single production
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2022 ◽  
Vol 105 (1) ◽  
Jin-Zhong Han ◽  
Jing Yang ◽  
Shuai Xu ◽  
Han-Kui Wang
B Quarks ◽  

2022 ◽  
pp. 115672
Jin-Zhong Han ◽  
Jing Yang ◽  
Shuai Xu ◽  
Han-Kui Wang

Cheng Leli ◽  
Zhao Shaoze ◽  
Yin Senlin ◽  
Chen Gongyang ◽  
Chen Ling ◽  

AbstractFor gas reservoirs with poor physical properties, the implementation of a single well with multi-layer combined production is an effective means to achieve efficient development. However, because of the differences in the geological conditions of the vast majority of multi-layer gas reservoirs, the dynamic characteristics of the gas wells will be complex under the multi-layer combined mining mode, and the inevitable interlayer interference in the production process will affect the development effect. In this paper, the coal seam and the dense layer are opened for production at the same time. The two kinds of different types of production are not only restricted by the heterogeneity of each layer, but also the special development mode of the coal seam. Through analyzing and summarizing the productivity equation of two kinds of production layers and the characteristics of the change of production pressure, the coupling calculation is carried out by the iterative programming of node analysis method in the wellbore, which can dynamically predict the dynamic gas production. In comparison with the dynamic gas production dynamics of combined production and the overlay production of each production layer, it is found that the amount of accumulated gas production of multiple production layers in the forecast period is only 2.56% lower than that of the single production of the multi-production layer, but the investment cost of the single well multi-layer production is far lower than that of the single production, and the stable production time of the combined production is longer, indicating that the stable production time is longer.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Melkamu Girma Koricho ◽  
Musa Hasen Ahmed

PurposeThis study examines the impact of access to credit on the technical efficiency (TE) of maize-producing smallholder farmers in Ethiopia and explores factors determining credit utilization.Design/methodology/approachThe study relies on nationally representative data collected in 2015/2016. The data are analyzed by combining the Propensity Score Matching technique with a stochastic frontier model that corrects selectivity bias arising from unobserved variables.FindingsThe result shows that credit service improves TE and helps smallholder farmers to achieve the maximum possible output level from a given set of inputs used.Originality/valueTo the best of author’s knowledge, no study has yet measured the impact of access to credit on TE by controlling for both observed and unobserved heterogeneities. Existing research relied on a single production frontier model, assuming that credit users and non-users have similar production characteristics or ignored selection bias due to observable and unobservable characteristics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (8) ◽  
Aldo Deandrea ◽  
Thomas Flacke ◽  
Benjamin Fuks ◽  
Luca Panizzi ◽  
Hua-Sheng Shao

Abstract We provide a comprehensive discussion, together with a complete setup for simulations, relevant for the production of a single vector-like quark at hadron colliders. Our predictions include finite width effects, signal-background interference effects and next-to-leading order QCD corrections. We explicitly apply the framework to study the single production of a vector-like quark T with charge 2/3, but the same procedure can be used to analyse the single production of vector-like quarks with charge −4/3, −1/3, 2/3 and 5/3, when the vector-like quark interacts with the Standard Model quarks and electroweak bosons. Moreover, this procedure can be straightforwardly extended to include additional interactions with exotic particles. We provide quantitative results for representative benchmark scenarios characterised by the T mass and width, and we determine the role of the interference terms for a range of masses and widths of phenomenological significance. We additionally describe in detail, both analytically and numerically, a striking feature in the invariant mass distribution appearing only in the T → th channel.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 54-77
Hanane Rifqi ◽  
Abdellah Zamma ◽  
Souad Ben Souda ◽  
Mohamed Hansali

Purpose: The main objective of this paper is to validate the results of the Lean manufacturing application via the DMAIC concept. This study concerns a case study carried out in an automotive company which aims at improving its flows within the production workshop by pulling the physical flow and minimizing the different wastes.   Methodology/Approach: By conducting a literature review to examine the different frameworks for applying the lean method and to extract case studies related to the DMAIC approach which is missing on the selected articles, only one article that addresses this possibility. Findings: DMAIC has allowed a better structuring of the entire project, choosing the right improvement solutions with the right choice of Lean tools and several advantages that are not valid for other frameworks. This implementation shows a spectacular improvement in the production planning, the fluidity of the flow as well as an important financial gain for the company. Research Limitation/Implication: The project duration was not sufficient to apply other beneficial lean tools as the study was limited only to a single production line. Originality/Value of paper: This article demonstrates the added value of the structured DMAIC approach to lean manufacturing methodology and implementation.

2021 ◽  
Philiphi de Rozari

Timor Island is very hot and dry due to the high intensity of sunlight experienced throughout the year. The endophytic fungi Aspergillus flavus had been isolated from medicinal plants such as Catharanthus roseus, Annona squamosa and Curcuma xanthorisa. The endophytic fungi A. flavus from each plant was cultivated on solid rice media and then analyzed for its capability for producing kojic acid. The production of kojic acid was analyzed by HPLC; the highest amount of kojic acid was observed from the endophytic fungi A. flavus, isolated from the stem of Catharanthus roseus, followed by A. flavus from Annona squamosa and Curcuma xanthorisa. Simple VLC fractionation of the extract of A. flavus from C.roseus led to the isolation of around 11.1 g of pure kojic acid. The structure of kojic acid (1) was confirmed by NMR and MS spectroscopic data. A comparison of the NMR data with the literature supported the revision of the natural product flufuran to kojic acid. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a strain of endophytic fungi producing only kojic acid without any other toxic metabolites such as alfatoxins. Therefore, this Aspergillus flavus strain can be applied as a potential producer of kojic acid for industrial use.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (7) ◽  
Xi-Yan Tian ◽  
Liu-Feng Du ◽  
Yao-Bei Liu

AbstractThe vectorlike top partners are potential signature of some new physics beyond the Standard Model at the TeV scale. In this paper, we propose to search for the vectorlike T quark with charge 2/3 in the framework of a simplified model where the top partners only couples with the third generation of Standard Model quarks. We investigate the observability for electroweak production of a vectorlike T quark in association with a standard model bottom quark through the process $$pp \rightarrow T\bar{b}j$$ p p → T b ¯ j with the subsequent decay mode of $$T\rightarrow t(\rightarrow b W^+\rightarrow b \ell ^{+} \nu _{\ell })h( \rightarrow \gamma \gamma )$$ T → t ( → b W + → b ℓ + ν ℓ ) h ( → γ γ ) , at the proposed High Energy Large Hadron Collider (HE-LHC) and Future Circular Collider in hadron-hadron mode (FCC-hh) including the realistic detector effects. The 95% confidence level excluded regions and the $$5\sigma $$ 5 σ discovery reach in the parameter plane of $$\kappa _{T}-m_T$$ κ T - m T , are respectively obtained at the HE-LHC with the integrated luminosity of 15 ab$$^{-1}$$ - 1 and the FCC-hh with the integrated luminosity of 30 ab$$^{-1}$$ - 1 . We also analyze the projected sensitivity in terms of the production cross section times branching fraction at the HE-LHC and FCC-hh.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (6) ◽  
Gudrun Hiller ◽  
Dennis Loose ◽  
Ivan Nišandžić

Abstract Evidence for electron-muon universality violation that has been revealed in b → sℓℓ transitions in the observables $$ {R}_{KK^{\ast }} $$ R KK ∗ by the LHCb Collaboration can be explained with spin-1 leptoquarks in SU(2)L singlet V1 or triplet V3 representations in the $$ \mathcal{O} $$ O (1 − 10) TeV range. We explore the sensitivity of the high luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) and future proton-proton colliders to V1 and V3 in the parameter space connected to $$ {R}_{KK^{\ast }} $$ R KK ∗ -data. We consider pair production and single production in association with muons in different flavor benchmarks. Reinterpreting a recent ATLAS search for scalar leptoquarks decaying to bμ and jμ, we extract improved limits for the leptoquark masses: for gauge boson-type leptoquarks (κ = 1) we obtain $$ {M}_{V_1} $$ M V 1 > 1.9 TeV, $$ {M}_{V_1} $$ M V 1 > 1.9 TeV, and $$ {M}_{V_1} $$ M V 1 > 1.7 TeV for leptoquarks decaying predominantly according to hierarchical, flipped and democratic quark flavor structure, respectively. Future sensitivity projections based on extrapolations of existing ATLAS and CMS searches are worked out. We find that for κ = 1 the mass reach for pair (single) production of V1 can be up to 3 TeV (2.1 TeV) at the HL-LHC and up to 15 TeV (19.9 TeV) at the FCC-hh with $$ \sqrt{s} $$ s = 100 TeV and 20 ab−1. The mass limits and reach for the triplet V3 are similar or higher, depending on flavor. While there is the exciting possibility that leptoquarks addressing the $$ {R}_{KK^{\ast }} $$ R KK ∗ -anomalies are observed at the LHC, to fully cover the parameter space pp-collisions beyond the LHC-energies are needed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Klaudia A. Cybulska ◽  
Vera Bloemers ◽  
Lars R. Perk ◽  
Peter Laverman

Abstract Background The translocator protein 18 kDa is recognised as an important biomarker for neuroinflammation due to its soaring expression in microglia. This process is common for various neurological disorders. DPA-714 is a potent TSPO-specific ligand which found its use in Positron Emission Tomography following substitution of fluorine-19 with fluorine-18, a positron-emitting radionuclide. [18F]DPA-714 enables visualisation of inflammatory processes in vivo non-invasively. Radiolabelling of this tracer is well described in literature, including validation for clinical use. Here, we report significant enhancements to the process which resulted in the design of a fully GMP-compliant robust synthesis of [18F]DPA-714 on a popular cassette-based system, Trasis AllinOne, boosting reliability, throughput, and introducing a significant degree of simplicity. Results [18F]DPA-714 was synthesised using the classic nucleophilic aliphatic substitution on a good leaving group, tosylate, with [18F]fluoride using tetraethylammonium bicarbonate in acetonitrile at 100∘C. The process was fully automated on a Trasis AllinOne synthesiser using an in-house designed cassette and sequence. With a relatively small precursor load of 4 mg, [18F]DPA-714 was obtained with consistently high radiochemical yields of 55-71% (n=6) and molar activities of 117-350 GBq/µmol at end of synthesis. With a single production batch, starting with 31-42 GBq of [18F]fluoride, between 13-20 GBq of the tracer can be produced, enabling multi-centre studies. Conclusion To the best of our knowledge, the process presented herein is the most efficient [18F]DPA-714 synthesis, with advantageous GMP compliance. The use of a Trasis AllinOne synthesiser increases reliability and allows rapid training of production staff.

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