canonical extension
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2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (9) ◽  
Duy H. Nguyen ◽  
Tuyen M. Pham ◽  
Tuan Q. Do

AbstractIn this paper, we study a non-canonical extension of a supergravity-motivated model acting as a vivid counterexample to the cosmic no-hair conjecture due to its unusual coupling between scalar and electromagnetic fields. In particular, a canonical scalar field is replaced by the string-inspired Dirac–Born–Infeld one in this extension. As a result, exact anisotropic inflationary solutions for this Dirac–Born–Infeld model are figured out under a constant-roll condition. Furthermore, numerical calculations are performed to verify that these anisotropic constant-roll solutions are indeed attractive during their inflationary phase.

Mourad Oussalah ◽  
Muhidin Mohamed

AbstractDetermining the extent to which two text snippets are semantically equivalent is a well-researched topic in the areas of natural language processing, information retrieval and text summarization. The sentence-to-sentence similarity scoring is extensively used in both generic and query-based summarization of documents as a significance or a similarity indicator. Nevertheless, most of these applications utilize the concept of semantic similarity measure only as a tool, without paying importance to the inherent properties of such tools that ultimately restrict the scope and technical soundness of the underlined applications. This paper aims to contribute to fill in this gap. It investigates three popular WordNet hierarchical semantic similarity measures, namely path-length, Wu and Palmer and Leacock and Chodorow, from both algebraical and intuitive properties, highlighting their inherent limitations and theoretical constraints. We have especially examined properties related to range and scope of the semantic similarity score, incremental monotonicity evolution, monotonicity with respect to hyponymy/hypernymy relationship as well as a set of interactive properties. Extension from word semantic similarity to sentence similarity has also been investigated using a pairwise canonical extension. Properties of the underlined sentence-to-sentence similarity are examined and scrutinized. Next, to overcome inherent limitations of WordNet semantic similarity in terms of accounting for various Part-of-Speech word categories, a WordNet “All word-To-Noun conversion” that makes use of Categorial Variation Database (CatVar) is put forward and evaluated using a publicly available dataset with a comparison with some state-of-the-art methods. The finding demonstrates the feasibility of the proposal and opens up new opportunities in information retrieval and natural language processing tasks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-41
Laurent De Rudder ◽  
Alessandra Palmigiano

We prove an algebraic canonicity theorem for normal LE-logics of arbitrary signature, in a generalized setting in which the non-lattice connectives are interpreted as operations mapping tuples of elements of the given lattice to closed or open elements of its canonical extension. Interestingly, the syntactic shape of LE-inequalities which guarantees their canonicity in this generalized setting turns out to coincide with the syntactic shape of analytic inductive inequalities , which guarantees LE-inequalities to be equivalently captured by analytic structural rules of a proper display calculus. We show that this canonicity result connects and strengthens a number of recent canonicity results in two different areas: subordination algebras, and transfer results via Gödel-McKinsey-Tarski translations.

Kay Rülling ◽  
Shuji Saito

Abstract We define a motivic conductor for any presheaf with transfers F using the categorical framework developed for the theory of motives with modulus by Kahn, Miyazaki, Saito and Yamazaki. If F is a reciprocity sheaf, this conductor yields an increasing and exhaustive filtration on $F(L)$ , where L is any henselian discrete valuation field of geometric type over the perfect ground field. We show that if F is a smooth group scheme, then the motivic conductor extends the Rosenlicht–Serre conductor; if F assigns to X the group of finite characters on the abelianised étale fundamental group of X, then the motivic conductor agrees with the Artin conductor defined by Kato and Matsuda; and if F assigns to X the group of integrable rank $1$ connections (in characteristic $0$ ), then it agrees with the irregularity. We also show that this machinery gives rise to a conductor for torsors under finite flat group schemes over the base field, which we believe to be new. We introduce a general notion of conductors on presheaves with transfers and show that on a reciprocity sheaf, the motivic conductor is minimal and any conductor which is defined only for henselian discrete valuation fields of geometric type with perfect residue field can be uniquely extended to all such fields without any restriction on the residue field. For example, the Kato–Matsuda Artin conductor is characterised as the canonical extension of the classical Artin conductor defined in the case of a perfect residue field.

2021 ◽  
pp. 543-556
Tommaso Flaminio ◽  
Lluis Godo ◽  
Sara Ugolini

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (02) ◽  
pp. 1940011
Thomas A. Weber

To quantify a player’s commitment in a given Nash equilibrium of a finite dynamic game, we map the corresponding normal-form game to a “canonical extension,” which allows each player to adjust his or her move with a certain probability. The commitment measure relates to the average overall adjustment probabilities for which the given Nash equilibrium can be implemented as a subgame-perfect equilibrium in the canonical extension.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (03) ◽  
pp. 521-541 ◽  
W. Morton ◽  
C. J. van Alten

It is known that a poset can be embedded into a distributive lattice if, and only if, it satisfies the prime filter separation property. We describe here a class of “prime filter completions” for posets with the prime filter separation property that are completely distributive lattices generated by the poset and preserve existing finite meets and joins. The free completely distributive lattice generated by a poset can be obtained through such a prime filter completion. We also show that every completely distributive completion of a poset with the prime filter separation property is representable as a canonical extension of the poset with respect to some set of filters and ideals. The connections between the prime filter completions and canonical extensions are described and yield the following corollary: the canonical extension of any distributive lattice is the free completely distributive lattice generated by the lattice. A construction that is a variant of the prime filter completion is given that can be used to obtain the free distributive lattice generated by a poset. In addition, it is shown that every distributive lattice extension of the poset can be represented by such a construction. Finally, we show that a poset with the prime filter separation property and the free distributive lattice generated by it generates the same free completely distributive lattice.

Ehud Hrushovski ◽  
François Loeser

This chapter introduces the space unit vector V of stably dominated types on a definable set V. It first endows unit vector V with a canonical structure of a (strict) pro-definable set before providing some examples of stably dominated types. It then endows unit vector V with the structure of a definable topological space, and the properties of this definable topology are discussed. It also examines the canonical embedding of V in unit vector V as the set of simple points. An essential feature in the approach used in this chapter is the existence of a canonical extension for a definable function on V to unit vector V. This is considered in the next section where continuity criteria are given. The chapter concludes by describing basic notions of (generalized) paths and homotopies, along with good metrics, Zariski topology, and schematic distance.

2014 ◽  
Vol 64 (6) ◽  
Andrew Craig ◽  
Miroslav Haviar

AbstractWe provide new insights into the relationship between different constructions of the canonical extension of a bounded lattice. This follows on from the recent construction of the canonical extension using Ploščica’s maximal partial maps into the two-element set by Craig, Haviar and Priestley (2012). We show how this complete lattice of maps is isomorphic to the stable sets of Urquhart’s representation and to the concept lattice of a specific context, and how to translate our construction to the original construction of Gehrke and Harding (2001). In addition, we identify the completely join- and completely meet-irreducible elements of the complete lattice of maximal partial maps.

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