main component analysis
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2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 371-379
Le Tat Thanh ◽  
Pham Thi Hue ◽  
Nguyen Van Tuyen Anh ◽  
Dam Duc Tien

Vietnam's sea is assessed to be very diverse and rich in seaweed species. It is about 1000 different species of seaweed, of which more than 800 species have been identified, classify into genus, families, classes, phylums, and continuously updated from the 1950s to the present. Previous studies by Vietnamese and international scientists have shown that lipids from seaweed contain many valuable active ingredients such as acids C20: 4n-6 (AA), C20:5n-3 (EPA), C22:6n-3 (DHA), prostaglandin E2… In this study, fatty acids were converted to methyl esters and identified by gas chromatography using flame ionization detector (GC-FID) with column Cap Mao Equity 5 (Merck, L×ID 30m×0.25 mm, df 0.25 µm). From the total lipid of 50 of Vietnamese seaweed, we have identified 30 fatty acids, in which, C16:0, C18:1n-9, C20:4n-6 (AA) fatty acids have the high content, and C20:5n-3 (EPA), C22:6n-3 (DHA), C22:5n-3 (DPA) fatty acids have the high bioactivities. By the method of PCA main component analysis, from the dataset of fatty acids, we have identified 8 main fatty acids with high correlation and used to represent the distribution of seaweed species on the two-way plane. Three phylums were classified by different fatty acid groups with the high reliability. In the detail, the distribution of the phylum Phaeophyta depends on the content of 3 fatty acids including C16:1n-7, C18:1n-9 và C20:4n-6, the phylum Rhodophyta depends on C15:0, C16:0, C18:0 fatty acids, and the phylum Chlorophyta depends on C18:1n-7, C18:3n-6 fatty acids. This method can may help provides more chemical data in the taxonomy of Vietnamese seaweed species.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 853
Habriyanto Habriyanto ◽  
Bambang Kurniawan ◽  
David Firmansyah

This study aims to determine the effect of working capital and labor on the income of MSME fish cracker SPN Jambi City in a quantitative descriptive of: How are the effects of working capital and labor on the income of fish cracker fish in Jambi City. This research is expected to provide benefits to authors, agencies, and academics related to SPN fish cracker income, as well as a source of information for SPN fish cracker business owners in order to optimize their income. This type of research is quantitative-descriptive, because this research accommodates the form of numbers and data processing using multiple linear regression analysis with the help of the IBM statistics 22 application. The data used is secondary data in the form of time series data from 2018 to 2020 which is obtained from the SPN fish cracker business owner. Based on the results of research that has been done, data obtained from the variables of working capital and labor have a positive and significant effect on income. Based on the test using main component analysis, it shows that the working capital variable has a significant value (0.00 <0.05) with a coefficient value of 0.724. , the labor variable has a significant value (0.755 <0.05) with a coefficient value of .042.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (9) ◽  
pp. 4732
Mărioara Beleneși ◽  
Victoria Bogdan ◽  
Dorina Nicoleta Popa

New challenges and perspectives to improve non-financial reporting and the disclosure of environmental, social, and governance indicators have been launched towards the development horizon of Romanian public interest entities, implementing the provisions of Directive 2014/95/EU in the local regulatory framework. In this context, our approach focused on the content analysis of the non-financial information reported by listed companies, for the period 2017–2019, and the measure of the average disclosure degree on environmental, social, economic, and governance (ESEG) indicators. To measure the average degree of disclosure, a composite index was constructed through the main component analysis for categorical data that allowed the classification of sampled companies by sustainable performance. The results showed a slight increase in the ESEG disclosure index at the level of the sampled companies, from 47 units in 2017 to 52 units in 2019, several companies “went ahead” and others “recovered over the period”. Cross-sectional analysis revealed differences in the average non-financial disclosure index, and also in the disclosure index of ESEG indicators. The non-parametric correlation analysis highlighted the existence of a statistically significant positive correlation of medium intensity between the disclosure index of non-financial information and the publication of the non-financial statement or report.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 59-66
Qing Ge-le ◽  
Togtokhbayar Norovsambuu ◽  
Altanzaya Tovuu ◽  
Enkhchimeg Vanjildorj

The Ceratoides arborescens is the kind of plant that can live in drought or extremeness drought condition. In drought grassland, desertification grassland and desertification area, they have important value in economy and ecology. The Ceratoides arborescens is one of the promising drought resisting species for developing natural meadow. In the article, a study was developed on two ecotypes of Ceratoides arborescens by observing physiological and biochemical indices of them. The results could be used to evaluate the drought resistance ability, give a guide for Ceratoides arborescens introduction, and make a function on desert control and water and soil conservation, developing meadow and pasturing by planting plant of the Ceratoides arborescens. The photosynthesis and chlorophyll content were gradually decreased with the increase of drought stressed days. In the stressed period, the decrease of ecotype of Kerqin’s photosynthesis and chlorophyll were less than that of ecotype of Wu. The proline and malondialdehyde (MDA) were gradually increased with the increase of drought stressed days. In the stressed period, the increase of ecotype of Kerqin’s proline and MDA were more than that of ecotype of Wu during the stressed period, the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) increased firstly, reached the climax on the sixth day after stressed, then decreased. The activity of SOD and CAT of ecotype of Kerqin were higher than that of ecotype of Wu. It is considered that two ecotypes in Ceratoides arborescens both have strong drought resistance ability, and analyzing results of main component analysis and comprehensive appraisal of all indices, the drought resistance ability of ecotype of Kerqin is stronger than ecotype of Wu. Морин тэсэг (Ceratoides arborescens)-ийн ган тэсвэрлэх чадварын судалгаа Морин тэсэг нь удаан хугацааны туршид усгүй, гантай нөхцөлд амьдарч чаддаг ургамлуудын нэг юм. Тэсгийн төрлийн ургамлыг бэлчээр сайжруулахад ашиглах боломжтой бөгөөд хуурай уур амьсгалтай улиралд малын гол тэжээл болохоос гадна элсэрхэг хөрсөнд ургаж, элсний нүүдлийг зогсооход чухал нөлөөтэй. Бид энэхүү судалгаанд Морин тэсгийн Хорчин ба Улаанцав хэмээх 2 экотипийг ердийн усалгаатай нөхцөлд болон зохиомлоор гангийн стресст оруулсан нөхцөлд харьцуулан судалж гангийн стресс тэсвэрлэх чадварыг нь тогтоов. Гангийн стрессийн үргэлжлэх хугацаа уртсах тусам фотосинтезийн эрчим болон хлорофиллын агууламж хоёр экотипийн морин тэсэгт буурч байсан хэдий ч Хорчин тэсгийнх Улаанцав тэсгийнхээс 2.69% болон 0.19%-иар тус тус их байв. Гангийн стрессийн үргэлжлэх хугацаа уртсах тутам Морин тэсгийн хоёр экотипийн пролин ба малондиальдегидын агууламж нэмэгдэж байв. Супероксид дисмутаза (SOD) болон каталаза (CAT)-ийн идэвхжилт гангийн стрессийн үргэлжлэх эхний үед нэмэгдэж, дараа нь буурах зүй тогтолтой байсан бөгөөд Хорчин экотип нь Улаанцав экотипээс ганд илүү тэсвэртэй болох нь тогтоогдлоо.  Түлхүүр үгс: хлорофилл, пролин,  малондиальдегид, физиологийн үзүүлэлт, ган тэсвэр

Retos ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 417-424
Alejandro Leiva-Arcas ◽  
Raquel Vaquero-Cristóbal ◽  
Antonio Sánchez-Pato ◽  
Lucía Abenza-Cano ◽  
María José Martínez-Patiño

  El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar los factores socio-demográficos, económicos y deportivos relacionados con los resultados de participación del equipo olímpico español en los JJ.OO. de Pekín 2008, Londres 2012 y Rio de Janeiro 2016, analizando si el sexo del deportista provoca variaciones en el modelo. Se obtuvieron datos de 875 deportistas olímpicos pertenecientes al equipo español entre los años 2005 y 2016, así como de diferentes parámetros socio-demográficos, económicos, y deportivos. Se realizó un análisis de componentes principales que mostró que la población, el presupuesto deportivo, las licencias deportivas, los deportistas de alto nivel (DAN), los deportistas becados, la brecha de género y el PIB explicaban un 79,81% de la varianza total. Al realizar el modelo en función del sexo se encontró un modelo similar al general en mujeres y hombres. En conclusión, la participación de hombres y mujeres en el olimpismo español se debe a una gran amalgama de variables, no existiendo grandes diferencias en la influencia de las mismas en función sexo.  Abstract. The aim of this study was to analyze the socio-demographic, economic and sports factors related to the results of the Spanish Olympic team's participation in the Olympic Games of Beijing 2008, London 2012 and Rio de Janeiro 2016, analyzing whether the sex of the athlete causes variations in the model. Data was obtained from 875 Olympic athletes belonging to the Spanish team between 2005 and 2016, as well as from different socio-demographic, economic and sports parameters. A main component analysis was carried out which showed that the population, sports budget, sports licenses, top level athletes (TLA), scholarship awarded athletes, gender gap and GDP explained 79.81% of the total variance. When the gender model was carried out, a similar pattern to the general one was found in women and men. In conclusion, the participation of men and women in the Spanish Olympics is due to a great amalgam of variables, and there are no great differences in the influence of these variables according to gender.

New Medit ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (5) ◽  
Houcine Jeder ◽  
Amira Abdelhamid ◽  
Ahmed Salah

Climate change is expected to have serious environmental, economic, and social impacts on arid regions such as Tunisia country. This research uses a “bottom-up” approach, which seeks to gain insights from the farmers themselves based on a farm household in the south-east of Tunisia. Econometric analyses and Main Component analysis was conducted in this research. Finally, probit binary models were estimated to determine the factors influencing adaptation strategies. All actions aimed at improving the resilience of agriculture in Tunisia’s arid regions to climate change, emphasize mainly the strategies adopted by farmers in terms of water management, technical choices and the adopted production systems combined with the experience and local know-how. Others Government policies and national adaptation programs should focus on education facilitate farmers’ access to extension, information and specialized training needed.

Benzha Fatiha ◽  
Rhinane Hassan ◽  

In this study, our goal was to research land-use change by combining spatio–temporal land use/land cover monitoring (LULC (1989–2019) and urban growth modeling (1999–2039) in Benslimane, Morocco, to determine the effect of urban growth on different groups based on cellular automata (CA) and geospatial methods. A further goal was to test the reliability of the AC algorithm for urban expansion modeling. To do this, four years of satellite data were used at the same time as population density, downtown distance, slope, and ground road distance. The LULC satellite reported a rise of 3.8 km2 (318% variation) during 1989–2019. Spatial transformation analysis reveals a good classification similarity ranging from 89% to 91% with the main component analysis (PCA) technique. The statistical accuracy between the satellite scale and the replicated built region of 2019 gave 97.23 %t of the confusion matrix overall accuracy, and the region under the receiver operational characteristics (ROC) curve to 0.94, suggesting the model's high accuracy. Although the constructed area remains low relative to the total area of the municipality's territory, the LULC project shows that the urban area will extend to 5,044 km2 in 2019, principally in the western and southwestern sections. In 2019–2039, urban development is expected to lead to a transformation of the other class (loss of 1,364 km2), followed by vegetation cover (loss of 0.345 km2). In spatial modeling and statistical calculations, the GDAL and NumPy Python 3.8 libraries were successful.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Alejandro JARILLO-SILVA ◽  
Víctor A. GOMEZ-PEREZ ◽  

The objective of this work is to present a procedure for the classification of basic emotions based on the analysis of EEG signals (electroencephalogram). For this case, 25 subjects were stimulated, of whom 17 were men and 9 women between 20 and 35 years of age. The stimulus to induce positive, negative and neutral emotions with a certain level of excitation (activation) was a set of video clips previously evaluated. The processed and analyzed signals belong to the gamma and beta frequency bands of the F3, F4, P7, P8, T7, T8, O1 and O2 electrodes. The characteristic variables with the best result are the entropy of each band of each electrode. The cross validation algorithms are applied and later the main component analysis algorithm. Finally, four classifier algorithms are used: classifier trees, Support- Vector-Machine (SVM), Linear-Discriminant-Analysis (LDA) and k-Nearest-Neighbors (KNN). The results confirm that by carrying out the proposed procedure, the EEG signals contain enough information to allow the recognition of basic emotions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 156
Asri Subkhan Mahulette ◽  
Hariyadi Hariyadi ◽  
Sudirman Yahya ◽  
Ade Wachjar ◽  
Ilyas Marzuki

Forest clove (Zyzygium aromaticum) is a type of wild clove found in Moluccas. The increasing interest of farmers in cultivating this plant leads to complete their information of morpho-agronomical characteristics which could provide diversity reflecting morpho-agronomical their distribution areas. This study aimed to characterize the morpho-agronomical traits of Forest clove plants in Moluccas. By survey, Forest clove more than 15 year old tree totalling of 50 populations were observed their 54 morpho-agronomical characteristics in two areas (Ambon and Seram) from March to June 2018. Two aromatic cloves, namely Tuni and Zanzibar were used for comparative analysis. The results showed that Forest cloves had a similarity of 78% among the population and grouped into 3 groups with a morpho-agronomical variation of 22%. On the contrary, Forest cloves and comparators (Tuni and Zanzibar) had morpho-agronomical differences of 58%. Based on the main component analysis, there were 11 most influential characters of Forest cloves (leaf size index, leaf length, leaf width, leaf area, petiole length, flower length, diameter of flower tube, ripe flower weight, fruit length, fruit width, and fruit weight) which could be descriptors for this plant species.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-65
Mansur Aziz ◽  
Mustar Aman

Facial recognition is the process of human identification using a picture of facial expression. With the widespread use of computers, it is expected that facial recognition capabilities can be adopted on such smart devices. The adoption process becomes possible with the discovery of facial recognition methods, one of which is the main component analysis or better known as PCA (Principal Components Analysis). The research started by designing a computer program using the Matlab programming language. The Program was used to test the PCA method using a number of facial imagery. Testing is divided into three categories, which are based on the number of the trainer image, based on the number of key vector features, and the determination of the threshold value. In the end it can be concluded that PCA is quite worthy to be a facial recognition method. The research Data shows a pretty good introduction result with a fairly small error rate on testing using ten training imagery, which is one error introduction of 20 Tests.

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