longitudinal force
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2022 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 871
Joseph D. Powers ◽  
Natalie J. Kirkland ◽  
Canzhao Liu ◽  
Swithin S. Razu ◽  
Xi Fang ◽  

Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a life-threatening form of heart disease that is typically characterized by progressive thinning of the ventricular walls, chamber dilation, and systolic dysfunction. Multiple mutations in the gene encoding filamin C (FLNC), an actin-binding cytoskeletal protein in cardiomyocytes, have been found in patients with DCM. However, the mechanisms that lead to contractile impairment and DCM in patients with FLNC variants are poorly understood. To determine how FLNC regulates systolic force transmission and DCM remodeling, we used an inducible, cardiac-specific FLNC-knockout (icKO) model to produce a rapid onset of DCM in adult mice. Loss of FLNC reduced systolic force development in single cardiomyocytes and isolated papillary muscles but did not affect twitch kinetics or calcium transients. Electron and immunofluorescence microscopy showed significant defects in Z-disk alignment in icKO mice and altered myofilament lattice geometry. Moreover, a loss of FLNC induces a softening myocyte cortex and structural adaptations at the subcellular level that contribute to disrupted longitudinal force production during contraction. Spatially explicit computational models showed that these structural defects could be explained by a loss of inter-myofibril elastic coupling at the Z-disk. Our work identifies FLNC as a key regulator of the multiscale ultrastructure of cardiomyocytes and therefore plays an important role in maintaining systolic mechanotransmission pathways, the dysfunction of which may be key in driving progressive DCM.

Nanomaterials ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 251
Bojian Wei ◽  
Shuhong Gong ◽  
Renxian Li ◽  
Igor V. Minin ◽  
Oleg V. Minin ◽  

In this article, we study the optical force exerted on nanorods. In recent years, the capture of micro-nanoparticles has been a frontier topic in optics. A Photonic Jet (PJ) is an emerging subwavelength beam with excellent application prospects. This paper studies the optical force exerted by photonic jets generated by a plane wave illuminating a Generalized Luneburg Lens (GLLs) on nanorods. In the framework of the dipole approximation, the optical force on the nanorods is studied. The electric field of the photonic jet is calculated by the open-source software package DDSCAT developed based on the Discrete Dipole Approximation (DDA). In this paper, the effects of the nanorods’ orientation and dielectric constant on the transverse force Fx and longitudinal force Fy are analyzed. Numerical results show that the maximum value of the positive force and the negative force are equal and appear alternately at the position of the photonic jet. Therefore, to capture anisotropic nanoscale-geometries (nanorods), it is necessary to adjust the position of GLLs continuously. It is worth emphasizing that manipulations with nanorods will make it possible to create new materials at the nanoscale.

Takatoshi Hondo ◽  
Takayuki Tanaka ◽  
Shoya Kuniyuki ◽  
Mitsugi Suzuki

Abstract It is crucial to grasp wheel-rail contact forces in the evaluation of running safety and curving performance of railway vehicles. To measure the wheel-rail contact forces, instrumented wheelset, which has the strain gauges on the wheel surface, is widely used. The purpose of this research is to increase the measurement accuracy of the wheel-rail contact forces by understanding the detailed characteristics of the instrumented wheelset. Although the various research works on the instrumented wheelset have been carried out to increase the measurement accuracy of wheel-rail contact forces, there are few works considering the longitudinal force and the lateral shift of the wheel-rail contact point. However, sometimes the longitudinal force has a non-negligible influence on the measurement accuracy on the instrumented wheelset. In this paper, the authors clarify the cross-sensitivity characteristics of the instrumented wheelset when the longitudinal force is applied to the various lateral position on the wheel tread through the FEM analysis and the static load test. The authors also propose a method to approximate the cross-sensitivity as an analytical function of the lateral and circumferential contact positions.

2022 ◽  
Vol 904 ◽  
pp. 27-33
A.V. Sedelnikov ◽  
V.V. Serdakova

The author of this scientific paper studies the stress-strain state of the solar panel of a small spacecraft after a temperature shock. The temperature shock is caused by the entry or exit of a small spacecraft into or out the Earth's shadow. In this work is considered a one-dimensional model of thermal conductivity. It is assumed that the solar radiation flux falls properly on the solar panel. Violation of normality due to deformations is neglected. A special feature of this work is to take into account the actual fixing of the solar panel. The boundary conditions in the form of a seal are preserved. However, the mobility of the smallest spacecraft is taken into account as a result of the occurrence of a longitudinal force in the solar panel during a temperature shock. The results are compared with the simulation data without taking into account the mobility of the small spacecraft. The results of this work can be used in the design of small spacecraft for technological purposes to meet the requirements for microaccelerations.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2148 (1) ◽  
pp. 012065
Zhiping Zeng ◽  
Ji Hu ◽  
Qiang Zeng ◽  
Zhibin Huang ◽  
Huatuo Yin ◽  

Abstract To study the longitudinal force of CWR on viaduct, a track-bridge-pier finite element model is established. Taking a multi-span simply supported beam with a maximum span of 32.7m of an elevated CWR as an example, the additional expansion and contraction forces, displacement between rail and beam and the force of pier are calculated, and whether the rail stress meets the requirements when setting constant resistance fasteners is checked. The results show that: (1) For the left and right lines, the maximum additional expansion forces of single strand rail are both 211.13kN, and the maximum relative displacements between beam and rail are both 6.572mm. (2) The maximum value of the additional expansion and contraction forces and the relative displacement between beam and rail of the same line occur at the same position. The left line is at ZFZ29 pier and the right line is at ZFS31 pier. (3) The maximum force of pier in this section is 500.80kN, and the pier numbers are ZFZ27 and ZFS29. (4) The rail stress is less than the allowable stress of 352MPa, and the rail strength meets the requirements.

2021 ◽  
Vol 80 (6) ◽  
pp. 327-333
G. M. Volokhov ◽  
S. V. Chunin ◽  
A. V. Ushanov

Problem of safety evaluation of continuous welded track operation is considered. A comparative analysis of the current assessment methods is carried out and a method is proposed for identifying dangerous track sections according to the criterion of compliance of the actual rail fastening temperature with the standardized one. Under the actual fxing temperature in the article, the temperature of the rail is taken at which, as a result of its thermal expansion or contraction, a zero value of the longitudinal force is formed in it. A method is presented for calculating the actual temperature of rail fastening using the dependence of the natural frequency of rail vibrations on the applied longitudinal force, which was obtained by the computational method using the fnite element model of the track section created by the authors by means of modal calculations for various values of the longitudinal force applied to the rail. Its verifcation was carried out using experimental data obtained as a result of testing at a specialized stand. The method of tests carried out on the stand and section of the continuous track of the Ozerskaya branch of the Moscow Railway is described, which consists in determining the natural frequency of the first mode of rail vibration at different values of the longitudinal force, and in the case of field tests at different values of the rail temperature. The calculation of the actual temperature of rail fastening is given on the example of a section of a continuous-welded track of the Ozerskaya branch of the Moscow railway. It was found that the temperature of rail fastening on the investigated section corresponds to the normative for the given region.

2021 ◽  
Vol 157 (A1) ◽  
Z Q Leong ◽  
D Ranmuthugala ◽  
I Penesis ◽  
H D Nguyen

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations using Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations are increasingly adopted as an analysis tool to predict the hydrodynamic coefficients of underwater vehicles. These simulations have shown to offer both a high degree of accuracy comparable to experimental methods and a greatly reduced computational cost compared to Large Eddy Simulation (LES) and Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS). However, one of the major challenges faced with CFD simulations is that the results can vary greatly depending on the numerical model settings. This paper uses the DARPA SUBOFF hull form undergoing straight-line and rotating arm manoeuvres at different drift angles to analyse the hydrodynamic forces and moments on the vehicle against experimental data, showing that the selection of the boundary conditions and turbulence models, and the quality of the mesh model can have a considerable and independent effect on the computational results. Comparison between the Baseline Reynolds Stress Model (BSLRSM) and Shear Stress Transport with Curvature Correction (SSTCC) were carried out for both manoeuvres, showing that with a sufficiently fine mesh, appropriate mesh treatment, and simulation conditions matching the experiments; the BSLRSM predictions offer good agreement with experimental measurements, while the SSTCC predictions are agreeable with the longitudinal force but fall outside the experimental uncertainty for both the lateral force and yawing moment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (24) ◽  
pp. 11645
Anton Chepurnenko ◽  
Batyr Yazyev ◽  
Besarion Meskhi ◽  
Alexey Beskopylny ◽  
Kazbek Khashkhozhev ◽  

Concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) columns are widely used in construction due to effective resistance to compression and bending joint action. However, currently, there is no generally accepted effective calculation method considering both nonlinearities of the materials and lateral compression. The article proposes the finite element analysis method of concrete-filled steel tubular columns in a physically nonlinear formulation by reducing a three-dimensional problem to a two-dimensional one based on the hypothesis of plane sections. The equations of Geniev’s concrete theory of plasticity are used as relations establishing the relationship between stresses and strains. The technique was tested by comparing the solution with the calculation in a three-dimensional formulation in the LIRA-SAPR software package and with the experimental data of A.L. Krishan and A.I. Sagadatov. It has been established that the effective area of operation of circular-section columns are small eccentricities of the longitudinal force. The proposed approach can be applied to analyzing the stress–strain state and bearing capacity of pipe-concrete columns of arbitrary cross-sections. There are no restrictions on the composition of concrete, and the shell material can be steel and fiberglass.

Anvarjon Xakimov

Annotation: The deformation resistance properties of structural materials in the case of linear and flat stresses are given on the basis of experimental results. The method of estimating the mechanical properties of the material based on the initial deformation diagrams is described. Keywords: Stress, deformation, longitudinal force, internal pressure, stress state, deformation diagram, initial deformation, Yung modulus, Poisson's ratio, anisotropy, strength, yield strength

2021 ◽  
Vol 2113 (1) ◽  
pp. 012080
Xiuhao Xi ◽  
Jun Xiao ◽  
Qiang Zhang ◽  
Yanchao Wang

Abstract For the problem of road surface condition recognition, this paper proposes a real-time tracking method to estimate road surface slope and adhesion coefficient. Based on the fusion of dynamics and kinematics, the current road slope of the vehicle which correct vertical load is estimated. The effect of the noise from dynamic and kinematic methods on the estimation results is removed by designing a filter. The normalized longitudinal force and lateral force are calculated by Dugoff tire model, and the Jacobian matrix of the vector function of the process equation is obtained by combining the relevant theory of EKF algorithm. The road adhesion coefficient is estimated finally. The effectiveness of the algorithm is demonstrated by analyzing the results under different operating conditions, such as docking road and bisectional road, using a joint simulation of Matlab/Simulink and Carsim.

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