initialization vector
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Taha Selim Ustun ◽  
Shaik Mullapathi Farooq ◽  
S.M. Suhail Hussain

Mahidhara Reddy Kankara

Abstract: Elections make a fundamental contribution to democratic governance but a lack of trust among citizens on their electoral system is a hindrance to satisfy the legal requirements of legislators. Even the world’s largest democratic countries suffer from issues like vote rigging, election manipulation and hacking of the electronic voting machines in the current voting system. To provide data security for e-Voting systems, the advanced encryption standard (AES) algorithm has been proposed, but traditional AES gives the same ciphertext for every similar pair of key and plaintext. So, to eliminate these disadvantages, AES in Galois-counter mode (GCM) has been used to obtain different ciphertexts all the time by using Initialization Vector. The fingerprint data from each user is verified using Internet of Things (IoT) based Biometric system which also helps to avoid Plural Voting. The whole data is encrypted and stored in the cloud, and it can be decrypted by authorized personnel to obtain the final vote count. So, the proposed model will enhance transparency and maintain anonymity of the voters alongside providing an easily accessible secured voting system. Keywords: Advanced encryption standard, initialization vector, additional authenticated data, galois-counter mode, biometrics, security, ciphertext, authtag

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (20) ◽  
pp. 7134
Jae Hyuk Cho ◽  
Yunhee Kang ◽  
Young B. Park

The Common Data Model (CDM) is being used to deal with problems caused by the various electronic medical record structures in the distributed hospital information system. The concept of CDM is emerging as a collaborative method of exchanging data from each hospital in the same format and conducting various clinical studies based on shared data. The baseline of a CDM system is centralized with an infrastructure typically controlled by a single entity with full authority. The characteristics of this centralized system can pose serious security issues. Therefore, the proposed SC-CDM system is designed as a platform for distributed ledger and provides data with a high level of confidentiality, security, and scalability. This framework provides a reference model that supports multiple channels, using secure CDM as an encryption method. The data confidentiality of CDM is guaranteed by asymmetric and symmetric protocols. Delivering CDM is protected by a symmetric key signed by the CDM creator and maintains lightweight distributed ledger transactions on Inter Planetary File System (IPFS), which acts as a file share. To deliver an encrypted CDM on the SC-CDM platform, the CDM is encrypted with a block cipher by a random symmetric key and Initialization Vector (IV). The symmetric key protocol is used for the fast encryption of large-capacity data. The SC-CDM is implemented the repository with IPFS for storing the encrypted CDM, in which symmetric key, two hash values, and IV are shared through blockchain. Data confidentiality of SC-CDM is guaranteed by only registered users accessing the data. In conclusion, the SC-CDM is the first approach to demultiplexing with the data confidentiality proof based on asymmetric key cryptography. We analyze and verify the security of SC-CDM by comparing qualitative factors and performance with existing CDM. Moreover, we adopt a byte-level processing method with encryption to ensure efficiency while handling a large CDM.

F. Shinasilova

Апаратты технологияларды дамуы компьютерлк желлерд сенмд трде жмыс стеун жоарылату тапсырмасын ала ояды. Желлерд аупсздгн зерттеу шн жел арылы апаратты ресурстарды жберу барысында желлк хаттамаларды, желлк архитектураларды, аупсздкт ныайту тслдерн руды зерттеу ажет. Желлк шабуылдар, стен шыу, желлк рылыларды стен шыуы сымсыз желлерде апаратты тарату барысында аупсздкке сер ететн негзг факторлар болып табылады. Бл маалада сымсыз желлерде апараттарды оралуын амтамасыз ететн дстер, соны шнде аутентификация, шифрлену жне аупсздкт амтамасыз ететн стандарттар арастырылан. аупсздкт брнеше стандарттары бар, бра бл маалада сол стандарттарды тимдлг мен стандарттарда олданылатын клттерд жмыс стеу принциптер айындалан. Сонымен атар, млметтерд пиялыы мен ттастыын амтамасыз ететн стандарттарды жмыс стеу аидасы аныталан. Яни, TKIP хаттамасы рбр тасымалданатын млметтер пакет шн жаа пия клтт генерациялайды жне бр статистикалы WEP клт шамамен 500 миллиард ммкн болатын клттерге алмастырылады. Ол осы млметтер пакетн шифрлеу шн олданылу ммкн. Клтт генерациялау механизм згертлген. Ол ш компоненттен трады: 128 битт зындыы бар базалы клт(ТК), тасымалданатын пакетт номер(TSC) пен тасымалдаушы рылыны МАС-адрес(ТА). Сонымен атар, TKIP-те инициализациялауды 48 разрядты векторы олданылады. Ол IV векторын айта-айта олдану жадайын туызбау шн олданылады. TKIP алгоритм 48 битт зындыы бар (TSC) пакет есебн олданылады. Ол рдайым артып отырады. Ал, 16 битт TSC жаа IV енгзлед(Сурет 4). Осылайша, шабуылдара тосауыл бола алатын механизм алыптасады. The development of information technology sets the task of improving the reliability of computer networks. To study the security of networks, it is necessary to study the creation of network protocols, network architectures, and ways to strengthen security when transmitting information resources over a network. Network attacks, failures, and the failure of network devices are key factors affecting the security of information transmission in wireless networks.This article discusses methods for protecting information in wireless networks, including standards for authentication, encryption, and security. There are several security standards, but this article describes the effectiveness of those standards and the key principles used in those standards. It also outlines the principles of standards that ensure the confidentiality and integrity of data. That is, the TKIP protocol generates a new secret key for each packet of data transmitted, and one static WEP key is exchanged for about 500 billion possible keys. It can be used to encrypt this data set. The key generation mechanism has been modified. It consists of three components: a 128-bit Basic Key (TC), a packet number (TSC) and a MAC address of the carrier. The TKIP also uses a 48-bit initialization vector. It is used to prevent repeated use of vector IV. The TKIP algorithm uses a 48-bit (TSC) packet calculation. It keeps increasing. Well, the new 16-bit TSC IV is introduced (Figure 4). Thus, a mechanism is created that can block attacks.

Sosemanuk is word oriented synchronous stream cipher capable to produce 32 bit ciphertext. It uses variable key from 128 bit to 256 bit and publically known Initialization Vector (IV) of 128 bit. Sosemanuk is one of the finalists in Profile 1 of the eSTREAM Portfolio. This cipher targets to avoid structural properties of SNOW2.0 to improve its efficiency by reducing the internal state size. It also uses reduced round Serpent24 block cipher to provide secure and efficient key loading process. This paper presents compact architecture for Sosemanuk stream cipher. The proposed architecture uses compact S-box architecture and compact modulo adders designed using CLA. The proposed compact S-box minimizes resources utilized without affecting performance. Proposed modulo adder architecture minimizes resources used as compared to conventional CLA implementation. The algorithm was designed by using VHDL language with CAD tool Xilinx ISE design suite 13.2 and implemented on Xilinx Virtex XC5VFX100E FPGA device. The proposed architecture achieved throughput of 4.281 Gbps at clock frequency of 133.788 MHz

Syed Jahanzeb Hussain Pirzada ◽  
Abid Murtaza ◽  
Muhammad Shahid ◽  
Tongge Xu ◽  
Liu Jianwei

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 1854-1857

Random numbers are essential to generate secret keys, initialization vector, one-time pads, sequence number for packets in network and many other applications. Though there are many Pseudo Random Number Generators available they are not suitable for highly secure applications that require high quality randomness. This paper proposes a cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator with its entropy source from sensor housed on mobile devices. The sensor data are processed in 3-step approach to generate random sequence which in turn fed to Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm as random key to generate cryptographically secure random numbers.

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