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Cureus ◽  
2022 ◽  
Nazlı Hacıağaoğlu ◽  
Can Öner ◽  
Hüseyin Çetin ◽  
Engin Ersin Şimşek

Ádám Csihon ◽  
István Gonda ◽  
Szilárd Szabó ◽  
Imre J. Holb

AbstractLittle information is available on vegetative and generative performance of apple cultivars during the early growth of trees in orchards. The aim of this five-year study was to evaluate 2 vegetative (trunk cross sectional area (TCSA) and tree height (TH)) and 7 generative parameters (tree yield (TY), fruit number per tree (FNT), crop load (CL), fruit diameter (FD), shape index (SI), fruit surface color (FSC) and fruit color intensity (FCI)) and their inter-correlations (Pearson correlation, regression analyses and PCA) for young apple trees, on 9 apple cultivars (‘Jugala’, ‘Galaval’, ‘Gala Venus Fengal’, ‘Gala Decarli-Fendeca’, ‘Gala Schnitzer (S) Schniga’, ‘Fuji September Wonder’, ‘Crimson Crisp (Co-op 39)’, ‘Jeromine’, and ‘Red Idared’) in a slender spindle training system (2597 trees ha−1) and on 4 apple cultivars (‘Wilton’s Red Jonaprince’, ‘Red Cap Valtod (S)’, ‘Early Red One’, and ‘Red Topaz’) in a super spindle training system (5194 trees ha−1) in Eastern Hungary. The strongest vegetative growth was observed in ‘Red Idared’, while the weakest was in ‘Early Red One’. Most ‘Gala’ mutants showed high yields in all years, except for ‘Galaval’. On the 6 year-old trees, the lowest tree yield was found in ‘Fuji September Wonder’ (8.2 kg tree−1), while the highest was found in ‘Gala Venus Fengal’ (35.8 kg tree−1). The lowest fruit number per tree (15 fruit tree−1) was found in ‘Jeromine’, while the highest (222 fruit tree−1) was in ‘Gala Venus Fengal’. The highest crop load was found in ‘Gala Venus Fengal’ (12.72 fruit per cm2 TCSA), while the lowest was in ‘Jeromine’ (2.13 fruit per cm2 TCSA). The smallest fruit diameter (66.3 mm) was recorded in ‘Gala Schnitzer (S) Schniga’, while highest (93.6 mm) was in ‘Red Idared’. The lowest shape index (0.73) was found in ‘Red Topaz’, while the highest (0.92) was in ‘Red Idared’. The majority of the cultivars reached very good fruit surface color (80–100%). The lowest fruit surface color (40%) was observed in ‘Gala Schnitzer (S) Schniga’, while the highest (100%) was in ‘Jeromine’ and ‘Early Red One’. The highest fruit color intensity was observed in most cultivars with the exception of ‘Jeromine’, ‘Gala Schnitzer (S) Schniga’ and’Fuji September Wonder’. In addition, correlation and regression analyses revealed strong and significant (p = 0.05) relationships between TH vs TCSA, TY vs TCSA, TH vs TY, TY vs FNT, and FCI vs FSC. PCA explained 87% of the total variance and PC1, PC2, PC3, and PC4 accounted for 33, 21, 20, and 13% of the variance, respectively, and correlated with TSCA, TH, TY and FNT; with FNT, CL and FS; with FSC and FCI; and with TH and SI, respectively. In conclusion, our study provides useful tree property data on prospective mutants/cultivars for growers/advisors in order to select the most suitable cultivars for establishing new orchards under climate conditions similar to central Europe.

Obesity Facts ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Daiji Nagayama ◽  
Yasuhiro Watanabe ◽  
Takashi Yamaguchi ◽  
Kenji Suzuki ◽  
Atsuhito Saiki ◽  

<b><i>Introduction:</i></b> Abdominal obesity as a risk factor for diagnosing metabolic syndrome (MetS) is evaluated using waist circumference (WC), although WC does not necessarily reflect visceral adiposity. This cross-sectional study aimed to clarify whether replacing WC with “A Body Shape Index (ABSI),” an abdominal obesity index, in MetS diagnosis detects individuals with arterial stiffening assessed by cardio-ankle vascular index (CAVI). <b><i>Methods:</i></b> A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted in 46,872 Japanese urban residents (median age 40 years) who underwent health screening. Exclusion criteria were current treatments and a past history of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The Japanese, International Diabetes Federation, and NCEP-ATPIII criteria were used to diagnose MetS. High CAVI was defined as CAVI ≥9.0. <b><i>Results:</i></b> CAVI correlated positively with ABSI (β = 0.127), but negatively with WC (β = −0.186), independent of age, sex, systolic blood pressure, fasting plasma glucose, and high-density lipoprotein--cholesterol. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis showed that ABSI had a stronger contribution to high CAVI (area under the ROC curve [AUC] = 0.730) than WC (AUC = 0.595) and body mass index (AUC = 0.520). ABSI ≥0.080 was defined as abdominal obesity based on the results of ROC analysis for high CAVI and estimated glomerular filtration rate &#x3c;60 mL/min/1.73 m<sup>2</sup>. Logistic regression analysis revealed that replacing high WC with ABSI ≥0.080 in MetS diagnosis enhanced the detection of subjects with high CAVI. <b><i>Discussion/Conclusion:</i></b> Use of ABSI can detect subjects with arterial stiffening, which may lead to efficient stratification of CVD risk. Further studies are needed to confirm whether MetS diagnosis using ABSI predicts CVD morbidity and mortality.

Hasan Eleroğlu

In this study, the White Layer Pure Line that housing as individual cage system at the Poultry Research Institute in Ankara was used. Eggs obtained from 24, 28, 32, 36 and 40 weeks old eggs were collected 3 times a day in the morning (10:00), noon (12:00) and evening (15:00). Egg Size and Egg Width (YBE), Shape Index and Elongation (SIE), Egg Surface Area and Volume (YAH), Shell Weight and Shell Thickness (CAS), Number of Pores and Pore Density (GSY), Yellow Ratio and Yellow Weight (SOA), Albumen Weight and Albumen Ratio (AO) were examined in 438 eggs obtained from these chickens found in these cages which are three tiers as upper, middle and bottom. The difference in cage layer did not have a significant effect on the calculated properties. On the other hand, the effect of on all traits obtained from these calculations based on egg weight was found to be significant.

Biomedicines ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 123
Łukasz Obołończyk ◽  
Izabela Karwacka ◽  
Piotr Wiśniewski ◽  
Krzysztof Sworczak ◽  
Tomasz Osęka

Introduction. Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) is a condition characterized by disorders of calcium–phosphate metabolism and bone metabolism caused by pathological overproduction of parathyroid hormone (PTH). The diagnosis of overt PHPT is based on the presence of clinical symptoms and laboratory abnormalities typical of this condition: hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria and elevated iPTH levels. Imaging studies are not used for diagnostic purposes; they are performed to localize the parathyroid glands prior to potential surgical treatment. Technetium 99 m sestamibi scintigraphy (Tc99 m-MIBI) is the gold standard in the assessment of pathologically altered parathyroid glands. Other diagnostic options include cervical ultrasound (US), computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET). Parathyroid biopsy (P-FNAB) with iPTH washout concentration (iPTH-WC) assessment is still an underestimated method of preoperative parathyroid gland localization. Few studies have reported the utility of US-guided P-FNAB in preoperative assessment of parathyroid lesions. The aim of the study was to present our experience with 143 P-FNAB with iPTH-WC assessment. Material and methods. Laboratory results, US findings, P-FNAB complications and comparison with other imaging techniques were described and analyzed. Results. In 133 (93.0) patients, iPTH washout-to-serum ratio exceeded threshold level 0.5 and were classified as positive results. Median iPTH-WC in this group was 16,856 pg/mL, and the iPTH-WC to serum iPTH ratio was 158. There was no correlation between iPTH-WC and serum PTH, serum calcium, parathyroid gland volume and shape index. In the group of 46 operated patients, 44 demonstrated positive iPTH-WC results, which corresponds to a sensitivity of 95.6%. In Tc99-MIBI, radiotracer retention was found in 17 cases (in 24 MIBI performed), which corresponds to a sensitivity of 52.2%. P-FNAB did not cause any major side effects −92.5% of all patients had no or mild adverse events after this procedure. Conclusions. P-FNAB with iPTH-WC is a reliable method in parathyroid adenoma localization during PHPT. Its sensitivity for diagnosis of PHPT is much higher than that of Tc99-MIBI, and in some situations, P-FNAB with iPTH-WC may even replace that method. Furthermore, cost-effectiveness of iPTH-WC is at least similar to that of Tc99-MIBI. Complications of P-FNAB are mild and we can describe this method as a safe procedure.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Yelena Borovsky ◽  
Amit Raz ◽  
Adi Doron-Faigenboim ◽  
Hanita Zemach ◽  
Eldad Karavani ◽  

Fruit shape is one of the most important quality traits of pepper (Capsicum spp.) and is used as a major attribute for the classification of fruit types. Wide natural variation in fruit shape exists among the major cultivated species Capsicum annuum, allowing the identification of several QTLs controlling the trait. However, to date, no genes underlying fruit shape QTLs have been conclusively identified, nor has their function been verified in pepper. We constructed a mapping population from a cross of round- and elongated-fruited C. annuum parents and identified a single major QTL on chromosome 10, termed fs10, explaining 68 and 70% of the phenotypic variation for fruit shape index and for distal fruit end angle, respectively. The QTL was mapped in several generations and was localized to a 5 Mbp region containing the ortholog of SlOFP20 that suppresses fruit elongation in tomato. Virus-induced gene silencing of the pepper ortholog CaOFP20 resulted in increased fruit elongation on two independent backgrounds. Furthermore, CaOFP20 exhibited differential expression in fs10 near-isogenic lines, as well as in an association panel of elongated- and round-fruited accessions. A 42-bp deletion in the upstream region of CaOFP20 was most strongly associated with fruit shape variation within the locus. Histological observations in ovaries and fruit pericarps indicated that fs10 exerts its effect on fruit elongation by controlling cell expansion and replication. Our results indicate that CaOFP20 functions as a suppressor of fruit elongation in C. annuum and is the most likely candidate gene underlying fs10.

2022 ◽  
pp. 60-68

Purpose. Determination of the influence of the process of preliminary mechanical activation on the dimensional characteristics and shape of particles of different types of clay powders.Methodology. Clay powders of montmorillonite and palygorskite type were chosen as the objects of research in this work. The process of mechanical activation of clay powders was carried out using a laboratory ball mill. For microanalysis of sample particles, the method of optical polarizing microscopy was used. Morphometric analysis of clay powder particles was performed by image analysis using the ImageJ software. At the same time, the area and perimeter were determined, and the equivalent diameter and also the shape index of the particles of the samples were calculated. The experimental data were statistically processed using the Statistica and Excel software packages.Results. The paper investigates the effect of the process of mechanical activation on the dimensional characteristics and shape of particles of montmorillonite and palygorskite type clay powders. It was found that the decrease in the average values of the equivalent particle diameter in the process of mechanical action (~14–15%) is realized mainly due to the destruction of their largest aggregates. Moreover, the intensity of this process is noticeably higher for clay of the montmorillonite type. It is shown that for both studied samples, the process of mechanical activation leads to an increase in the average values of the particle shape index (~ by 9–10%) and an increase in the uniformity of their distribution by this index.Scientific novelty. Using a detailed morphometric analysis of particles of various types of clay powders, the regularities of the influence of the mechanical activation process on the quantitative statistical characteristics of their distribution over the equivalent diameter and shape index have been established.Practical value. The results obtained will make it possible to reasonably approach the choice of pretreatment methods for clay powders intended for the production of polymer filled nanocomposite materials.

O. Perinek ◽  
G. Shiryaev

The aim of the research is to determine the effect of changes in the concentration of estradiol-17β on the concentration of vitellogenin at the stage of egg shell formation and preparation of the body of meat and egg breed chickens (for example, the Pushkin breed) for ovulation.Materials and methods. The material for the study was the Pushkin breed chickens, in the amount of 28 heads. at the age of 48 weeks. Chickens were kept in individual cages. Light mode - 14C:10T. Drinking - nipple, temperature in the house and feeding - according to the standards adopted in the bioresource collection of RRIFAGB "Genetic collection of rare and endangered chicken breeds." Within 10 days prior to blood sampling, an ultrasound scan of the ovary and oviduct was performed from the studied group of chickens, which made it possible to determine the stage of egg formation. Blood from the studied chickens was taken in the morning on an empty stomach for the simultaneous determination of the concentration of estradiol and vitellogenin at the stage of egg shell formation. The concentration of estradiol and vitellogenin in the blood plasma of chickens was determined by ELISA. To clarify the effect of the concentration of estradiol (E2) on vitellogenin (VTG), the studied flock was divided into 2 groups according to the concentration of vitellogenin: 1st gr. – > Mav. (> 20 μg / ml) and 2nd gr. – < Mav. (<20 μg / ml). During the study period, eggs of chickens were evaluated according to the following morphometric parameters: the weight of the egg, yolk, protein and shell, elastic deformation, shape index, density of protein fractions, thickness of the shell and subshell, marbling. The number of eggs laid was determined in 10-day trial period.Results. It has been established that the duration of the ovulatory cycle in Pushkin breed chickens is 27-29 hours. As a result of such a long ovulatory cycle in the following days, laying of eggs occurs later with a progressive shift, as a result of which the laying cycle on average for the studied group of chickens is 3 days. The E2 level in the 1st group was 258,48 ± 30,60 pg/ml (p < 0,05), which significantly differed from the 2nd group – 181,45 ± 13,81 pg/ml. A positive correlation was found between VTG and E2, r = 0,5 (p < 0,001).Conclusion. The VTG level significantly increases in Pushkin chickens at the age of 48 weeks with an increase in the concentration of E2 in the blood. A positive correlation was noted between these features. According to the results of our research, the high content of estradiol and vitellogenin in the chickens blood serum did not have a significant effect on egg productivity.

2022 ◽  
Xiaoxia Han ◽  
Ziyang Min ◽  
Minghua Wei ◽  
Yongqi Li ◽  
Duanhua Wang ◽  

Abstract Pumpkin is a popular vegetable crop and exhibits a broad diversity in fruit shape and size. Fruit-related traits are the decisive factors determining consumer acceptance and market value of pumpkin cultivar. As a result, deciphering the genetic basis of fruit-related traits is of great importance for pumpkin breeding. To address this problem, a F2 population was generated by two Cucurbita moschata inbred lines with contrasting fruit shapes and genotyping-by-sequencing approach were used to construct a high-density genetic map and localize the QTLs underlying the fruit-related traits in this study. The results showed that a high-quality genetic map was constructed for pumpkin, which comprised of 2413 bins and spanned a total length of 2252.10 cM with an average genetic distance of 0.94 cM. A total of 30 significant QTLs with moderate or small effects were identified for 7 fruit-related traits, including fruit length, fruit diameter, fruit shape index, fruit weight, fruit flesh thickness, seed cavity size, and total soluble solids content. Co-locations and close locations were observed between the QTLs underlying different traits, demonstrating that pleiotropic effect plays an important role in genetic control of fruit-related traits. The identified QTLs provide valuable information for further fine mapping of the related genes and pumpkin breeding programs with the aim of improving fruit quality.

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