combinatorial model
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Andrei Borovsky ◽  
Tatyana Vedernikova

The aim of the research was to identify the main causes of infection of teachers and students in a university. Two probabilistic combinatorial problems are considered analytically to determine the probabilities and rates of infection of teachers and students in a university as a result of the appearance of infected persons among the contingent of students. The mathematical apparatus of probability theory and combinatorics is used to solve the problems. For the factorials of combinations arising in the structure, the asymptotic Stirling’s formula is used. Convergent series arise in the final formulas, reflecting the multiplicity of scenarios of the probabilistic approach. Analytical formulas for the sums of series, probabilities and rates of infection of teachers and students are obtained. It is shown that the infection of teachers and students occurs through «dangerous» spatially close contacts, when a teacher and a student talk at a distance of less than 0.5 meter. It is impossible to exclude such contacts in the students’ environment during full-time study. Among teachers, there is also a less probable classroom mechanism of infection through the volume of air infected with viruses.

Emily J. Koller ◽  
Kristen R. Ibanez ◽  
Quan Vo ◽  
Karen N. McFarland ◽  
Elsa Gonzalez De La Cruz ◽  

2021 ◽  
Pengcheng Li ◽  
Haitao Zhang ◽  
Haohan Hu ◽  
Wanlong Liu ◽  
Li Zhang

Asaf Ferber ◽  
Matthew Kwan ◽  
Lisa Sauermann

Abstract Consider a random $n\times n$ zero-one matrix with ‘sparsity’ p, sampled according to one of the following two models: either every entry is independently taken to be one with probability p (the ‘Bernoulli’ model) or each row is independently uniformly sampled from the set of all length-n zero-one vectors with exactly pn ones (the ‘combinatorial’ model). We give simple proofs of the (essentially best-possible) fact that in both models, if $\min(p,1-p)\geq (1+\varepsilon)\log n/n$ for any constant $\varepsilon>0$ , then our random matrix is nonsingular with probability $1-o(1)$ . In the Bernoulli model, this fact was already well known, but in the combinatorial model this resolves a conjecture of Aigner-Horev and Person.

Kevin Coulembier ◽  
Ross Street ◽  
Michel van den Bergh

Abstract Given a monoidal category $\mathcal C$ with an object J, we construct a monoidal category $\mathcal C[{J^ \vee }]$ by freely adjoining a right dual ${J^ \vee }$ to J. We show that the canonical strong monoidal functor $\Omega :\mathcal C \to \mathcal C[{J^ \vee }]$ provides the unit for a biadjunction with the forgetful 2-functor from the 2-category of monoidal categories with a distinguished dual pair to the 2-category of monoidal categories with a distinguished object. We show that $\Omega :\mathcal C \to \mathcal C[{J^ \vee }]$ is fully faithful and provide coend formulas for homs of the form $\mathcal C[{J^ \vee }](U,\,\Omega A)$ and $\mathcal C[{J^ \vee }](\Omega A,U)$ for $A \in \mathcal C$ and $U \in \mathcal C[{J^ \vee }]$ . If ${\rm{N}}$ denotes the free strict monoidal category on a single generating object 1, then ${\rm{N[}}{{\rm{1}}^ \vee }{\rm{]}}$ is the free monoidal category Dpr containing a dual pair – ˧ + of objects. As we have the monoidal pseudopushout $\mathcal C[{J^ \vee }] \simeq {\rm{Dpr}}{{\rm{ + }}_{\rm{N}}}\mathcal C$ , it is of interest to have an explicit model of Dpr: we provide both geometric and combinatorial models. We show that the (algebraist’s) simplicial category Δ is a monoidal full subcategory of Dpr and explain the relationship with the free 2-category Adj containing an adjunction. We describe a generalization of Dpr which includes, for example, a combinatorial model Dseq for the free monoidal category containing a duality sequence X0 ˧ X1 ˧ X2 ˧ … of objects. Actually, Dpr is a monoidal full subcategory of Dseq.

10.37236/8935 ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
Rosa Orellana ◽  
Michael Zabrocki

We consider the symmetric group $S_n$-module of the polynomial ring with $m$ sets of $n$ commuting variables and $m'$ sets of $n$ anti-commuting variables and show that the multiplicity of an irreducible indexed by the partition $\lambda$ (a partition of $n$) is the number of multiset tableaux of shape $\lambda$ satisfying certain column and row strict conditions.  We also present a finite generating set for the ring of $S_n$ invariant polynomials of this ring. 

2020 ◽  
Mohammed-Husain M. Bharmal ◽  
Jared M. Schrader

AbstractBacterial translation is thought to initiate by base-pairing of the 16S rRNA and the Shine-Dalgarno sequence in the mRNA’s 5’ UTR. However, transcriptomics has revealed that leaderless mRNAs, which completely lack any 5’ UTR, are broadly distributed across bacteria and can initiate translation in the absence of the Shine-Dalgarno sequence. To investigate the mechanism of leaderless mRNA translation initiation, synthetic in vivo translation reporters were designed that systematically tested the effects of start codon accessibility, leader length, and start codon identity on leaderless mRNA translation initiation. Using this data, a simple computational model was built based on the combinatorial relationship of these mRNA features which can accurately classify leaderless mRNAs and predict the translation initiation efficiency of leaderless mRNAs. Thus, start codon accessibility, leader length, and start codon identity combine to define leaderless mRNA translation initiation in bacteria.

2020 ◽  
Vol 124 (22) ◽  
pp. 4517-4533 ◽  
Patrick W. Fowler ◽  
Wendy Myrvold ◽  
Christopher Gibson ◽  
Joseph Clarke ◽  
William H. Bird

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