterized household dietary nutrient supply: apparent nutrient intake per adult-male equivalent per day (n=35), apparent nutrient intake per capita per day (n=24), and nutrient density (n=5). Nutrient intakes were generally overestimated using HCES food consumption data, with several studies finding sizeable discrepancies compared to intake estimates based on individual dietary assessment methods. Sub-group analyses predominantly focused on measuring variation in household dietary nutrient supply according to socioeconomic position and geography. Conclusion: HCES data are increasingly being used to assess diets across populations. More research is needed to inform the development of a framework to guide the use of and qualified interpretation of dietary assessments based on these data.

2022 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 161-165
Anjali Yadav ◽  
Usha Singh

Lifestyle diseases are the serious threat among adults. Most of the people in India aresuffering from more than one form of diseases mainly type II diabetes mellitus,hypertension, obesity, constipation etc. To combat this, one of the foremost ways is totake proper food at apparent time in adequate amount. For the study, 40 subjects (21male and 19 female) above 45 years were selected from Pusa block or university campuson the basis of occurrence of lifestyle diseases. Proper schedule was prepared consistingquestionnaire related to their general information, food habits, anthropometric details,physiological and biochemical parameters. Information collected through personal interview.Dietary intake of both the subjects was recorded by using 24 h dietary recall method for 2consecutive days. However, observed value of dietary nutrient (energy, protein, total fat,carbohydrates and sodium) intake were more than the recommended because ofoverconsumption. Therefore, only good nutrition and healthy lifestyle that is properbalanced diet, physical exercise, adequate sleep, reduced stress, well-adjusted biologicalclock, avoidance of fast and processed foods etc. will be followed by people regularlywhich helps to defeat the lifestyle consequences.

Sourav Nandi ◽  
Arghajit Pyne ◽  
Souvik Layek ◽  
Chirag Arora ◽  
Nilmoni Sarkar

Peter J. Mullen ◽  
Heather R. Christofk

Viruses are fundamental tools in cancer research. They were used to discover the first oncogenes in the 1970s, and they are now being modified for use as antitumor therapeutics. Key to both of these oncogenic and oncolytic properties is the ability of viruses to rewire host cell metabolism. In this review, we describe how viral oncogenes alter metabolism to increase the synthesis of macromolecules necessary for both viral replication and tumor growth. We then describe how understanding the specific metabolic requirements of virus-infected cells can help guide strategies to improve the efficacy of oncolytic viruses, and highlight immunometabolism and tumor microenvironment research that could also increase the therapeutic benefits of oncolytic viruses. We also describe how studies describing the therapeutic effects of dietary nutrient restriction in cancer can suggest new avenues for research into antiviral therapeutics. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Cancer Biology, Volume 6 is April 2022. Please see for revised estimates.

2021 ◽  
pp. 215-229
Felicita Urzi ◽  
Sandra Potušek ◽  
Laura Iacolina ◽  
Elena Bužan

2021 ◽  
Daniela Neri ◽  
Eurídice Martínez Steele ◽  
Neha Khandpur ◽  
Gustavo Cediel ◽  
Maria Elisa Zapata ◽  

Nutrients ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 4168
Yin Bai ◽  
Hao Zhang ◽  
Jie Yang ◽  
Lei Peng

(1) Background: Although daily total dietary nutrient intakes were potentially important factors in maintaining glycemic balance, their overall effect on glycemic control was still unclear among American adults. Objectives: We aimed to examine the association between daily total dietary nutrient intake and recent glycemic control status (RGCS). Methods: This cohort was composed of 41,302 individuals from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). The daily total intake of dietary nutrients and RGCS were independent and dependent variables, respectively. To evaluate their association, we carried out binary logistic regression, model fitting, linear discriminant analysis, and the receiver operator characteristic (ROC) analysis. Results: The result of robust check model showed that only the daily total dietary vitamin B6 intake (adjusted OR = 0.848; 95% CI: 0.738, 0.973; p-value = 0.019) was significantly negatively correlated with RGCS. When daily total dietary vitamin B6 intake and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) were used as independent variables and dependent variables, respectively, to fit the curves and lines, the established robust check model could distinguish American adults with different RGCS well. Moreover, the robust check model results of ROC analysis indicated that daily total dietary vitamin B6 intake might be a potential predictor for RGCS (AUC = 0.977; 95% CI: 0.974, 0.980; p-value < 0.001). (2) Conclusions: This study showed that only daily total dietary vitamin B6 intake was a beneficial factor in RGCS, but it might need further multicenter or prospective studies to verify whether vitamin B6 had biological implications and public health meaning for glycemic control among American adults (specifically referred to non-pregnant participants over 20 years old).

2021 ◽  
Javier Gómez Ortega ◽  
Sonika Tyagi ◽  
Christen Mirth ◽  
Matthew Piper

Dietary nutrient composition is essential for shaping important fitness traits and behaviours. Many organisms are protein limited and for Drosophila melanogaster, this limitation manifests at the level of the single most limiting essential Amino Acid (AA) in the diet. The identity of this AA and its effects on female fecundity is readily predictable by a procedure called exome matching in which the sum of AAs encoded by a consumer's exome is used to predict the relative proportion of AAs required in its diet. However, the exome matching calculation does not weight AA contributions to the overall profile by protein size or expression. Here we update the exome matching calculation to include these weightings. Surprisingly, although nearly half of the transcriptome is differentially expressed when comparing male and female flies, we found that creating transcriptome-weighted exome matched diets for each sex did not enhance their fecundity over that supported by exome matching alone. These data indicate that while organisms may require different amounts of dietary protein across conditions, the relative proportion of the constituent AAs remains constant. Interestingly, we also found remarkable conservation of exome matched AA profiles across taxa and that the composition of these profiles could be explained by the metabolic costs of microbial AA synthesis. Thus, it appears that bioenergetic constraints amongst autotrophs shape the relative proportion of AAs that are available across trophic levels and that that this constrains biomass composition.

Nutrients ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (10) ◽  
pp. 3390
Daniela Martini ◽  
Justyna Godos ◽  
Marialaura Bonaccio ◽  
Paola Vitaglione ◽  
Giuseppe Grosso

Excessive consumption of ultra-processed foods (UPFs), as described by the NOVA classification system, represents a potential threat to human health. The nutritional composition of UPFs may explain their observed adverse effects. The present study aimed to provide a quantitative meta-analysis of nationally representative surveys on the consumption of UPFs and the dietary/nutrient composition of respondents’ diets. A systematic search for relevant studies published prior to July 2021 was conducted via electronic databases. The studies that provided the dietary/nutrient composition of foods categorized according to the NOVA classification system were selected. The association between UPFs and other dietary variables was modelled using ordinary least squares linear regression based on aggregated data extracted from the selected articles. Consumption of UPFs represented up to 80% of total caloric intake in the US and Canada, with confectionery and sugar-sweetened beverages being the most consumed items. When considered in relation to other food groups, an inverse linear relation between UPFs and less-processed foods was evident. Increased UPF intake correlated with an increase in free sugars, total fats, and saturated fats, as well as a decrease in fiber, protein, potassium, zinc, and magnesium, and vitamins A, C, D, E, B12, and niacin. In conclusion, the data indicate that increased UPF consumption negatively affects the nutritional quality of diets.

Lyndsay Soutar ◽  
Jennifer C. Coltherd ◽  
Victoria R. Steele ◽  
Ruth Staunton ◽  
Laura Carvell-Miller ◽  

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